Пример #1
 private byte[] calculateBlockKey(int blk, NPD npd)
     byte[] src  = (npd.getVersion() <= 1L) ? new byte[0x10] : npd.getDevHash();
     byte[] dest = new byte[0x10];
     ConversionUtils.arraycopy(src, 0, dest, 0L, 12);
     dest[12] = (byte)((blk >> 0x18) & 0xff);
     dest[13] = (byte)((blk >> 0x10) & 0xff);
     dest[14] = (byte)((blk >> 8) & 0xff);
     dest[15] = (byte)(blk & 0xff);
Пример #2
 private byte[] calculateBlockKey(int blk, NPD npd)
     byte[] baseKey = (npd.getVersion() <= 1) ? (new byte[0x10]) : npd.getDevHash();
     byte[] result  = new byte[0x10];
     ConversionUtils.arraycopy(baseKey, 0, result, 0, 0xC);
     result[0xC] = (byte)(blk >> 24 & 0xFF);
     result[0xD] = (byte)(blk >> 16 & 0xFF);
     result[0xE] = (byte)(blk >> 8 & 0xFF);
     result[0xF] = (byte)(blk & 0xFF);
Пример #3
        private int decryptData(FileStream ii, FileStream o, NPD npd, EDATData data, byte[] rifkey)
            int numBlocks           = (int)((data.getFileLen() + data.getBlockSize() - 1) / data.getBlockSize());
            int metadataSectionSize = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0 || (data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) != 0) ? 0x20 : 0x10;
            int baseOffset          = 0x100; //+ offset (unknown)

            for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++)
                ii.Seek(baseOffset + i * metadataSectionSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] expectedHash = new byte[0x10];
                long   offset;
                int    len;
                int    compressionEndBlock = 0;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0)
                    byte[] metadata = new byte[0x20];
                    ii.Read(metadata, 0, metadata.Length);
                    byte[] result = decryptMetadataSection(metadata);
                    offset = (int)(ConversionUtils.be64(result, 0)); // + offset (unknown)
                    len    = (int)(ConversionUtils.be32(result, 8));
                    compressionEndBlock = (int)(ConversionUtils.be32(result, 0xC));
                    ConversionUtils.arraycopy(metadata, 0, expectedHash, 0, 0x10);
                else if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) != 0)
                    byte[] metadata = new byte[0x20];
                    ii.Read(metadata, 0, metadata.Length);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 0x10; j++)
                        expectedHash[j] = (byte)(metadata[j] ^ metadata[j + 0x10]);
                    offset = baseOffset + i * data.getBlockSize() + numBlocks * metadataSectionSize;
                    len    = (int)(data.getBlockSize());
                    if (i == numBlocks - 1)
                        len = (int)(data.getFileLen() % (new BigInteger(data.getBlockSize())));
                    ii.Read(expectedHash, 0, expectedHash.Length);
                    offset = baseOffset + i * data.getBlockSize() + numBlocks * metadataSectionSize;
                    len    = (int)(data.getBlockSize());
                    if (i == numBlocks - 1)
                        len = (int)(data.getFileLen() % (new BigInteger(data.getBlockSize())));
                int realLen = len;
                len = (int)((uint)(len + 0xF) & 0xFFFFFFF0);
                Debug.Print("Offset: %016X, len: %08X, realLen: %08X, endCompress: %d\r\n", offset, len, realLen, compressionEndBlock);
                ii.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] encryptedData = new byte[len];
                byte[] decryptedData = new byte[len];
                ii.Read(encryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length);
                byte[] key      = new byte[0x10];
                byte[] hash     = new byte[0x10];
                byte[] blockKey = calculateBlockKey(i, npd);

                ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(rifkey, blockKey, 0, key, 0, blockKey.Length);
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x10) != 0)
                    ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(rifkey, key, 0, hash, 0, key.Length);
                    ConversionUtils.arraycopy(key, 0, hash, 0, key.Length);
                int cryptoFlag = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x02) == 0) ? 0x2 : 0x1;
                int hashFlag;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x10) == 0)
                    hashFlag = 0x02;
                else if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) == 0)
                    hashFlag = 0x04;
                    hashFlag = 0x01;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_KEYENCRYPTED) != 0)
                    cryptoFlag |= 0x10000000;
                    hashFlag   |= 0x10000000;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_DEBUG) != 0)
                    cryptoFlag |= 0x01000000;
                    hashFlag   |= 0x01000000;
                AppLoader a  = new AppLoader();
                byte[]    iv = (npd.getVersion() <= 1) ? (new byte[0x10]) : npd.getDigest();

                bool rresult = a.doAll(hashFlag, cryptoFlag, encryptedData, 0, decryptedData, 0, encryptedData.Length, key, npd.getDigest(), hash, expectedHash, 0);
                if (!rresult)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error decrypting block " + i);
                    // KDSBest find out why block 30 errors
                    //return STATUS_ERROR_DECRYPTING;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0)
                    //byte[] decompress = new byte[Long.valueOf(data.getBlockSize()).intValue()];
                    //out.write(decompress, 0, data.getBlockSize());
                    o.Write(decryptedData, 0, realLen);
Пример #4
        private int checkHeader(byte[] rifKey, EDATData data, NPD npd, FileStream i)
            i.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            byte[] header       = new byte[0xA0];
            byte[] o            = new byte[0xA0];
            byte[] expectedHash = new byte[0x10];
            //Version check
            Console.WriteLine("Checking NPD Version:" + npd.getVersion());
            if ((npd.getVersion() == 0) || (npd.getVersion() == 1))
                if ((data.getFlags() & 0x7FFFFFFE) != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Incorrect Header Flags"); return(STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_FLAGS);
            else if (npd.getVersion() == 2)
                if ((data.getFlags() & 0x7EFFFFE0) != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Incorrect Header Flags"); return(STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_FLAGS);
            else if (npd.getVersion() == 3 || (npd.getVersion() == 4))
                if ((data.getFlags() & 0x7EFFFFC0) != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Incorrect Header Flags"); return(STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_FLAGS);
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unsupported EDAT version (need keys)"); return(STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_VERSION);

                int keyIndex = 0;
                if (npd.getVersion() == 4)
                    keyIndex = 1;

                i.Read(header, 0, header.Length);
                i.Read(expectedHash, 0, expectedHash.Length);
                Console.WriteLine("Checking header hash:");
                AppLoader a        = new AppLoader();
                int       hashFlag = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_KEYENCRYPTED) == 0) ? 0x00000002 : 0x10000002;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_DEBUG) != 0)
                    hashFlag |= 0x01000000;

                //Veryfing header
                bool result = a.doAll(hashFlag, 0x00000001, header, 0, o, 0, header.Length, new byte[0x10], new byte[0x10], rifKey, expectedHash, 0);
                if (!result)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error verifying header. Is rifKey valid?.");
                Console.WriteLine("Checking metadata hash:");
                a = new AppLoader();
                a.doInit(hashFlag, 0x00000001, new byte[0x10], new byte[0x10], rifKey);

                int sectionSize = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0) ? 0x20 : 0x010; //BUG??? What about FLAG0x20??
                //Determine the metadatasection total len
                int numBlocks = (int)((data.getFileLen() + data.getBlockSize() - 11) / data.getBlockSize());

                int readed     = 0;
                int baseOffset = 0x100;
                //baseOffset +=  modifier; //There is an unknown offset to add to the metadatasection... value seen 0
                long remaining = sectionSize * numBlocks;
                while (remaining > 0)
                    int lenToRead = (HEADER_MAX_BLOCKSIZE > remaining) ? (int)remaining : HEADER_MAX_BLOCKSIZE;
                    i.Seek(baseOffset + readed, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    byte[] content = new byte[lenToRead];
                    o = new byte[lenToRead];
                    i.Read(content, 0, content.Length);
                    a.doUpdate(content, 0, o, 0, lenToRead);
                    readed    += lenToRead;
                    remaining -= lenToRead;
                result = a.doFinal(header, 0x90);

