[Test] public void TestSerialization()
			PropertiesDictionary pd = new PropertiesDictionary();

			for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
				pd[i.ToString()] = i;

			Assert.AreEqual(10, pd.Count, "Dictionary should have 10 items");

			// Serialize the properties into a memory stream
			BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
			MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream();
			formatter.Serialize(memory, pd);

			// Deserialize the stream into a new properties dictionary
			memory.Position = 0;
			PropertiesDictionary pd2 = (PropertiesDictionary)formatter.Deserialize(memory);

			Assert.AreEqual(10, pd2.Count, "Deserialized Dictionary should have 10 items");

			foreach(string key in pd.GetKeys())
				Assert.AreEqual(pd[key], pd2[key], "Check Value Persisted for key [{0}]", key);
        public void ConvertTestNoException()
            var level = Level.Debug;
            var testId = "9001";
            var resultString = "[MW@55555 MessageId=\"" + testId + "\" EventSeverity=\"" + level.DisplayName + "\"]";
            var writer = new StreamWriter(new MemoryStream());
            var converter = new StructuredDataConverter();
            var props = new PropertiesDictionary();
            props["MessageId"] = testId;
            props["log4net:StructuredDataPrefix"] = "MW@55555";

            // Additional tests using stack data is prevented as the converter class only pulls from LoggingEvent.GetProperties()
            // The data behind this method is setup by log4net itself so testing stack usage would not really apply properly here

            var evt = new LoggingEvent(new LoggingEventData() { Properties = props, Level = level });

            converter.Format(writer, evt);


            var result = TestUtilities.GetStringFromStream(writer.BaseStream);

            Assert.AreEqual(resultString, result);
Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Construct the repository using specific properties
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="properties">the properties to set for this repository</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// Initializes the repository with specified properties.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    protected LoggerRepositorySkeleton(PropertiesDictionary properties) {
      m_properties = properties;
      m_rendererMap = new RendererMap();
      m_pluginMap = new PluginMap(this);
      m_levelMap = new LevelMap();
      m_configured = false;


      // Don't disable any levels by default.
      m_threshold = Level.All;
Пример #4
		public void DoAppendWithPropertiesTest()
			var properties = new PropertiesDictionary();
			properties["key"] = "value";

			var logEvent = new LoggingEvent(new LoggingEventData { Properties = properties});


			var entry = this.documentSession.Load<Log>(1);

			Assert.That(entry.Properties["key"] == "value");
Пример #5
        private PropertiesDictionary GetLog4netProperties(LogObject log)
            PropertiesDictionary lp = new PropertiesDictionary();

            if (log.Properties != null)
                foreach (var k in log.Properties.Keys)
                    lp[k] = log.Properties[k];

            return lp;
        public void ConvertTestWithLoggingEventProperty()
            var testId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString();
            var writer = new StreamWriter(new MemoryStream());
            var converter = new ProcessIdConverter();
            var props = new PropertiesDictionary();
            props["ProcessId"] = testId;

            converter.Format(writer, new LoggingEvent(new LoggingEventData() { Properties = props } ));

            var result = TestUtilities.GetStringFromStream(writer.BaseStream);

            Assert.AreEqual(testId, result);
        public void ConvertTestWithExceptionString()
            var level = Level.Debug;
            var testId = "9001]";
            var exceptionMessage = "exception occurred";
            var resultString = "[MW@55555 MessageId=\"9001\\]" + "\" EventSeverity=\"" + level.DisplayName + "\" ExceptionMessage=\"" + exceptionMessage + "\"]";
            var writer = new StreamWriter(new MemoryStream());
            var converter = new StructuredDataConverter();
            var props = new PropertiesDictionary();
            props["MessageId"] = testId;
            props["log4net:StructuredDataPrefix"] = "MW@55555";

            var evt = new LoggingEvent(new LoggingEventData() { Properties = props, Level = level, ExceptionString = exceptionMessage });

            converter.Format(writer, evt);


            var result = TestUtilities.GetStringFromStream(writer.BaseStream);

