public override void Load(string fileName) { //Delete first the existent relations dao.Database db = App.Application.CurrentDb(); dao.Relations relations = db.Relations; foreach (dao.Relation item in relations) { relations.Delete(item.Name); } relations.Refresh(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName)) { ImportObject import = new ImportObject(sr); import.ReadLine(2); //Read 'Begin Relations' and 'Begin Relation' lines do { string relationName = import.PeekObjectName(); Dictionary <string, object> relationProperties = import.ReadProperties(); dao.Relation relation = db.CreateRelation(relationName); relation.Attributes = Convert.ToInt32(relationProperties["Attributes"]); relation.ForeignTable = Convert.ToString(relationProperties["ForeignTable"]); relation.Table = Convert.ToString(relationProperties["Table"]); //try { relation.PartialReplica = Convert.ToBoolean(relationProperties["PartialReplica"]); } catch { } //Accessing this property causes an exception ¿? import.ReadLine(2); //Read 'Begin Fields' and 'Begin Field' lines while (!import.IsEnd) { dao.Field field = relation.CreateField(); field.Name = import.PropertyValue(); import.ReadLine(); field.ForeignName = import.PropertyValue(); import.ReadLine(2); //Read 'End Field' and ('Begin Field' or 'End Fields' relation.Fields.Append(field); } import.ReadLine(2); //Read 'End Relation' and ('Begin Relation or 'End Relations') relations.Append(relation); } while (!import.IsEnd); } }
public override void Load(string fileName) { if (!AllowDataLost && HasData) { throw new DataLostException(this.Name); } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName)) { ImportObject import = new ImportObject(sr); string objName = import.ReadObjectName(); if (string.Compare(this.Name, objName, true) != 0) { this.Name = objName; } dao.Database db = App.Application.CurrentDb(); bool tableExists = false; string tempTableName = this.Name; //if (ExistsTableDef(db, this.Name)) { // foreach (dao.Relation relation in GetTableRelations(db)) { // db.Relations.Delete(relation.Name); // } // db.TableDefs.Delete(this.Name); //} if (ExistsTableDef(db, this.Name)) { tableExists = true; tempTableName = String.Format("{0}{1}", this.Name, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssff")); tempTableName = tempTableName.Substring(tempTableName.Length - Math.Min(64, tempTableName.Length)); } tableDef = db.CreateTableDef(tempTableName); try { //read table properties Dictionary <string, object> props = import.ReadProperties(); //tableDef.Attributes = Convert.ToInt32(props["Attributes"]); tableDef.Connect = Convert.ToString(props["Connect"]); tableDef.SourceTableName = Convert.ToString(props["SourceTableName"]); tableDef.ValidationRule = Convert.ToString(props["ValidationRule"]); tableDef.ValidationText = Convert.ToString(props["ValidationText"]); //Linked tables do not allow fields nor indexes definitions //but ms access properties are allowed bool isLinkedTable = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(props["Connect"])); //read fields import.ReadLine(); //Read the 'Begin Fields' line while (!import.IsEnd) { dao.Field fld = ReadField(import); if (!isLinkedTable) { tableDef.Fields.Append(fld); } } if (!isLinkedTable) { //read indexes import.ReadLine(); //Read the 'Begin Indexes' line. If there is not indexes, CurrentLine == End if (import.IsBegin) { import.ReadLine(); //Read the 'Begin Index' line. while (!import.IsEnd) { dao.Index idx = ReadIndex(import); if (idx == null) { break; } tableDef.Indexes.Append(idx); } } } db.TableDefs.Append(tableDef); db.TableDefs.Refresh(); //According with MS-doc: The object to which you are adding the user-defined property must already be appended to a collection. //see: //So: After fields added to the tableDef and tableDef added to the database, we add the custom properties //This properties are also available for linked tables foreach (Field field in Fields) { field.AddCustomProperties(); } AddCustomProperties(props); //manage table relations if (tableExists) { List <Relation> relationsList = new List <Relation>(); foreach (dao.Relation relation in GetTableRelations(db)) { dao.Relation newRelation = db.CreateRelation(relation.Name, relation.Table, relation.ForeignTable, relation.Attributes); //try { newRelation.PartialReplica = relation.PartialReplica; } catch { } //Accessing this property causes an exception ¿? foreach (dao.Field field in relation.Fields) { dao.Field newField = newRelation.CreateField(); newField.Name = field.Name; newField.ForeignName = field.ForeignName; newRelation.Fields.Append(newField); } relationsList.Add(newRelation); db.Relations.Delete(relation.Name); } db.Relations.Refresh(); db.TableDefs.Delete(this.Name); db.TableDefs[tempTableName].Name = this.Name; db.TableDefs.Refresh(); foreach (dao.Relation relation in relationsList) { try { db.Relations.Append(relation); } catch { //not allways we can restore the relation: the field do not exists or has changed the data type } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (tableExists) { db.TableDefs.Delete(tempTableName); } string message = String.Format(AccessIO.Properties.ImportRes.ErrorAtLineNum, import.LineNumber, ex.Message); throw new WrongFileFormatException(message, fileName, import.LineNumber); } } }