protected internal ResourceBundleSupport(Locale locale, ResourceBundle resourceBundle, string baseName) { base.\u002Ector(); ResourceBundleSupport resourceBundleSupport = this; if (locale == null) { string str = "Locale must not be null"; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new NullPointerException(str); } else if (resourceBundle == null) { string str = "Resources must not be null"; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new NullPointerException(str); } else if (baseName == null) { string str = "BaseName must not be null"; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new NullPointerException(str); } else { this.locale = locale; this.resources = resourceBundle; this.resourceBase = baseName; this.cache = new TreeMap(); this.lookupPath = new TreeSet(); } }
public virtual Set getUniqueValues() { TreeSet treeSet = new TreeSet(); for (int row = 0; row <; ++row) { for (int column = 0; column <; ++column) { Number number =, column); if (number != null) ((Set) treeSet).add((object) number); } } return (Set) treeSet; }
/** * Returns a string representing the data in this class. The string contains one line for each * country calling code. The country calling code is followed by a '|' and then a list of * comma-separated languages sorted in ascending order. */ public String toString() { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) { output.append(countryCallingCodes[i]); output.append('|'); SortedSet<String> sortedSetOfLangs = new TreeSet<String>(availableLanguages.get(i)); foreach (String lang in sortedSetOfLangs) { output.append(lang); output.append(','); } output.append('\n'); } return output.toString(); }
public World(ISaveHandler isavehandler, string s, long l, WorldProvider worldprovider) { scheduledUpdatesAreImmediate = false; field_821_y = new ArrayList(); loadedEntityList = new ArrayList(); unloadedEntityList = new ArrayList(); scheduledTickTreeSet = new TreeSet(); scheduledTickSet = new HashSet(); loadedTileEntityList = new ArrayList(); playerEntities = new ArrayList(); field_6159_E = 0xffffffL; skylightSubtracted = 0; distHashCounter = (new Random()).nextInt(); DIST_HASH_MAGIC = 0x3c6ef35f; editingBlocks = false; lockTimestamp = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis(); autosavePeriod = 40; rand = new Random(); field_9212_p = false; worldAccesses = new ArrayList(); field_9207_I = new ArrayList(); field_4265_J = 0; spawnHostileMobs = true; spawnPeacefulMobs = true; activeChunkSet = new HashSet(); ambientTickCountdown = rand.nextInt(12000); field_778_L = new ArrayList(); singleplayerWorld = false; worldFile = isavehandler; worldInfo = isavehandler.func_22096_c(); field_9212_p = worldInfo == null; if (worldprovider != null) { worldProvider = worldprovider; } else if (worldInfo != null && worldInfo.func_22178_h() == -1) { worldProvider = new WorldProviderHell(); } else { worldProvider = new WorldProvider(); } bool flag = false; if (worldInfo == null) { worldInfo = new WorldInfo(l, s); flag = true; } else { worldInfo.setLevelName(s); } worldProvider.registerWorld(this); chunkProvider = func_22086_b(); if (flag) { field_9209_x = true; int i = 0; byte byte0 = 64; int j; for (j = 0; !worldProvider.canCoordinateBeSpawn(i, j); j += rand.nextInt(64) - rand.nextInt(64)) { i += rand.nextInt(64) - rand.nextInt(64); } worldInfo.setSpawnPosition(i, byte0, j); field_9209_x = false; } calculateInitialSkylight(); }
public override void readFromSortedMap(SortedMap<Integer, String> areaCodeMap) { SortedSet<String> descriptionsSet = new TreeSet<String>(); numOfEntries = areaCodeMap.size(); prefixSizeInBytes = getOptimalNumberOfBytesForValue(areaCodeMap.lastKey()); phoneNumberPrefixes = ByteBuffer.allocate(numOfEntries * prefixSizeInBytes); // Fill the phone number prefixes byte buffer, the set of possible lengths of prefixes and the // description set. int index = 0; foreach (Entry<Integer, String> entry in areaCodeMap.entrySet()) { int prefix = entry.getKey(); storeWordInBuffer(phoneNumberPrefixes, prefixSizeInBytes, index, prefix); possibleLengths.add((int) Math.log10(prefix) + 1); descriptionsSet.add(entry.getValue()); ++index; } createDescriptionPool(descriptionsSet, areaCodeMap); }