private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserApp win = new UserApp(); this.Close(); win.Show(); }
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserApp app = new UserApp(); app.Show(); this.Close(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); DataTable dt_user1 = Select("SELECT * FROM login_data ORDER BY id"); for (int i = 0; i < dt_user1.Rows.Count; i++) { if (dt_user1.Rows[i][3].ToString() == "+") { UserApp userApp = new UserApp(); this.Close(); userApp.Show(); break; } } }
private void save_button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { bool correct = true; string sex = ""; if (sexm_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True" && sexf_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False" && sexo_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False") { sex = "Male"; correct_sex.Content = ""; } else { if (sexm_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False" && sexf_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True" && sexo_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False") { sex = "Female"; correct_sex.Content = ""; } else { if (sexm_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False" && sexf_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False" && sexo_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True") { sex = "Other"; correct_sex.Content = ""; } else { if (sexm_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False" && sexf_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False" && sexo_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False") { correct_sex.Content = "Choose sex"; correct = false; } else { if (sexm_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True" && sexf_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True" && sexo_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False") { correct_sex.Content = "Choose one sex"; correct = false; } else { if (sexm_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False" && sexf_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True" && sexo_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True") { correct_sex.Content = "Choose one sex"; correct = false; } else { if (sexm_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True" && sexf_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "False" && sexo_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True") { correct_sex.Content = "Choose one sex"; correct = false; } else { if (sexm_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True" && sexf_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True" && sexo_field.IsChecked.ToString() == "True") { correct_sex.Content = "Choose one sex"; correct = false; } } } } } } } } string data_birtgh = $"{day_birth.Text}" + " of " + $"{month_birth.Text}" + " in " + $"{year_birth.Text}"; bool micro_correct = true; ///// Regex regex = new Regex("^[A-Z][a-zA-Z]*$"); Match match = regex.Match(surname_field.Text); correct_surname.Content = "Enter correct surname"; if (!match.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match.Success) { match = match.NextMatch(); correct_surname.Content = ""; } if (surname_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && surname_field.Text.Length < 50) { correct_surname.Content = ""; } else { correct_surname.Content = "Enter correct surname"; correct = false; } ///// micro_correct = true; Regex regex1 = new Regex("^[A-Z][a-zA-Z]*$"); Match match1 = regex1.Match(name_field.Text); correct_name.Content = "Enter correct name"; if (!match1.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match1.Success) { match1 = match1.NextMatch(); correct_name.Content = ""; } if (name_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && name_field.Text.Length < 50) { correct_name.Content = ""; } else { correct_name.Content = "Enter correct name"; correct = false; } ///// micro_correct = true; Regex regex2 = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"); Match match2 = regex2.Match(nickname_field.Text); correct_nickname.Content = "Enter correct nickname"; if (!match2.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match2.Success) { match2 = match2.NextMatch(); correct_nickname.Content = ""; } if (nickname_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && nickname_field.Text.Length < 50) { correct_nickname.Content = ""; } else { correct_nickname.Content = "Enter correct nickname"; correct = false; } ///// micro_correct = true; Regex regex11 = new Regex("^[0-9][0-9]*$"); Match match11 = regex11.Match(day_birth.Text); correct_birthday.Content = "Enter correct birthday"; if (!match11.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match11.Success) { match11 = match11.NextMatch(); correct_birthday.Content = ""; } if (day_birth.Text != "" && micro_correct && day_birth.Text.Length < 50) { correct_birthday.Content = ""; } else { correct_birthday.Content = "Enter correct birthday"; correct = false; } micro_correct = true; Regex regex12 = new Regex("^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*$"); Match match12 = regex12.Match(year_birth.Text); correct_birthday.Content = "Enter correct birthday"; if (!match12.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match12.Success) { match12 = match12.NextMatch(); correct_birthday.Content = ""; } if (year_birth.Text != "" && micro_correct && year_birth.Text.Length < 50) { correct_birthday.Content = ""; } else { correct_birthday.Content = "Enter correct birthday"; correct = false; } if (micro_correct) { if (day_birth.Text == "" || Convert.ToInt32(day_birth.Text.ToString()) > 31 || Convert.ToInt32(day_birth.Text.ToString()) < 1 || month_birth.Text.ToString() == "" || Convert.ToInt32(year_birth.Text.ToString()) < 1875 || Convert.ToInt32(year_birth.Text.ToString()) > 2002) { correct_birthday.Content = "Enter correct birthday"; correct = false; } else { correct_birthday.Content = ""; } } ///// micro_correct = true; Regex regex9 = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+@[a-z]+\.