Пример #1
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            using (var context = new BuggyDbContext())

            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            await ImportAirports();
Пример #2
        public static async Task ImportAirports()
            var _geometryFactory = NtsGeometryServices.Instance.CreateGeometryFactory(srid: 4326);

            #region Data download / preparation
            var stream = await new HttpCommand()
                         .GetResponse <Stream>();

            var parser = new CsvTextFieldParser(stream)
                CompatibilityMode = true,   // I'm not sure what this does, but it worked in .NET Framework, so we should be allright.
                Delimiters        = new[] { "," }

            var airportCollection = new List <Airfield>();

            // We're skipping the first record because this one contains all the column definitions
            bool firstRecordHasBeenSkipped = false;

            while (!parser.EndOfData)
                var record = parser.ReadFields();

                if (!firstRecordHasBeenSkipped)
                    firstRecordHasBeenSkipped = true;

                var ourAirfieldsId = Convert.ToInt32(record?[0]);

                airportCollection.Add(new Airfield
                    Id             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    OurAirfieldsId = ourAirfieldsId,
                    Icao           = record?[1],
                    Type           = record?[2],
                    Name           = record?[3],
                    Location       = _geometryFactory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(
                                                                      record?[4].ToDouble() ?? 0,
                                                                      record?[5].ToDouble() ?? 0,
                                                                      record?[6].ToInt() ?? 0)),
                    Continent           = record?[7],
                    Country             = record?[8],
                    Region              = record?[9],
                    Muncipality         = record?[10],
                    HasScheduledService = record?[11] != "no",
                    Iata     = record?[13],
                    HomePage = record?[15]

            using (var context = new BuggyDbContext())
                var airfieldsInDb = context.Airfields.Select(q => new { q.OurAirfieldsId, q.Id }).Distinct().ToArray();

                // Insert the new airports in the database
                var entries = airportCollection
                              .Where(q => !airfieldsInDb
                                     .Select(w => w.OurAirfieldsId)

                var success = new List <Airfield>();
                var error   = new List <Airfield>();

                //await context.BulkInsertAsync(entries.AsEnumerable());
                // I've been trying to use the Z.EntityFramework libraries, as a significant faster
                // way to do inserts, but individually inserting these items gives a better overview
                // over what's going wrong.

                foreach (var airfield in airportCollection
                         .Where(q => !airfieldsInDb
                                .Select(w => w.OurAirfieldsId)
                        using (var db = new BuggyDbContext())
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                    catch (Exception ex)