/// <summary>
        /// Search for an optimal solution using the Simple Independence Detection algorithm from Trevor Standley's paper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runner"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SimpleID(Run runner)
            while (true)
                IndependenceDetectionConflict conflict = FindFirstConflict();
                // If there are no conflicts - can finish the run
                if (conflict == null)
                IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup compositeGroup = this.JoinGroups(conflict);

                // Solve composite group with A*
                bool solved = compositeGroup.Solve(runner, conflictAvoidanceTable);
                if (solved == false)
                    this.totalCost = compositeGroup.solutionCost;

        void UpdateConflictCounts(IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup group)
            conflictCountsPerGroup[group.groupNum] = group.conflictCounts;
            conflictTimesPerGroup[group.groupNum]  = group.conflictTimes;

            // Update conflict counts with what happens after the plan finishes
            this.IncrementConflictCountsAtGoal(group, conflictAvoidanceTable);

            // Update conflictCountsPerGroup and conflictTimesPerGroup for all other groups
            for (int i = 0; i < this.conflictCountsPerGroup.Length; ++i)
                if (this.conflictCountsPerGroup[i] == null || i == group.groupNum)

                if (group.conflictCounts.ContainsKey(i))
                    this.conflictCountsPerGroup[i][group.groupNum] = group.conflictCounts[i];
                    this.conflictTimesPerGroup[i][group.groupNum]  = group.conflictTimes[i];

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)
            IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup other = (IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup)obj;

 /// <summary>
 /// Joins this and another group to a single group with all of the agents together.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 /// <returns>A new AgentsGroup object with the agents from both this and the other group</returns>
 public IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup Join(IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup other)
     AgentState[] joinedAgentStates = new AgentState[allAgentsState.Length + other.allAgentsState.Length];
     this.allAgentsState.CopyTo(joinedAgentStates, 0);
     other.allAgentsState.CopyTo(joinedAgentStates, this.allAgentsState.Length);
     if (this.groupSolver.GetType() != typeof(CostTreeSearchSolverOldMatching))
         Array.Sort(joinedAgentStates, (x, y) => x.agent.agentNum.CompareTo(y.agent.agentNum));  // TODO: Technically could be a merge. FIXME: Is this necessary at all?
     return(new IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup(this.instance, joinedAgentStates, this.singleAgentSolver, this.groupSolver));
 /// <summary>
 /// Update conflict counts according to what happens after the plan finishes -
 /// needed if the plan is shorter than one of the previous plans and collides
 /// with it while at the goal.
 /// It's cheaper to do it this way than to force the solver the go more deeply.
 /// The conflict counts are saved at the group's representative.
 /// </summary>
 protected void IncrementConflictCountsAtGoal(IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup group, ConflictAvoidanceTable CAT)
     for (int i = 0; i < group.allAgentsState.Length; ++i)
         var afterGoal = new TimedMove(group.allAgentsState[i].agent.Goal.x, group.allAgentsState[i].agent.Goal.y, Move.Direction.Wait, time: 0);
         for (int time = group.GetPlan().GetSize(); time < CAT.GetMaxPlanSize(); time++)
             afterGoal.time = time;
        private IndependenceDetectionConflict ChooseFirstConflict()
            int groupRepA = -1; // To quiet the compiler
            int groupRepB = -1; // To quiet the compiler
            int time      = int.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.conflictTimesPerGroup.Length; i++)
                if (conflictCountsPerGroup[i] == null)

                foreach (var otherGroupNumAndConflictTimes in this.conflictTimesPerGroup[i])
                    if (otherGroupNumAndConflictTimes.Value[0] < time)
                        time      = otherGroupNumAndConflictTimes.Value[0];
                        groupRepA = i;
                        groupRepB = otherGroupNumAndConflictTimes.Key;
            IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup groupA = null, groupB = null;

