Пример #1
 public ipv6ZoneCache(sync.RWMutex RWMutex = default, time.Time lastFetched = default, map <@string, long> toIndex = default, map <long, @string> toName = default)
     this.m_RWMutexRef = new ptr <sync.RWMutex>(RWMutex);
     this.lastFetched  = lastFetched;
     this.toIndex      = toIndex;
     this.toName       = toName;
Пример #2
 public RevInfo(@string Version = default, time.Time Time = default, @string Name = default, @string Short = default)
     this.Version = Version;
     this.Time    = Time;
     this.Name    = Name;
     this.Short   = Short;
Пример #3
 public common(slice <byte> output = default, bool failed = default, time.Time start = default, time.Duration duration = default, channel <object> signal = default)
     this.output   = output;
     this.failed   = failed;
     this.start    = start;
     this.duration = duration;
     this.signal   = signal;
Пример #4
 public testContext(ref ptr <matcher> match = default, time.Time deadline = default, sync.Mutex mu = default, channel <bool> startParallel = default, long running = default, long numWaiting = default, long maxParallel = default)
     this.match         = match;
     this.deadline      = deadline;
     this.mu            = mu;
     this.startParallel = startParallel;
     this.running       = running;
     this.numWaiting    = numWaiting;
     this.maxParallel   = maxParallel;
Пример #5
 public Config(time.Time Start = default, @string Host = default, uint Process = default, ref ptr <http.Client> Client = default, @string Service = default, @string Address = default, time.Duration Rate = default)
     this.Start   = Start;
     this.Host    = Host;
     this.Process = Process;
     this.Client  = Client;
     this.Service = Service;
     this.Address = Address;
     this.Rate    = Rate;
Пример #6
 public Dialer(time.Duration Timeout = default, time.Time Deadline = default, Addr LocalAddr = default, bool DualStack = default, time.Duration FallbackDelay = default, time.Duration KeepAlive = default, ref ptr <Resolver> Resolver = default, channel <object> Cancel = default, Func <@string, @string, syscall.RawConn, error> Control = default)
     this.Timeout       = Timeout;
     this.Deadline      = Deadline;
     this.LocalAddr     = LocalAddr;
     this.DualStack     = DualStack;
     this.FallbackDelay = FallbackDelay;
     this.KeepAlive     = KeepAlive;
     this.Resolver      = Resolver;
     this.Cancel        = Cancel;
     this.Control       = Control;
Пример #7
 public importer(ref ptr <Config> conf = default, time.Time start = default, sync.Mutex progMu = default, ref ptr <Program> prog = default, sync.Mutex findpkgMu = default, map <findpkgKey, ptr <findpkgValue> > findpkg = default, sync.Mutex importedMu = default, map <@string, ptr <importInfo> > imported = default, sync.Mutex graphMu = default, map <@string, map <@string, bool> > graph = default)
     this.conf       = conf;
     this.start      = start;
     this.progMu     = progMu;
     this.prog       = prog;
     this.findpkgMu  = findpkgMu;
     this.findpkg    = findpkg;
     this.importedMu = importedMu;
     this.imported   = imported;
     this.graphMu    = graphMu;
     this.graph      = graph;
Пример #8
 public driverConn(ref ptr <DB> db = default, time.Time createdAt = default, sync.Mutex Mutex = default, driver.Conn ci = default, bool needReset = default, bool closed = default, bool finalClosed = default, map <ptr <driverStmt>, bool> openStmt = default, bool inUse = default, time.Time returnedAt = default, slice <Action> onPut = default, bool dbmuClosed = default)
     this.db          = db;
     this.createdAt   = createdAt;
