public static Track LoadTrackTRK(string track, string savename) { var ret = new Track(); ret.Name = track; var addedlines = new Dictionary <int, StandardLine>(); var extensions = new List <Extensionentry>(); var location = Program.CurrentDirectory + "Tracks" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + track; if (savename != null) { location += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + savename + ".trk"; } else { location += ".trk"; } using (var file = File.Open(location, FileMode.Open)) { var br = new BinaryReader(file); int magic = br.ReadInt32(); if (magic == ('T' | 'R' << 8 | 'K' << 16 | 0xF2 << 24)) { byte version = br.ReadByte(); string[] features = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(br.ReadBytes(br.ReadInt16())).Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (version != 1) { throw new Exception("Unsupported version"); } bool redmultipier = false; bool scenerywidth = false; bool supports61 = false; bool songinfo = false; bool ignorabletrigger = false; for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; i++) { switch (features[i]) { case "REDMULTIPLIER": redmultipier = true; break; case "SCENERYWIDTH": scenerywidth = true; break; case "6.1": supports61 = true; break; case "SONGINFO": songinfo = true; break; case "IGNORABLE_TRIGGER": ignorabletrigger = true; break; case "ZEROSTART": ret.ZeroStart = true; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported feature"); } } if (supports61) { ret.SetVersion(6.1m); } else { ret.SetVersion(6.2m); } if (songinfo) { var song = br.ReadString(); try { var strings = song.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var fn = Program.CurrentDirectory + "Songs" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strings[0]; if (File.Exists(fn)) { if (AudioPlayback.LoadFile(ref fn)) { game.CurrentSong = new Song(Path.GetFileName(fn), float.Parse(strings[1])); game.EnableSong = true; } else { Program.NonFatalError("An unknown error occured trying to load the song file"); } } } catch { // ignored } } ret.Start = new Vector2d(br.ReadDouble(), br.ReadDouble()); var lines = br.ReadInt32(); for (var i = 0; i < lines; i++) { Line l; byte ltype = br.ReadByte(); var lt = (LineType)(ltype & 0x1F);//we get 5 bits var inv = (ltype >> 7) != 0; var lim = (ltype >> 5) & 0x3; var ID = -1; var prvID = -1; var nxtID = -1; var multiplier = 1; var linewidth = 1f; LineTrigger tr = ignorabletrigger ? new LineTrigger() : null; if (redmultipier) { if (lt == LineType.Red) { multiplier = br.ReadByte(); } } if (lt == LineType.Blue || lt == LineType.Red) { if (ignorabletrigger) { bool zoomtrigger = br.ReadBoolean(); if (zoomtrigger) { tr.Zoomtrigger = true; var target = br.ReadSingle(); var frames = br.ReadInt16(); tr.ZoomFrames = frames; tr.ZoomTarget = target; } else { tr = null; } } ID = br.ReadInt32(); if (lim != 0) { prvID = br.ReadInt32(); nxtID = br.ReadInt32(); } } if (lt == LineType.Scenery) { if (scenerywidth) { float b = br.ReadByte(); linewidth = b / 10f; } } var x1 = br.ReadDouble(); var y1 = br.ReadDouble(); var x2 = br.ReadDouble(); var y2 = br.ReadDouble(); switch (lt) { case LineType.Blue: var bl = new StandardLine(new Vector2d(x1, y1), new Vector2d(x2, y2), inv); bl.ID = ID; bl.SetExtension(lim); l = bl; if (prvID != -1) { extensions.Add(new Extensionentry { Line = bl, Linkid = prvID, Next = false }); } if (nxtID != -1) { extensions.Add(new Extensionentry { Line = bl, Linkid = nxtID, Next = true }); } bl.Trigger = tr; break; case LineType.Red: var rl = new RedLine(new Vector2d(x1, y1), new Vector2d(x2, y2), inv); rl.ID = ID; rl.SetExtension(lim); if (redmultipier) { rl.Multiplier = multiplier; } l = rl; if (prvID != -1) { extensions.Add(new Extensionentry { Line = rl, Linkid = prvID, Next = false }); } if (nxtID != -1) { extensions.Add(new Extensionentry { Line = rl, Linkid = nxtID, Next = true }); } rl.Trigger = tr; break; case LineType.Scenery: l = new SceneryLine(new Vector2d(x1, y1), new Vector2d(x2, y2)) { Width = linewidth }; break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid line type"); } if (l is StandardLine) { if (!addedlines.ContainsKey(l.ID)) { addedlines[ID] = (StandardLine)l; ret.AddLines(l); } } else { ret.AddLines(l); } } } } foreach (var v in extensions) { if (v.Next) { StandardLine sl; if (addedlines.TryGetValue(v.Linkid, out sl)) { //if (sl.Extension == StandardLine.ExtensionDirection.Right || sl.Extension == StandardLine.ExtensionDirection.Both) { v.Line.Next = sl; sl.Prev = v.Line; } } } else //prev { StandardLine sl; if (addedlines.TryGetValue(v.Linkid, out sl)) { //if (sl.Extension == StandardLine.ExtensionDirection.Left || sl.Extension == StandardLine.ExtensionDirection.Both) { v.Line.Prev = sl; sl.Next = v.Line; } } } } ret.ResetUndo(); ret.ResetChanges(); return(ret); }