            Assert.AreEqual(resultString, result);
Пример #8
        public void CreateMaps(IMapper mapper)
            mapper.CreateMap<PropertiesDictionary, IDictionary<string, object>>()
                .ConvertUsing(props =>
                    string[] keys = props.GetKeys();
                    IDictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    foreach (string key in keys)
                        dictionary[key] = props[key];
                    return dictionary;

            mapper.CreateMap<IDictionary<string, object>, PropertiesDictionary>()
                .ConvertUsing(dictionary =>
                    PropertiesDictionary props = new PropertiesDictionary();
                    foreach (var prop in dictionary)
                        props[prop.Key] = prop.Value;
                    return props;

            mapper.CreateMap<string, Level>()
                .ConvertUsing(src =>
                    LevelMap map = LoggerManager.GetAllRepositories().First().LevelMap;
                    IEnumerable<Level> levels = map.AllLevels.Cast<Level>();
                    Level level = levels.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name.InsensitiveEquals(src));
                    return level;

            mapper.CreateMap<DroneLogDto, LoggingEventData>();
Пример #9
		private void CreateCompositeProperties()
			m_compositeProperties = new CompositeProperties();

			if (m_eventProperties != null)
#if !NETCF
			PropertiesDictionary logicalThreadProperties = LogicalThreadContext.Properties.GetProperties(false);
			if (logicalThreadProperties != null)
			PropertiesDictionary threadProperties = ThreadContext.Properties.GetProperties(false);
			if (threadProperties != null)

			// TODO: Add Repository Properties

			// event properties
			PropertiesDictionary eventProperties = new PropertiesDictionary();
			eventProperties[UserNameProperty] = UserName;
			eventProperties[IdentityProperty] = Identity;

Пример #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct with properties and a logger factory
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="properties">The properties to pass to this repository.</param>
		/// <param name="loggerFactory">The factory to use to create new logger instances.</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Hierarchy" /> class with 
		/// the specified <see cref="ILoggerFactory" />.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public Hierarchy(PropertiesDictionary properties, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) : base(properties)
			if (loggerFactory == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("loggerFactory");

			m_defaultFactory = loggerFactory;

			m_ht = System.Collections.Hashtable.Synchronized(new System.Collections.Hashtable());
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the <c>PropertiesDictionary</c> for this thread.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="create">create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if does not exist</param>
		/// <returns>the properties for this thread</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the
		/// caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the 
		/// caller must clone the collection before doing so.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		internal PropertiesDictionary GetProperties(bool create)
			PropertiesDictionary _dictionary = (PropertiesDictionary)System.Threading.Thread.GetData(s_threadLocalSlot);
			if (_dictionary == null && create)
				_dictionary  = new PropertiesDictionary();
				System.Threading.Thread.SetData(s_threadLocalSlot, _dictionary);
			return _dictionary;
Пример #12
		private void CacheProperties()
			if (m_data.Properties == null  && this.m_cacheUpdatable)
				if (m_compositeProperties == null)

				PropertiesDictionary flattenedProperties = m_compositeProperties.Flatten();

				PropertiesDictionary fixedProperties = new PropertiesDictionary();

				// Validate properties
				foreach(DictionaryEntry entry in flattenedProperties)
					string key = entry.Key as string;

					if (key != null)
						object val = entry.Value;

						// Fix any IFixingRequired objects
						IFixingRequired fixingRequired = val as IFixingRequired;
						if (fixingRequired != null)
							val = fixingRequired.GetFixedObject();

						// Strip keys with null values
						if (val != null)
							fixedProperties[key] = val;

