public AnagramMagic() { InitializeComponent(); gameScore = new GameScore(); invalidLabels = new List<Label>(); star = new Star(lblValidStars.Location); bmp = new Bitmap(Resources.mute, btnMusic.Size); bmp.MakeTransparent(); btnMusic.BackgroundImage = bmp; wallpaper = new Bitmap(Resources.wallpaper, pictureBox1.Size); pictureBox1.Image = wallpaper; background = new Bitmap(Resources.bukvi, menu.Size); // menu.BackgroundImage = background; panel1.BackgroundImage = background; // this.BackgroundImage = background; DoubleBuffered = true; initTitle(); down = false; broiRandom = 0; word = ""; correctNineLetterWord = ""; words = new Words(); randomButtons = new List<Button>(); currentScore = 0; totalScore = 0; ChangeLettersPerRound = false; used = new LinkedList<char>(); unused = new LinkedList<char>(); song = new Song(); pie = new Pie(100, 70); points = new List<Point>(); buttons = new List<Button>(); answer = new LinkedList<Point>(); answerFix = new List<Point>(); shuffled = new List<string>(); keyboard = new List<Button>(); flag = new List<bool>(); zaNazad = new List<Point>(); setAnswer(); initRandomButtons(); bunn = new Bitmap(Resources.bunny, pictureBox3.Size); pictureBox3.Image = bunn; // pictureBox3.Visible = false; setKeyboard(); randomLetters = new RandomLetters(keyboard); watch = 30; round = 0; players = new List<Player>(); bestWord = ""; bestPlayersString = new StringBuilder(); bestPlayersString.Append("Best players:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) { flag.Add(false); } using (CsvFileWriter writer = new CsvFileWriter("Scores.csv", true)) { CsvRow row = new CsvRow(); row.Add(""); } invalidL(); timer2.Start(); }
//Here we show the players, their scores and the best word they made private void bestPlayers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GameScore gameScore = new GameScore(); bestPlayersString = new StringBuilder(); int i = 1; players = ReadAllPlayers().OrderByDescending(x => x.Score).ToList(); foreach (Player p in players) { bestPlayersString.Append(i + ". " + p.ToString() + "\n"); i++; } gameScore.AddScores(bestPlayersString.ToString()); gameScore.ShowDialog(); }