Пример #1
        public SyntaxListBuilder Allocate()
            SyntaxListBuilder item;

            if (_freeIndex > 0)
                item = _freeList[_freeIndex];
                _freeList[_freeIndex] = null;
                item = new SyntaxListBuilder(10);

Пример #2
 public SeparatedSyntaxListBuilder(SyntaxListBuilder builder)
     _builder = builder;
Пример #3
 public SyntaxListBuilder(SyntaxListBuilder builder)
     _builder = builder;
Пример #4
        private DirectiveTriviaSyntax ParsePragmaDirective(SyntaxToken hash, SyntaxToken pragma, bool isActive)
            bool hasError = false;

            if (this.CurrentToken.ContextualKind == SyntaxKind.WarningKeyword)
                var         warning = this.EatContextualToken(SyntaxKind.WarningKeyword);
                SyntaxToken style;
                if (this.CurrentToken.Kind == SyntaxKind.DisableKeyword || this.CurrentToken.Kind == SyntaxKind.RestoreKeyword ||
                    this.CurrentToken.Kind == SyntaxKind.EnableKeyword || this.CurrentToken.Kind == SyntaxKind.SafeOnlyKeyword)
                    style = this.EatToken();

                    if (this.CurrentToken.ContextualKind == SyntaxKind.NullableKeyword)
                        SyntaxToken nullable = this.EatContextualToken(SyntaxKind.NullableKeyword);
                        var         end      = this.ParseEndOfDirective(hasError || !isActive, afterPragma: true);
                        return(SyntaxFactory.PragmaWarningDirectiveTrivia(hash, pragma, warning, style, nullable, default(SyntaxList <ExpressionSyntax>), end, isActive));
                    else if (style.Kind == SyntaxKind.SafeOnlyKeyword)
                        SyntaxToken nullable = this.EatToken(SyntaxKind.NullableKeyword, ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPPWarningSafeOnly, reportError: isActive);
                        var         end      = this.ParseEndOfDirective(ignoreErrors: true, afterPragma: true);
                        return(SyntaxFactory.PragmaWarningDirectiveTrivia(hash, pragma, warning, style, nullable, default(SyntaxList <ExpressionSyntax>), end, isActive));
                        var ids = new SyntaxListBuilder(10);
                        while (this.CurrentToken.Kind != SyntaxKind.EndOfDirectiveToken)
                            SyntaxToken      id;
                            ExpressionSyntax idExpression;

                            if (this.CurrentToken.Kind == SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralToken)
                                // Previous versions of the compiler used to report a warning (CS1691)
                                // whenever an unrecognized warning code was supplied in a #pragma directive
                                // (or via /nowarn /warnaserror flags on the command line).
                                // Going forward, we won't generate any warning in such cases. This will make
                                // maintenance of backwards compatibility easier (we no longer need to worry
                                // about breaking existing projects / command lines if we deprecate / remove
                                // an old warning code).
                                id           = this.EatToken();
                                idExpression = SyntaxFactory.LiteralExpression(SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralExpression, id);
                            else if (this.CurrentToken.Kind == SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken)
                                // Lexing / parsing of identifiers inside #pragma warning directives is identical
                                // to that inside #define directives except that very long identifiers inside #define
                                // are truncated to 128 characters to maintain backwards compatibility with previous
                                // versions of the compiler. (See TruncateIdentifier() below.)
                                // Since support for identifiers inside #pragma warning directives is new,
                                // we don't have any backwards compatibility constraints. So we can preserve the
                                // identifier exactly as it appears in source.
                                id           = this.EatToken();
                                idExpression = SyntaxFactory.IdentifierName(id);
                                id           = this.EatToken(SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralToken, ErrorCode.WRN_IdentifierOrNumericLiteralExpected, reportError: isActive);
                                idExpression = SyntaxFactory.LiteralExpression(SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralExpression, id);

                            hasError = hasError || id.ContainsDiagnostics;

                            if (this.CurrentToken.Kind != SyntaxKind.CommaToken)


                        var end = this.ParseEndOfDirective(hasError || !isActive, afterPragma: true);
                        return(SyntaxFactory.PragmaWarningDirectiveTrivia(hash, pragma, warning, style, null, ids.ToList(), end, isActive));
                    style = this.EatToken(SyntaxKind.DisableKeyword, ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPPWarning, reportError: isActive);
                    var end = this.ParseEndOfDirective(ignoreErrors: true, afterPragma: true);
                    return(SyntaxFactory.PragmaWarningDirectiveTrivia(hash, pragma, warning, style, null, default(SyntaxList <ExpressionSyntax>), end, isActive));
            else if (this.CurrentToken.Kind == SyntaxKind.ChecksumKeyword)
                var checksum = this.EatToken();
                var file     = this.EatToken(SyntaxKind.StringLiteralToken, ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPPChecksum, reportError: isActive);
                var guid     = this.EatToken(SyntaxKind.StringLiteralToken, ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPPChecksum, reportError: isActive && !file.IsMissing);
                if (isActive && !guid.IsMissing)
                    Guid tmp;
                    if (!Guid.TryParse(guid.GetValueText(), out tmp))
                        guid = this.AddError(guid, ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPPChecksum);

                var bytes = this.EatToken(SyntaxKind.StringLiteralToken, ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPPChecksum, reportError: isActive && !guid.IsMissing);
                if (isActive && !bytes.IsMissing)
                    if (bytes.GetValueText().Length % 2 != 0)
                        bytes = this.AddError(bytes, ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPPChecksum);
                        foreach (char c in bytes.GetValueText())
                            if (!SyntaxFacts.IsHexDigit(c))
                                bytes = this.AddError(bytes, ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPPChecksum);

                hasError = file.ContainsDiagnostics | guid.ContainsDiagnostics | bytes.ContainsDiagnostics;
                var eod = this.ParseEndOfDirective(ignoreErrors: hasError, afterPragma: true);
                return(SyntaxFactory.PragmaChecksumDirectiveTrivia(hash, pragma, checksum, file, guid, bytes, eod, isActive));
                var warning = this.EatToken(SyntaxKind.WarningKeyword, ErrorCode.WRN_IllegalPragma, reportError: isActive);
                var style   = this.EatToken(SyntaxKind.DisableKeyword, reportError: false);
                var eod     = this.ParseEndOfDirective(ignoreErrors: true, afterPragma: true);
                return(SyntaxFactory.PragmaWarningDirectiveTrivia(hash, pragma, warning, style, null, default(SyntaxList <ExpressionSyntax>), eod, isActive));
Пример #5
 protected void AddTrailingSkippedSyntax(SyntaxListBuilder list, GreenNode skippedSyntax)
     list[list.Count - 1] = AddTrailingSkippedSyntax((LeeSyntaxNode)list[list.Count - 1], skippedSyntax);