Пример #1
        void get_fixtures_from_database()
            Debug.Log("In: get_fixtures_from_database");

            List <fixture_class> C_Fixtures = new List <fixture_class>(); // TODO: think of better name

            // Read from the database if user has set these scores before
            // (make them blue)
            app = CommonData.app;
            _prediction_database = Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.GetInstance(app);
            // Get user from authentication
            auth = Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance;

            foreach (DataSnapshot child in CommonData._database_fixtures.Children)
                // Create temporary fixure class
                fixture_class fix_temp = new fixture_class();
                // Get match id
                fix_temp.match_id = child.Key;
                // Get home team
                //Debug.Log("home_team??? " + child.Child("home_team").Value);
                fix_temp.home_team = child.Child("home_team").Value.ToString();
                // Get away team
                //Debug.Log("away_team??? " + child.Child("away_team").Value);
                fix_temp.away_team = child.Child("away_team").Value.ToString();
                // Get date
                //Debug.Log("home_team??? " + child.Child("time").Value);
                string time = child.Child("time").Value.ToString();
                //Debug.Log("home_team??? " + child.Child("date").Value);
                string   date = child.Child("date").Value.ToString();
                DateTime fix_date;
                fix_date = new DateTime(Int32.Parse("20" + date.Substring(6, 2)), // year
                                        Int32.Parse(date.Substring(3, 2)),        // month
                                        Int32.Parse(date.Substring(0, 2)),        // day
                                        Int32.Parse(time.Substring(0, 2)),        // hour
                                        Int32.Parse(time.Substring(2, 2)),        // minute
                                        0);                                       // second
                // Convert to local user time
                //fix_date = ConvertTime_LondonToLocal(fix_date);

                fix_temp.fixture_date = fix_date;
                // Add fixture to list
                // See if any fixtures within 7 days (includes past) TODO: link this value to a REMOTE CONFIG VALUE IN GOOGLE FIREBASE
                if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now.AddDays(11), fix_date) > 0)
                    // Check fixture is not in the past
                    if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, fix_date.AddMinutes(-30)) < 0)
                        // Create fixture UI
                        // If no fixtures going to be displayed then tell user
                        any_predictions_in_seven_days = true;
                        // In case error got displayed call again and it should be removed
        void get_fixtures_from_database(List <fixture_class> fixture_class_list)
            Debug.Log("Getting fixtures from database");

            // Get user home score prediction from database
            app = CommonData.app;
            _prediction_database = Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.GetInstance(app);

            foreach (DataSnapshot child in CommonData._database_fixtures.Children)
                fixture_class fix_temp = new fixture_class();

                // If match is in the future then dont bother and skip
                string   time = child.Child("time").Value.ToString();
                string   date = child.Child("date").Value.ToString();
                DateTime fix_date;
                fix_date = new DateTime(Int32.Parse("20" + date.Substring(6, 2)), // year
                                        Int32.Parse(date.Substring(3, 2)),        // month
                                        Int32.Parse(date.Substring(0, 2)),        // day
                                        Int32.Parse(time.Substring(0, 2)),        // hour
                                        Int32.Parse(time.Substring(2, 2)),        // minute
                                        0);                                       // second
                fix_temp.fixture_date = fix_date;
                if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, fix_date) < 0)

                fix_temp.match_id  = child.Key;
                fix_temp.home_team = child.Child("home_team").Value.ToString();
                fix_temp.away_team = child.Child("away_team").Value.ToString();

                fix_temp.home_result = int.Parse(child.Child("home_score").Value.ToString());
                fix_temp.away_result = int.Parse(child.Child("away_score").Value.ToString());

                fix_temp.matchday = int.Parse(child.Child("matchday").Value.ToString());

                if (fix_temp.home_result > -1 && fix_temp.away_result > -1)
                    // NOW CHECK RESULTS

                    // Add to total results to check
        private void check_home_prediction(fixture_class fix)
            string pred_team = "home_prediction";

            // Get match ID
            string match_id_str = "match_ID" + int.Parse(fix.match_id.Substring(6, 3));

            string uid;

            auth = Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance;
            uid = "DESKTOP4";
            var user = auth.CurrentUser;
            uid = auth.CurrentUser.UserId;

