private void UpdateShieldedParts() { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { return; } if (bayAnim) { if (bayAnim.isPlaying && !bayAnimating) { ClearShieldedParts(); bayAnimating = true; } else if (bayAnimating && !bayAnim.isPlaying) { bayAnimating = false; if (bayOpen && CheckBayClosed()) { FindShieldedParts(); } } // bayProgress = bayAnim[bayAnimationName].normalizedTime; } else if (BayController == null) { BayController = this; } }
private void UpdateShieldedParts() { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { return; } if (bayAnim) { if ((bayAnim.isPlaying && bayAnimState.speed != 0) && !bayAnimating) { ClearShieldedParts(); bayAnimating = true; } else if (bayAnimating && (!bayAnim.isPlaying || bayAnimState.speed == 0)) { bayAnimating = false; if (bayOpen && CheckBayClosed()) { FindShieldedParts(); } } } else if (BayController == null) { BayController = this; } }
private void AttachNodeCdAdjust() { if (part.Modules.Contains("FARPayloadFairingModule")) //This doesn't apply blunt drag drag to fairing parts if one of their "exempt" attach nodes is used, indicating attached fairings { return; } if (VesselPartList == null) { UpdateShipPartsList(); } if (attachNodeDragList == null) { attachNodeDragList = new List <attachNodeData>(); } attachNodeDragList.Clear(); Transform transform = part.transform; if (transform == null) { transform = part.transform; } if (transform == null) { Debug.LogError("Part " + part.partInfo.title + " has null transform; drag interactions cannot be applied."); return; } SPlusAttachArea = S; Vector3d partUpVector = transform.TransformDirection(localUpVector); //print("Updating drag for " + part.partInfo.title); foreach (AttachNode attach in part.attachNodes) { if (attach.nodeType == AttachNode.NodeType.Stack) { if ( == "strut") { continue; } Vector3d relPos = attach.position;// +Attach.offset; if (part.Modules.Contains("FARCargoBayModule")) { FARCargoBayModule bay = (FARCargoBayModule)part.Modules["FARCargoBayModule"]; if (bay.bayBounds.Contains(relPos)) { continue; } } Vector3d origToNode = transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(relPos); double attachSize = FARMathUtil.Clamp(attach.size, 0.5, double.PositiveInfinity); if (attach.attachedPart != null) { Vector3 location = attach.attachedPart.transform.position; FARBasicDragModel d = attach.attachedPart.GetComponent <FARBasicDragModel>(); if (d != null) { location += attach.attachedPart.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(d.CenterOfDrag); } //Debug.Log(Attach.attachedPart.partInfo.title + " " + location + " " + Attach.attachedPart.transform.position + " " + (origToNode + part.transform.position)); if (AttachedPartCoDIsFurtherThanAttachLocation(location, origToNode)) { continue; } if (AttachedPartIsNotClipping(location, PartBounds)) { if (d != null) { location = this.part.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(this.CenterOfDrag); location += this.part.transform.position; if (d.AttachedPartIsNotClipping(location, d.PartBounds)) { continue; } } else { continue; } } //this is a bit of a hack to make intakes function slightly better, since very thin ones seem to have issues. ModuleResourceIntake intake = attach.attachedPart.GetComponent <ModuleResourceIntake>(); if (intake != null) { Transform intakeTrans = attach.attachedPart.FindModelTransform(intake.intakeTransformName); if ((object)intakeTrans != null) { Vector3 intakeForwardVec = (intakeTrans.forward); //Vector3 attachOrientation = this.part.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(attach.orientation); int intakeOrientSign = Math.Sign(Vector3.Dot((Vector3)origToNode, intakeForwardVec)); //int attachLocSign = Math.Sign(Vector3.Dot(attachOrientation, (Vector3)origToNode)); //int intakeOrientationSign = Math.Sign(Vector3.Dot(intakeForwardVec, (Vector3)origToNode)); if (intakeOrientSign > 0) { continue; } } } } if (UnattachedPartRightAgainstNode(origToNode, attachSize, attach.attachedPart)) { continue; } attachNodeData newAttachNodeData = new attachNodeData(); double exposedAttachArea = attachSize * FARAeroUtil.attachNodeRadiusFactor; newAttachNodeData.recipDiameter = 1 / (2 * exposedAttachArea); exposedAttachArea *= exposedAttachArea; exposedAttachArea *= Math.PI * FARAeroUtil.areaFactor; SPlusAttachArea += exposedAttachArea; exposedAttachArea /= FARMathUtil.Clamp(S, 0.01, double.PositiveInfinity); newAttachNodeData.areaValue = exposedAttachArea; if (Vector3d.Dot(origToNode, partUpVector) > 0) { newAttachNodeData.pitchesAwayFromUpVec = true; } else { newAttachNodeData.pitchesAwayFromUpVec = false; } newAttachNodeData.location = relPos; //Debug.Log(part.partInfo.title + " found open node"); attachNodeDragList.Add(newAttachNodeData); } } }