[a-z]*$"); Match match9 = regex9.Match(email_field.Text); correct_email.Content = "Enter correct email"; if (!match9.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match9.Success) { match9 = match9.NextMatch(); correct_email.Content = ""; } if (email_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && email_field.Text.Length < 50) { correct_email.Content = ""; } else { correct_email.Content = "Enter correct email"; correct = false; } ////// micro_correct = true; Regex regex6 = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"); Match match6 = regex6.Match(login_field.Text); correct_login.Content = "Enter correct login"; if (!match6.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match6.Success) { match6 = match6.NextMatch(); correct_login.Content = ""; } if (login_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && login_field.Text.Length < 50) { correct_login.Content = ""; } else { correct_login.Content = "Enter correct login"; correct = false; } ////// if (password_field.Text != "Enter new passsword" && confirm_field.Text != "Confirm new password") { micro_correct = true; Regex regex7 = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"); Match match7 = regex7.Match(password_field.Text); correct_password.Content = "Enter correct password"; if (!match7.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match7.Success) { match7 = match7.NextMatch(); correct_password.Content = ""; } if (password_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && password_field.Text.Length < 50) { correct_password.Content = ""; } else { correct_password.Content = "Enter correct password"; correct = false; } ///// if (password_field.Text != confirm_field.Text || confirm_field.Text == "") { correct_confirm.Content = "Passwords mismatch"; correct = false; } else { correct_confirm.Content = ""; } ///// } micro_correct = true; Regex regex8 = new Regex("^[0-9+][0-9]*$"); Match match8 = regex8.Match(phone_field.Text); correct_phone.Content = "Enter correct phone"; if (!match8.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match8.Success) { match8 = match8.NextMatch(); correct_phone.Content = ""; } if (phone_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && phone_field.Text.Length < 50) { correct_phone.Content = ""; } else { correct_phone.Content = "Enter correct phone"; correct = false; } ///// if (correct) { try { string connectionString = @"server=DIMAMLIN-PC\QQQQ;database=kp;Integrated Security=true;"; string sqlExpression1 = $"UPDATE login_data SET login = '******' where id = '{id_of_user}' "; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression1, connection); int number = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Добавлено объектов: {0}", number); connection.Close(); } string sqlExpression2 = $"UPDATE user_data set surname = '{surname_field.Text}', name = '{name_field.Text}', nickname = '{nickname_field.Text}', birthday = '{data_birtgh}',email = '{email_field.Text}', sex = '{sex}', phone = '{phone_field.Text}', photo = '{user_ava.imagepath_file}' where id = '{id_of_user}'"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression2, connection); int number = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Добавлено объектов: {0}", number); connection.Close(); } string GetHashString(string s) { //переводим строку в байт-массим byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(s); //создаем объект для получения средст шифрования MD5CryptoServiceProvider CSP = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); //вычисляем хеш-представление в байтах byte[] byteHash = CSP.ComputeHash(bytes); string hash = string.Empty; //формируем одну цельную строку из массива foreach (byte b in byteHash) { hash += string.Format("{0:x2}", b); } return(hash); } if (password_field.Text != "Enter new passsword" && confirm_field.Text != "Confirm new password") { string sqlExpression3 = $"UPDATE login_data SET password = '******' where id = '{id_of_user}' "; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression3, connection); int number = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Добавлено объектов: {0}", number); connection.Close(); } } } catch (Exception er) { MessageBox.Show(er.Message); } UserApp win = new UserApp(); this.Close(); win.Show(); } } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } }
private void add_training_button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { bool correct = true; bool micro_correct = true; Regex regex = new Regex(@"\d{2}"); Match match = regex.Match(day_field.Text); day_correct.Content = "Enter correct day"; if (!match.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match.Success) { match = match.NextMatch(); day_correct.Content = ""; } if (day_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && day_field.Text.Length == 2) { if (Convert.ToInt32(day_field.Text) > 0 && Convert.ToInt32(day_field.Text) < 32) { day_correct.Content = ""; } else { day_correct.Content = "Enter correct day"; correct = false; } } else { day_correct.Content = "Enter correct day"; correct = false; } if (month_field.Text == "") { month_correct.Content = "Choose correct month"; correct = false; } else { month_correct.Content = ""; } micro_correct = true; Regex regex1 = new Regex(@"\d{2}"); Match match1 = regex1.Match(hours_field.Text); time_correct.Content = "Enter correct time"; if (!match1.