public static string formatOut(lsFileInfo cf, string format = "%m %A %O %G %d %t %s %f") { string output = format; output = output.Replace("%m", Color(cs.Color.mode, cf.mode)); //could've chained, but this looks better IMO and allows me to format and seperate output = output.Replace("%An", Color(cs.Color.amount, (cf.amount == -1 ? "?" : cf.amount.ToString()))); output = output.Replace("%Al", Color(cs.Color.amount, (cf.amount == -1 ? "?" : cf.amount.ToString()).PadLeft(Globals.longestAmount))); output = output.Replace("%A", Color(cs.Color.amount, (cf.amount == -1 ? "?" : cf.amount.ToString()).PadRight(Globals.longestAmount))); output = output.Replace("%On", Color(cs.Color.owner, cf.owner)); output = output.Replace("%Ol", Color(cs.Color.owner, cf.owner.PadLeft(Globals.longestOwn))); output = output.Replace("%O", Color(cs.Color.owner, cf.owner.PadRight(Globals.longestOwn))); output = output.Replace("%Gn", Color(,; output = output.Replace("%Gl", Color(,; output = output.Replace("%G", Color(,; output = output.Replace("%d", Color(, cf.udate)); output = output.Replace("%t", Color(cs.Color.time, cf.utime)); output = output.Replace("%sn", Color(cs.Color.size, (cf.size == -1 ? "---" : cf.size.ToString()))); output = output.Replace("%sl", Color(cs.Color.size, (cf.size == -1 ? "---" : cf.size.ToString()).PadLeft(Globals.longestSize))); output = output.Replace("%s", Color(cs.Color.size, (cf.size == -1 ? "---" : cf.size.ToString()).PadRight(Globals.longestSize))); output = output.Replace("%fn", Color(cs.Color.file,; output = output.Replace("%fl", Color(cs.Color.file,; output = output.Replace("%f", Color(cs.Color.file,; output = output.Replace("%p", Color(cs.Color.path, cf.path)); string perms = ""; foreach (Rule r in cf.permissions) { perms += r.User + " " + r.PermString; } output = output.Replace("%P", Color(cs.Color.path, perms)); return(output); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var handle = GetStdHandle(-11); int mode; GetConsoleMode(handle, out mode); SetConsoleMode(handle, mode | 0x4); //using home dir for debugging string wd = "C:\\Users\\Username"; string cwd = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string[] files = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(wd); Options opt = Options.parse(Globals.testArgs); List <lsFileInfo> infos = new List <lsFileInfo>(); foreach (string file in files) { FileInfo cFI = new FileInfo(file); lsFileInfo f = new lsFileInfo(); //no need to get info on a hidden file if you dont wanna have all if (cFI.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden) && !opt.all) { continue; } f.mode = Util.GetMode(cFI.Attributes, opt.modeformat); if (!cFI.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory)) { f.size = cFI.Length; } f.udate = cFI.LastWriteTime.ToString(opt.dateFormat); f.utime = cFI.LastWriteTime.ToString(opt.timeFormat); f.path = cFI.DirectoryName; = cFI.Name; f.isDir = cFI.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory); f.isLink = cFI.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.ReparsePoint); f.hidden = cFI.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden); f.owner = cFI.GetAccessControl().GetOwner(typeof(NTAccount)).Value; //does #define exist in C#? if (f.owner.StartsWith(Environment.MachineName) && !opt.showMachine) { f.owner = f.owner.Remove(0, Environment.MachineName.Length + 1); } = cFI.GetAccessControl().GetGroup(typeof(NTAccount)).Value; if ( && !opt.showMachine) { =, Environment.MachineName.Length + 1); } f.permissions = Util.GetPermissions(cFI.GetAccessControl().GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(NTAccount)), opt.permformat, opt.permrwformat); infos.Add(f); if (f.isDir) { //could be better DirectoryInfo cDI = new DirectoryInfo(file); try { if (cDI.GetFileSystemInfos().Length.ToString().Length > Globals.longestAmount) { Globals.longestAmount = cDI.GetFileSystemInfos().Length.ToString().Length; } f.amount = cDI.GetFileSystemInfos().Length; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { f.amount = -1; }; } else { if (cFI.Length.ToString().Length > Globals.longestSize) { Globals.longestSize = cFI.Length.ToString().Length; } } if (f.owner.Length > Globals.longestOwn) { Globals.longestOwn = f.owner.Length; } if ( > Globals.longestGrp) { Globals.longestGrp =; } if ( > Globals.longestName) { Globals.longestName =; } } if (opt.reverse) { infos.Reverse(); } foreach (lsFileInfo cf in infos) { //could be done in the upper loop maybe? string line = ""; //people told me to name shit better, like "fileMeta" instead of line, even tho this is only here for outputting the line if (opt.filter.Count > 0) { if (opt.filter.IndexOf( == -1) { continue; } } if (cf.hidden && !opt.all) { continue; } if (opt.list) { line = Util.formatOut(cf, opt.listformat); } else { foreach (string listmode in opt.order) { //could use dictionary if (listmode == "mode") { line += Util.Color(Color.mode, cf.mode + " "); } if (listmode == "amount") { line += Util.Color(Color.amount, (cf.amount == -1 ? "?" : cf.amount.ToString()).PadRight(Globals.longestAmount) + " "); } if (listmode == "owner") { line += Util.Color(Color.owner, cf.owner.PadRight(Globals.longestOwn) + " "); } if (listmode == "group") { line += Util.Color(, + " "); } if (listmode == "date") { line += Util.Color(, cf.udate + " "); } if (listmode == "time") { line += Util.Color(Color.time, cf.utime + " "); } if (listmode == "size") { line += Util.Color(Color.size, (cf.size == -1 ? "---" : cf.size.ToString()).PadRight(Globals.longestSize) + " "); } if (listmode == "perm") { foreach (Rule r in cf.permissions) { line += Util.Color(Color.perm, r.User + " " + r.PermString); } } } if (opt.fullpath) { line += Util.Color(Color.file, cf.path + "\\"); } line += Util.Color(Color.file,; if (opt.indicator) { Util.GetIndicator(cf.mode); } } Console.WriteLine(line); } }