     this.m_MutexRef  = new ptr <sync.Mutex>(Mutex);
     this.ci          = ci;
     this.needReset   = needReset;
     this.closed      = closed;
     this.finalClosed = finalClosed;
     this.openStmt    = openStmt;
     this.inUse       = inUse;
     this.returnedAt  = returnedAt;
     this.onPut       = onPut;
     this.dbmuClosed  = dbmuClosed;
Пример #9
 public profileBuilder(time.Time start = default, time.Time end = default, bool havePeriod = default, long period = default, profMap m = default, io.Writer w = default, ref ptr <gzip.Writer> zw = default, protobuf pb = default, slice <@string> strings = default, map <@string, long> stringMap = default, map <System.UIntPtr, locInfo> locs = default, map <@string, long> funcs = default, slice <memMap> mem = default, pcDeck deck = default)
     this.start      = start;
     this.end        = end;
     this.havePeriod = havePeriod;
     this.period     = period;
     this.m          = m;
     this.w          = w;
     this.zw         = zw;
     this.pb         = pb;
     this.strings    = strings;
     this.stringMap  = stringMap;
     this.locs       = locs;
     this.funcs      = funcs;
     this.mem        = mem;
     this.deck       = deck;
Пример #10
 public FileHeader(@string Name = default, @string Comment = default, bool NonUTF8 = default, ushort CreatorVersion = default, ushort ReaderVersion = default, ushort Flags = default, ushort Method = default, time.Time Modified = default, ushort ModifiedTime = default, ushort ModifiedDate = default, uint CRC32 = default, uint CompressedSize = default, uint UncompressedSize = default, ulong CompressedSize64 = default, ulong UncompressedSize64 = default, slice <byte> Extra = default, uint ExternalAttrs = default)
     this.Name               = Name;
     this.Comment            = Comment;
     this.NonUTF8            = NonUTF8;
     this.CreatorVersion     = CreatorVersion;
     this.ReaderVersion      = ReaderVersion;
     this.Flags              = Flags;
     this.Method             = Method;
     this.Modified           = Modified;
     this.ModifiedTime       = ModifiedTime;
     this.ModifiedDate       = ModifiedDate;
     this.CRC32              = CRC32;
     this.CompressedSize     = CompressedSize;
     this.UncompressedSize   = UncompressedSize;
     this.CompressedSize64   = CompressedSize64;
     this.UncompressedSize64 = UncompressedSize64;
     this.Extra              = Extra;
     this.ExternalAttrs      = ExternalAttrs;
Пример #11
 public Float64Data(ref ptr <Scalar> Info = default, bool IsGauge = default, slice <double> Rows = default, time.Time EndTime = default, slice <slice <label.Label> > groups = default, ref ptr <keys.Float64> key = default)
     this.Info    = Info;
     this.IsGauge = IsGauge;
     this.Rows    = Rows;
     this.EndTime = EndTime;
     this.groups  = groups;
     this.key     = key;
Пример #12
 public HistogramFloat64Data(ref ptr <HistogramFloat64> Info = default, slice <ptr <HistogramFloat64Row> > Rows = default, time.Time EndTime = default, slice <slice <label.Label> > groups = default, ref ptr <keys.Float64> key = default)
     this.Info    = Info;
     this.Rows    = Rows;
     this.EndTime = EndTime;
     this.groups  = groups;
     this.key     = key;
Пример #13
 public RevokedCertificate(ref ptr <big.Int> SerialNumber = default, time.Time RevocationTime = default, slice <Extension> Extensions = default)
     this.SerialNumber   = SerialNumber;
     this.RevocationTime = RevocationTime;
     this.Extensions     = Extensions;
Пример #14
                                // dataToTimeseries returns a slice of *wire.TimeSeries based on the
                                // points in data.
