Пример #1
        /* Build an array of a particular type */
        public static unsafe T[] CreateSZArray <T>(int nitems, void *data_addr)
            TysosType arrtt  = (TysosType)typeof(T[]);
            TysosType elemtt = (TysosType)typeof(T);

            int elemsize;

            if (elemtt.IsValueType)
                elemsize = elemtt.GetClassSize() - ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset();
                elemsize = OtherOperations.GetPointerSize();

            if (data_addr == null)
                data_addr = MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(elemsize * nitems);

            byte *ret = (byte *)MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize() + 8);     // extra space for lobounds and length array

            void *vtbl = *(void **)((byte *)CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(arrtt) + ClassOperations.GetSystemTypeImplOffset());

            *(void **)(ret + ClassOperations.GetVtblFieldOffset()) = vtbl;
            *(ulong *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetMutexLockOffset()) = 0;

            *(void **)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetElemTypeOffset())   = *(void **)((byte *)CastOperations.ReinterpretAsPointer(elemtt) + ClassOperations.GetSystemTypeImplOffset());
            *(int *)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetElemSizeOffset())     = elemsize;
            *(void **)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetInnerArrayOffset()) = data_addr;
            *(void **)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetLoboundsOffset())   = ret + ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize();
            *(void **)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetSizesOffset())      = ret + ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize() + 4;
            *(int *)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetRankOffset())         = 1;
            *(int *)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize())     = 0;      // lobounds[0]
            *(int *)(ret + ArrayOperations.GetArrayClassSize() + 4) = nitems; // sizes[0]

Пример #2
        static unsafe void InternalGetReference(void *arr, System.TypedReference *typedref, int ranks, int *rank_indices)
            // idx = rightmost-index + 2nd-right * rightmost-size + 3rd-right * 2nd-right-size * right-size + ...

            // rank checking is done by System.Array members in coreclr
            int *lovals = *(int **)((byte *)arr + ArrayOperations.GetLoboundsOffset());
            int *sizes  = *(int **)((byte *)arr + ArrayOperations.GetSizesOffset());

            // first get index of first rank
            if (rank_indices[0] > sizes[0])
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
            int index = rank_indices[0] - lovals[0];

            // now repeat mul rank size; add rank index; rank-1 times
            for (int rank = 1; rank < ranks; rank++)
                if (rank_indices[rank] > sizes[rank])
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

                index *= sizes[rank];
                index += rank_indices[rank];

            // get pointer to actual data
            int   et_size = *(int *)((byte *)arr + ArrayOperations.GetElemSizeOffset());
            void *ptr     = *(byte **)((byte *)arr + ArrayOperations.GetInnerArrayOffset()) + index * et_size;

            // store to the typed reference
            *(void **)((byte *)typedref + ClassOperations.GetTypedReferenceValueOffset()) = ptr;
            *(void **)((byte *)typedref + ClassOperations.GetTypedReferenceTypeOffset())  =
                *(void **)((byte *)arr + ArrayOperations.GetElemTypeOffset());
Пример #3
        static unsafe void *GetValueImpl(void *arr, int pos)
            /* Get the element type of the array */
            void *et = *(void **)((byte *)arr + ArrayOperations.GetElemTypeOffset());

            /* Get a pointer to the source data */
            var   elem_size = *(int *)((byte *)arr + ArrayOperations.GetElemSizeOffset());
            void *ia        = *(void **)((byte *)arr + ArrayOperations.GetInnerArrayOffset());
            void *sptr      = (void *)((byte *)ia + pos * elem_size);

            /* Is this a value type? In which case we need to return a boxed value */
            void *extends = *(void **)((byte *)et + ClassOperations.GetVtblExtendsVtblPtrOffset());

            if (extends == OtherOperations.GetStaticObjectAddress("_Zu1L") ||
                extends == OtherOperations.GetStaticObjectAddress("_ZW6System4Enum"))
                /* This is a value type.  We need to read the size of the element,
                 * create a new object of the appropriate size and copy the data
                 * into it */
                byte *ret = (byte *)MemoryOperations.GcMalloc(elem_size + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset());
                *(void **)(ret + ClassOperations.GetVtblFieldOffset()) = et;
                *(ulong *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetMutexLockOffset()) = 0;

                /* Avoid calls to memcpy if possible */
                switch (elem_size)
                case 1:
                    *(byte *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset()) = *(byte *)sptr;

                case 2:
                    *(ushort *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset()) = *(ushort *)sptr;

                case 4:
                    *(uint *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset()) = *(uint *)sptr;

                case 8:
                    if (OtherOperations.GetPointerSize() >= 8)
                        *(ulong *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset()) = *(ulong *)sptr;
                        *(uint *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset())     = *(uint *)sptr;
                        *(uint *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset() + 4) = *(uint *)((byte *)sptr + 4);

                case 16:
                    if (OtherOperations.GetPointerSize() >= 8)
                        *(ulong *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset())     = *(ulong *)sptr;
                        *(ulong *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset() + 8) = *(ulong *)((byte *)sptr + 8);
                        *(uint *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset())      = *(uint *)sptr;
                        *(uint *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset() + 4)  = *(uint *)((byte *)sptr + 4);
                        *(uint *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset() + 8)  = *(uint *)((byte *)sptr + 8);
                        *(uint *)(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset() + 12) = *(uint *)((byte *)sptr + 12);

