Пример #1
        public void Constructor_Fails()
            var term = new FuzzyTerm("Term", new MembershipFunction());
            var var = new FuzzyVariable("Variable", null, term);

            Assert.AreEqual("variable", Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new ValueExpression(null, term)).ParamName);
            Assert.AreEqual("value", Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new ValueExpression(var, null)).ParamName);
Пример #2
        public void ToStringTest()
            var membershipFunction = new MembershipFunction();

            var sut = new FuzzyTerm("MyFuzzyTerm", membershipFunction);

            Assert.AreEqual("MyFuzzyTerm", sut.ToString());
Пример #3
        public void Constructor()
            var membershipFunction = new MembershipFunction();

            var sut = new FuzzyTerm("MyFuzzyTerm", membershipFunction);

            Assert.AreEqual("MyFuzzyTerm", sut.Term);
            Assert.AreEqual(membershipFunction, sut.MembershipFunction);
Пример #4
        public void Constructor()
            var term = new FuzzyTerm("Term", new MembershipFunction());
            var var = new FuzzyVariable("Variable", null, term);

            var expr = new ValueExpression(var, term);
            var sut = new NotExpression(expr);

            Assert.AreEqual(expr, sut.Expression);
Пример #5
        public void GetHashCodeTest()
            var numVariable = new NumericVariable("MyNumVariable");
            var fuzzyTerm = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });

            var sut = new FuzzyVariable("MyFuzzyVariable", numVariable, fuzzyTerm);

            Assert.AreEqual(sut.Identifier.GetHashCode(), sut.GetHashCode());
Пример #6
        public void ToStringTest()
            var numVariable = new NumericVariable("MyNumVariable");
            var fuzzyTerm1 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm1",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });
            var fuzzyTerm2 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm2",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });

            var sut = new FuzzyVariable("MyFuzzyVariable", numVariable, fuzzyTerm1, fuzzyTerm2);

            Assert.AreEqual("MyFuzzyVariable = { FuzzyTerm1, FuzzyTerm2 }", sut.ToString());
Пример #7
        public void Constructor()
            var numVariable = new NumericVariable("MyNumVariable");
            var fuzzyTerm = new FuzzyTerm("MyFuzzyTerm",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });

            var sut = new FuzzyVariable("MyFuzzyVariable", numVariable, fuzzyTerm);

            Assert.AreEqual("MyFuzzyVariable", sut.Identifier);
            Assert.AreEqual(numVariable, sut.NumericVariable);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sut.FuzzyTerms.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(fuzzyTerm, sut.FuzzyTerms.ElementAt(0));
Пример #8
        public void Apply_Complex_Scenario([Values("Max", "Min", "Sum", "Average")] string strategyName)
            var strategy = createMergingStrategy(strategyName);

            var termA1 = new FuzzyTerm("TermA1", new MembershipFunction());
            var termA2 = new FuzzyTerm("TermA2", new MembershipFunction());
            var varA = new FuzzyVariable("Variable A", null, termA1, termA2);

            var termB1 = new FuzzyTerm("TermB1", new MembershipFunction());
            var termB2 = new FuzzyTerm("TermB2", new MembershipFunction());
            var termB3 = new FuzzyTerm("TermB3", new MembershipFunction());
            var varB = new FuzzyVariable("Variable B", null, termB1, termB2, termB3);

            var valueA1 = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termA1, 0.6 } });
            var valueA2 = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termA2, 0.1 } });
            var valueA3 = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termA1, 0.8 }, { termA2, 0.6 } });

            var valueB1 = new FuzzyValue(varB, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termB1, 0.2 } });
            var valueB2 = new FuzzyValue(varB, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termB2, 0.3 } });
            var valueB3 = new FuzzyValue(varB, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termB1, 0.8 }, { termB3, 0.6 } });
            var valueB4 = new FuzzyValue(varB, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termB3, 0.7 } });
            var valueB5 = new FuzzyValue(varB, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termB2, 0.8 }, { termB3, 0.6 } });
            var valueB6 = new FuzzyValue(varB, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termB1, 0.3 }, { termB2, 0.5 }, { termB3, 0.7 } });

            var sut = new FuzzyValueMerger(strategy);

            var result = sut.Apply(new List<FuzzyValue> { valueA1, valueA2, valueA3, valueB1, valueB2, valueB3, valueB4, valueB5, valueB6 }).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Exists(v => v.AssociatedVariable.Equals(varA)));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Exists(v => v.AssociatedVariable.Equals(varB)));