public void Select(StandardLine line, Vector2d position) { if (selectionwindow != null) { if (selectionwindow.UserData != line) { selectionwindow.Close(); selectionwindow = null; } } if (selectionwindow == null) { selectionwindow = new WindowControl(game.Canvas, "Line Settings", false); selectionwindow.MakeModal(true); selectionwindow.UserData = line; selectionwindow.DeleteOnClose = true; selectionwindow.DisableResizing(); selectionwindow.Height = 170; selectionwindow.Width = 150; ControlBase container1 = new ControlBase(selectionwindow); container1.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Fill; if (line.GetLineType() != LineType.Scenery) { LabeledCheckBox btn = new LabeledCheckBox(container1); btn.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Top; btn.Text = "Inverse"; btn.IsChecked = line.inv; btn.CheckChanged += (o, e) => { var caller = (LabeledCheckBox)o; line.inv = caller.IsChecked; line.CalculateConstants(); game.Track.TrackUpdated(); game.Invalidate(); }; LineTrigger tr = (LineTrigger)line.Trigger ?? new LineTrigger(); var gb = new PropertyTree(container1); gb.Height = 110; gb.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Top; PropertyTree table = new PropertyTree(gb); table.Name = "triggers"; table.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Fill; table.Height = 100; var row = table.Add("Zoom Trigger"); var enabled = row.Add("Enabled", new Gwen.Controls.Property.Check(table)); enabled.Value = tr.Zoomtrigger ? "1" : "0"; enabled.ValueChanged += (o, e) => { if (enabled.Value == "1") { tr.Zoomtrigger = true; tr.ZoomTarget = float.Parse(((PropertyRow)container1.FindChildByName("Zoom", true)).Value); tr.ZoomFrames = int.Parse(((PropertyRow)container1.FindChildByName("ZoomFrames", true)).Value); line.Trigger = tr; } else { tr.Zoomtrigger = false; if (!tr.Enabled) { line.Trigger = null; } } game.Track.LineChanged(line); }; var prop = row.Add("Zoom"); prop.Name = "Zoom"; prop.Value = (enabled.Value == "1" ? tr.ZoomTarget : 1).ToString(); prop.ValueChanged += (o, e) => { var caller = (PropertyRow)o; float val = 0; if (float.TryParse(caller.Value, out val) && val >= 0.1 && val <= 24) { caller.LabelColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; tr.ZoomTarget = val; } else { caller.LabelColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } }; prop = row.Add("Frames"); prop.Name = "ZoomFrames"; prop.Value = (enabled.Value == "1" ? tr.ZoomFrames : 40).ToString(); prop.ValueChanged += (o, e) => { var caller = (PropertyRow)o; int val = 0; if (int.TryParse(caller.Value, out val) && val >= 1 && val < 10000) { caller.LabelColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; tr.ZoomFrames = val; } else { caller.LabelColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } }; } if (line.GetLineType() == LineType.Red) { selectionwindow.Height += 30; NoDecimalNUD nud = new NoDecimalNUD(container1); var marg = nud.Margin; marg.Top = 5; marg.Left = marg.Right = 1; marg.Left = 70; marg.Bottom = 10; nud.Margin = marg; nud.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Top; nud.Min = 1; nud.Max = 3; nud.Value = (line as RedLine).Multiplier; nud.ValueChanged += nud_redlinemultiplier_ValueChanged; nud.UserData = line; Label l = new Label(container1); l.Y = 137; l.Text = "Multiplier"; selectionwindow.Height += 25; nud = new NoDecimalNUD(container1); marg = nud.Margin; marg.Top = 5; marg.Left = marg.Right = 1; marg.Left = 70; marg.Bottom = 10; nud.Margin = marg; nud.Dock = Gwen.Pos.Top; var lines = game.Track.GetLinesInRect(new FloatRect((Vector2)line.Position, new Vector2(1, 1)), false); List <Line> redlines = new List <Line>(); foreach (var red in lines) { if (red.Position == line.Position && red.Position2 == line.Position2) { redlines.Add(red); } } nud.Min = 1; nud.Max = 50; redlines.Sort(new Track.Linecomparer()); nud.Value = redlines.Count; nud.ValueChanged += (o, e) => { var diff = nud.Value - redlines.Count; if (diff < 0) { for (int i = 0; i > diff; i--) { game.Track.RemoveLine(redlines[(int)((redlines.Count - 1))]); redlines.RemoveAt(redlines.Count - 1); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++) { var red = new RedLine(line.Position, line.Position2, line.inv) { Multiplier = ((RedLine)line).Multiplier }; game.Track.AddLine(red); redlines.Add(red); } } game.Track.TrackUpdated(); }; nud.UserData = line; l = new Label(container1); l.Y = 137 + 35; l.Text = "Multilines"; } selectionwindow.IsHiddenChanged += Selectionwindow_IsHiddenChanged; selectionwindow.Show(); selectionwindow.X = (int)position.X; selectionwindow.Y = (int)position.Y; game.Cursor = MouseCursor.Default; } }