                                private static slice <ptr <wire.TimeSeries> > dataToTimeseries(metric.Data data, time.Time start)
                                    if (data == null)

                                    var     numRows        = numRows(data);
                                    ref var startTimestamp = ref heap(convertTimestamp(start), out ptr <var> _addr_startTimestamp);
 public resolverConfig(sync.Once initOnce = default, channel <object> ch = default, time.Time lastChecked = default, sync.RWMutex mu = default, ref ptr <dnsConfig> dnsConfig = default)
     this.initOnce    = initOnce;
     this.ch          = ch;
     this.lastChecked = lastChecked;
     this.mu          = mu;
     this.dnsConfig   = dnsConfig;
Пример #16
 public common(sync.RWMutex mu = default, slice<byte> output = default, io.Writer w = default, bool ran = default, bool failed = default, bool skipped = default, bool done = default, Action cleanup = default, @string cleanupName = default, slice<System.UIntPtr> cleanupPc = default, bool chatty = default, bool bench = default, bool finished = default, int hasSub = default, long raceErrors = default, @string runner = default, ref ptr<common> parent = default, long level = default, slice<System.UIntPtr> creator = default, @string name = default, time.Time start = default, time.Duration duration = default, channel<bool> barrier = default, channel<bool> signal = default, slice<ptr<T>> sub = default, sync.Once tempDirOnce = default, @string tempDir = default, error tempDirErr = default, int tempDirSeq = default)
     this.mu = mu;
     this.output = output;
     this.w = w;
     this.ran = ran;
     this.failed = failed;
     this.skipped = skipped;
     this.done = done;
     this.cleanup = cleanup;
     this.cleanupName = cleanupName;
     this.cleanupPc = cleanupPc;
     this.chatty = chatty;
     this.bench = bench;
     this.finished = finished;
     this.hasSub = hasSub;
     this.raceErrors = raceErrors;
     this.runner = runner;
     this.parent = parent;
     this.level = level;
     this.creator = creator;
     this.name = name;
     this.start = start;
     this.duration = duration;
     this.barrier = barrier;
     this.signal = signal;
     this.sub = sub;
     this.tempDirOnce = tempDirOnce;
     this.tempDir = tempDir;
     this.tempDirErr = tempDirErr;
     this.tempDirSeq = tempDirSeq;
Пример #17
 public MyError(time.Time When = default, @string What = default)
     this.When = When;
     this.What = What;
Пример #18
 public Certificate(slice <byte> Raw = default, slice <byte> RawTBSCertificate = default, slice <byte> RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo = default, slice <byte> RawSubject = default, slice <byte> RawIssuer = default, slice <byte> Signature = default, SignatureAlgorithm SignatureAlgorithm = default, PublicKeyAlgorithm PublicKeyAlgorithm = default, long Version = default, ref ptr <big.Int> SerialNumber = default, pkix.Name Issuer = default, pkix.Name Subject = default, time.Time NotBefore = default, time.Time NotAfter = default, KeyUsage KeyUsage = default, slice <pkix.Extension> Extensions = default, slice <pkix.Extension> ExtraExtensions = default, slice <asn1.ObjectIdentifier> UnhandledCriticalExtensions = default, slice <ExtKeyUsage> ExtKeyUsage = default, slice <asn1.ObjectIdentifier> UnknownExtKeyUsage = default, bool BasicConstraintsValid = default, bool IsCA = default, long MaxPathLen = default, bool MaxPathLenZero = default, slice <byte> SubjectKeyId = default, slice <byte> AuthorityKeyId = default, slice <@string> OCSPServer = default, slice <@string> IssuingCertificateURL = default, slice <@string> DNSNames = default, slice <@string> EmailAddresses = default, slice <net.IP> IPAddresses = default, slice <ptr <url.URL> > URIs = default, bool PermittedDNSDomainsCritical = default, slice <@string> PermittedDNSDomains = default, slice <@string> ExcludedDNSDomains = default, slice <ptr <net.IPNet> > PermittedIPRanges = default, slice <ptr <net.IPNet> > ExcludedIPRanges = default, slice <@string> PermittedEmailAddresses = default, slice <@string> ExcludedEmailAddresses = default, slice <@string> PermittedURIDomains = default, slice <@string> ExcludedURIDomains = default, slice <@string> CRLDistributionPoints = default, slice <asn1.ObjectIdentifier> PolicyIdentifiers = default)
     this.Raw = Raw;
     this.RawTBSCertificate       = RawTBSCertificate;
     this.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo = RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo;
     this.RawSubject                  = RawSubject;
     this.RawIssuer                   = RawIssuer;
     this.Signature                   = Signature;
     this.SignatureAlgorithm          = SignatureAlgorithm;
