Пример #1
        private void LoadSettings()
            pageId = WebUtils.ParseInt32FromQueryString("pageid", -1);
            moduleId = WebUtils.ParseInt32FromQueryString("mid", -1);

            //if (Request.Form.Count > 0)
            //    submittedContent = Server.UrlDecode(Request.Form.ToString()); // this gets the full content of the post


            if (Request.Form["html"] != null)
                submittedContent = Request.Form["html"];
                //log.Info("html does = " + Request.Form["html"]);

            //using (Stream s = Request.InputStream)
            //    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
            //    {
            //        string requestBody = sr.ReadToEnd();
            //        requestBody = Server.UrlDecode(requestBody);
            //        log.Info("requestBody was " + requestBody);
            //        JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(requestBody);
            //        submittedContent = (string)jObj["html"];
            //    }

            module = GetHtmlModule();

            if (module == null) { return; }

            currentUser = SiteUtils.GetCurrentSiteUser();
            repository = new HtmlRepository();
            moduleSettings = ModuleSettings.GetModuleSettings(module.ModuleId);
            config = new HtmlConfiguration(moduleSettings);

            enableContentVersioning = config.EnableContentVersioning;

            if ((CurrentSite.ForceContentVersioning) || (WebConfigSettings.EnforceContentVersioningGlobally))
                enableContentVersioning = true;

            userCanOnlyEditAsDraft = UserCanOnlyEditModuleAsDraft(module.ModuleId, HtmlContent.FeatureGuid);

            if ((WebConfigSettings.EnableContentWorkflow) && (CurrentSite.EnableContentWorkflow))
                workInProgress = ContentWorkflow.GetWorkInProgress(module.ModuleGuid);

            if (workInProgress != null)
                switch (workInProgress.Status)
                    case ContentWorkflowStatus.Draft:

                        //there is a draft version currently available, therefore dont allow the non draft version to be edited:

                        if (ViewMode == PageViewMode.WorkInProgress)
                            editDraft = true;


                    case ContentWorkflowStatus.ApprovalRejected:
                        //rejected content - allow update as draft only

                        if (ViewMode == PageViewMode.WorkInProgress)
                            editDraft = true;

                    case ContentWorkflowStatus.AwaitingApproval:
                        //pending approval - dont allow any edited:
                        // 2010-01-18 let editors update the draft if they want to before approving it.
                        editDraft = !userCanOnlyEditAsDraft;

            //for (int i = 0; i < Request.QueryString.Count; i++)
            //    log.Info(Request.QueryString.GetKey(i) + " query param = " + Request.QueryString.Get(i));

            //if (Request.Form["c"] != null)
            //    submittedContent = Request.Form["c"];
            //    log.Info("c does = " + Request.Form["c"]);

            // this shows that a large html content post appears as multiple params
            //for (int i = 0; i < Request.Form.Count; i++)
            //    log.Info(Request.Form.GetKey(i) + " form param " + i.ToInvariantString() + " = " + Request.Form.Get(i));
Пример #2
 private void LoadModuleSettings()
     moduleSettings = ModuleSettings.GetModuleSettings(moduleId);
     config = new HtmlConfiguration(moduleSettings);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Edits the page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blogId">
        /// The blog id.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pageId">
        /// The page id.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="userName">
        /// The user name.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="password">
        /// The password.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mwaPage">
        /// The m page.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="publish">
        /// The publish.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The edit page.
        /// </returns>
        internal bool EditPage(string blogId, string pageId, string userName, string password, MWAPage mwaPage, bool publish)
            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageId))||(pageId.Length != 36))
                throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.PageNotFound);

            PageSettings page = CacheHelper.GetPage(new Guid(pageId));

            if (page.PageId == -1)
            { //doesn't exist
                throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.PageNotFound);

            if (page.SiteId != siteSettings.SiteId)
            { //doesn't exist
                throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.PageNotFound);

            //if (!publish)
            //    throw new MetaWeblogException("11", "Sorry draft pages are not supported through this API.");

            Module m = GetFirstCenterPaneHtmlModule(page);

            if (m == null)
                throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.ContentInstanceNotFound);

            if (!UserCanEdit(page, m))
                throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.AccessDenied);

