Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new DX_FILES object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileid">Initial value of the fileid property.</param>
 /// <param name="filename">Initial value of the filename property.</param>
 /// <param name="ownerid">Initial value of the ownerid property.</param>
 /// <param name="latestversion">Initial value of the latestversion property.</param>
 /// <param name="isarchived">Initial value of the isarchived property.</param>
 /// <param name="type">Initial value of the type property.</param>
 /// <param name="creationdate">Initial value of the creationdate property.</param>
 public static DX_FILES CreateDX_FILES(global::System.Int64 fileid, global::System.String filename, global::System.String ownerid, global::System.Int64 latestversion, global::System.Boolean isarchived, global::System.String type, global::System.DateTime creationdate)
     DX_FILES dX_FILES = new DX_FILES();
     dX_FILES.fileid = fileid;
     dX_FILES.filename = filename;
     dX_FILES.ownerid = ownerid;
     dX_FILES.latestversion = latestversion;
     dX_FILES.isarchived = isarchived;
     dX_FILES.type = type;
     dX_FILES.creationdate = creationdate;
     return dX_FILES;
Пример #2
        public ActionResult Create(DX_FILES dx_files)
            long newFileId = -1;
                if (Request.Files[0].InputStream.Length != 0)
                    if (Request.Files[0].InputStream.Length < MAX_FILE_SIZE)
                        HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[0];
                        System.IO.Stream stream = file.InputStream;
                        byte[] fileData = new byte[stream.Length];
                        stream.Read(fileData, 0, fileData.Length);

                        string userid = SessionKeyMgmt.UserId;

                        //Setting properties of the file object

                        string description = Request.Params.Get("description");
                        if (description.Length != 0 || description.Length > 75)
                            dx_files.ownerid = userid;
                            dx_files.isarchived = false;
                            dx_files.islocked = false;

                            // Get the filename and its extension
                            string filetype = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
                            string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);

                            dx_files.type = filetype;
                            dx_files.filename = filename;

                            if (supportedFileTypes.Contains(filetype))
                                // Find if there are any files with the same filename
                                var existingFiles = from filesTable in db.DX_FILES
                                                    where filesTable.ownerid == userid && filesTable.filename == filename
                                                    select filesTable;

                                // If there already existed a document by this name
                                // increment the verison number
                                if (existingFiles.Count() != 0)
                                    DX_FILES existingFile = existingFiles.First();
                                    if (existingFile.isarchived == true)
                                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "A file with the same name exists in your archived docs. Cannot upload");
                                        return View();
                                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "A file with same name exists in My Docs. Please update the corresponding file");
                                        return View();
                                    // Creating a new file
                                    dx_files.latestversion = 1;
                                    dx_files.creationdate = System.DateTime.Now;

                                    DX_USER user = db.DX_USER.Single(d => d.userid == userid);
                                    string accesslevel = user.accesslevel;

                                    if(accesslevel !="employee" && accesslevel!="manager" && accesslevel!="vp" && accesslevel!="ceo")
                                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "You are not authorized to upload a file");
                                        return View();

                                    //Based on the role, the file should be shared with managers
                                    // Create a new file version object
                                    DX_FILEVERSION fileversion = new DX_FILEVERSION();
                                    fileversion.isencrypted = false;

                                    // Encrypt the file data if requested
                                    string encrypted = Request.Params.Get("encrypted");
                                    if (encrypted == "true")
                                        // Read the encrytion key
                                        if (Request.Files[1].InputStream.Length != 0)
                                            HttpPostedFileBase keyFile = Request.Files[1];
                                            System.IO.Stream keyStream = keyFile.InputStream;
                                            byte[] keyData = new byte[keyStream.Length];
                                            keyStream.Read(keyData, 0, (int)keyStream.Length);
                                            fileversion.isencrypted = true;

                                            RijndaelManaged Crypto = new RijndaelManaged();
                                            Crypto.BlockSize = 128;
                                            Crypto.KeySize = 256;
                                            Crypto.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
                                            Crypto.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
                                            Crypto.Key = keyData;

                                            // Convert the ivString to a byte array
                                            byte[] ivArray = new byte[16];
                                            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(ivStringConstant.ToCharArray(), 0,
                                                ivArray, 0, ivArray.Length);
                                            Crypto.IV = ivArray;

                                            ICryptoTransform Encryptor = Crypto.CreateEncryptor(Crypto.Key, Crypto.IV);
                                            byte[] cipherText = Encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(fileData, 0, fileData.Length);

                                            // Copy the encrypted data to the file data buffer
                                            Array.Clear(fileData, 0, fileData.Length);
                                            Array.Resize(ref fileData, cipherText.Length);
                                            Array.Copy(cipherText, fileData, cipherText.Length);
                                            ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please enter a valid keyfile");
                                            return View();

                                    var allFiles = from fileversions in db.DX_FILEVERSION
                                                   select fileversions;
                                    double totalSize;
                                    if (allFiles.Count() != 0)
                                        totalSize = allFiles.Sum(w => w.size);
                                    totalSize /= (1024 * 1024);

                                    long maxSize = long.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["filestreamMaxSize"]);

                                    if ((totalSize + (fileData.Length / (1024 * 1024)) > maxSize))
                                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "Disk space exceeded. Please contact admin");
                                        return View();

                                    // Save changes for the DX_FILES object so the new fileid is
                                    // auto generated.