                /* Do data copy via memcpy */
                MemoryOperations.MemCpy(ret + ClassOperations.GetBoxedTypeDataOffset(),
                                        sptr, elem_size);
                /* Its a reference type, so just return the pointer */
                return(*(void **)sptr);
Пример #4
        static unsafe void Copy(void *srcArr, int srcIndex, void *dstArr, int dstIndex, int length,
                                bool reliable)
            /* Ensure arrays are valid */
            if (srcArr == null || dstArr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            /* Ensure length is valid */
            if (length < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            /* Ensure both arrays are of the same rank */
            var srcRank = *(int *)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetRankOffset());
            var dstRank = *(int *)((byte *)dstArr + ArrayOperations.GetRankOffset());

            if (srcRank != dstRank)
                throw new RankException();

            /* Get source and dest element types */
            var srcET = *(void **)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetElemTypeOffset());
            var dstET = *(void **)((byte *)dstArr + ArrayOperations.GetElemTypeOffset());

            /* See if we can do a quick copy */
            bool can_quick_copy = false;

            if (srcET == dstET)
                can_quick_copy = true;
            else if (TysosType.CanCast(srcET, dstET))
                can_quick_copy = true;
            else if (reliable)
                throw new ArrayTypeMismatchException();   /* ConstrainedCopy requires types to be the same or derived */
                can_quick_copy = false;

            /* For now we don't handle arrays with lobounds != 0 */
            var srcLobounds = *(int **)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetLoboundsOffset());
            var dstLobounds = *(int **)((byte *)dstArr + ArrayOperations.GetLoboundsOffset());

            for (int i = 0; i < srcRank; i++)
                if (srcLobounds[i] != 0)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("srcLobounds != 0");
                if (dstLobounds[i] != 0)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("dstLobounds != 0");
            if (srcIndex < 0 || dstIndex < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            /* Ensure we don't overflow */
            var src_len = GetLength(srcArr);
            var dst_len = GetLength(dstArr);

            if (srcIndex + length > src_len)
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "Array.Copy srcIndex/length out of range");
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(length, "libsupcs", "length");
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(srcIndex, "libsupcs", "srcIndex");
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(src_len, "libsupcs", "src_len");
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            if (dstIndex + length > dst_len)
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "libsupcs", "Array.Copy dstIndex/length out of range");
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(length, "libsupcs", "length");
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(dstIndex, "libsupcs", "dstIndex");
                System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(dst_len, "libsupcs", "dst_len");
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            if (can_quick_copy)
                /* Elem size of both arrays is guaranteed to be the same and we can do a shallow copy */
                var e_size = *(int *)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetElemSizeOffset());

                var src_ia = *(byte **)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetInnerArrayOffset());
                var dst_ia = *(byte **)((byte *)dstArr + ArrayOperations.GetInnerArrayOffset());

                MemoryOperations.MemMove(dst_ia + dstIndex * e_size, src_ia + srcIndex * e_size, length * e_size);
                /* TODO: implement as per System.Array.Copy() semantics */
                throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot quick copy " + ((ulong)srcET).ToString("X") +
                                                  " to " + ((ulong)dstET).ToString("X"));
Пример #5
        static unsafe bool FastCopy(void *srcArr, int srcIndex, void *dstArr, int dstIndex, int length)
            /* This is often called with length == 0 when the
             * first item is added to a List<T> as the default
             * array within the list has length 0.

            if (length == 0)

            // Ensure both arrays are of rank 1
            int srcRank = *(int *)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetRankOffset());
            int dstRank = *(int *)((byte *)dstArr + ArrayOperations.GetRankOffset());

            if (srcRank != 1)
            if (dstRank != 1)

            // Ensure srcIndex is valid
            int srcLobound = **(int **)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetLoboundsOffset());
            int srcSize    = **(int **)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetSizesOffset());

            srcIndex -= srcLobound;
            if (srcIndex + length > srcSize)

            // Ensure destIndex is valid
            int dstLobound = **(int **)((byte *)dstArr + ArrayOperations.GetLoboundsOffset());
            int dstSize    = **(int **)((byte *)dstArr + ArrayOperations.GetSizesOffset());

            dstIndex -= dstLobound;
            if (dstIndex + length > dstSize)

            // Ensure both have same element type
            void *srcET = *(void **)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetElemTypeOffset());
            void *dstET = *(void **)((byte *)dstArr + ArrayOperations.GetElemTypeOffset());

            if (srcET != dstET)

            // Get element size
            int elemSize = *(int *)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetElemSizeOffset());

            srcIndex *= elemSize;
            dstIndex *= elemSize;

            byte *srcAddr = *(byte **)((byte *)srcArr + ArrayOperations.GetInnerArrayOffset()) + srcIndex;
            byte *dstAddr = *(byte **)((byte *)dstArr + ArrayOperations.GetInnerArrayOffset()) + dstIndex;

            length *= elemSize;

            MemoryOperations.MemMove(dstAddr, srcAddr, length);
