public override void StartSettings() { var viewModel = new ShapeLayerColorPickerViewModel(this, _filePath); _element = FloatingHelpers.CreateFloatingElement("Color Picker", new Point(400, 400), new Size(400, 400), viewModel); AppStateSettings.Instance.FloatingItems.AddFloatingElement(_element); }
private void TagVisualizationLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { { var c = State.Imb.Clients.Where((k => k.Value.TagID != "" && Convert.ToByte(int.Parse(k.Value.TagID, NumberStyles.HexNumber)) == VisualizedTag.Value)).FirstOrDefault(); if (c.Value != null) { Status = c.Value; var fe = new FloatingElement { AllowDrop = true, AllowedDropsTags = new List<string>() { "document" } }; fe.Drop += fe_Drop; fe.DragEnter += (s, es) => { Opacity = 0.5; }; fe.DragLeave += (s, es) => { Opacity = 1; }; border.DataContext = fe; SurfaceDragDrop.AddDragEnterHandler(this, (s, ea) => this.Opacity = 0.5); // VisualStateManager.GoToState(this,"DragOver",true)); SurfaceDragDrop.AddDragLeaveHandler(this, (s, ea) => this.Opacity = 1.0); // VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "Normal", true)); SurfaceDragDrop.AddDropHandler(this, (s, ea) => { if (!(ea.Cursor.Data is Document)) return; // send document var d = (Document)ea.Cursor.Data; this.Opacity = 1.0; AppStateSettings.Instance.SendDocument(Status, d); }); } LostTag += UcSensiconLostTag; } Moved += UcSensiconMoved; }
/// <summary> /// Tries to open a Floating element by looking in all referenced assemblies for the full namespace of the viewmodel /// </summary> /// <param name="modelName"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <param name="sizeX"></param> /// <param name="sizeY"></param> /// <param name="posX"></param> /// <param name="posY"></param> public object OpenWindow(string modelName, object[] args = null, string title = "Window", double sizeX = 600, double sizeY = 400, double posX = 500, double posY = 500, string id = "", bool border = true) { if (!IsActive()) return null; object viewModel = null; Type modelType = null; try { //var args2 = new object[] {1, 2, 4}; try { var ea = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); modelType = ea.GetType(modelName); if (modelType == null) { foreach (var refassNm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { modelType = refassNm.GetType(modelName); if (modelType != null) { break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Execute.OnUIThread(() => { try { if(modelType != null) viewModel = Activator.CreateInstance(modelType, args); if (viewModel != null) { var fe = new FloatingElement() { OpacityDragging = 0.5, OpacityNormal = 1.0, CanMove = true, CanRotate = true, CanScale = true, StartOrientation = 0, Width = sizeX, Height = sizeY, Background = Brushes.DarkOrange, StartPosition = new Point(posX, posY), MinSize = new Size(sizeX, sizeY), ShowsActivationEffects = false, RemoveOnEdge = true, Contained = true, Title = title, Foreground = Brushes.White, DockingStyle = DockingStyles.None, ModelInstance = viewModel, }; if (id != "") fe.Id = id; if (!border) fe.Style = Application.Current.FindResource("NoBorder") as Style; AppStateSettings.Instance.FloatingItems.Add(fe); _ownFloatingElements.Add(fe); } //return viewModel; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { string exc = ex.Message; } return viewModel; }
private static void AnimateOpacityWindow(FloatingElement fe, double posX, double posY, long duration = 2000) { // Animate opacity if (fe != null && fe.ScatterViewItem != null) { var o = new System.Windows.Media.Animation.DoubleAnimation(posX, posY, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration)); fe.ScatterViewItem.BeginAnimation(ScatterContentControlBase.OpacityProperty, o); } //pa.EasingFunction = new ExponentialEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn, Exponent = -3 }; }