     this.PublicKeyAlgorithm          = PublicKeyAlgorithm;
     this.Version                     = Version;
     this.SerialNumber                = SerialNumber;
     this.Issuer                      = Issuer;
     this.Subject                     = Subject;
     this.NotBefore                   = NotBefore;
     this.NotAfter                    = NotAfter;
     this.KeyUsage                    = KeyUsage;
     this.Extensions                  = Extensions;
     this.ExtraExtensions             = ExtraExtensions;
     this.UnhandledCriticalExtensions = UnhandledCriticalExtensions;
     this.ExtKeyUsage                 = ExtKeyUsage;
     this.UnknownExtKeyUsage          = UnknownExtKeyUsage;
     this.BasicConstraintsValid       = BasicConstraintsValid;
     this.IsCA                        = IsCA;
     this.MaxPathLen                  = MaxPathLen;
     this.MaxPathLenZero              = MaxPathLenZero;
     this.SubjectKeyId                = SubjectKeyId;
     this.AuthorityKeyId              = AuthorityKeyId;
     this.OCSPServer                  = OCSPServer;
     this.IssuingCertificateURL       = IssuingCertificateURL;
     this.DNSNames                    = DNSNames;
     this.EmailAddresses              = EmailAddresses;
     this.IPAddresses                 = IPAddresses;
     this.URIs                        = URIs;
     this.PermittedDNSDomainsCritical = PermittedDNSDomainsCritical;
     this.PermittedDNSDomains         = PermittedDNSDomains;
     this.ExcludedDNSDomains          = ExcludedDNSDomains;
     this.PermittedIPRanges           = PermittedIPRanges;
     this.ExcludedIPRanges            = ExcludedIPRanges;
     this.PermittedEmailAddresses     = PermittedEmailAddresses;
     this.ExcludedEmailAddresses      = ExcludedEmailAddresses;
     this.PermittedURIDomains         = PermittedURIDomains;
     this.ExcludedURIDomains          = ExcludedURIDomains;
     this.CRLDistributionPoints       = CRLDistributionPoints;
     this.PolicyIdentifiers           = PolicyIdentifiers;
Пример #19
 public mark(@string name = default, runtime.MemStats startM = default, runtime.MemStats endM = default, runtime.MemStats gcM = default, time.Time startT = default, time.Time endT = default)
     this.name   = name;
     this.startM = startM;
     this.endM   = endM;
     this.gcM    = gcM;
     this.startT = startT;
     this.endT   = endT;
Пример #20
 public entry(@string Name = default, @string Value = default, @string Domain = default, @string Path = default, @string SameSite = default, bool Secure = default, bool HttpOnly = default, bool Persistent = default, bool HostOnly = default, time.Time Expires = default, time.Time Creation = default, time.Time LastAccess = default, ulong seqNum = default)
     this.Name       = Name;
     this.Value      = Value;
     this.Domain     = Domain;
     this.Path       = Path;
     this.SameSite   = SameSite;
     this.Secure     = Secure;
     this.HttpOnly   = HttpOnly;
     this.Persistent = Persistent;
     this.HostOnly   = HostOnly;
     this.Expires    = Expires;
     this.Creation   = Creation;
     this.LastAccess = LastAccess;
     this.seqNum     = seqNum;
Пример #21
 public Header(byte Typeflag = default, @string Name = default, @string Linkname = default, long Size = default, long Mode = default, long Uid = default, long Gid = default, @string Uname = default, @string Gname = default, time.Time ModTime = default, time.Time AccessTime = default, time.Time ChangeTime = default, long Devmajor = default, long Devminor = default, map <@string, @string> Xattrs = default, map <@string, @string> PAXRecords = default, Format Format = default)
     this.Typeflag   = Typeflag;
     this.Name       = Name;
     this.Linkname   = Linkname;
     this.Size       = Size;
     this.Mode       = Mode;
     this.Uid        = Uid;
     this.Gid        = Gid;
     this.Uname      = Uname;
     this.Gname      = Gname;
     this.ModTime    = ModTime;
     this.AccessTime = AccessTime;
     this.ChangeTime = ChangeTime;
     this.Devmajor   = Devmajor;
     this.Devminor   = Devminor;
     this.Xattrs     = Xattrs;
     this.PAXRecords = PAXRecords;
     this.Format     = Format;
Пример #22
 public VerifyOptions(@string DNSName = default, ref ptr <CertPool> Intermediates = default, ref ptr <CertPool> Roots = default, time.Time CurrentTime = default, slice <ExtKeyUsage> KeyUsages = default, long MaxConstraintComparisions = default)
     this.DNSName                   = DNSName;
     this.Intermediates             = Intermediates;
     this.Roots                     = Roots;
     this.CurrentTime               = CurrentTime;
     this.KeyUsages                 = KeyUsages;
     this.MaxConstraintComparisions = MaxConstraintComparisions;
Пример #23
