Пример #1
        internal static InvalidOperation Parse(XElement xe)
            var result = new InvalidOperation
                Record = int.Parse(xe.Attribute("record").Value),
                Call   = ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "call"),
                End    = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDateTime(xe, "end"),
                Start  = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDateTime(xe, "start"),

Пример #2
        public static ClublogCtyXml Parse(string xml)
            var result = new ClublogCtyXml();

            XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Parse(xml);

            result.Entities          = Fetch(xDocument, "entities", "entity", (xe) => Entity.Parse(xe));
            result.Exceptions        = Fetch(xDocument, "exceptions", "exception", (xe) => ExceptionRecord.Parse(xe));
            result.InvalidOperations = Fetch(xDocument, "invalid_operations", "invalid", (xe) => InvalidOperation.Parse(xe));
            result.Prefixes          = Fetch(xDocument, "prefixes", "prefix", (xe) => Prefix.Parse(xe));
            result.ZoneExceptions    = Fetch(xDocument, "zone_exceptions", "zone_exception", (xe) => ZoneException.Parse(xe));
            result.Updated           = DateTime.Parse(xDocument.Root.Attribute("date").Value);

Пример #3
 internal static Prefix Parse(XElement xe)
     return(new Prefix
         Record = int.Parse(xe.Attribute("record").Value),
         Call = ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "call"),
         End = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDateTime(xe, "end"),
         Start = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDateTime(xe, "start"),
         Adif = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableInt(xe, "adif"),
         Continent = ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "cont"),
         CqZone = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableInt(xe, "cqz"),
         Entity = ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "entity"),
         Latitude = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDouble(xe, "lat"),
         Longitude = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDouble(xe, "long"),
Пример #4
        internal static Entity Parse(XElement xe)
            var result = new Entity
                Adif           = int.Parse(ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "adif")),
                Continent      = ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "cont"),
                CqZone         = int.Parse(ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "cqz")),
                Deleted        = ClublogCtyXml.GetBool(xe, "deleted"),
                End            = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDateTime(xe, "end"),
                Start          = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDateTime(xe, "start"),
                Latitude       = double.Parse(ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "lat")),
                Longitude      = double.Parse(ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "long")),
                Name           = ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "name"),
                Prefix         = ClublogCtyXml.GetString(xe, "prefix"),
                Whitelist      = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableBool(xe, "whitelist"),
                WhitelistEnd   = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDateTime(xe, "whitelist_end"),
                WhitelistStart = ClublogCtyXml.GetNullableDateTime(xe, "whitelist_start"),

Пример #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool all = args.Any(a => a == "--all");

            bool grids = args.Any(a => a == "--grids");

            string bandArg = args.SingleOrDefault(a => a.EndsWith("m"));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bandArg) || !int.TryParse(bandArg.Substring(0, bandArg.Length - 1).Replace("--", ""), out int band))
                band = 20;

            Console.WriteLine($"Selected {band}m, specify (e.g.) --6m for another band");

            if (!all)
                Console.WriteLine("Only showing needed spots. Pass --all for all spots.");

            if (!grids)
                Console.WriteLine("Not looking for unworked grids. Pass --grids to turn this on.");

            if (args.Any(a => a == "--help" || a == "-h" || a == "/?"))
                Console.WriteLine(@"A work in progress, that listens to udp://localhost:2237 for WSJT-X, works out the DXCC entity of every call 
heard using Clublog's cty.xml, then queries a Cloudlog instance via its API to see if it's a needed slot. If
it is, it highlights the call in red in the console window.");

            if (!File.Exists(configFile) || File.ReadAllText(configFile).Contains(connectionStringKey))
                Console.WriteLine("You need to provide a Cloudlog URL, e.g. https://mycloudloginstance.net");
                Console.WriteLine("in order for ft8spotter to check spots against Cloudlog. Please provide it now...");
                string url = Console.ReadLine();

                string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(configFile);
                if (!Directory.Exists(dir))

                File.WriteAllText(configFile, $"{urlKey}={url}");

            var config = GetConfig();

            cloudLogUri = new Uri(new Uri(config[urlKey]), "index.php/api/");

            var fi = new FileInfo("cty.xml");

            bool isFresh = false;

            if (DateTime.Now - fi.LastWriteTime > TimeSpan.FromDays(1))
                var wc = new WebClient();
                wc.DownloadFile("https://cdn.clublog.org/cty.php?api=a11c3235cd74b88212ce726857056939d52372bd&zip=1", "cty_new.xml.zip");
                if (File.Exists("cty.xml.bak"))
                File.Move("cty.xml", "cty.xml.bak");
                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory("cty_new.xml.zip", ".");
                isFresh = true;

                ctyXml = ClublogCtyXml.Parse(File.ReadAllText("cty.xml"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (isFresh)
                    File.Move("cty.xml.bak", "cty.xml");
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to update cty.xml");
                    ctyXml = ClublogCtyXml.Parse(File.ReadAllText("cty.xml"));

            const int port = 2237;

            using (var client = new UdpClient(port, AddressFamily.InterNetwork))
                Console.WriteLine($"Listening for WSJT-X on UDP port {port}");

                var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                while (true)
                    var ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 0);

                    byte[] msg = client.Receive(ref ipep);

                    if (ParseResult.Success != DecodeMessage.TryParse(msg, out DecodeMessage decodeMessage))

                    //if (msg[11] == 0x02)
                    //string heardCall = GetHeardCall(msg);

                    string heardCall = GetHeardCall(decodeMessage.Message);

                    if (heardCall == null)

                    var entity = GetEntity(heardCall);

                    string grid = GetGrid(msg);

                    var needed = entity == null ? Needed.No : GetNeeded(band, entity.Adif, grids ? grid : null, "ft8");

                    if (all || !Needed.No.Equals(needed))
                        if (sw.Elapsed > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
                            Console.WriteLine($"---  {DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss}  --------------------------");

                        var colBefore = Console.ForegroundColor;
                        if (needed.NewCountryOnAnyBand)
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                        else if (needed.NewCountryOnBand)
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                        else if (needed.NewCountryOnBandOnMode)
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
                        else if (needed.NewGridOnAnyBand)
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                        else if (needed.NewGridOnBand)
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
                        else if (needed.NewGridOnBandOnMode)
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
                        WriteAtColumn(0, needed, 19);
                        WriteAtColumn(19, heardCall, 10);
                        WriteAtColumn(30, decodeMessage.Snr, 4);
                        WriteAtColumn(34, IsGrid(grid) ? grid : String.Empty, 4);
                        WriteAtColumn(39, entity?.Adif, 3);
                        WriteAtColumn(43, (entity?.Entity) ?? "Unknown", 50);

                        Console.ForegroundColor = colBefore;