            // check for varA
            var varAValues = result.Find(v => v.AssociatedVariable.Equals(varA));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, varAValues.Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(strategy.Merge(new List<double> { valueA1.Values[termA1], valueA3.Values[termA1] }), varAValues.Values[termA1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(strategy.Merge(new List<double> { valueA2.Values[termA2], valueA3.Values[termA2] }), varAValues.Values[termA2]);

            // check for varB
            var varBValues = result.Find(v => v.AssociatedVariable.Equals(varB));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, varBValues.Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(strategy.Merge(new List<double> { valueB1.Values[termB1], valueB3.Values[termB1], valueB6.Values[termB1] }), varBValues.Values[termB1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(strategy.Merge(new List<double> { valueB2.Values[termB2], valueB5.Values[termB2], valueB6.Values[termB2] }), varBValues.Values[termB2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(strategy.Merge(new List<double> { valueB3.Values[termB3], valueB4.Values[termB3], valueB5.Values[termB3], valueB6.Values[termB3] }), varBValues.Values[termB3]);
Пример #9
        public void GetHashCodeTest()
            var numVariable = new NumericVariable("MyNumVariable");
            var fuzzyTerm1 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm1",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });
            var fuzzyTerm2 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm2",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });

            var fuzVariable = new FuzzyVariable("MyFuzzyVariable", numVariable, fuzzyTerm1, fuzzyTerm2);

            var sut = new FuzzyValue(fuzVariable,new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double>{{fuzzyTerm1, 1}});

            Assert.AreEqual(fuzVariable.GetHashCode(), sut.GetHashCode());
Пример #10
        public void Constructor()
            var num1 = new NumericVariable("Variable1");
            var num2 = new NumericVariable("Variable2");
            var term1 = new FuzzyTerm("Var1_Term1", new MembershipFunction());
            var term2 = new FuzzyTerm("Var2_Term1", new MembershipFunction());
            var var1 = new FuzzyVariable("Variable1", num1, term1);
            var var2 = new FuzzyVariable("Variable2", num2, term2);
            var rule1 = new FuzzyImplication(new ValueExpression(var1, term1), new ValueExpression(var1, term1));
            var rule2 = new FuzzyImplication(new ValueExpression(var2, term2), new ValueExpression(var2, term2));

            var sut = new Iteration(new[] { rule1, rule2 });
            Assert.AreEqual(rule1, sut.Implications[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(rule2, sut.Implications[1]);
Пример #11
        public void Constructor()
            var termA = new FuzzyTerm("TermA", new MembershipFunction());
            var termB = new FuzzyTerm("TermB", new MembershipFunction());
            var varA = new FuzzyVariable("Variable A", null, termA);
            var varB = new FuzzyVariable("Variable B", null, termB);

            var exprA = new ValueExpression(varA, termA);
            var exprB = new ValueExpression(varB, termB);

            var sut = new AndExpression(exprA, exprB);

            Assert.AreEqual(exprA, sut.LeftExpression);
            Assert.AreEqual(exprB, sut.RightExpression);
Пример #12
        public void Apply_Unit_Test()
            var numVar = new NumericVariable("Num Variable", 0, 42);
            var msf1 = new MembershipFunction { { 1, 0 } };
            var msf2 = new MembershipFunction { { 2, 0 } };
            var term1 = new FuzzyTerm("Term1", msf1);
            var term2 = new FuzzyTerm("Term2", msf2);
            const double value1 = 0.3;
            const int value2 = 06;

            var fuzzyVariable = new FuzzyVariable("Var", numVar, term1, term2);
            var fuzzyValue = new FuzzyValue(fuzzyVariable,
                new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> {{term1, value1}, {term2, value2}});
            var scaledMsf1 = new MembershipFunction {{0, 0}};
            var scaledMsf2 = new MembershipFunction {{1, 1}};

            var mergedValue = new MembershipFunction {{2, 1}};

            const double expectedDefuzzifiedValue = 42;

            var mocks = new MockRepository();

            var scaleStrategy = mocks.StrictMock<IMsfScalingStrategy>();
            var mergeStrategy = mocks.StrictMock<IMsfMergingStrategy>();
            var defuzzifyStrategy = mocks.StrictMock<IDefuzzifyStrategy>();

            // 1. Scale the membership functions according to the fuzzy value
            Expect.Call(scaleStrategy.Apply(msf1, value1)).Return(scaledMsf1).Repeat.Once();
            Expect.Call(scaleStrategy.Apply(msf2, value2)).Return(scaledMsf2).Repeat.Once();