                                    newFileId = dx_files.fileid;

                                    fileversion.versionnumber = (int)dx_files.latestversion;
                                    fileversion.updatedate = System.DateTime.Now;
                                    fileversion.description = description;
                                    fileversion.updatedby = userid;

                                    // Add information about the file version to database
                                    fileversion.filedata = fileData;
                                    fileversion.size = fileData.Length;

                                    fileversion.fileid = dx_files.fileid;
                                    fileversion.versionid = Guid.NewGuid();


                                    //Share with the owner
                                    DX_PRIVILEGE empPriv = new DX_PRIVILEGE();

                                    empPriv.userid = userid;
                                    empPriv.read = true;
                                    empPriv.update = true;
                                    empPriv.reason = "owner";
                                    empPriv.check = true;
                                    empPriv.delete = true;

                                    empPriv.fileid = dx_files.fileid;

                                    if (accesslevel == "employee")
                                        //Getting the dept id of employee
                                        DX_USERDEPT userdept = db.DX_USERDEPT.Single(d => d.userid == userid);
                                        int deptid = userdept.deptid;

                                        //Getting the user id of manager
                                        var managers = from usersTable in db.DX_USER
                                                       join userdepts in db.DX_USERDEPT on usersTable.userid equals userdepts.userid
                                                       where usersTable.accesslevel == "manager" && userdepts.deptid == deptid
                                                       select usersTable;
                                        if (managers.Count() != 0)
                                            DX_PRIVILEGE mgrPriv = new DX_PRIVILEGE();
                                            foreach (DX_USER managerUser in managers)
                                                //Providing manager the respective rights
                                                string managerId = managerUser.userid;

                                                mgrPriv.userid = managerId;
                                                mgrPriv.read = true;
                                                mgrPriv.check = true;
                                                mgrPriv.update = true;
                                                mgrPriv.reason = "inherit";
                                                mgrPriv.delete = true;
                                                mgrPriv.fileid = dx_files.fileid;

                                    if (accesslevel == "manager" || accesslevel == "employee")
                                        //Getting the dept id of employee
                                        DX_USERDEPT userdept = db.DX_USERDEPT.Single(d => d.userid == userid);
                                        int deptid = userdept.deptid;

                                        var vp = from usersTable in db.DX_USER
                                                 join userdepts in db.DX_USERDEPT on usersTable.userid equals userdepts.userid
                                                 where usersTable.accesslevel == "vp" && userdepts.deptid == deptid
                                                 select usersTable;
                                        if (vp.Count() != 0)
                                            foreach (DX_USER vpUser in vp)
                                                DX_PRIVILEGE vpPriv = new DX_PRIVILEGE();
                                                string vpId = vpUser.userid;

                                                vpPriv.userid = vpId;
                                                vpPriv.read = true;
                                                vpPriv.check = true;
                                                vpPriv.update = true;
                                                vpPriv.reason = "inherit";
                                                vpPriv.delete = true;
                                                vpPriv.fileid = dx_files.fileid;

                                    if (accesslevel == "vp" || accesslevel == "manager" || accesslevel == "employee")
                                        var ceo = from usersTable in db.DX_USER
                                                  where usersTable.accesslevel == "ceo"
                                                  select usersTable;
                                        if (ceo.Count() != 0)
                                            foreach (DX_USER ceoUser in ceo)
                                                DX_PRIVILEGE ceoPriv = new DX_PRIVILEGE();
                                                string ceoId = ceoUser.userid;

                                                ceoPriv.userid = ceoId;
                                                ceoPriv.read = true;
                                                ceoPriv.check = true;
                                                ceoPriv.update = true;
                                                ceoPriv.reason = "inherit";
                                                ceoPriv.delete = true;
                                                ceoPriv.fileid = dx_files.fileid;



                                    // Show the document list
                                    return RedirectToAction("ListDocuments");
                                ModelState.AddModelError("","Invalid file type. Accepted file types are PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Text and Image Files");
                            ModelState.AddModelError("","Please enter a valid description");
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "File size exceeded 5 MB Limit");
                        return View();
                    ModelState.AddModelError("","Please select the file to be uploaded");
            catch (Exception)
                ModelState.AddModelError("","Error uploading the document ");
                // Check if a document information has been uploaded to DX_FILES
                // and delete it
                if (newFileId != -1)
            return View();
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the DX_FILES EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToDX_FILES(DX_FILES dX_FILES)
     base.AddObject("DX_FILES", dX_FILES);