                if (!result)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error verifying metadatasection. Data tampered");
Пример #5
 private int decryptData(FileStream ii, FileStream o, NPD npd, EDATData data, byte[] rifkey)
     int num = (int) (((data.getFileLen() + data.getBlockSize()) - 1) / data.getBlockSize());
     int num2 = (((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0L) || ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) != 0L)) ? 0x20 : 0x10;
     int num3 = 0x100;
     for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
         long num5;
         int num6;
         byte[] buffer2;
         int num11;
         ii.Seek((long) (num3 + (i * num2)), SeekOrigin.Begin);
         byte[] dest = new byte[0x10];
         int num7 = 0;
         if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0L)
             buffer2 = new byte[0x20];
             ii.Read(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length);
             byte[] buffer3 = this.decryptMetadataSection(buffer2);
             num5 = (int) ConversionUtils.be64(buffer3, 0);
             num6 = (int) ConversionUtils.be32(buffer3, 8);
             num7 = (int) ConversionUtils.be32(buffer3, 12);
             ConversionUtils.arraycopy(buffer2, 0, dest, 0L, 0x10);
         else if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) != 0L)
             buffer2 = new byte[0x20];
             ii.Read(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length);
             for (int j = 0; j < 0x10; j++)
                 dest[j] = (byte) (buffer2[j] ^ buffer2[j + 0x10]);
             num5 = (num3 + (i * data.getBlockSize())) + (num * num2);
             num6 = (int) data.getBlockSize();
             if (i == (num - 1))
                 num6 = (int) (data.getFileLen() % new BigInteger(data.getBlockSize()));
             ii.Read(dest, 0, dest.Length);
             num5 = (num3 + (i * data.getBlockSize())) + (num * num2);
             num6 = (int) data.getBlockSize();
             if (i == (num - 1))
                 num6 = (int) (data.getFileLen() % new BigInteger(data.getBlockSize()));
         int count = num6;
         num6 = (num6 + 15) & -16;
         Debug.Print("Offset: %016X, len: %08X, realLen: %08X, endCompress: %d\r\n", new object[] { num5, num6, count, num7 });
         ii.Seek(num5, SeekOrigin.Begin);
         byte[] buffer = new byte[num6];
         byte[] buffer5 = new byte[num6];
         ii.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
         byte[] buffer6 = new byte[0x10];
         byte[] buffer7 = new byte[0x10];
         byte[] buffer8 = this.calculateBlockKey(i, npd);
         ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(rifkey, buffer8, 0, buffer6, 0, buffer8.Length);
         if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x10) != 0L)
             ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(rifkey, buffer6, 0, buffer7, 0, buffer6.Length);
             ConversionUtils.arraycopy(buffer6, 0, buffer7, 0L, buffer6.Length);
         int cryptoFlag = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x02) == 0L) ? 2 : 1;
         if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x10) == 0L)
             num11 = 2;
         else if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) == 0L)
             num11 = 4;
             num11 = 1;
         if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_KEYENCRYPTED) != 0L)
             cryptoFlag |= 0x10000000;
             num11 |= 0x10000000;
         if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_DEBUG) != 0L)
             cryptoFlag |= 0x1000000;
             num11 |= 0x1000000;
         AppLoader loader = new AppLoader();
         byte[] buffer9 = (npd.getVersion() <= 1L) ? new byte[0x10] : npd.getDigest();
         if (!loader.doAll(num11, cryptoFlag, buffer, 0, buffer5, 0, buffer.Length, buffer6, npd.getDigest(), buffer7, dest, 0))
             Debug.WriteLine("Error decrypting block " + i);
         if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) == 0L)
             o.Write(buffer5, 0, count);
     return STATUS_OK;
Пример #6
 private int checkHeader(byte[] rifKey, EDATData data, NPD npd, FileStream i)
     int num8;
     i.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     byte[] buffer = new byte[160];
     byte[] o = new byte[160];
     byte[] buffer3 = new byte[0x10];
     Console.WriteLine("Checking NPD Version:" + npd.getVersion());
     if ((npd.getVersion() == 0L) || (npd.getVersion() == 1L))
         if ((data.getFlags() & 0x7ffffffeL) != 0L)
             Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Incorrect Header Flags");
     else if (npd.getVersion() == 2L)
         if ((data.getFlags() & 0x7effffe0L) != 0L)
             Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Incorrect Header Flags");
     else if ((npd.getVersion() == 3L) || (npd.getVersion() == 4L))
         if ((data.getFlags() & 0x7effffc0L) != 0L)
             Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Incorrect Header Flags");
         Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unsupported EDAT version (need keys)");
     if (npd.getVersion() == 4L)
     i.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
     i.Read(buffer3, 0, buffer3.Length);
     Console.WriteLine("Checking header hash:");
     AppLoader loader = new AppLoader();
     int hashFlag = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_KEYENCRYPTED) == 0L) ? 2 : 0x10000002;
     if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_DEBUG) != 0L)
         hashFlag |= 0x1000000;
     if (!loader.doAll(hashFlag, 1, buffer, 0, o, 0, buffer.Length, new byte[0x10], new byte[0x10], rifKey, buffer3, 0))
         Console.WriteLine("Error verifying header. Is rifKey valid?.");
     Console.WriteLine("Checking metadata hash:");
     loader = new AppLoader();
     loader.doInit(hashFlag, 1, new byte[0x10], new byte[0x10], rifKey);
     int num3 = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0L) ? 0x20 : 0x10;
     int num4 = (int) (((data.getFileLen() + data.getBlockSize()) - 11) / data.getBlockSize());
     int num5 = 0;
     int num6 = 0x100;
     for (long j = num3 * num4; j > 0L; j -= num8)
         num8 = (HEADER_MAX_BLOCKSIZE > j) ? ((int) j) : HEADER_MAX_BLOCKSIZE;
         i.Seek((long) (num6 + num5), SeekOrigin.Begin);
         byte[] buffer4 = new byte[num8];
         o = new byte[num8];
         i.Read(buffer4, 0, buffer4.Length);
         loader.doUpdate(buffer4, 0, o, 0, num8);
         num5 += num8;
     if (!loader.doFinal(buffer, 0x90))
         Console.WriteLine("Error verifying metadatasection. Data tampered");
     return STATUS_OK;
Пример #7
 private byte[] calculateBlockKey(int blk, NPD npd)
     byte[] src = (npd.getVersion() <= 1L) ? new byte[0x10] : npd.getDevHash();
     byte[] dest = new byte[0x10];
     ConversionUtils.arraycopy(src, 0, dest, 0L, 12);
     dest[12] = (byte) ((blk >> 0x18) & 0xff);
     dest[13] = (byte) ((blk >> 0x10) & 0xff);
     dest[14] = (byte) ((blk >> 8) & 0xff);
     dest[15] = (byte) (blk & 0xff);
     return dest;
Пример #8
        private int checkHeader(byte[] rifKey, EDATData data, NPD npd, FileStream i)
            int num8;