 public dnsConfig(slice <@string> servers = default, slice <@string> search = default, long ndots = default, time.Duration timeout = default, long attempts = default, bool rotate = default, bool unknownOpt = default, slice <@string> lookup = default, error err = default, time.Time mtime = default, uint soffset = default, bool singleRequest = default, bool useTCP = default)
     this.servers       = servers;
     this.search        = search;
     this.ndots         = ndots;
     this.timeout       = timeout;
     this.attempts      = attempts;
     this.rotate        = rotate;
     this.unknownOpt    = unknownOpt;
     this.lookup        = lookup;
     this.err           = err;
     this.mtime         = mtime;
     this.soffset       = soffset;
     this.singleRequest = singleRequest;
     this.useTCP        = useTCP;
Пример #24
 public bufferedPipe(long softLimit = default, sync.Mutex mu = default, slice <byte> buf = default, bool closed = default, sync.Cond rCond = default, sync.Cond wCond = default, time.Time rDeadline = default, time.Time wDeadline = default)
     this.softLimit = softLimit;
     this.mu        = mu;
     this.buf       = buf;
     this.closed    = closed;
     this.rCond     = rCond;
     this.wCond     = wCond;
     this.rDeadline = rDeadline;
     this.wDeadline = wDeadline;
Пример #25
 public Converter(io.Writer w = default, @string pkg = default, Mode mode = default, time.Time start = default, @string testName = default, slice <ptr <event> > report = default, @string result = default, lineBuffer input = default, lineBuffer output = default)
Пример #26
 // timeToMsDosTime converts a time.Time to an MS-DOS date and time.
 // The resolution is 2s.
 // See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724274(v=VS.85).aspx
 private static (ushort, ushort) timeToMsDosTime(time.Time t)
     fDate = uint16(t.Day() + int(t.Month()) << (int)(5L) + (t.Year() - 1980L) << (int)(9L));
     fTime = uint16(t.Second() / 2L + t.Minute() << (int)(5L) + t.Hour() << (int)(11L));
Пример #27
 public error SetWriteDeadline(time.Time t) => s_SetWriteDeadlineByRef?.Invoke(ref this, t) ?? s_SetWriteDeadlineByVal?.Invoke(this, t) ?? Conn?.SetWriteDeadline(t) ?? throw new PanicException(RuntimeErrorPanic.NilPointerDereference);
Пример #28
                    // PseudoVersion returns a pseudo-version for the given major version ("v1")
                    // preexisting older tagged version ("" or "v1.2.3" or "v1.2.3-pre"), revision time,
                    // and revision identifier (usually a 12-byte commit hash prefix).

                    // PseudoVersion returns a pseudo-version for the given major version ("v1")
                    // preexisting older tagged version ("" or "v1.2.3" or "v1.2.3-pre"), revision time,
                    // and revision identifier (usually a 12-byte commit hash prefix).
                    public static @string PseudoVersion(@string major, @string older, time.Time t, @string rev)
                        if (major == "")
                            major = "v0";

                        var segment = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", t.UTC().Format(pseudoVersionTimestampFormat), rev);
                        var build   = semver.Build(older);

                        older = semver.Canonical(older);
                        if (older == "")
                            return(major + ".0.0-" + segment); // form (1)

                        if (semver.Prerelease(older) != "")
                            return(older + ".0." + segment + build); // form (4), (5)

                        // Form (2), (3).
                        // Extract patch from vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
                        var i     = strings.LastIndex(older, ".") + 1L;
                        var v     = older[..i];
Пример #29
 public fileStat(@string name = default, long size = default, FileMode mode = default, time.Time modTime = default)
     this.name    = name;
     this.size    = size;
     this.mode    = mode;
     this.modTime = modTime;
Пример #30
 public Cookie(@string Name = default, @string Value = default, @string Path = default, @string Domain = default, time.Time Expires = default, @string RawExpires = default, long MaxAge = default, bool Secure = default, bool HttpOnly = default, SameSite SameSite = default, @string Raw = default, slice <@string> Unparsed = default)
     this.Name       = Name;
     this.Value      = Value;
     this.Path       = Path;
     this.Domain     = Domain;
     this.Expires    = Expires;
     this.RawExpires = RawExpires;
     this.MaxAge     = MaxAge;
     this.Secure     = Secure;
     this.HttpOnly   = HttpOnly;
     this.SameSite   = SameSite;
     this.Raw        = Raw;
     this.Unparsed   = Unparsed;