Пример #1
        public static float DefaultHeightInM = 1.6f;   // 1.6m ~= 5.5 feet

        // straight teleport:
        //   camera points at hit point, we back off and set target at hit point
        static public void TeleportTowards(fCamera camera, FScene scene, Vector3f targetPoint, float fPullback)
            fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale();
            Vector3f vCurCamFW     = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
            Vector3f vNewCamPos    = targetPoint - fPullback * vCurCamFW;
            Vector3f vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFW;

            camera.Animator().Teleport(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos);
Пример #2
        // level teleport:
        //   first we level the scene (ie scene up is y axis), then camera points
        //   at ray hit point, pulled back along cam direction projected into xz plane
        static public void TeleportTowards_Level(fCamera camera, FScene scene, Vector3f targetPoint, float fPullback)
            fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale();
            Vector3f vCurCamFW     = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
            Vector3f vCurCamFWXZ   = new Vector3f(vCurCamFW[0], 0.0f, vCurCamFW[2]).Normalized;
            Vector3f vNewCamPos    = targetPoint - fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ;
            Vector3f vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ;

            camera.Animator().Teleport_Level(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos);
Пример #3
        //   we orbit view to be level, then again so that the normal of the hit point points towards
        //   the camera. Then we pull back along that direction. Unless we want to face away,
        //   then we rotate an extra 180 degrees, and set the target out by the pullback distance
        static public void Teleport_LevelNormalOffset(fCamera camera, FScene scene,
                                                      Vector3f targetPoint, Vector3f targetNormal, float fPullback, bool bFaceAwayFromSurface = false)
            fPullback *= scene.GetSceneScale();

            Vector3f vCurCamFW    = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
            Vector3f vCurCamFWXZ  = new Vector3f(vCurCamFW[0], 0.0f, vCurCamFW[2]).Normalized;
            Vector3f vHitNormalXZ = new Vector3f(targetNormal[0], 0.0f, targetNormal[2]).Normalized;

            float fFace   = bFaceAwayFromSurface ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
            float fRotate = Vector3f.AngleD(-vCurCamFWXZ, fFace * vHitNormalXZ);
            float fSign   = Vector3f.Cross(vCurCamFWXZ, fFace * vHitNormalXZ)[1] > 0 ? -1 : 1;

            fRotate *= fSign;
            // now we use cam instead of normal here because we rotated normal to face cam!
            Vector3f vNewCamPos    = targetPoint - fFace * fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ;
            Vector3f vNewTargetPos = (bFaceAwayFromSurface) ? vNewCamPos + fPullback * vCurCamFWXZ : targetPoint;

            camera.Animator().Teleport_Level(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos, targetPoint, fRotate);
Пример #4
        public void ScenePanFocus(FScene scene, fCamera camera, Vector3f focusPointW, bool bAnimated)
            CameraAnimator animator = camera.Animator();

            if (bAnimated == false || animator == null)
                // figure out the pan that we would apply to camera, then apply the delta to the scene
                Vector3f camPosW    = camera.GetPosition();
                Vector3f camForward = camera.Forward();
                float    fDist      = Vector3.Dot((focusPointW - camPosW), camForward);
                Vector3f newCamPosW = focusPointW - fDist * camForward;
                Vector3f delta      = camPosW - newCamPosW;

                scene.RootGameObject.Translate(delta, false);
                camera.SetTarget(focusPointW + delta);
Пример #5
        public void ScenePanFocus(FScene scene, fCamera camera, Vector3f focusPoint, bool bAnimated)
            CameraAnimator animator = camera.Animator();

            if (bAnimated == false || animator == null)
                // figure out the pan that we would apply to camera, then apply the delta to the scene
                Vector3f curPos = camera.GetPosition();
                Vector3f curDir = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
                float    fDist  = Vector3.Dot((focusPoint - curPos), curDir);
                Vector3f newPos = focusPoint - fDist * curDir;
                Vector3f delta  = curPos - newPos;

                scene.RootGameObject.Translate(delta, false);
Пример #6
        // vertical-offset level teleport
        //   assumption is that target point is on ground or ceiling, and we want to offset vertically.
        //   To do that we have to first reset orbit around the hit point.
        //   One small problem here is that the output target pos is really arbitrary. perhaps we should
        //   cast another ray into the scene in the forward direction?
        static public void Teleport_VerticalNormalOffset(fCamera camera, FScene scene,
                                                         Vector3f targetPoint, Vector3f targetNormal, float fNewTargetDist)
            fNewTargetDist *= scene.GetSceneScale();

            Vector3f vCurCamFW   = camera.GetWorldFrame().Z;
            Vector3f vCurCamFWXZ = new Vector3f(vCurCamFW[0], 0.0f, vCurCamFW[2]).Normalized;
            Vector3f vSceneUp    = scene.RootGameObject.GetWorldFrame().Y;

            // when we are offsetting up we use the DefaultHeightInM value to set eye level,
            // when offsetting down we use half that distance (arbitrary)
            float fUp = Vector3f.Dot(targetNormal, vSceneUp) > 0 ? 1.0f : -0.5f;
            // [RMS] camera height does not work because OVRCameraRig sets eye-level to be origin!!
            //float fHeight = camera.GetPosition()[1] * scene.GetSceneScale();
            //float fHeight = DefaultHeightInM * scene.GetSceneScale();
            float    fHeight       = DefaultHeightInM * (float)Math.Sqrt(scene.GetSceneScale()); // don't scale! otherwise tiny offsets
            Vector3f vNewCamPos    = targetPoint + fUp * fHeight * Vector3f.AxisY;
            Vector3f vNewTargetPos = vNewCamPos + fNewTargetDist * vCurCamFWXZ;

            camera.Animator().Teleport_Level(vNewCamPos, vNewTargetPos, targetPoint);