Пример #1
        public void ConstructorTest()
            using (TCODRandom rand = new TCODRandom())
                using (TCODNoise a = new TCODNoise(1, rand))
                    using (TCODNoise b = new TCODNoise(2, .5, 2.0))
                        using (TCODNoise c = new TCODNoise(3, .2, .3, rand))

Пример #2
 public void Init()
     perlin1d = new TCODNoise(1);
     perlin2d = new TCODNoise(2);
     perlin3d = new TCODNoise(3);
     perlin4d = new TCODNoise(4);
     brownian1d = new TCODNoise(1);
     brownian2d = new TCODNoise(2);
     brownian3d = new TCODNoise(3);
     brownian4d = new TCODNoise(4);
     turbulence1d = new TCODNoise(1);
     turbulence2d = new TCODNoise(2);
     turbulence3d = new TCODNoise(3);
     turbulence4d = new TCODNoise(4);
Пример #3
        void render_fov(bool first, KeyPress key)
            if (map == null)
                // initialize the map for the fov toolkit
                for (int y = 0; y < SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH; x++)
                        if (smap[y][x] == ' ')
                            map.SetCell(x, y, true, true);// ground
                        else if (smap[y][x] == '=')
                            map.SetCell(x, y, true, false); // window
                // 1d noise used for the torch flickering
                map_noise = new TCODNoise(1);

            if (first)
                TCODSystem.FPS = 30; // fps limited to 30
                // we draw the foreground only the first time.
                // during the player movement, only the @ is redrawn.
                // the rest impacts only the background color
                // draw the help text & player @
                sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = (ColorPresets.White);
                sampleConsole.PrintLine("IJKL : move around\nT : torch fx " + (torch ? "off" : "on ") + " : light walls " + (light_walls ? "off" : "on ") + "\n+-: algo " + algo_names[algonum], 1, 1, LineAlignment.Left);
                sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = (ColorPresets.Black);
                sampleConsole.PutChar(px, py, '@');
                // draw windows
                for (int y = 0; y < SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH; x++)
                        if (smap[y][x] == '=')
                            sampleConsole.PutChar(x, y, '=');

            if (recomputeFov)
                // calculate the field of view from the player position
                recomputeFov = false;
                map.CalculateFOV(px, py, torch ? (int)TORCH_RADIUS : 0, light_walls, (FovAlgorithm)algonum);
            // torch position & intensity variation
            float dx = 0.0f, dy = 0.0f, di = 0.0f;
            if (torch)
                // slightly change the perlin noise parameter
                torchx += 0.2f;
                // randomize the light position between -1.5 and 1.5
                float[] tdx = { torchx + 20.0f };
                dx = map_noise.GetPerlinNoise(tdx) * 1.5f;
                tdx[0] += 30.0f;
                dy = map_noise.GetPerlinNoise(tdx) * 1.5f;
                // randomize the light intensity between -0.2 and 0.2
                float[] torchxArray = { torchx };
                di = 0.2f * map_noise.GetPerlinNoise(torchxArray);

            // draw the dungeon
            for (int y = 0; y < SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH; x++)
                    bool visible = map.CheckTileFOV(x, y);
                    bool wall = (smap[y][x] == '#');
                    if (!visible)
                        sampleConsole.SetCharBackground(x, y, (wall ? darkWall : darkGround), Background.Set);
                        if (!torch)
                            sampleConsole.SetCharBackground(x, y, wall ? lightWall : lightGround, Background.Set);
                            // torch flickering fx
                            Color baseColor = wall ? darkWall : darkGround;
                            Color light = wall ? lightWall : lightGround;
                            // cell distance to torch (squared)
                            float r = (float)((x - px + dx) * (x - px + dx) + (y - py + dy) * (y - py + dy));
                            if (r < SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS)
                                // l = 1.0 at player position, 0.0 at a radius of 10 cells
                                float l = (SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS - r) / SQUARED_TORCH_RADIUS + di;
                                // clamp between 0 and 1
                                if (l < 0.0f)
                                    l = 0.0f;
                                else if (l > 1.0f)
                                    l = 1.0f;
                                // interpolate the color
                                baseColor = Color.FromRGB((byte)(baseColor.Red + (light.Red - baseColor.Red) * l),
                                                    (byte)(baseColor.Green + (light.Green - baseColor.Green) * l),
                                                    (byte)(baseColor.Blue + (light.Blue - baseColor.Blue) * l));
                            sampleConsole.SetCharBackground(x, y, baseColor, Background.Set);