				m_data.Properties = fixedProperties;
		/// <summary>
		/// Clear all the context properties
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Clear all the context properties
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public void Clear()
			PropertiesDictionary dictionary = GetProperties(false);
			if (dictionary != null)
				PropertiesDictionary immutableProps = new PropertiesDictionary();
Пример #14
 static PropertiesDictionary()
     _instance = new PropertiesDictionary();
Пример #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="properties">the properties to add</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added
		/// later.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public void Add(ReadOnlyPropertiesDictionary properties)
			m_flattened = null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets or sets the value of a property
		/// </summary>
		/// <value>
		/// The value for the property with the specified key
		/// </value>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Gets or sets the value of a property
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		override public object this[string key]
				if (_dictionary != null)
					return _dictionary[key];
				return null;
				if (_dictionary == null)
					_dictionary = new PropertiesDictionary();
				_dictionary[key] = value;
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="create">create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist</param>
		/// <returns>the properties for this thread</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the
		/// caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the 
		/// caller must clone the collection before doings so.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		internal PropertiesDictionary GetProperties(bool create)
			if (!m_disabled)
					PropertiesDictionary properties = GetCallContextData();
					if (properties == null && create)
						properties = new PropertiesDictionary();
					return properties;
				catch (SecurityException secEx)
					m_disabled = true;
					// Thrown if we don't have permission to read or write the CallContext
					LogLog.Warn(declaringType, "SecurityException while accessing CallContext. Disabling LogicalThreadContextProperties", secEx);
			// Only get here is we are disabled because of a security exception
			if (create)
				return new PropertiesDictionary();
			return null;
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a property from the global context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">the key for the entry to remove</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// Removing an entry from the global context properties is relatively expensive compared
        /// with reading a value. 
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public void Remove(string key)
            lock (m_syncRoot)
                if (m_readOnlyProperties.Contains(key))
                    var mutableProps = new PropertiesDictionary(m_readOnlyProperties);


                    m_readOnlyProperties = new ReadOnlyPropertiesDictionary(mutableProps);
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the value of a property
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// The value for the property with the specified key
        /// </value>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// Reading the value for a key is faster than setting the value.
        /// When the value is written a new read only copy of 
        /// the properties is created.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public override object this[string key]
            get { return m_readOnlyProperties[key]; }
                lock (m_syncRoot)
                    var mutableProps = new PropertiesDictionary(m_readOnlyProperties);

                    mutableProps[key] = value;

                    m_readOnlyProperties = new ReadOnlyPropertiesDictionary(mutableProps);
        private static void SetCallContextData(PropertiesDictionary properties)
#if !NETCF
			CallContext.LogicalSetData(c_SlotName, properties);
			CallContext.SetData(c_SlotName, properties);
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets or sets the value of a property
		/// </summary>
		/// <value>
		/// The value for the property with the specified key
		/// </value>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Get or set the property value for the <paramref name="key"/> specified.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		override public object this[string key]
				// Don't create the dictionary if it does not already exist
				PropertiesDictionary dictionary = GetProperties(false);
				if (dictionary != null)
					return dictionary[key]; 
				return null;
				// Force the dictionary to be created
				PropertiesDictionary props = GetProperties(true);
				// Reason for cloning the dictionary below: object instances set on the CallContext
				// need to be immutable to correctly flow through async/await
				PropertiesDictionary immutableProps = new PropertiesDictionary(props);
				immutableProps[key] = value;
        private static void SetCallContextData(PropertiesDictionary properties)
#if NET_2_0 || MONO_2_0 || MONO_3_5 || MONO_4_0
			CallContext.LogicalSetData(c_SlotName, properties);
			CallContext.SetData(c_SlotName, properties);
Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="properties">the properties to add</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 /// Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added
 /// later.
 /// </para>
 /// </remarks>
 public void Add(ReadOnlyPropertiesDictionary properties)
     m_flattened = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the call context data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="properties">The properties.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext" /> method <see cref="M:System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext.SetData(System.String,System.Object)" /> has a
 /// security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method
 /// that we can wrap in an exception handler.
 /// </remarks>
 private static void SetLogicalProperties(PropertiesDictionary properties)
     AsyncLocalDictionary.Value = properties;
 private static void SetCallContextData(PropertiesDictionary properties)
     CallContext.SetData(c_SlotName, properties);
Пример #26
        private void Log(Level level, MethodInfo methodInfo, object message, Exception exception = null, PropertiesDictionary properties = null)
            var eventData = new LoggingEventData()
                LocationInfo = new LocationInfo(_typeName, methodInfo.Name, "", ""),
                Level = level,
                Message = GetRenderedFormat(message),
                TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
                LoggerName = _logger.Name,
                ThreadName = Thread.CurrentThread.Name,
                Domain = SystemInfo.ApplicationFriendlyName,
                ExceptionString = GetRenderedFormat(exception),
                Properties = properties ?? new PropertiesDictionary()