private static void AnimateWindow(FloatingElement fe,double posX, double posY, long duration=2000) { // Animate to var pa = new PointAnimation(); pa.From = fe.ScatterViewItem.Center; pa.To = new Point(posX, posY); pa.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration)); pa.EasingFunction = new ExponentialEase() {EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn, Exponent = -3}; fe.ScatterViewItem.BeginAnimation(ScatterContentControlBase.CenterProperty, pa); //fe.ScatterViewItem.BeginAnimation(ScatterContentControlBase.CenterProperty, null); //fe.ScatterViewItem. //fe.ScatterViewItem.Center = new Point(posX, posY); }
private void SettingsFloatingElementOnClosed(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs) { _settingsFloatingElement = null; }
private void EditMenuItem_OnTap(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Execute.OnUIThread(() => { if (_settingsFloatingElement == null) { _settingsFloatingElement = FloatingHelpers.CreateFloatingElement("Effects model settings", new Point(350, 340), new Size(500, 550), _direction.SettingsViewModel); _settingsFloatingElement.Closed += SettingsFloatingElementOnClosed; AppState.FloatingItems.AddFloatingElement(_settingsFloatingElement); } }); }
private void RemoveMenuItem_OnTap(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (_settingsFloatingElement != null) { _settingsFloatingElement.Close(); } _settingsFloatingElement = null; _direction.Remove(); }
private void RemoveFloatingElement() { floatingElement = AppState.FloatingItems.FirstOrDefault(f => string.Equals((string) f.Id, taskDragItem.FloatingElementId)); if (floatingElement == null) return; AppState.FloatingItems.Remove(floatingElement); }
private void UcPhotoContactTap(object sender, TouchEventArgs e) { if (Feature is PhotoFeature) { var pf = (PhotoFeature) Feature; var fe = new FloatingElement { Document = new Document {FileType = FileTypes.image, Location = pf.ImageUrl}, OpacityDragging = 0.5, OpacityNormal = 1.0, CanMove = true, CanRotate = true, CanScale = true, StartOrientation = e.Device.GetOrientation(Application.Current.MainWindow) + 90, Background = Brushes.DarkOrange, MaxSize = new Size(500, (500.0/pf.Width)*pf.Height), StartPosition = e.TouchDevice.GetTouchPoint(Application.Current.MainWindow).Position, StartSize = new Size(200, (200.0/pf.Width)*pf.Height), MinSize = new Size(100, (100.0/pf.Width)*pf.Height), ShowsActivationEffects = false, RemoveOnEdge = true, Contained = true, Title = pf.Name, Foreground = Brushes.White, DockingStyle = DockingStyles.None, }; AppStateSettings.Instance.FloatingItems.Add(fe); //State.AddFloatingElement(new CoFile() { Location = pf.ImageUrl, Id = pf.Id, Name = pf.Name }, (pf.Width/2), (pf.Height/2)); } }
public void ForceDrop(object data, FloatingElement fe) { if (Drop != null) Drop(this, new FloatingDragDropEventArgs {Data = data, Element = fe}); }
protected override void OnViewLoaded(object loadedView) { base.OnViewLoaded(loadedView); view = (SpiderView) loadedView; svi = Helpers.FindElementOfTypeUp(view, typeof (ScatterViewItem)) as ScatterViewItem; if (svi != null && svi.DataContext is FloatingElement) fe = (FloatingElement) svi.DataContext; if (fe != null) { AppState.FullScreenFloatingElementChanged += (e, s) => NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Large); NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Large); } //AppraisalTab = AppState.Container.GetExportedValue<IAppraisalTab>(); //AppraisalTab.Plugin = Plugin; Plugin.SelectedAppraisals.CollectionChanged += SelectedAppraisalsCollectionChanged; Plugin.PropertyChanged += (e, s) => { if (!s.PropertyName.Equals("SelectedAppraisal")) return; UpdateNextPrevious(); UpdateSpider(); }; if (Plugin.SelectedAppraisals.Count > 0) Plugin.SelectedAppraisal = Plugin.SelectedAppraisals.First(); UpdateSpider(); }