            // 2. Merge all membership functions into single one
            Expect.Call(mergeStrategy.Apply(new[] {scaledMsf1, scaledMsf2})).IgnoreArguments().Return(mergedValue).Repeat.Once();

            // 3. Create a defuzzified value for the result of the previous merge.
            Expect.Call(defuzzifyStrategy.Apply(numVar, mergedValue)).Return(expectedDefuzzifiedValue).Repeat.Once();

            var sut = new Defuzzifier(scaleStrategy, mergeStrategy, defuzzifyStrategy);

            var result = sut.Apply(fuzzyValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(fuzzyVariable, result.Variable);
            Assert.AreEqual(mergedValue, result.MembershipFunction);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDefuzzifiedValue, result.Value);

Пример #13
        public void EqualsTest()
            var numVariable = new NumericVariable("MyNumVariable");
            var fuzzyTerm1 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm1",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });
            var fuzzyTerm2 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm2",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });

            var sut1 = new FuzzyVariable("MyFuzzyVariable", numVariable, fuzzyTerm1);
            var sut2 = new FuzzyVariable("MyFuzzyVariable", numVariable, fuzzyTerm2);

            // ReSharper disable SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
            // ReSharper restore SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
Пример #14
        private void runTest(Action<Scope, FuzzyValue, FuzzyValue> runAndAssert)
            var num1 = new NumericVariable("Variable1");
            var num2 = new NumericVariable("Variable2");
            var term11 = new FuzzyTerm("Var1_Term1", new MembershipFunction());
            var term12 = new FuzzyTerm("Var1_Term2", new MembershipFunction());
            var term21 = new FuzzyTerm("Var2_Term1", new MembershipFunction());
            var term22 = new FuzzyTerm("Var2_Term2", new MembershipFunction());
            var var1 = new FuzzyVariable("Variable1", num1, term11, term12);
            var var2 = new FuzzyVariable("Variable2", num2, term21, term22);
            var value1 = new FuzzyValue(var1, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> {{term11, 0.4}, {term12, 0.3}});
            var value2 = new FuzzyValue(var2, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> {{term21, 0.1}, {term22, 0.2}});
            var sut = new Scope(value1, value2);

            runAndAssert(sut, value1, value2);
Пример #15
        public void SetCurrentScope(
            [Values("Algebraic", "Drastic", "Einstein", "Hamacher", "Lukasiewicz", "MinMax")] string evalStrategyName,
            [Values("Average", "Max", "Min", "Sum")] string mergeStrategy)
            var evaluationStrategy = createEvaluationStrategy(evalStrategyName);
            var merger = createFuzzyValueMerger(mergeStrategy);

            var term = new FuzzyTerm("Term", new MembershipFunction());
            var var = new FuzzyVariable("Variable", null, term);

            var value = new FuzzyValue(var, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { term, 0.2 } });
            var scope = new Scope(value);
            var sut = new RuleEvaluation(evaluationStrategy, merger) { InputScope = scope };

            Assert.AreEqual(scope, sut.InputScope);
Пример #16
        public void ToStringTest()
            var numVariable = new NumericVariable("MyNumVariable");
            var fuzzyTerm1 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm1",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });
            var fuzzyTerm2 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm2",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });

            var fuzVariable = new FuzzyVariable("MyFuzzyVariable", numVariable, fuzzyTerm1, fuzzyTerm2);

            var sut = new FuzzyValue(fuzVariable, 
                new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double>
                {fuzzyTerm1, 1},
                {fuzzyTerm2, 0.5}

            Assert.AreEqual(fuzVariable.Identifier + " = ( FuzzyTerm1=1, FuzzyTerm2=0,5 )", sut.ToString());
Пример #17
        public void Accept()
            var term = new FuzzyTerm("Term", new MembershipFunction());
            var var = new FuzzyVariable("Variable", null, term);
            var mocks = new MockRepository();

            var visitor = mocks.StrictMock<IExpressionVisitor<int>>();

            var sut = new ValueExpression(var, term);



            var result = sut.Accept(visitor);

            Assert.AreEqual(42, result);