            PageSettings parentPage = null;
            Hashtable moduleSettings = ModuleSettings.GetModuleSettings(m.ModuleId);
            HtmlConfiguration config = new HtmlConfiguration(moduleSettings);

            HtmlRepository repository = new HtmlRepository();
            HtmlContent html = repository.Fetch(m.ModuleId);

            if (html == null)
                html = new HtmlContent();
                html.ModuleId = m.ModuleId;
                html.ModuleGuid = m.ModuleGuid;

            bool titleChanged = (m.ModuleTitle != mwaPage.title);
            // updated 2011-11-30 don't change page name for existing pages
            // only update the module title
            // avoid changing the home page name
            // while most content pages should have the module title the same as the page name for best seo
            // this is usually not the case for the home page, ie the content is not titled "home"
            //if (!IsHomePage(page.PageId))
            //    page.PageName = mwaPage.title;

            if (titleChanged)
                m.ModuleTitle = mwaPage.title;


            html.Body = mwaPage.description;
            if ((mwaPage.mt_keywords != null) &&(mwaPage.mt_keywords.Length > 0))
                page.PageMetaKeyWords = mwaPage.mt_keywords;

            bool needToClearSiteMapCache = false;
            bool pageOrderChanged = false;
            if ((mwaPage.pageOrder != null)&&(mwaPage.pageOrder.Length > 0))
                int newPageOrder = Convert.ToInt32(mwaPage.pageOrder);
                if (page.PageOrder != newPageOrder)
                    page.PageOrder = newPageOrder;
                    needToClearSiteMapCache = true;
                    pageOrderChanged = true;

            bool makeDraft = !publish;

            if (page.IsPending != makeDraft)
                page.IsPending = makeDraft;
                needToClearSiteMapCache = true;

            if ((mwaPage.pageParentID != null) &&(mwaPage.pageParentID.Length == 36))
                Guid parentGuid = new Guid(mwaPage.pageParentID);

                if (page.PageGuid == parentGuid)
                    throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.PageCantBeItsOwnParent);

                // if parent pageid hasn't changed no need to doo anything
                if (parentGuid != page.ParentGuid)
                    if (parentGuid == Guid.Empty)
                        if (UserCanCreateRootLevelPages())
                            page.ParentId = -1;
                            page.PageGuid = Guid.Empty;
                            needToClearSiteMapCache = true;
                            throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.NotAllowedToCreateRootPages);
                        parentPage = new PageSettings(parentGuid);

                        if (parentPage.SiteId != siteSettings.SiteId)
                            throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.ParentPageNotFound);

                        if (
                            (parentPage.PageId > -1)
                            && (parentPage.PageId != page.PageId) // page cannot be its own parent
                            && (parentPage.ParentId != page.PageId) // a child of the page cannot become its parent
                            // parent page exists

                            //verify user can create pages below parent
                            if (!UserCanCreateChildPages(parentPage))
                                throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.NotAllowedParentPage);

                            // descendant of page (grandchildren cannot become parent)
                            // so make sure selected parent is not a descendant of the current page
                            if (IsValidParentPage(page, parentPage))
                                page.ParentId = parentPage.PageId;
                                page.PageGuid = parentPage.PageGuid;
                                needToClearSiteMapCache = true;
                                throw new MetaWeblogException("11", MetaweblogResources.DescendentParentsNotAllowed);


            // keep verison history if enabled
            bool enableContentVersioning = config.EnableContentVersioning;

            if ((siteSettings.ForceContentVersioning) || (WebConfigSettings.EnforceContentVersioningGlobally))
                enableContentVersioning = true;

            if ((html.ItemId > -1)&&(enableContentVersioning))

            html.LastModUserGuid = siteUser.UserGuid;
            html.LastModUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            page.LastModifiedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            html.ModuleGuid = m.ModuleGuid;

            html.ContentChanged += new ContentChangedEventHandler(html_ContentChanged);



            switch (mwaPage.commentPolicy)
                case "0":
                case "2":
                    page.EnableComments = false;
                // open
                case "1":
                    // if the post was previously closed to comments
                    // re-open it using the default allowed days
                    page.EnableComments = true;