            if (CommonData._database_predictions.Child(match_id_str).Child(uid).Child(pred_team).Value != null)
                int score_out;
                if (int.TryParse(CommonData._database_predictions.Child(match_id_str).Child(uid).Child(pred_team).Value.ToString(), out score_out))
                    fix.home_prediction = score_out;
                    // Home prediction done, next up away prediction
                    // Add to prediction not made count
                // Add to prediction not made count
        private void check_score(fixture_class fix)
            // Check scores are postive (have been updated)
            if (fix.home_prediction < 0 || fix.away_prediction < 0 || fix.home_result < 0 || fix.away_result < 0)
                // If user has not made a prediction award 0 (should not get this far)
                fix.user_score = 0;
                // if home score and away score exactly correct award 30 points
                if (fix.home_prediction == fix.home_result && fix.away_prediction == fix.away_result)
                    fix.user_score = 30;
                // If the user didnt get it spot on see if the result was correct
                    // Did home team win and did user predict that?
                    if (fix.home_result > fix.away_result && fix.home_prediction > fix.away_prediction)
                        // award 10 points
                        fix.user_score = 10;
                    // DId away team win and did user predict that?
                    else if (fix.away_result > fix.home_result && fix.away_prediction > fix.home_prediction)
                        // award 10 points
                        fix.user_score = 10;
                    // Was it a draw and did the user predict that?
                    else if (fix.home_result == fix.away_result && fix.home_prediction == fix.away_prediction)
                        //draw - give 10 points
                        fix.user_score = 10;
                    // Was the user wrong?
                        // no points
                        fix.user_score = 0;
            total_user_score = total_user_score + fix.user_score;
            // Add to matchday scores
            CommonData.user_matchday_scores[fix.matchday] = CommonData.user_matchday_scores[fix.matchday] + fix.user_score;

            if (fix.user_score == 30)
                CommonData.user_pred_spoton[fix.matchday] = CommonData.user_pred_spoton[fix.matchday] + 1;
            if (fix.user_score == 10)
                CommonData.user_pred_correct[fix.matchday] = CommonData.user_pred_correct[fix.matchday] + 1;
            if (fix.user_score == 0)
                CommonData.user_pred_wrong[fix.matchday] = CommonData.user_pred_wrong[fix.matchday] + 1;

Пример #5
        private void create_fixture_UI(fixture_class fix)
            Debug.Log("Creating fixture UI: " + fix.home_team + "v" + fix.away_team);
            // Create a fixture UI element. With home & away teams with a match ID
            // This element is outlined in "Prediction_button.cs"
            // (which is not related to the add_prediciton_button() void in this class

            // Make instance of prediction
            GameObject prediction_instance = Instantiate(_prediction_score_template);

            // Create prediction as child of scroll view content object
            prediction_instance.transform.SetParent(_prediction_content.transform, false);


            // Add match id
            string[] split_fix_id = fix.match_id.Split('_');
            fix.match_id = split_fix_id[1];

            string match_id_str;

            if (int.Parse(fix.match_id) < 10) // SHOULD THIS BE FIXED ON DATABASE INPUT? NEXT YEAR
                match_id_str = "match_ID" + int.Parse(fix.match_id).ToString("0");
            else if (int.Parse(fix.match_id) < 100)
                match_id_str = "match_ID" + int.Parse(fix.match_id).ToString("00");
            else //(int.Parse(match_id) < 1000) // should be increased for 10000 if we ever get there
                match_id_str = "match_ID" + int.Parse(fix.match_id).ToString("000");

            // Read from the database if user has set these scores before
            app = CommonData.app;
            _prediction_database = Firebase.Database.FirebaseDatabase.GetInstance(app);
            // Get user from authentication
            auth = Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance;
            string user_id;

            // TO DO - change to uid
            user_id = "DESKTOP4";
            user_id = auth.CurrentUser.UserId;
            Debug.Log("Starting to add to button, match ID: " + fix.match_id);
            prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().match_id = int.Parse(fix.match_id);
            // Set team names
            //Debug.Log("Starting to add to button, team names " + fix.home_team);
            prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().home_team = fix.home_team;
            prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().update_home_team_text(fix.home_team);

            //Debug.Log("Starting to add to button, team names " + fix.away_team);
            prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().away_team = fix.away_team;
            prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().update_away_team_text(fix.away_team);

            //Set ko time and date
            //Debug.Log("Starting to add to button, date " + fix.fixture_date);
            prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().ko_date = fix.fixture_date;
            prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().update_ko_time_text(fix.fixture_date);

            // Check if home prediction exists (might not have been made)
            if (CommonData._database_predictions.Child(match_id_str).Child(user_id).Child("home_prediction").Value != null)
                prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().user_prediction_home_score_text.textComponent.color = Color.blue;
                DataSnapshot result = CommonData._database_predictions.Child(match_id_str).Child(user_id).Child("home_prediction");
                Debug.Log("HOME PRED READ IN = " + int.Parse(result.Value.ToString()));
                prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().user_prediction_home_score = int.Parse(result.Value.ToString());

            // Check if away prediction exists (might not have been made)
            if (CommonData._database_predictions.Child(match_id_str).Child(user_id).Child("away_prediction").Value != null)
                prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().user_prediction_away_score_text.textComponent.color = Color.blue;
                DataSnapshot result = CommonData._database_predictions.Child(match_id_str).Child(user_id).Child("away_prediction");
                Debug.Log("AWAY PRED READ IN = " + int.Parse(result.Value.ToString()));
                prediction_instance.GetComponent <Prediction_button>().user_prediction_away_score = int.Parse(result.Value.ToString());