Пример #1
 public List<CategoryDTO> ListMenuItems()
     using (var context = new RestarauntContext())
       var data = from cat in context.MenuCategories
                  orderby cat.Description
                  select new CategoryDTO() //use the DTO
                      Description = cat.Description,
                      MenuItems = from item in cat.Items
                                  where item.Active
                                  orderby item.Description
                                  select new MenuItemDTO // use the DTO
                                      Description = item.Description,
                                      Price = item.CurrentPrice,
                                      Calories = item.Calories,
                                      Comment = item.Comment
                  return data.ToList();
       //note: to use lambda or method style of include(), you need to have the following namespace reference:
       //use System.Data.Entity;
       //the Include() method on the Dbset<T> class peforms "eager loading" of the data.
       //return context.Items.Include(it => it.MenuCategory).ToList();
 public List<SpecialEvent> ListAllSpecialEvents()
     //This using statement ensures that our connection to the database is properly "closed" once we are done "using" our DAL object
     using (RestarauntContext context = new RestarauntContext())
         return context.SpecialEvents.ToList();
Пример #3
 public List<MenuCategory> ListMenuCategories()
     using(var context = new RestarauntContext())
             var data = from category in context.MenuCategories
                        select category;
             return data.ToList();
 public void DeleteWaiter(Waiters Item)
     using (var context = new RestarauntContext())
         //first get a reference to the actual item in the db
         //find() is a method to lookup an item by its primary key
         var existing = context.Waiters.Find(Item.WaiterID);
         //second remove the item from the database context
         //lastly, save changes
        public void AddWaiter(Waiters Item)
            using (var context = new RestarauntContext())
                //add item to the dbContext
                var added = context.Waiters.Add(Item);
                //we arent going to do anything with the variable 'added' Just be aware that Add() method will return the newly added object.
                //This can be useful in other situations

                //Save changes to the database
Пример #6
 public List<CategoryMenuItem> GetReportCategoryMenuItems()
     using (var context = new RestarauntContext())
         var results = from cat in context.Items
                       orderby cat.MenuCategory.Description, cat.Description
                       select new CategoryMenuItem()
                           CategoryDescription = cat.MenuCategory.Description,
                           ItemDescription = cat.Description,
                           Price = cat.CurrentPrice,
                           Calories = cat.Calories,
                           Comment = cat.Comment
         return results.ToList();
 public void UpdateWaiter(Waiters Item)
     using (RestarauntContext context = new RestarauntContext())
         //first attach the item to the dbContext collection
         var attached = context.Waiters.Attach(Item);
         //second, get the entry for the existing data that should match for this specific special event
         var existing = context.Entry<Waiters>(attached);
         //third, mark that the objects values have changed
         existing.State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
         //lastly, save changes