Наследование: PlayerInfoMuteChangedEventArgs, ICancellableEvent
Пример #1
        /// <summary> Mutes this player (prevents from writing chat messages). </summary>
        /// <param name="player"> Player who is doing the muting. </param>
        /// <param name="duration"> Duration of the mute. If a player is already muted for same or greater length of time,
        /// PlayerOpException is thrown with NoActionNeeded code. If a player is already muted for a shorter length of time,
        /// the mute duration is extended. </param>
        /// <param name="announce"> Whether to announce muting publicly on the sever. </param>
        /// <param name="raiseEvents"> Whether to raise PlayerInfo.MuteChanging and MuteChanged events. </param>
        public void Mute( [NotNull] Player player, TimeSpan duration, bool announce, bool raiseEvents ) {
            if( player == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "player" );
            if( duration <= TimeSpan.Zero ) {
                throw new ArgumentException( "Mute duration may not be zero or negative.", "duration" );

            // Check if player is trying to mute self
            if( player.Info == this ) {
                PlayerOpException.ThrowCannotTargetSelf( player, this, "mute" );

            lock( syncRoot ) {
                // Check if player can mute in general
                if( !player.Can( Permission.Mute ) ) {
                    PlayerOpException.ThrowPermissionMissing( player, this, "mute", Permission.Mute );

                // Check if player has sufficient rank permissions
                if( !player.Can( Permission.Mute, Rank ) ) {
                    PlayerOpException.ThrowPermissionLimit( player, this, "mute", Permission.Mute );

                // Check if target is already muted for longer
                DateTime newMutedUntil = DateTime.UtcNow.Add( duration );
                if( newMutedUntil > MutedUntil ) {

                    // raise PlayerInfo.MuteChanging event
                    if( raiseEvents ) {
                        var e = new PlayerInfoMuteChangingEventArgs( this, player, duration, false, announce );
                        RaiseMuteChangingEvent( e );
                        if( e.Cancel ) PlayerOpException.ThrowCanceled( player, this );
                        announce = e.Announce;
                        duration = e.Duration;

                    // actually mute
                    MutedUntil = newMutedUntil;
                    MutedBy = player.Name;

                    // raise PlayerInfo.MuteChanged event
                    if( raiseEvents ) {
                        RaiseMuteChangedEvent( this, player, duration, false, announce );

                    // log and announce mute publicly
                    Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity,
                                "Player {0} was muted by {1} for {2}",
                                Name, player.Name, duration );
                    if( announce ) {
                        Player target = PlayerObject;
                        if( target != null ) {
                            target.Message( "You were muted by {0}&S for {1}",
                                            player.ClassyName, duration.ToMiniString() );
                        Server.Message( target,
                                        "&SPlayer {0}&S was muted by {1}&S for {2}",
                                        ClassyName, player.ClassyName, duration.ToMiniString() );

                } else {
                    // no action needed - already muted for same or longer duration
                    string msg = String.Format( "Player {0} was already muted by {1} ({2} left)",
                                                ClassyName, MutedBy,
                                                TimeMutedLeft.ToMiniString() );
                    string colorMsg = String.Format( "&SPlayer {0}&S was already muted by {1}&S ({2} left)",
                                                     ClassyName, MutedByClassy,
                                                     TimeMutedLeft.ToMiniString() );
                    throw new PlayerOpException( player, this, PlayerOpExceptionCode.NoActionNeeded, msg, colorMsg );
Пример #2
 static bool RaiseMuteChangingEvent( [NotNull] PlayerInfo target, [NotNull] Player muter,
                                     TimeSpan duration, bool unmuting, bool announce )
     var h = MuteChanging;
     if( h == null ) return false;
     var e = new PlayerInfoMuteChangingEventArgs( target, muter, duration, unmuting, announce );
     h( null, e );
     return !e.Cancel;
Пример #3
        /// <summary> Unmutes this player (allows them to write chat again). </summary>
        /// <param name="player"> Player who is doing the unmuting. </param>
        /// <param name="announce"> Whether to announce unmuting publicly on the sever. </param>
        /// <param name="raiseEvents"> Whether to raise PlayerInfo.MuteChanging and MuteChanged events. </param>
        public void Unmute( [NotNull] Player player, bool announce, bool raiseEvents ) {
            if( player == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "player" );

            // Check if player is trying to unmute self
            if( player.Info == this ) {
                PlayerOpException.ThrowCannotTargetSelf( player, this, "unmute" );

            lock( syncRoot ) {
                TimeSpan timeLeft = TimeMutedLeft;
                // Check if player can unmute in general
                if( !player.Can( Permission.Mute ) ) {
                    PlayerOpException.ThrowPermissionMissing( player, this, "unmute", Permission.Mute );

                if( timeLeft <= TimeSpan.Zero ) {
                    string msg = String.Format( "Player {0} is not currently muted.", Name );
                    string msgColor = String.Format( "&SPlayer {0}&S is not currently muted.", ClassyName );
                    throw new PlayerOpException( player, this, PlayerOpExceptionCode.NoActionNeeded, msg, msgColor );

                // raise PlayerInfo.MuteChanging event
                if( raiseEvents ) {
                    var e = new PlayerInfoMuteChangingEventArgs( this, player, timeLeft, true, announce );
                    RaiseMuteChangingEvent( e );
                    if( e.Cancel ) PlayerOpException.ThrowCanceled( player, this );
                    announce = e.Announce;


                // raise PlayerInfo.MuteChanged event
                if( raiseEvents ) {
                    RaiseMuteChangedEvent( this, player, timeLeft, true, announce );

                // log and announce mute publicly
                Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity,
                            "Player {0} was unmuted by {1} ({2} was left on the mute)",
                            Name, player.Name, timeLeft );
                if( announce ) {
                    Player target = PlayerObject;
                    if( target != null ) {
                        target.Message( "You were unmuted by {0}", player.ClassyName );
                    Server.Message( target,
                                    "&SPlayer {0}&S was unmuted by {1}",
                                    ClassyName, player.ClassyName );