            i.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            byte[] buffer  = new byte[160];
            byte[] o       = new byte[160];
            byte[] buffer3 = new byte[0x10];
            Console.WriteLine("Checking NPD Version:" + npd.getVersion());
            if ((npd.getVersion() == 0L) || (npd.getVersion() == 1L))
                if ((data.getFlags() & 0x7ffffffeL) != 0L)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Incorrect Header Flags");
            else if (npd.getVersion() == 2L)
                if ((data.getFlags() & 0x7effffe0L) != 0L)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Incorrect Header Flags");
            else if ((npd.getVersion() == 3L) || (npd.getVersion() == 4L))
                if ((data.getFlags() & 0x7effffc0L) != 0L)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Incorrect Header Flags");
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unsupported EDAT version (need keys)");
            if (npd.getVersion() == 4L)
            i.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            i.Read(buffer3, 0, buffer3.Length);
            Console.WriteLine("Checking header hash:");
            AppLoader loader   = new AppLoader();
            int       hashFlag = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_KEYENCRYPTED) == 0L) ? 2 : 0x10000002;

            if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_DEBUG) != 0L)
                hashFlag |= 0x1000000;
            if (!loader.doAll(hashFlag, 1, buffer, 0, o, 0, buffer.Length, new byte[0x10], new byte[0x10], rifKey, buffer3, 0))
                Console.WriteLine("Error verifying header. Is rifKey valid?.");
            Console.WriteLine("Checking metadata hash:");
            loader = new AppLoader();
            loader.doInit(hashFlag, 1, new byte[0x10], new byte[0x10], rifKey);
            int num3 = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0L) ? 0x20 : 0x10;
            int num4 = (int)(((data.getFileLen() + data.getBlockSize()) - 11) / data.getBlockSize());
            int num5 = 0;
            int num6 = 0x100;