            if (key.Character == 'I' || key.Character == 'i')
                // player move north
                if (smap[py - 1][px] == ' ')
                    sampleConsole.PutChar(px, py, ' ', Background.None);
                    sampleConsole.PutChar(px, py, '@', Background.None);
                    recomputeFov = true;
            else if (key.Character == 'K' || key.Character == 'k')
                // player move south
                if (smap[py + 1][px] == ' ')
                    sampleConsole.PutChar(px, py, ' ', Background.None);
                    sampleConsole.PutChar(px, py, '@', Background.None);
                    recomputeFov = true;
            else if (key.Character == 'J' || key.Character == 'j')
                // player move west
                if (smap[py][px - 1] == ' ')
                    sampleConsole.PutChar(px, py, ' ', Background.None);
                    sampleConsole.PutChar(px, py, '@', Background.None);
                    recomputeFov = true;
            else if (key.Character == 'L' || key.Character == 'l')
                // player move east
                if (smap[py][px + 1] == ' ')
                    sampleConsole.PutChar(px, py, ' ', Background.None);
                    sampleConsole.PutChar(px, py, '@', Background.None);
                    recomputeFov = true;
            else if (key.Character == 'T' || key.Character == 't')
                // enable/disable the torch fx
                torch = !torch;
                sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = (ColorPresets.White);
                sampleConsole.PrintLine("IJKL : move around\nT : torch fx " + (torch ? "off" : "on ") + " : light walls " + (light_walls ? "off" : "on ") + "\n+-: algo " + algo_names[algonum], 1, 1, LineAlignment.Left);
                sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = (ColorPresets.Black);
            else if (key.Character == 'W' || key.Character == 'W')
                light_walls = !light_walls;
                sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = (ColorPresets.White);
                sampleConsole.PrintLine("IJKL : move around\nT : torch fx " + (torch ? "off" : "on ") + " : light walls " + (light_walls ? "off" : "on ") + "\n+-: algo " + algo_names[algonum], 1, 1, LineAlignment.Left);
                sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = (ColorPresets.Black);
                recomputeFov = true;
            else if (key.Character == '+' || key.Character == '-')
                algonum += key.Character == '+' ? 1 : -1;

                if (algonum >= (int)FovAlgorithm.NB_Fov_Algorithms)
                    algonum = (int)FovAlgorithm.Restrictive;
                else if (algonum < 0)
                    algonum = 0;

                sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = (ColorPresets.White);
                sampleConsole.PrintLine("IJKL : move around\nT : torch fx " + (torch ? "off" : "on ") + " : light walls " + (light_walls ? "off" : "on ") + "\n+-: algo " + algo_names[algonum], 1, 1, LineAlignment.Left);
                sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = (ColorPresets.Black);
                recomputeFov = true;
Пример #4
        void render_noise(bool first, KeyPress key)
            if (first)
                TCODSystem.FPS = 30; /* limited to 30 fps */

            /* texture animation */
            noise_dx += 0.01f;
            noise_dy += 0.01f;

            /* render the 2d noise function */
            for (int y = 0; y < SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH; x++)
                    float[] f = new float[2];
                    float value = 0.0f;
                    byte c;
                    Color col = new Color();
                    f[0] = noise_zoom * x / SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH + noise_dx;
                    f[1] = noise_zoom * y / SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT + noise_dy;

                    switch (noise_func)
                        case noiseFunctions.Perlin:
                            value = noise.GetPerlinNoise(f);
                        case noiseFunctions.PerlinFBM:
                            value = noise.GetPerlinBrownianMotion(f, noise_octaves);
                        case noiseFunctions.PerlinTurbulence:
                            value = noise.GetPerlinTurbulence(f, noise_octaves);
                        case noiseFunctions.Simplex:
                            value = noise.GetSimplexNoise(f);
                        case noiseFunctions.SimplexFBM:
                            value = noise.GetSimplexBrownianMotion(f, noise_octaves);
                        case noiseFunctions.SimplexTurbulence:
                            value = noise.GetSimplexTurbulence(f, noise_octaves);
                        case noiseFunctions.Wavelet:
                            value = noise.GetWaveletNoise(f);
                        case noiseFunctions.WaveletFBM:
                            value = noise.GetWaveletBrownianMotion(f, noise_octaves);
                        case noiseFunctions.WaveletTurbulence:
                            value = noise.GetWaveletTurbulence(f, noise_octaves);

                    c = (byte)((value + 1.0f) / 2.0f * 255);
                    /* use a bluish color */
                    col = Color.FromRGB((byte)(c / 2), (byte)(c / 2), c);
                    sampleConsole.SetCharBackground(x, y, col, Background.Set);

