void BtnmedClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult YesOrNo = new DialogResult(); YesOrNo = MessageBox.Show("Welcome to PUZZLEMENIA Game ", "Random Mode"); YesOrNo = MessageBox.Show("Let's Play the Game", "Are you Ready?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (YesOrNo == DialogResult.Yes) { FormRandom2 ran = new FormRandom2(); ran.Owner = this; ran.Show(this); } }
private void btnguess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listans.Items.Contains(tboxletter.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Word exists"); tboxletter.Clear(); } else if (al.Contains(tboxletter.Text)) { timer.Start(); MessageBox.Show("Correct"); listans.Items.Add(tboxletter.Text); if (listans.Items.Count == 20) { MessageBox.Show("Procced to next level" + "\nNOTE: Picture Puzzle to Match into goal state!", "Congratulations..."); MessageBox.Show("You have only Five MINUTES to Finished this stage!" + "\nNOTE: You only 5 times to reset the puzzle", "NOTE:"); FormRandom2 ran = new FormRandom2(); ran.Owner = this; ran.Show(this); this.Hide(); } if (listans.Items.Count == 10) { btnshuffle.Enabled = true; label2.Visible = false; } tboxletter.Clear(); } else if (tboxletter.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Input!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong"); tboxletter.Clear(); } }