String space
Наследование: MetricDB
Пример #1
 public KnrFP(KnrFP inputDB, int new_n, int new_K = -1)
     this.K = new_K;
     this.Fingerprints = new StringSpace<int> ();
     this.Fingerprints.seqs.Capacity = new_n;
     this.IdxRefs = inputDB.IdxRefs;
     if (new_K <= 0) {
         for (int i = 0; i < new_n; ++i) {
             var u = inputDB.Fingerprints.seqs [i];
             this.Fingerprints.Add (u);
     } else {
         if (new_K > inputDB.Fingerprints.seqs [0].Length) {
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("new_K > old_K need a complete re-construction of the transformation");
         for (int i = 0; i < new_n; ++i) {
             var u = inputDB.Fingerprints.seqs [i];
             var v = new int[new_K];
             for (int j = 0; j < new_K; ++j) {
                 v [j] = u [j];
             this.Fingerprints.Add (v);
Пример #2
 public void Load(BinaryReader Input)
     this.Name = Input.ReadString ();
     this.IdxRefs = IndexGenericIO.Load (Input);
     this.Fingerprints = SpaceGenericIO.SmartLoad (Input, false) as StringSpace<int>;
     this.K = Input.ReadInt32 ();
Пример #3
 public virtual void Build(MetricDB original, Index refs, int k)
     this.K = k;
     this.Fingerprints = new StringSpace<int> ();
     this.Fingerprints.seqs.Capacity = original.Count;
     this.IdxRefs = refs;
     var n = original.Count;
     var A = new int[n][];
     int blocksize = 10000;
     int pc = original.Count / 100 + 1;
     int advance = 0;
     var create_block = new Action<int> (delegate(int blockID) {
         var sp = blockID * blocksize;
         var ep = Math.Min (n, sp + blocksize);
         for (; sp < ep; ++sp) {
             var fp = this.GetFP(original[sp]);
             A[sp] = fp;
             if (advance % pc == 0) {
                 Console.WriteLine ("KnrFP {0}  ({1}/{2}), db: {3}, num_refs: {4}, timestamp: {5}", this, advance, n, original.Name, this.IdxRefs.DB.Count, DateTime.Now);
     ParallelOptions ops = new ParallelOptions();
     ops.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = -1;
     Parallel.For (0, 1+n/blocksize, create_block);
     foreach (var fp in A) {
         this.Fingerprints.Add( fp );