            /* draw a transparent rectangle */
            sampleConsole.BackgroundColor = ColorPresets.Gray;
            sampleConsole.DrawRect(2, 2, (noise_func <= noiseFunctions.Wavelet ? 16 : 24), (noise_func <= noiseFunctions.Wavelet ? 4 : 7), false, new Background(BackgroundFlag.Multiply));

            /* draw the text */
            for (noiseFunctions curfunc = noiseFunctions.Perlin; curfunc <= noiseFunctions.WaveletTurbulence; curfunc++)
                if (curfunc == noise_func)
                    sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = ColorPresets.White;
                    sampleConsole.BackgroundColor = ColorPresets.Blue;
                    sampleConsole.PrintLine(noise_funcName[(int)curfunc], 2, 2 + (int)(curfunc), Background.Set, LineAlignment.Left);
                    sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = ColorPresets.Gray;
                    sampleConsole.PrintLine(noise_funcName[(int)curfunc], 2, 2 + (int)(curfunc), Background.None, LineAlignment.Left);
            /* draw parameters */
            sampleConsole.ForegroundColor = ColorPresets.White;
            sampleConsole.PrintLine("Y/H : zome (" + noise_zoom.ToString("0.0") + ")", 2, 11, LineAlignment.Left);

            if (noise_func > noiseFunctions.Wavelet)
                sampleConsole.PrintLine("E/D : hurst (" + noise_hurst.ToString("0.0") + ")", 2, 12, LineAlignment.Left);
                sampleConsole.PrintLine("R/F : lacunarity (" + noise_lacunarity.ToString("0.0") + ")", 2, 13, LineAlignment.Left);
                sampleConsole.PrintLine("T/G : octaves (" + noise_octaves.ToString("0.0") + ")", 2, 14, LineAlignment.Left);

            /* handle keypress */
            if (key.KeyCode == KeyCode.TCODK_NONE)
            if (key.Character >= '1' && key.Character <= '9')
                noise_func = (noiseFunctions)(key.Character - '1');
            else if (key.Character == 'E' || key.Character == 'e')
                /* increase hurst */
                noise_hurst += 0.1f;
                noise = new TCODNoise(2, noise_hurst, noise_lacunarity);
            else if (key.Character == 'D' || key.Character == 'd')
                /* decrease hurst */
                noise_hurst -= 0.1f;
                noise = new TCODNoise(2, noise_hurst, noise_lacunarity);
            else if (key.Character == 'R' || key.Character == 'r')
                /* increase lacunarity */
                noise_lacunarity += 0.5f;
                noise = new TCODNoise(2, noise_hurst, noise_lacunarity);
            else if (key.Character == 'F' || key.Character == 'f')
                /* decrease lacunarity */
                noise_lacunarity -= 0.5f;
                noise = new TCODNoise(2, noise_hurst, noise_lacunarity);
            else if (key.Character == 'T' || key.Character == 't')
                /* increase octaves */
                noise_octaves += 0.5f;
            else if (key.Character == 'G' || key.Character == 'g')
                /* decrease octaves */
                noise_octaves -= 0.5f;
            else if (key.Character == 'Y' || key.Character == 'y')
                /* increase zoom */
                noise_zoom += 0.2f;
            else if (key.Character == 'H' || key.Character == 'h')
                /* decrease zoom */
                noise_zoom -= 0.2f;
Пример #5
        private void setupStaticData()
            random = new TCODRandom();

            render_cols = new Color[4];
            render_cols[0] = Color.FromRGB(50, 40, 150);
            render_cols[1] = Color.FromRGB(240, 85, 5);
            render_cols[2] = Color.FromRGB(50, 35, 240);
            render_cols[3] = Color.FromRGB(10, 200, 130);

            render_dirr = new int[] { 1, -1, 1, 1 };
            render_dirg = new int[] { 1, -1, -1, 1 };
            render_dirb = new int[] { 1, 1, 1, -1 };

            off_secondary = RootConsole.GetNewConsole(SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2);
            off_screenshot = RootConsole.GetNewConsole(SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT);
            line_bk = RootConsole.GetNewConsole(SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT);
            noise = new TCODNoise(2, noise_hurst, noise_lacunarity);