            _logger.Log(new LoggingEvent(eventData));
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="create">create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist</param>
		/// <returns>the properties for this thread</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the
		/// caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the 
		/// caller must clone the collection before doings so.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		internal PropertiesDictionary GetProperties(bool create)
			PropertiesDictionary properties = (PropertiesDictionary)CallContext.GetData("log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties");
			if (properties == null && create)
				properties  = new PropertiesDictionary();
				CallContext.SetData("log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties", properties);
			return properties;
Пример #28
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the <c>PropertiesDictionary</c> for this thread.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="create">create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist</param>
		/// <returns>the properties for this thread</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the
		/// caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the 
		/// caller must clone the collection before doing so.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		internal PropertiesDictionary GetProperties(bool create)
			PropertiesDictionary properties = (PropertiesDictionary)System.Threading.Thread.GetData(s_threadLocalSlot);
			if (properties == null && create)
				properties  = new PropertiesDictionary();
				System.Threading.Thread.SetData(s_threadLocalSlot, properties);
			return properties;
Пример #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Flatten this composite collection into a single properties dictionary
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>the flattened dictionary</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Reduces the collection of ordered dictionaries to a single dictionary
		/// containing the resultant values for the keys.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public PropertiesDictionary Flatten()
			if (m_flattened == null)
				m_flattened = new PropertiesDictionary();

				for(int i=m_nestedProperties.Count; --i>=0; )
					ReadOnlyPropertiesDictionary cur = (ReadOnlyPropertiesDictionary)m_nestedProperties[i];

					foreach(DictionaryEntry entry in cur)
						m_flattened[(string)entry.Key] = entry.Value;
			return m_flattened;
Пример #30
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct with properties
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="properties">The properties to pass to this repository.</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Hierarchy" /> class.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public Hierarchy(PropertiesDictionary properties) : this(properties, new DefaultLoggerFactory())
Пример #31
        public void TraceEnter(MethodInfo methodInfo, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)
            if (_logger.IsEnabledFor(Level.Trace))
                string message;
                var propDict = new PropertiesDictionary();
                propDict["trace"] = "ENTER";

                if (paramNames != null)
                    var parameters = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.Length; i++)
                        parameters.AppendFormat("{0}={1}", paramNames[i],  GetRenderedFormat(paramValues[i], NullString));
                        if (i < paramNames.Length - 1) parameters.Append(", ");
                    var argInfo = parameters.ToString();
                    propDict["arguments"] = argInfo;
                    message = String.Format("Entered into {0} ({1}).", methodInfo, argInfo);
                    message = String.Format("Entered into {0}.", methodInfo);
                Log(Level.Trace, methodInfo, message, null, propDict);
		/// <summary>
		/// Remove a property
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="key">the key for the entry to remove</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Remove the value for the specified <paramref name="key"/> from the context.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public void Remove(string key)
			PropertiesDictionary dictionary = GetProperties(false);
			if (dictionary != null)
				PropertiesDictionary immutableProps = new PropertiesDictionary(dictionary);
        private static void SetCallContextData(PropertiesDictionary properties)
			CallContext.SetData(c_SlotName, properties);
Пример #34
        public void TraceLeave(MethodInfo methodInfo, long startTicks, long endTicks, string[] paramNames, object[] paramValues)
            if (_logger.IsEnabledFor(Level.Trace))
                var propDict = new PropertiesDictionary();
                propDict["trace"] = "LEAVE";

                string returnValue = null;
                if (paramNames != null)
                    var parameters = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.Length; i++)
                        parameters.AppendFormat("{0}={1}", paramNames[i] ?? "$return", GetRenderedFormat(paramValues[i], NullString));
                        if (i < paramNames.Length - 1) parameters.Append(", ");
                    returnValue = parameters.ToString();
                    propDict["arguments"] = returnValue;

                var timeTaken = ConvertTicksToMilliseconds(endTicks - startTicks);
                propDict["startTicks"] = startTicks;
                propDict["endTicks"] = endTicks;
                propDict["timeTaken"] = timeTaken;

                Log(Level.Trace, methodInfo,
                    String.Format("Returned from {1} ({2}). Time taken: {0:0.00} ms.",
                        timeTaken, methodInfo, returnValue), null, propDict);