            foreach (var group in this.allGroups)
                if (group.groupNum == groupRepA)
                    groupA = group;
                else if (group.groupNum == groupRepB)
                    groupB = group;
            return(new IndependenceDetectionConflict(groupA, groupB, time));
        /// <summary>
        /// Chooses the first agent to be the one that maximizes the number of agents it conflicts with internally divided by 2^(group_size-1).
        /// Then chooses an agent among the agents it conflicts with using the same formula.
        /// Then chooses their first conflict.
        /// Choosing the agent that conflicts the most is a greedy strategy.
        /// Had replanning promised to resolve all conflicts, it would've been better to choose according to the minimum vertex cover.
        /// Assumes all agents are initially on the same timestep (no OD).
        /// TODO: Prefer conflicts where one of the conflicting agents is at their goal, to reduce the danger of task blow-up
        /// by enabling partial expansion. On the other hand, partial expansion is only possible in basic CBS.
        /// </summary>
        private IndependenceDetectionConflict ChooseConflictOfMostConflictingSmallestAgents()
            int groupRepA = -1; // To quiet the compiler
            int groupRepB = -1; // To quiet the compiler
            int time      = int.MaxValue;
            Func <int, double> formula = i => this.conflictCountsPerGroup[i] != null ?
                                         this.countsOfGroupsThatConflict[i] / ((double)(1 << (this.GetGroupSize(i) - 1)))
                                                : -1;

            int chosenGroupNum = Enumerable.Range(0, this.instance.agents.Length).MaxByKeyFunc(formula);

            // We could just look for any of this agent's conflicts,
            // but the best choice among the agents it conflicts with is the one which maximizes the formula itself.
            IEnumerable <int> conflictsWithGroupNums = this.conflictCountsPerGroup[chosenGroupNum].Keys;
            int chosenConflictingGroupNum            = conflictsWithGroupNums.MaxByKeyFunc(formula);

            groupRepA = chosenGroupNum;
            groupRepB = chosenConflictingGroupNum;

            time = this.conflictTimesPerGroup[chosenGroupNum][chosenConflictingGroupNum][0];  // Choosing the earliest conflict between them - the choice doesn't matter for ID, but this is consistent with CBS' strategy

            IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup groupA = null, groupB = null;

            foreach (var group in this.allGroups)
                if (group.groupNum == groupRepA)
                    groupA = group;
                else if (group.groupNum == groupRepB)
                    groupB = group;
            return(new IndependenceDetectionConflict(groupA, groupB, time));
        /// <summary>
        /// Search for an optimal solution using the Independence Detection algorithm in Standley's paper,
        /// which utilises a CAT.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runner"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImprovedID(Run runner)
            while (true)
                if (this.debug)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"{this.totalConflictCount} conflicts");

                IndependenceDetectionConflict conflict = ChooseConflict();
                // If there are no conflicts - can return the current plan
                if (conflict == null)

                if (this.debug)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"{this.allGroups.Count} groups: {String.Join(", ", this.allGroups)}");

                    Debug.Write("Group single agent costs: ");
                    foreach (var group in this.allGroups)
                        Debug.Write($"{{{String.Join(" ", group.GetCosts())}}}, ");

                    for (int j = 0; j < this.conflictTimesPerGroup.Length; j++)
                        if (this.conflictTimesPerGroup[j] != null)
                            Debug.Write($"Group {j} conflict times: ");
                            foreach (var pair in this.conflictTimesPerGroup[j])
                                Debug.Write($"{pair.Key}:[{String.Join(",", pair.Value)}], ");

                    var plan = this.CalculateJointPlan();
                    if (plan.GetSize() < 200)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Plan is too long to print ({plan.GetSize()} steps)");

                    Debug.WriteLine($"Chose {conflict}");

                // Try to resolve the current conflict by re-planning one of the groups' path
                if (this.resolutionAttemptedFirstGroup.Contains(conflict) == false)  // We haven't already tried to resolve this conflict
                                                                                     // without merging the groups by replanning the first group's path
                    // Prevent trying to resolve this conflict this way again