            for (long j = num3 * num4; j > 0L; j -= num8)
                num8 = (HEADER_MAX_BLOCKSIZE > j) ? ((int)j) : HEADER_MAX_BLOCKSIZE;
                i.Seek((long)(num6 + num5), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] buffer4 = new byte[num8];
                o = new byte[num8];
                i.Read(buffer4, 0, buffer4.Length);
                loader.doUpdate(buffer4, 0, o, 0, num8);
                num5 += num8;
            if (!loader.doFinal(buffer, 0x90))
                Console.WriteLine("Error verifying metadatasection. Data tampered");
Пример #9
        private int decryptData(FileStream ii, FileStream o, NPD npd, EDATData data, byte[] rifkey)
            int num  = (int)(((data.getFileLen() + data.getBlockSize()) - 1) / data.getBlockSize());
            int num2 = (((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0L) || ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) != 0L)) ? 0x20 : 0x10;
            int num3 = 0x100;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                long   num5;
                int    num6;
                byte[] buffer2;
                int    num11;
                ii.Seek((long)(num3 + (i * num2)), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] dest = new byte[0x10];
                int    num7 = 0;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0L)
                    buffer2 = new byte[0x20];
                    ii.Read(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length);
                    byte[] buffer3 = this.decryptMetadataSection(buffer2);
                    num5 = (int)ConversionUtils.be64(buffer3, 0);
                    num6 = (int)ConversionUtils.be32(buffer3, 8);
                    num7 = (int)ConversionUtils.be32(buffer3, 12);
                    ConversionUtils.arraycopy(buffer2, 0, dest, 0L, 0x10);
                else if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) != 0L)
                    buffer2 = new byte[0x20];
                    ii.Read(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 0x10; j++)
                        dest[j] = (byte)(buffer2[j] ^ buffer2[j + 0x10]);
                    num5 = (num3 + (i * data.getBlockSize())) + (num * num2);
                    num6 = (int)data.getBlockSize();
                    if (i == (num - 1))
                        num6 = (int)(data.getFileLen() % new BigInteger(data.getBlockSize()));
                    ii.Read(dest, 0, dest.Length);
                    num5 = (num3 + (i * data.getBlockSize())) + (num * num2);
                    num6 = (int)data.getBlockSize();
                    if (i == (num - 1))
                        num6 = (int)(data.getFileLen() % new BigInteger(data.getBlockSize()));
                int count = num6;
                num6 = (num6 + 15) & -16;
                Debug.Print("Offset: %016X, len: %08X, realLen: %08X, endCompress: %d\r\n", new object[] { num5, num6, count, num7 });
                ii.Seek(num5, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                byte[] buffer  = new byte[num6];
                byte[] buffer5 = new byte[num6];
                ii.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                byte[] buffer6 = new byte[0x10];
                byte[] buffer7 = new byte[0x10];
                byte[] buffer8 = this.calculateBlockKey(i, npd);
                ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(rifkey, buffer8, 0, buffer6, 0, buffer8.Length);
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x10) != 0L)
                    ToolsImpl.aesecbEncrypt(rifkey, buffer6, 0, buffer7, 0, buffer6.Length);
                    ConversionUtils.arraycopy(buffer6, 0, buffer7, 0L, buffer6.Length);
                int cryptoFlag = ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x02) == 0L) ? 2 : 1;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x10) == 0L)
                    num11 = 2;
                else if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_0x20) == 0L)
                    num11 = 4;
                    num11 = 1;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_KEYENCRYPTED) != 0L)
                    cryptoFlag |= 0x10000000;
                    num11      |= 0x10000000;
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_DEBUG) != 0L)
                    cryptoFlag |= 0x1000000;
                    num11      |= 0x1000000;
                AppLoader loader  = new AppLoader();
                byte[]    buffer9 = (npd.getVersion() <= 1L) ? new byte[0x10] : npd.getDigest();
                if (!loader.doAll(num11, cryptoFlag, buffer, 0, buffer5, 0, buffer.Length, buffer6, npd.getDigest(), buffer7, dest, 0))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error decrypting block " + i);
                if ((data.getFlags() & FLAG_COMPRESSED) == 0L)
                    o.Write(buffer5, 0, count);