Пример #18
        public void Test()
            var nVar = new NumericVariable("Km/h", 0);
            var slow = new FuzzyTerm("Slow", new MembershipFunction{ { 30, 1 }, { 50, 0 } });
            var medium = new FuzzyTerm("Medium", new MembershipFunction{ { 40, 0 }, { 70, 1 }, { 110, 0 } });
            var fast = new FuzzyTerm("Fast", new MembershipFunction{ { 70, 0 }, { 90, 1 } });
            var speed = new FuzzyVariable("Speed", nVar, slow, medium, fast);

            var sut = new Fuzzifier(speed);

            var result = sut.Apply(new NumericValue(nVar, 90));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
            var speedValue = result[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(speed, speedValue.AssociatedVariable);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, speedValue.Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.5, speedValue.Values[medium]);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, speedValue.Values[fast]);
Пример #19
        public void Constructor()
            var numVariable = new NumericVariable("MyNumVariable");
            var fuzzyTerm1 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm1",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });
            var fuzzyTerm2 = new FuzzyTerm("FuzzyTerm2",
                new MembershipFunction{ { -2, 0 }, { 2, 1 } });

            var fuzVariable = new FuzzyVariable("MyFuzzyVariable", numVariable, fuzzyTerm1, fuzzyTerm2);

            var sut = new FuzzyValue(fuzVariable,
                new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double>
                {fuzzyTerm1, 1},
                {fuzzyTerm2, 0.5}

            Assert.AreEqual(fuzVariable, sut.AssociatedVariable);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, sut.Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sut.Values[fuzzyTerm1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.5, sut.Values[fuzzyTerm2]);
Пример #20
        public void Apply_With_Merging_of_Values([Values("Max", "Min", "Sum", "Average")] string strategyName)
            var strategy = createMergingStrategy(strategyName);

            var term1 = new FuzzyTerm("Term1", new MembershipFunction());
            var term2 = new FuzzyTerm("Term2", new MembershipFunction());
            var varA = new FuzzyVariable("Variable A", null, term1, term2);

            var value1 = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { term1, 0.6 } });
            var value2 = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { term1, 0.8 }, { term2, 0.6 } });

            var sut = new FuzzyValueMerger(strategy);

            var result = sut.Apply(new List<FuzzyValue> { value1, value2 });

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(varA, result[0].AssociatedVariable);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[0].Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(strategy.Merge(new List<double>{value1.Values[term1], value2.Values[term1]}), result[0].Values[term1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(value2.Values[term2], result[0].Values[term2]);
Пример #21
        public void Apply_One_Implication(
            [Values("Algebraic", "Drastic", "Einstein", "Hamacher", "Lukasiewicz", "MinMax")] string evalStrategyName,
            [Values("Average", "Max", "Min", "Sum")] string mergeStrategy)
            var evaluationStrategy = createEvaluationStrategy(evalStrategyName);
            var merger = createFuzzyValueMerger(mergeStrategy);

            var termA = new FuzzyTerm("TermA", new MembershipFunction());
            var termB = new FuzzyTerm("TermB", new MembershipFunction());
            var varA = new FuzzyVariable("Variable A", null, termA);
            var varB = new FuzzyVariable("Variable B", null, termB);

            var value = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termA, 0.4 } });

            var sut = new RuleEvaluation(evaluationStrategy, merger);

            var result = sut.Apply(new Scope(value), new[] {new FuzzyImplication(new ValueExpression(varA, termA), new ValueExpression(varB, termB))});

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(varA, result[0].AssociatedVariable);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[0].Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, result[0].Values[termA]);
            Assert.AreEqual(varB, result[1].AssociatedVariable);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[1].Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, result[1].Values[termB]);
Пример #22
        public void Visit_Or_Expression(
            [Values("Algebraic", "Drastic", "Einstein", "Hamacher", "Lukasiewicz", "MinMax")] string evalStrategyName,
            [Values("Average", "Max", "Min", "Sum")] string mergeStrategy)
            var evaluationStrategy = createEvaluationStrategy(evalStrategyName);
            var merger = createFuzzyValueMerger(mergeStrategy);

            var term1 = new FuzzyTerm("Term1", new MembershipFunction());
            var term2 = new FuzzyTerm("Term2", new MembershipFunction());
            var var = new FuzzyVariable("Variable", null, term1, term2);

            var value = new FuzzyValue(var, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { term1, 0.2 }, { term2, 0.8 } });

            var sut = new RuleEvaluation(evaluationStrategy, merger) { InputScope = new Scope(value) };

            var result = sut.Visit(new OrExpression(new ValueExpression(var, term1), new ValueExpression(var, term2)));