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match1.Success) { match1 = match1.NextMatch(); time_correct.Content = ""; } if (hours_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && hours_field.Text.Length == 2) { if (Convert.ToInt32(hours_field.Text) >= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(hours_field.Text) < 24) { time_correct.Content = ""; } else { time_correct.Content = "Enter correct time"; correct = false; } } else { time_correct.Content = "Enter correct time"; correct = false; micro_correct = false; } Regex regex2 = new Regex(@"\d{2}"); Match match2 = regex2.Match(minutes_field.Text); time_correct.Content = "Enter correct time"; if (!match2.Success) { correct = false; micro_correct = false; } while (match2.Success) { match2 = match2.NextMatch(); time_correct.Content = ""; } if (minutes_field.Text != "" && micro_correct && minutes_field.Text.Length == 2) { if (Convert.ToInt32(minutes_field.Text) >= 0 && Convert.ToInt32(minutes_field.Text) < 60) { time_correct.Content = ""; } else { time_correct.Content = "Enter correct time"; correct = false; } } else { time_correct.Content = "Enter correct time"; correct = false; } if (Convert.ToInt32(your_trains.SelectedIndex.ToString()) == -1) { correct = false; correct_plan.Content = "Choose one plan"; } else { correct_plan.Content = ""; } if (Convert.ToInt32(trainers.SelectedIndex.ToString()) == -1 && is_trainer.IsChecked == false) { correct = false; trainer_correct.Content = "Choose one trainer or check \"without trainer\""; } else { trainer_correct.Content = ""; } if (correct) { int choose_train_id; int choose_trainer_id; string choose = your_trains.SelectedItem.ToString(); string sqlExpression = $"SELECT id FROM trains WHERE train_name LIKE '{choose}%'"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression, connection); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); choose_train_id = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]); reader.Close(); connection.Close(); } choose = trainers.SelectedItem.ToString(); string sqlExpression1 = $"SELECT id FROM trainers WHERE trainer LIKE '{choose}%'"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression1, connection); SqlDataReader reader1 = command.ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); choose_trainer_id = Convert.ToInt32(reader1[0]); reader1.Close(); connection.Close(); } if (is_trainer.IsChecked == true) { choose_trainer_id = 0; } string date = $"{day_field.Text} of {month_field.Text}"; string time = hours_field.Text + ":" + minutes_field.Text; string sqlExpression3 = $"INSERT INTO user_trainings (user_id, train_id, trainer_id, date, time) VALUES ('{id_of_user}', '{choose_train_id}', '{choose_trainer_id}', '{date}', '{time}' ); "; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression3, connection); int number = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Добавлено объектов: {0}", number); connection.Close(); } string email = ""; string sqlExpression6 = $"SELECT email FROM user_data WHERE id = '{id_of_user}';"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression6, connection); SqlDataReader reader1 = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader1.Read()) { email = reader1[0].ToString(); email = email.Trim(); } reader1.Close(); connection.Close(); } // отправитель - устанавливаем адрес и отображаемое в письме имя MailAddress from = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Gym24"); // кому отправляем MailAddress to = new MailAddress($"{email}"); // создаем объект сообщения MailMessage m = new MailMessage(from, to); // тема письма m.Subject = "Training is near!"; // текст письма m.Body = "<h2>Do not forget about your training!!!</h2>"; // письмо представляет код html m.IsBodyHtml = true; // адрес smtp-сервера и порт, с которого будем отправлять письмо SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("", 587); // логин и пароль smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "31012001mss"); smtp.EnableSsl = true; smtp.Send(m); Console.Read(); UserApp win = new UserApp(); this.Close(); win.Show(); } } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { string GetHashString(string s) { //переводим строку в байт-массим byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(s); //создаем объект для получения средст шифрования MD5CryptoServiceProvider CSP = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); //вычисляем хеш-представление в байтах byte[] byteHash = CSP.ComputeHash(bytes); string hash = string.Empty; //формируем одну цельную строку из массива foreach (byte b in byteHash) { hash += string.Format("{0:x2}", b); } return(hash); } if (login.Text == "admin" && password.Password == "admin") { Administrator window = new Administrator(); window.Show(); this.Close(); } else { bool authorixation = false; DataTable dt_user = Select("SELECT * FROM login_data ORDER BY id"); for (int i = 0; i < dt_user.Rows.Count; i++) { string logins = dt_user.Rows[i][1].ToString(); string passwords = dt_user.Rows[i][2].ToString(); logins = logins.Trim(); passwords = passwords.Trim(); if (login.Text == logins && GetHashString(password.Password) == passwords) { string connectionString = @"server=DIMAMLIN-PC\QQQQ;database=kp;Integrated Security=true;"; string sqlExpression1 = $"UPDATE login_data SET isenabled='+' where login = '******'"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlExpression1, connection); int number = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Добавлено объектов: {0}", number); connection.Close(); } UserApp userApp = new UserApp(); this.Close(); userApp.Show(); authorixation = true; break; } } if (!authorixation) { authorization.Content = "Incorrect login or password!"; } } } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } }