Пример #1
		void OnDisable()
			_gui = null;
			_recordButton = null;
			_recordVideo = null;

			EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= PlayModeStateChanged;
Пример #2
		void OnEnable()

			_recordVideo = FindOrCreateRecordVideo();

			_gui = new GUIVertical();

			_gui.Add( new GUIButton( new GUIContent( FFmpegPathButtonText(), FFmpegPathButtonText()), PickFFmpegPathClicked));
			_gui.Add( new GUIButton( new GUIContent( OutputFolderButtonText(), OutputFolderButtonText()), PickOutputFolderClicked));
			_gui.Add( new GUIIntSlider( new GUIContent( "Super Size", 
														"Frames will be rendered at this multiple of the current resolution"), 
										_recordVideo.superSize, 1, 4, SuperSizeChanged));
			_gui.Add( new GUIIntSlider( new GUIContent( "Framerate", 
														"The fixed framerate of recorded video"), 
										_recordVideo.captureFramerate, 10, 60, FramerateChanged));
			_gui.Add( new GUIEnumPopup( new GUIContent( "Output Format"), 
										(OutputFormat) EditorPrefs.GetInt( OutputFormatPrefsKey), 
			GUIToggle deleteFrames = _gui.Add( new GUIToggle( new GUIContent( "Delete Frames", 
																			  "Delete all frames after compiling videos"), 
											   DeleteFramesChanged)) as GUIToggle;
			deleteFrames.isToggled = EditorPrefs.GetBool( DeleteFramesPrefsKey);
			_gui.Add( new GUISpace());
			_gui.Add( new GUIEnumPopup( new GUIContent( "Record Hotkey", "The key that will toggle recording during play mode"),
										(KeyCode) EditorPrefs.GetInt( RecordHotkeyPrefsKey), 
			_recordButton = _gui.Add( new GUIButton( new GUIContent( "Record"), RecordClicked)) as GUIButton;
			_recordButton.isEnabled = EditorApplication.isPlaying;

			EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += PlayModeStateChanged;