Пример #1
        internal void BuyItem(string item, int paymentAmount, InventoryItemClass counter)
            int       temp     = 0;
            NodeClass tempNode = null;

            NodeClass data = inventoryItem;

            while (data != null)
                if (data.name == item && data.soled == false)
                    if (PaymentSuccess(paymentAmount) == true)
                        itemBought[0] = item;
                        tempNode      = data;

                data = data.NextNode;

            if (temp == 1)
                Console.WriteLine(name + " just bought an or a " + " [ " + tempNode.name + " ] " + " computer");

            if (temp == 0)
                Console.WriteLine(name + " tries to buy an item,  but it is " + " 0ut  of  stock");
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Inserting Inventory");

            InventoryItemClass app = new InventoryItemClass();

            //insert  inventory
            app.Insert("Apple", "100", "new", "d", "It is a great product", false);
            app.Insert("dell", "200", "new", "ui", "It is for real", false);
            app.Insert("msi", "3000", "new", "73h", "for real it", false);
            app.Insert("esprone", "200", "new", "p3", "nice one", false);
            app.Insert("Mics", "500", "new", "cfr", "It is a great product", false);
            app.Insert("tvs", "100", "new", "yt", "It is for real", false);
            app.Insert("phone", "900", "new", "73h", "for real it", false);
            app.Insert("keyboard", "400", "new", "p3", "nice one", false);

            //display inventory

            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            //number of  inventory
            Console.WriteLine("current Inventory  count is = " + app.GetCount());

            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            Customer customer1 = new Customer("1234", "Ibrahim", "unitedStates", app.first);
            Customer customer2 = new Customer("32324", "John", "Germany", app.first);
            Customer customer3 = new Customer("3443", "Jee", "Mexcio", app.first);

            //buying inventory
            customer1.BuyItem("Apple", 50, app);
            customer2.BuyItem("Apple", 50, app);
            customer3.BuyItem("dell", 50, app);

            Console.WriteLine("Sold Inventory ------>");

            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            //The number of inventory
            Console.WriteLine("Inventory  count is = " + app.GetCount());

            //display inventory
            Console.WriteLine("Sold items");

            Console.WriteLine("Deleted Items ");

            string item1 = "Apple";
            string item2 = "dell";
            string item3 = "phone";

            Console.WriteLine("Removing " + item1 + "  is =>  " + app.DeleteFunction(item1));
            Console.WriteLine("Removing " + item2 + "  is =>  " + app.DeleteFunction(item2));
            Console.WriteLine("Removing " + item3 + "  is =>  " + app.DeleteFunction(item3));
            Console.WriteLine("Removing " + "keyboard" + " is =>  " + app.DeleteFunction("keyboard"));
            Console.WriteLine("Removing " + "tvs" + " is =>  " + app.DeleteFunction("tvs"));

            Console.WriteLine("Current Inventory  count is = " + app.GetCount());

            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            Console.WriteLine("Updating price");

            app.UpdatePrice("msi", "1500", app.first);
            app.UpdatePrice("esprone", "2400", app.first);

            Console.WriteLine(" ");
            //display inventory