            Assert.AreEqual(evaluationStrategy.Or(value.Values[term1], value.Values[term2]), result);
Пример #23
        public void Visit_Value_Expression_Fails_Variable_Not_Found(
            [Values("Algebraic", "Drastic", "Einstein", "Hamacher", "Lukasiewicz", "MinMax")] string evalStrategyName,
            [Values("Average", "Max", "Min", "Sum")] string mergeStrategy)
            var evaluationStrategy = createEvaluationStrategy(evalStrategyName);
            var merger = createFuzzyValueMerger(mergeStrategy);

            var termA = new FuzzyTerm("Term A", new MembershipFunction());
            var varA = new FuzzyVariable("Variable A", null, termA);
            var termB = new FuzzyTerm("Term B", new MembershipFunction());
            var varB = new FuzzyVariable("Variable B", null);

            var value = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termA, 0.2 } });

            var sut = new RuleEvaluation(evaluationStrategy, merger) { InputScope = new Scope(value) };

            Assert.Throws<UnresolvedVariableException>(() => sut.Visit(new ValueExpression(varB, termB)));
Пример #24
        public void Visit_Implication_Expression(
            [Values("Algebraic", "Drastic", "Einstein", "Hamacher", "Lukasiewicz", "MinMax")] string evalStrategyName,
            [Values("Average", "Max", "Min", "Sum")] string mergeStrategy)
            var evaluationStrategy = createEvaluationStrategy(evalStrategyName);
            var merger = createFuzzyValueMerger(mergeStrategy);

            var termA = new FuzzyTerm("TermA", new MembershipFunction());
            var termB = new FuzzyTerm("TermB", new MembershipFunction());
            var varA = new FuzzyVariable("Variable A", null, termA);
            var varB = new FuzzyVariable("Variable B", null, termB);

            var value = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termA, 0.4 } });

            var sut = new RuleEvaluation(evaluationStrategy, merger) { InputScope = new Scope(value) };

            var result = sut.Visit(new FuzzyImplication(new ValueExpression(varA, termA), new ValueExpression(varB, termB)));

            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, result);
Пример #25
        public void Apply_Many_Implication_With_Value_Override(
            [Values("Algebraic", "Drastic", "Einstein", "Hamacher", "Lukasiewicz", "MinMax")] string evalStrategyName,
            [Values("Average", "Max", "Min", "Sum")] string mergeStrategy)
            var evaluationStrategy = createEvaluationStrategy(evalStrategyName);
            var merger = createFuzzyValueMerger(mergeStrategy);

            var termA1 = new FuzzyTerm("TermA1", new MembershipFunction());
            var termA2 = new FuzzyTerm("TermA1", new MembershipFunction());
            var varA = new FuzzyVariable("Variable A", null, termA1, termA2);

            var value = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termA1, 0.2 }, { termA2, 0.6 } });

            var sut = new RuleEvaluation(evaluationStrategy, merger) { InputScope = new Scope(value) };

            var impl1 = new FuzzyImplication(new AndExpression(new ValueExpression(varA, termA1), new ValueExpression(varA, termA2)), new ValueExpression(varA, termA1));

            var result = sut.Apply(new Scope(value), new[] { impl1 });

            var val = evaluationStrategy.And(0.2, 0.6);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(varA, result[0].AssociatedVariable);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[0].Values.Count);
            // A = A1 got overridden:
            Assert.AreEqual(val, result[0].Values[termA1]);
            // A = A2 stays the same:
            Assert.AreEqual(0.6, result[0].Values[termA2]);
Пример #26
        public void Apply_Many_Implication_With_Value_Merging(
            [Values("Algebraic", "Drastic", "Einstein", "Hamacher", "Lukasiewicz", "MinMax")] string evalStrategyName,
            [Values("Average", "Max", "Min", "Sum")] string mergeStrategy)
            var evaluationStrategy = createEvaluationStrategy(evalStrategyName);
            var merger = createFuzzyValueMerger(mergeStrategy);

            var termA1 = new FuzzyTerm("TermA1", new MembershipFunction());
            var termA2 = new FuzzyTerm("TermA1", new MembershipFunction());
            var termB1 = new FuzzyTerm("TermB1", new MembershipFunction());
            var varA = new FuzzyVariable("Variable A", null, termA1, termA2);
            var varB = new FuzzyVariable("Variable B", null, termB1);

            var value = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termA1, 0.5 }, { termA2, 0.6 } });

            var sut = new RuleEvaluation(evaluationStrategy, merger) { InputScope = new Scope(value) };

            var impl1 = new FuzzyImplication(new ValueExpression(varA, termA1), new ValueExpression(varB, termB1));
            var impl2 = new FuzzyImplication(new ValueExpression(varA, termA2), new ValueExpression(varB, termB1));

            var result = sut.Apply(new Scope(value), new[] { impl1, impl2 });

            var mergedValue = merger.Apply(new FuzzyValue[]
                new FuzzyValue(varB, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termB1, 0.5 } }),
                new FuzzyValue(varB, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termB1, 0.6 } })

