Пример #1
        public static ChannelSearchResult FindByNameAndVariable(string name, Variable v)
            ChannelSearchResult result;

            //TODO: try to use delegates in future version to eliminate duplicate code

            ChannelList channels = ChannelManager.GetListByStationNameAndVariable(name, v.Id);
            if (channels != null)
                result = new ChannelSearchResult(channels);
                return result;

            MessageWriter writer = new MessageWriter();
            writer.VariableName = v.Name;
            StationList stations = StationManager.GetListByName(name);

            if (stations != null)
                result = new ChannelSearchResult(stations);
                writer.StationName = stations[0].Name;
                result.ErrorMessage = writer.WriteErrorMessage(MessageType.NoStationVariable);
                return result;

            result = new ChannelSearchResult();
            result.ErrorMessage = writer.WriteErrorMessage(MessageType.NoStation);
            return result;
Пример #2
        public static ChannelSearchResult FindByStationIdAndVariable(int stId, Variable v)
            ChannelSearchResult result;
            bool foundChannel = false;
            //bool foundStation = false;

            ChannelList channels = ChannelManager.GetListByStationAndVariable(stId, v.Id);
            if (channels.Count > 0)
                result = new ChannelSearchResult(channels);
                foundChannel = true;
                return result;

            //if the requested variable is daily precipitation - try to find
            //hourly precipitation instead
            if (foundChannel == false && v.VarEnum == VariableEnum.Precip)
                //"1" means "hourly precipitation"
                channels = ChannelManager.GetListByStationAndVariable(stId, 1);
                if (channels.Count > 0)
                    foundChannel = true;
                    foreach (Channel ch in channels)
                        ch.Variable = VariableManager.GetItemByEnum(VariableEnum.Precip);
                    result = new ChannelSearchResult(channels);
                    return result;

            //channel not found --> search if a a station exists
            MessageWriter writer = new MessageWriter();
            writer.VariableName = v.Name;
            Station station = StationManager.GetItemById(stId, false);

            if (station != null)
                result = new ChannelSearchResult();
                writer.StationName = station.Name;
                result.ErrorMessage = writer.WriteErrorMessage(MessageType.NoStationVariable);
                return result;

            result = new ChannelSearchResult();
            result.ErrorMessage = writer.WriteErrorMessage(MessageType.NoStation);
            return result;
Пример #3
 public QueryStringValidator(string QueryString)
     _qstr = QueryString;
     _writer = new MessageWriter();
Пример #4
 public PageUrlValidator(NameValueCollection queryString)
     _queryString = queryString;
     _isValid = false;
     _writer = new MessageWriter();
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new 'chart' image to be written to http output stream.
        /// Also saves the newly generated image to file on disk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ImagePath">Http request path of the chart image</param>
        public Bitmap GenerateImage(string ImagePath)
            Bitmap bmp;

            ChartEngine ChartGen = new ChartEngine();
            Width = 600;
            Height = 275;
            ShowText = true;

            QueryStringValidator QVal = new QueryStringValidator(ImagePath);

            QVal.Validate(); //the language and culture is also set in the validator

            if (QVal.IsValid)
                // get query string parameters
                string lang = QVal.Culture;
                int StId = QVal.StationId;
                Variable curVar = QVal.Variable;
                DateTime startTime = QVal.StartDate;
                DateTime endTime = QVal.EndDate;

                // TODO: for longer intervals change curVar to [precip_day]

                // search for the channel corresponding to station/variable combination
                ChannelSearchResult found = ChannelSearchEngine.FindByStationIdAndVariable(
                    StId, curVar);

                if (!found.HasMatchingStations) //no matching station
                    return ChartGen.CreateErrorChart(found.ErrorMessage);

                if (found.HasMatchingChannels) //correct results found
                    Channel ch = found.Channels[0];
                    ITimeSeries ts;
                    TimeInterval interval = new TimeInterval(startTime, endTime);
                    MessageWriter writer = new MessageWriter(ch.Station.Name, ch.Variable.Name);

                    // for precipitation, if it's hourly and a longer period,
                    // always select daily precipitation to display a readable graph
                    // otherwise, hourly precipitation will be displayed.
                    int maxHourPrecipPeriod = 10;
                    VariableEnum var = ch.Variable.VarEnum;
                    if (var == VariableEnum.PrecipHour && interval.Length.TotalDays > maxHourPrecipPeriod)
                        var = VariableEnum.Precip;

                    //here we retrieve the time series
                    ts = TimeSeriesManager.GetTimeSeries(ch, interval);

                    if (ts.Count == 0) //this also means 'no data for time series'
                        bmp = ChartGen.CreateErrorChart

                    bmp = ChartGen.CreateChart(ch, ts);
                    // incorrect input - create a 'chart' with an error message
                    bmp = ChartGen.CreateErrorChart(found.ErrorMessage);
                // incorrect input - create a 'chart' with an error message
                bmp = ChartGen.CreateErrorChart(QVal.ErrorMessage);

            return bmp;