Пример #1
        public void MoveTowards(Vector3 vMoveToTarget)
            if (FunkyGame.Hero.Class == null)
                Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("Bot did not properly initilize, stopping bot!");
                BotMain.Stop(false, "Bot Init Failure");

            #region LogStucks
            // The below code is to help profile/routine makers avoid waypoints with a long distance between them.
            // Long-distances between waypoints is bad - it increases stucks, and forces the DB nav-server to be called.

            //if (vLastMoveTo==Vector3.Zero) vLastMoveTo=vMoveToTarget;

            if (vMoveToTarget != vLastMoveTo)
                vLastMoveTo = vMoveToTarget;

                if (FunkyBaseExtension.Settings.Debugging.LogStuckLocations)
                    vLastMoveTo          = vMoveToTarget;
                    bLastWaypointWasTown = false;

                    float fDistance = Vector3.Distance(vMoveToTarget, vLastMoveTo);
                    // Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat if not in town, last waypoint wasn't FROM town, and the distance is >200 but <2000 (cos 2000+ probably means we changed map zones!)
                    if (!ZetaDia.IsInTown && !bLastWaypointWasTown && fDistance >= 200 & fDistance <= 2000)
                        if (!hashDoneThisVector.Contains(vMoveToTarget))
                            // Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat it
                            string outputPath = FolderPaths.LoggingFolderPath + @"\Stucks.log";

                            FileStream LogStream = File.Open(outputPath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
                            using (StreamWriter LogWriter = new StreamWriter(LogStream))
                                LogWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ":");
                                LogWriter.WriteLine("Profile Name=" + ProfileManager.CurrentProfile.Name);
                                LogWriter.WriteLine("'From' Waypoint=" + vLastMoveTo + ". 'To' Waypoint=" + vMoveToTarget + ". Distance=" + fDistance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                if (ZetaDia.IsInTown)
                    bLastWaypointWasTown = true;


            // Make sure GilesTrinity doesn't want us to avoid routine-movement
            if (FunkyGame.Targeting.Cache.DontMove)

            // Store player current position
            Vector3 vMyCurrentPosition = ZetaDia.Me.Position;

            //Check GPC entry (backtracking cache) -- only when not in town!
            if (BackTrackCache.EnableBacktrackGPRcache && !ZetaDia.IsInTown)
                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(LastCombatPointChecked).TotalMilliseconds > 1250)
                    if (BackTrackCache.cacheMovementGPRs.Count == 0)
                    {                    //Add new point only if distance is 25f difference
                        if (BackTrackCache.cacheMovementGPRs.Count == 1)
                            if (BackTrackCache.cacheMovementGPRs[0].CreationVector.Distance(vMyCurrentPosition) >= BackTrackCache.MinimumRangeBetweenMovementGPRs)
                            //Only if no GPCs currently are less than 20f from us..
                            if (!BackTrackCache.cacheMovementGPRs.Any(GPC => GPC.CreationVector.Distance(vMyCurrentPosition) < BackTrackCache.MinimumRangeBetweenMovementGPRs))
                    //Reset Timer
                    LastCombatPointChecked = DateTime.Now;

            //Special cache for skipping locations visited.
            //if (FunkyBaseExtension.Settings.Debugging.SkipAhead)
            //	SkipAheadCache.RecordSkipAheadCachePoint();

            //	//Check if our current profile behavior is ExploreDungeon tag.
            //	if (FunkyGame.Profile.CurrentProfileBehaviorType == Profile.ProfileBehaviorTypes.ExploreDungeon) //&& !SkipAheadCache.LevelAreaIDsIgnoreSkipping.Contains(FunkyGame.Hero.iCurrentLevelID))
            //	{
            //		//Check if DungeonExplorer and Current Node are valid. (only when there is more than one node in current route)
            //		if (Navigation.CurrentDungeonExplorer != null && Navigation.DungeonExplorerCurrentNode != null && Navigation.CurrentDungeonExplorer.CurrentRoute.Count > 1)
            //		{
            //			if (Navigation.NP.CurrentPath != null && Navigation.NP.CurrentPath.Count > 0)
            //			{
            //				var destination = Navigation.NP.CurrentPath.Last();
            //				float distance = destination.Distance2D(Navigation.DungeonExplorerCurrentNode.NavigableCenter);
            //				//Logger.DBLog.InfoFormat("[Funky] Distance from CurrentNode Center == {0}", distance);
            //				if (distance <= 5f)
            //				{
            //					//Check if our target position is within skip ahead cache.
            //					if (SkipAheadCache.CheckPositionForSkipping(destination))
            //					{
            //						Logger.DBLog.Info("[Funky] Marking Node as Visited! (PlayerMover)");
            //						Logger.DBLog.DebugFormat("[Funky] {0}", Navigation.PrintDungeonExplorerNode(Navigation.DungeonExplorerCurrentNode));
            //						Navigation.DungeonExplorerCurrentNode.Visited = true;
            //					}
            //				}
            //			}
            //		}
            //	}