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(varA, result[0].AssociatedVariable);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result[0].Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.5, result[0].Values[termA1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.6, result[0].Values[termA2]);

            Assert.AreEqual(varB, result[1].AssociatedVariable);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[1].Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(mergedValue[0].Values[termB1], result[1].Values[termB1]);
Пример #27
        public void ComplexExpression()
            var A = new FuzzyVariable("A", new NumericVariable("a"));
            var B = new FuzzyVariable("B", new NumericVariable("b"));
            var C = new FuzzyVariable("C", new NumericVariable("c"));

            var x = new FuzzyTerm("x", new MembershipFunction());
            var y = new FuzzyTerm("y", new MembershipFunction());
            var z = new FuzzyTerm("z", new MembershipFunction());

            var ruleExpr = new FuzzyImplication(
                new OrExpression(
                    new NotExpression(
                        new AndExpression(
                            new ValueExpression(A, x),
                            new ValueExpression(B, y)
                    new AndExpression(
                        new ValueExpression(A, y),
                        new ValueExpression(B, x)
                new ValueExpression(C, z)

            var sut = new ToStringVisitor();

            var result = sut.Visit(ruleExpr);
            Assert.AreEqual("!( A=x && B=y ) || ( A=y && B=x ) => C=z", result);

            result = ruleExpr.Accept(sut);
            Assert.AreEqual("!( A=x && B=y ) || ( A=y && B=x ) => C=z", result);
Пример #28
        public void Apply_Many_Implication(
            [Values("Algebraic", "Drastic", "Einstein", "Hamacher", "Lukasiewicz", "MinMax")] string evalStrategyName,
            [Values("Average", "Max", "Min", "Sum")] string mergeStrategy)
            var evaluationStrategy = createEvaluationStrategy(evalStrategyName);
            var merger = createFuzzyValueMerger(mergeStrategy);

            var termA1 = new FuzzyTerm("TermA1", new MembershipFunction());
            var termA2 = new FuzzyTerm("TermA1", new MembershipFunction());
            var termB1 = new FuzzyTerm("TermB1", new MembershipFunction());
            var termB2 = new FuzzyTerm("TermB2", new MembershipFunction());
            var varA = new FuzzyVariable("Variable A", null, termA1, termA2);
            var varB = new FuzzyVariable("Variable B", null, termB1, termB2);

            var value = new FuzzyValue(varA, new Dictionary<FuzzyTerm, double> { { termA1, 0.4 }, { termA2, 0.6 } });

            var sut = new RuleEvaluation(evaluationStrategy, merger);

            var impl1 = new FuzzyImplication(new ValueExpression(varA, termA1), new ValueExpression(varB, termB1));
            var impl2 = new FuzzyImplication(new ValueExpression(varA, termA2), new ValueExpression(varB, termB2));

            var result = sut.Apply(new Scope(value), new[] {impl1, impl2}).ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
            var valA = result.Find(val => val.AssociatedVariable.Equals(varA));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, valA.Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, valA.Values[termA1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.6, valA.Values[termA2]);

            var valB = result.Find(val => val.AssociatedVariable.Equals(varB));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, valB.Values.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, valB.Values[termB1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.6, valB.Values[termB2]);
        public void ComplexExpression()
            var A = new FuzzyVariable("A", new NumericVariable("a"));
            var B = new FuzzyVariable("B", new NumericVariable("b"));
            var C = new FuzzyVariable("C", new NumericVariable("c"));

            var x = new FuzzyTerm("x", new MembershipFunction());
            var y = new FuzzyTerm("y", new MembershipFunction());
            var z = new FuzzyTerm("z", new MembershipFunction());

            var ruleExpr = new FuzzyImplication(
                new OrExpression(
                    new NotExpression(
                        new AndExpression(
                            new ValueExpression(A, x),
                            new ValueExpression(B, y)
                    new AndExpression(
                        new ValueExpression(A, y),
                        new ValueExpression(B, x)
                new ValueExpression(C, z)

            var sut = new GetInvolvedVariables();

            var result = sut.Visit(ruleExpr);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count);

            result = ruleExpr.Accept(sut);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count);