                //else unspecified, no change

            if (page.UrlHasBeenAdjustedForFolderSites)
                page.Url = page.UnmodifiedUrl;


            if (pageOrderChanged)
                if ((parentPage == null) && (page.ParentGuid != Guid.Empty))
                    parentPage = new PageSettings(page.ParentGuid);


            if (parentPage != null)

            if (needToClearSiteMapCache)


            return true;
Пример #4
        private void LoadSettings()
            Title1.EditUrl = SiteRoot + "/HtmlEdit.aspx";
            Title1.EditText = Resource.EditImageAltText;
            Title1.ToolTip = Resource.EditImageAltText;

            Title1.Visible = !this.RenderInWebPartMode;

            timeZone = SiteUtils.GetUserTimeZone();

            if ((WebUser.IsAdminOrContentAdmin) || (SiteUtils.UserIsSiteEditor()))
                isAdmin = true;
                Title1.IsAdminEditor = isAdmin;

            if (IsEditable)
                TitleUrl = SiteRoot + "/HtmlEdit.aspx" + "?mid=" + ModuleId.ToInvariantString()
                        + "&pageid=" + currentPage.PageId.ToInvariantString();

            config = new HtmlConfiguration(Settings);

            if (config.InstanceCssClass.Length > 0)  {

            if ((config.IncludeSwfObject)&&(Page is mojoBasePage))
                mojoBasePage p = Page as mojoBasePage;
                if (p != null) { p.ScriptConfig.IncludeSwfObject = true; }

            if (this.ModuleConfiguration != null)
                this.Title = this.ModuleConfiguration.ModuleTitle;
                this.Description = this.ModuleConfiguration.FeatureName;

            if (config.EnableContentRatingSetting && !displaySettings.DisableContentRating)
                if (displaySettings.UseBottomContentRating)
                    RatingBottom.Enabled = config.EnableContentRatingSetting;
                    RatingBottom.AllowFeedback = config.EnableRatingCommentsSetting;
                    RatingBottom.ContentGuid = ModuleGuid;
                    Rating.Enabled = config.EnableContentRatingSetting;
                    Rating.AllowFeedback = config.EnableRatingCommentsSetting;
                    Rating.ContentGuid = ModuleGuid;

            //pnlContainer.ModuleId = this.ModuleId;

            if (config.EnableSlideShow)
                divContent.EnableSlideShow = true;
                divContent.EnableSlideClick = config.EnableSlideClick;
                divContent.Random = config.RandomizeSlides;
                divContent.CleartypeNoBg = !config.UseSlideClearTypeCorrections;
                divContent.SlideContainerClass = config.SlideContainerClass;
                divContent.PauseOnHover = config.PauseSlideOnHover;
                divContent.TransitionEffect = config.SlideTransitions;
                divContent.TransitionInterval = config.SlideDuration;
                divContent.Speed = config.TransitionSpeed;

                if (config.SlideContainerHeight > 0) { divContent.ContainerHeight = config.SlideContainerHeight.ToInvariantString() + "px"; }

                if (config.EnableSlideShowPager)
                    divContent.Pager = "cyclenav";
                    if (config.SlideShowPagerBefore) { divContent.PagerBefore = true; }


            if (displaySettings.UseHtml5Elements)
                if (displaySettings.UseOuterBodyForHtml5Article)
                    pnlOuterBody.Element = "article";
                    pnlInnerWrap.Element = "article";
                //if (!IsPostBack)
                //    Title1.LiteralExtraTopContent += "<header>";
                //    Title1.LiteralExtraBottomContent += "</header>"; // this was a bug just use the theme value

            if (EnableWorkflow)
                //use mojo base page to see if user has toggled draft content:
                CmsPage cmsPage = this.Page as CmsPage;
                if (cmsPage != null)
                    if (cmsPage.ViewMode == PageViewMode.WorkInProgress)
                        //try to get draft content:
                        workInProgress = ContentWorkflow.GetWorkInProgress(this.ModuleGuid);


            if ((IsEditable) && (WebConfigSettings.EnableInlineEditing))
                if((WebConfigSettings.TinyMceUseV4)&&(siteSettings.EditorProviderName == "TinyMCEProvider"))

Пример #5
 private void LoadModuleSettings()
     moduleSettings = ModuleSettings.GetModuleSettings(moduleId);
     config         = new HtmlConfiguration(moduleSettings);