public void Init() { // get file location BFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Bookmark.File"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BFile)) BFile = "bookmarks.txt"; var fi = new FileInfo(BFile); if (fi.Directory == null) return; // check if directory exists if (!fi.Directory.Exists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(fi.Directory.FullName); } Screen = new PinViewModel(); // load bookmarks Bookmarks = BookmarkList.Load(BFile); //var viewModel = IoC.GetAllInstances(typeof(IBookmark)).FirstOrDefault() as IBookmark; var viewModel = (BookmarkViewModel)IoC.GetInstance(typeof(IBookmark), ""); //container.GetExportedValueOrDefault<IBookmark>(); if (viewModel != null) { viewModel.BFile = BFile; Element = FloatingHelpers.CreateFloatingElement("Bookmarks", DockingStyles.Up, viewModel, Icon,Priority); Element.LastContainerPosition = new ContainerPosition() { Center = new Point(500, 400), Size = new Size(500, 500) }; Element.SwitchWidth = 450; Element.DragScaleFactor = 40; UpdateVisibility(); } AppState.ViewDef.VisibleChanged += ViewDefVisibleChanged; }
public override void StartSettings() { var fe = new FloatingElement { OpacityDragging = 0.5, OpacityNormal = 1.0, CanMove = true, CanRotate = true, CanScale = true, StartOrientation = 0, Background = Brushes.DarkOrange, StartPosition = new Point(400,400), StartSize = new Size(400, 500), ShowsActivationEffects = false, RemoveOnEdge = true, Contained = true, Title = "Rain Radar Configuration", Foreground = Brushes.White, DockingStyle = DockingStyles.None, ModelInstance = new RainRadarConfigViewModel(this) }; AppStateSettings.Instance.FloatingItems.Add(fe); }
/// <summary> /// Tries to open a Floating element by looking in all referenced assemblies for the full namespace of the viewmodel /// </summary> /// <param name="modelName"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <param name="sizeX"></param> /// <param name="sizeY"></param> /// <param name="posX"></param> /// <param name="posY"></param> public object OpenImage(string source, object[] args = null, string title = "Window", string filetype = "image",double sizeX = 600, double sizeY = 400, double posX = 500, double posY = 500, string id="", bool border=false, double opacity = 1) { if (!IsActive()) return null; var ftype = (FileTypes) Enum.Parse(typeof(FileTypes),filetype); object viewModel = null; try { Execute.OnUIThread(() => { try { Document doc = new Document() { Location = source, FileType = ftype }; var fe = new FloatingElement() { OpacityDragging = 0.5, OpacityNormal = 1.0, CanMove = false, CanRotate = false, CanScale = false, StartOrientation = 0, Width = sizeX, Height = sizeY, Background = Brushes.DarkOrange, StartPosition = new Point(posX, posY), MinSize = new Size(sizeX, sizeY), ShowsActivationEffects = false, RemoveOnEdge = true, Contained = true, Title = title, Document = doc, Foreground = Brushes.White, DockingStyle = DockingStyles.None , }; if (!border) fe.Style = Application.Current.FindResource("NoBorder") as Style; if (id != "") fe.Id = id; fe.OpacityNormal = opacity; AppStateSettings.Instance.FloatingItems.Add(fe); _ownFloatingElements.Add(fe); //return viewModel; } catch (Exception) { } }); } catch (Exception ex) { string exc = ex.Message; } return viewModel; }
private void AppStateDrop(object sender, DropEventArgs e) { if (!IsRunning || !(e.EventArgs.Cursor.Data is Appraisal)) return; //var a = (Appraisal) e.EventArgs.Cursor.Data; var avm = AppState.Container.GetExportedValue<IAppraisal>(); avm.Plugin = this; var fe = new FloatingElement { ModelInstance = avm, OpacityDragging = 0.5, OpacityNormal = 1.0, CanDrag = true, CanMove = true, CanRotate = true, CanScale = true, Background = Brushes.DarkOrange, //MaxSize = new Size(500, (500.0 / pf.Width) * pf.Height), StartPosition = e.Pos, StartSize = new Size(200, 200), Width = 300, Height = 300, ShowsActivationEffects = false, RemoveOnEdge = true, Contained = true, CanFullScreen = true, Title = "Appraisal", Foreground = Brushes.White, DockingStyle = DockingStyles.None, }; AppState.FloatingItems.Add(fe); }
public void Stop() { ShowConfirmation = false; foreach (var border in visitedBorders) border.Background = Brushes.Yellow; visitedBorders.Clear(); AppState.RestoreVisibleState(); floatingElement = null; Plugin.ActiveTask = null; }