private void AttachNodeCdAdjust() { if (part.Modules.Contains("FARPayloadFairingModule")) //This doesn't apply blunt drag drag to fairing parts if one of their "exempt" attach nodes is used, indicating attached fairings { return; } if (VesselPartList == null) { UpdateShipPartsList(); } if (attachNodeDragList == null) { attachNodeDragList = new List <attachNodeData>(); } attachNodeDragList.Clear(); Transform transform = part.partTransform; if (transform == null) { transform = part.transform; } if (transform == null) { Debug.LogError("Part " + part.partInfo.title + " has null transform; drag interactions cannot be applied."); return; } SPlusAttachArea = S; Vector3d partUpVector = transform.TransformDirection(localUpVector); Bounds[] rendererBounds = part.GetRendererBounds(); //print("Updating drag for " + part.partInfo.title); foreach (AttachNode Attach in part.attachNodes) { if (Attach.nodeType == AttachNode.NodeType.Stack) { if ( == "strut") { continue; } Vector3d relPos = Attach.position + Attach.offset; if (part.Modules.Contains("FARCargoBayModule")) { FARCargoBayModule bay = (FARCargoBayModule)part.Modules["FARCargoBayModule"]; Vector3d maxBounds = bay.maxBounds; Vector3d minBounds = bay.minBounds; if (relPos.x < maxBounds.x && relPos.y < maxBounds.y && relPos.z < maxBounds.z && relPos.x > minBounds.x && relPos.y > minBounds.y && relPos.z > minBounds.z) { continue; } } if (Attach.attachedPart != null) { if (AttachedPartIsNotClipping(Attach.attachedPart, rendererBounds)) { continue; } } Vector3d origToNode = transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(relPos); double attachSize = FARMathUtil.Clamp(Attach.size, 0.5, double.PositiveInfinity); if (UnattachedPartRightAgainstNode(origToNode, attachSize, relPos, Attach.attachedPart)) { continue; } attachNodeData newAttachNodeData = new attachNodeData(); double exposedAttachArea = attachSize * FARAeroUtil.attachNodeRadiusFactor; newAttachNodeData.recipDiameter = 1 / (2 * exposedAttachArea); exposedAttachArea *= exposedAttachArea; exposedAttachArea *= Math.PI * FARAeroUtil.areaFactor; SPlusAttachArea += exposedAttachArea; exposedAttachArea /= FARMathUtil.Clamp(S, 0.01, double.PositiveInfinity); newAttachNodeData.areaValue = exposedAttachArea; if (Vector3d.Dot(origToNode, partUpVector) > 1) { newAttachNodeData.pitchesAwayFromUpVec = true; } else { newAttachNodeData.pitchesAwayFromUpVec = false; } newAttachNodeData.location = transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyVector(origToNode); attachNodeDragList.Add(newAttachNodeData); } } }
private void AttachNodeCdAdjust() { //BaseCd = 0; // if (!part.Modules.Contains("FARPayloadFairingModule")) // { if (part.Modules.Contains("FARPayloadFairingModule")) //This doesn't apply blunt drag drag to fairing parts if one of their "exempt" attach nodes is used, indicating attached fairings { return; } if (VesselPartList == null) { UpdateShipPartsList(); } if (attachNodeDragDict == null) { attachNodeDragDict = new Dictionary <Vector3d, attachNodeData>(); } attachNodeDragDict.Clear(); Transform transform = part.partTransform; Vector3d partUpVector = transform.TransformDirection(localUpVector); //print("Updating drag for " + part.partInfo.title); foreach (AttachNode Attach in part.attachNodes) { if (Attach.nodeType == AttachNode.NodeType.Stack) { if (Attach.attachedPart != null) { continue; } if ( == "strut") { continue; } /* string attachId =; * bool leaveAttachLoop = false; * foreach (string s in FARMiscData.exemptAttachNodes) * if (attachId.Contains(s)) * { * leaveAttachLoop = true; * break; * } * if (leaveAttachLoop) * continue;*/ Ray ray = new Ray(); Vector3d relPos = Attach.position + Attach.offset; if (part.Modules.Contains("FARCargoBayModule")) { FARCargoBayModule bay = (FARCargoBayModule)part.Modules["FARCargoBayModule"]; Vector3d maxBounds = bay.maxBounds; Vector3d minBounds = bay.minBounds; if (relPos.x < maxBounds.x && relPos.y < maxBounds.y && relPos.z < maxBounds.z && relPos.x > minBounds.x && relPos.y > minBounds.y && relPos.z > minBounds.z) { return; } } Vector3d origToNode = transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(relPos); double mag = (origToNode).magnitude; //print(part.partInfo.title + " Part Loc: " + part.transform.position + " Attach Loc: " + (origToNode + part.transform.position) + " Dist: " + mag); ray.direction = origToNode; ray.origin = transform.position; double attachSize = FARMathUtil.Clamp(Attach.size, 0.5, double.PositiveInfinity); bool gotIt = false; RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, (float)(mag + attachSize), FARAeroUtil.RaycastMask); foreach (RaycastHit h in hits) { if (h.collider == part.collider) { continue; } if (h.distance < (mag + attachSize) && h.distance > (mag - attachSize)) { foreach (Part p in VesselPartList) { if (p.collider == h.collider) { gotIt = true; break; } } } if (gotIt) { break; } } if (!gotIt) { // float exposedAttachArea = (Mathf.PI * Mathf.Pow(attachSize * FARAeroUtil.attachNodeRadiusFactor, 2) / Mathf.Clamp(S, 0.01f, Mathf.Infinity)); double exposedAttachArea = attachSize * FARAeroUtil.attachNodeRadiusFactor; exposedAttachArea *= exposedAttachArea; exposedAttachArea *= Math.PI * FARAeroUtil.areaFactor; exposedAttachArea /= FARMathUtil.Clamp(S, 0.01, double.PositiveInfinity); attachNodeData newAttachNodeData = new attachNodeData(); newAttachNodeData.areaValue = exposedAttachArea; if (Vector3d.Dot(origToNode, partUpVector) > 1) { newAttachNodeData.pitchesAwayFromUpVec = true; } else { newAttachNodeData.pitchesAwayFromUpVec = false; } if (attachNodeDragDict.ContainsKey(transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyVector(origToNode))) { attachNodeData tmp = attachNodeDragDict[transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyVector(origToNode)]; tmp.areaValue += newAttachNodeData.areaValue; attachNodeDragDict[transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyVector(origToNode)] = tmp; } else { attachNodeDragDict.Add(part.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyVector(origToNode), newAttachNodeData); } } } } // } //print(part.partInfo.title + " Num unused Attach Nodes: " + attachNodeDragDict.Count); }
private void UpdateShieldedParts() { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) return; if (bayAnim) { if (bayAnim.isPlaying && !bayAnimating) { ClearShieldedParts(); bayAnimating = true; } else if (bayAnimating && !bayAnim.isPlaying) { bayAnimating = false; if (bayOpen && CheckBayClosed()) FindShieldedParts(); } // bayProgress = bayAnim[bayAnimationName].normalizedTime; } else if (BayController == null) BayController = this; }
private void AttachNodeCdAdjust() { if (part.Modules.Contains("FARPayloadFairingModule")) //This doesn't apply blunt drag drag to fairing parts if one of their "exempt" attach nodes is used, indicating attached fairings { return; } if (VesselPartList == null) { UpdateShipPartsList(); } if (attachNodeDragList == null) { attachNodeDragList = new List <attachNodeData>(); } attachNodeDragList.Clear(); Transform transform = part.partTransform; if (transform == null) { transform = part.transform; } if (transform == null) { Debug.LogError("Part " + part.partInfo.title + " has null transform; drag interactions cannot be applied."); return; } SPlusAttachArea = S; Vector3d partUpVector = transform.TransformDirection(localUpVector); //print("Updating drag for " + part.partInfo.title); foreach (AttachNode Attach in part.attachNodes) { if (Attach.nodeType == AttachNode.NodeType.Stack) { if (Attach.attachedPart != null) { continue; } if ( == "strut") { continue; } Ray ray = new Ray(); Vector3d relPos = Attach.position + Attach.offset; if (part.Modules.Contains("FARCargoBayModule")) { FARCargoBayModule bay = (FARCargoBayModule)part.Modules["FARCargoBayModule"]; Vector3d maxBounds = bay.maxBounds; Vector3d minBounds = bay.minBounds; if (relPos.x < maxBounds.x && relPos.y < maxBounds.y && relPos.z < maxBounds.z && relPos.x > minBounds.x && relPos.y > minBounds.y && relPos.z > minBounds.z) { return; } } Vector3d origToNode = transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(relPos); double mag = (origToNode).magnitude; //print(part.partInfo.title + " Part Loc: " + part.transform.position + " Attach Loc: " + (origToNode + part.transform.position) + " Dist: " + mag); ray.direction = origToNode; ray.origin = transform.position; double attachSize = FARMathUtil.Clamp(Attach.size, 0.5, double.PositiveInfinity); bool gotIt = false; RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, (float)(mag + attachSize), FARAeroUtil.RaycastMask); foreach (RaycastHit h in hits) { if (h.collider == part.collider) { continue; } if (h.distance < (mag + attachSize) && h.distance > (mag - attachSize)) { foreach (Part p in VesselPartList) { if (p.collider == h.collider) { gotIt = true; break; } } } if (gotIt) { break; } } if (!gotIt) { double exposedAttachArea = attachSize * FARAeroUtil.attachNodeRadiusFactor; exposedAttachArea *= exposedAttachArea; exposedAttachArea *= Math.PI * FARAeroUtil.areaFactor; SPlusAttachArea += exposedAttachArea; exposedAttachArea /= FARMathUtil.Clamp(S, 0.01, double.PositiveInfinity); attachNodeData newAttachNodeData = new attachNodeData(); newAttachNodeData.areaValue = exposedAttachArea; if (Vector3d.Dot(origToNode, partUpVector) > 1) { newAttachNodeData.pitchesAwayFromUpVec = true; } else { newAttachNodeData.pitchesAwayFromUpVec = false; } newAttachNodeData.location = transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyVector(origToNode); attachNodeDragList.Add(newAttachNodeData); } } } }