This class is used to save the default settings for the app by saving the username and password Author- Riju Vashisht date - 05/21/2013 Please do not change it unless you know what you are doing.
 public OpenStack(String user,String pass)
     this._Password = pass;
     if (!isSaved)
     _Settings = new MySettings();
     _Settings.Username = user;
     _Settings.Password = new Encrypt().Encrypting(pass);
     isSaved = true;
        public string Authenticate()
            _Settings = MySettings.Load();//geting password and username from my settings file

            if (!(this._Username == _Settings.Username && new Encrypt().Encrypting(this._Password) == _Settings.Password))

                return "Please check your username and password";

                SwiftClient SC = new SwiftClient();
                _Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                _Query = new Dictionary<string, string>();
              //  SC.GetAuth("localhost","jdoe","a86850",headers,query,false);//requires host....
                Console.Write("Áccess granted");
               // settings.Save();
                _Token = "true";
                return _Token;