                    // Add the plan of group2 to the illegal moves table and re-plan group1 with equal cost
                    if ((conflict.time < conflict.group1.GetPlan().GetSize() - 1) ||
                        (conflict.group1.Size() > 1))  // Otherwise the conflict is while a single agent
                                                       // is at its goal, no chance of an alternate path
                                                       // with the same cost that avoids the conflict - TODO: If it's an edge conflict while entering the goal it may be resolvable
                        if (this.debug)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Trying to find an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group1}.");
                            //Debug.WriteLine($"Old plan:\n{conflict.group1.GetPlan()}");
                        bool resolved = conflict.group1.ReplanUnderConstraints(conflict.group2.GetPlan(), runner, this.conflictAvoidanceTable);
                        if (resolved == true)
                            if (this.debug)
                                //Debug.WriteLine($"Found an alternative path that avoids the conflict for group 1: {conflict.group1.GetPlan()}");
                                Debug.WriteLine($"Found an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group1}");



                        if (this.debug)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Couldn't find an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group1}");
                        if (this.debug)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Not trying to find an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group1} because " +
                                            "the group contains a single agent and the conflict happens after it reaches its goal.");
                    if (this.debug)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Not trying to find an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group1} - " +
                                        "we've already tried to in the past.");

                if (this.resolutionAttemptedSecondGroup.Contains(conflict) == false)  // We haven't already tried to resolve this conflict
                                                                                      // without merging the groups by replanning the second group's path
                    // Prevent trying to resolve this conflict this way again

                    // Add the plan of group1 to the illegal moves table and re-plan group2 with equal cost
                    if ((conflict.time < conflict.group2.GetPlan().GetSize() - 1) ||
                        (conflict.group2.Size() > 1))
                        if (this.debug)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Trying to find an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group2}");
                            //Debug.WriteLine($"Old plan: {conflict.group2.GetPlan()}");
                        bool resolved = conflict.group2.ReplanUnderConstraints(conflict.group1.GetPlan(), runner, this.conflictAvoidanceTable);
                        if (resolved == true)
                            if (this.debug)
                                //Debug.WriteLine($"Found an alternative path that avoids the conflict for group 2: {conflict.group2.GetPlan()}");
                                Debug.WriteLine($"Found an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group2}");



                        if (this.debug)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Couldn't find an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group2}");
                        if (this.debug)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Not trying to find an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group2} because " +
                                            "the group contains a single agent and the conflict happens after it reaches its goal.");
                    if (this.debug)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Not trying to find an alternative path that avoids the conflict for {conflict.group2} - " +
                                        "we've already tried to in the past.");

                int group1Size = conflict.group1.Size();
                int group1Cost = conflict.group1.solutionCost;
                int group2Cost = conflict.group2.solutionCost;
                // Groups are conflicting - need to join them to a single group
                // Remove both groups from avoidance table
                conflictCountsPerGroup[conflict.group1.groupNum] = null;
                conflictTimesPerGroup[conflict.group1.groupNum]  = null;
                conflictCountsPerGroup[conflict.group2.groupNum] = null;
                conflictTimesPerGroup[conflict.group2.groupNum]  = null;
                // Remove the old groups from the conflict counts - new counts will be put there after replanning
                for (int i = 0; i < this.conflictCountsPerGroup.Length; i++)
                if (this.debug)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Merging the agent groups that participate in {conflict}.");
                    //Debug.WriteLine($"Group1 plan before the merge: {conflict.group1.GetPlan()}");
                    //Debug.WriteLine($"Group2 plan before the merge: {conflict.group2.GetPlan()}");

                IndependenceDetectionAgentsGroup compositeGroup = this.JoinGroups(conflict);

                // Solve composite group with the underlying group solver
                bool solved = compositeGroup.Solve(runner, conflictAvoidanceTable,
                                                   group1Cost, group2Cost, group1Size);

                if (compositeGroup.solutionCost > maxSolutionCostFound)
                    maxSolutionCostFound = compositeGroup.solutionCost;

                this.expanded  += compositeGroup.expanded;
                this.generated += compositeGroup.generated;

                if (compositeGroup.allAgentsState.Length > this.maxGroupSize)
                    this.maxGroupSize = compositeGroup.allAgentsState.Length;

                if (solved == false)
                    this.totalCost = Constants.NO_SOLUTION_COST;


                // Add the new group to conflict avoidance table