            // Store distance to current moveto target
            float fDistanceFromTarget;

            #region Unstucker
            // Do unstuckery things
            if (FunkyBaseExtension.Settings.Debugging.EnableUnstucker)
                // Store the "real" (not anti-stuck) destination
                vOldMoveToTarget = vMoveToTarget;

                // See if we can reset the 10-limit unstuck counter, if >120 seconds since we last generated an unstuck location
                if (iTotalAntiStuckAttempts > 1 && DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeStartedUnstuckMeasure).TotalSeconds >= 120)
                    iTotalAntiStuckAttempts = 1;
                    iTimesReachedStuckPoint = 0;
                    vSafeMovementLocation   = Vector3.Zero;

                // See if we need to, and can, generate unstuck actions
                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeCancelledUnstuckerFor).TotalSeconds > iCancelUnstuckerForSeconds && UnstuckChecker(vMyCurrentPosition))
                    // Record the time we last apparently couldn't move for a brief period of time
                    timeLastReportedAnyStuck = DateTime.Now;
                    // See if there's any stuck position to try and navigate to generated by random mover
                    vSafeMovementLocation = UnstuckHandler(vMyCurrentPosition, vOldMoveToTarget);
                    if (vSafeMovementLocation == Vector3.Zero)

                // See if we can clear the total unstuckattempts if we haven't been stuck in over 6 minutes.
                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeLastReportedAnyStuck).TotalSeconds >= 360)
                    iTimesReachedMaxUnstucks = 0;

                // Did we have a safe point already generated (eg from last loop through), if so use it as our current location instead
                if (vSafeMovementLocation != Vector3.Zero)
                    // Set our current movement target to the safe point we generated last cycle
                    vMoveToTarget = vSafeMovementLocation;

                // Get distance to current destination
                fDistanceFromTarget = Vector3.Distance(vMyCurrentPosition, vMoveToTarget);

                // Remove the stuck position if it's been reached, this bit of code also creates multiple stuck-patterns in an ever increasing amount
                if (vSafeMovementLocation != Vector3.Zero && fDistanceFromTarget <= 3f)
                    vSafeMovementLocation = Vector3.Zero;
                    // Do we want to immediately generate a 2nd waypoint to "chain" anti-stucks in an ever-increasing path-length?
                    if (iTimesReachedStuckPoint <= iTotalAntiStuckAttempts)
                        FunkyGame.Navigation.AttemptFindSafeSpot(out vSafeMovementLocation, Vector3.Zero, FunkyBaseExtension.Settings.Plugin.AvoidanceFlags);
                        vMoveToTarget = vSafeMovementLocation;
                        Logger.DBLog.DebugFormat("[Funky] Clearing old route and trying new path find to: " + vOldMoveToTarget.ToString());
                        // Reset the path and allow a whole "New" unstuck generation next cycle
                        iTimesReachedStuckPoint = 0;
                        // And cancel unstucking for 9 seconds so DB can try to navigate
                        iCancelUnstuckerForSeconds = (9 * iTotalAntiStuckAttempts);
                        if (iCancelUnstuckerForSeconds < 20)
                            iCancelUnstuckerForSeconds = 20;
                        timeCancelledUnstuckerFor = DateTime.Now;
                        Navigator.MoveTo(vOldMoveToTarget, "original destination", false);

            //Prioritize "blocking" objects.
            if (!FunkyGame.Hero.bIsInTown)

            #region MovementAbilities
            // See if we can use abilities like leap etc. for movement out of combat, but not in town and only if we can raycast.
            if (FunkyBaseExtension.Settings.General.OutOfCombatMovement && !ZetaDia.IsInTown && !FunkyGame.IsInNonCombatBehavior)
                Skill   MovementPower;
                Vector3 MovementVector = FunkyGame.Hero.Class.FindOutOfCombatMovementPower(out MovementPower, vMoveToTarget);
                if (MovementVector != Vector3.Zero)
                    ZetaDia.Me.UsePower(MovementPower.Power, MovementVector, FunkyGame.Hero.CurrentWorldDynamicID);
            }             // Allowed to use movement powers to move out-of-combat?

            //Send Movement Command!
            if (vMyCurrentPosition.Distance2D(vMoveToTarget) > 1f)
                ZetaDia.Me.UsePower(SNOPower.Walk, vMoveToTarget, FunkyGame.Hero.CurrentWorldDynamicID);