Пример #1
        private void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get the key of the current product in the data grid view
            int    rowNum    = productDataGridView.CurrentCell.RowIndex;                                           // index of the current row
            string productId = productDataGridView["productIdDataGridViewTextBoxColumn", rowNum].Value.ToString(); // Column for ProductCode

            Product currentProduct;

            using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                currentProduct = (from p in dbContext.Products // this is a query in the brackets
                                  where p.ProductId == Convert.ToInt32(productId)
                                  select p).SingleOrDefault(); // or Singleordefault, if no product for the code

            frmAddModifyProducts secondForm = new frmAddModifyProducts();

            secondForm.isAdd          = false;                             // it Modify
            secondForm.currentProduct = currentProduct;
            DialogResult result = secondForm.ShowDialog();                 // display second form modal

            if (result == DialogResult.OK || result == DialogResult.Retry) // successful update or concurrency exception
Пример #2
        // ******************************** Product Supplier Tab ***************************************************
        // code written by:
        private void productSupplierIdComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext();

            var selectedValue = (from m in dataContext.Products_Suppliers
                                 where m.ProductSupplierId == Convert.ToInt32(productSupplierIdComboBox.SelectedValue)
                                 select m).Single();

            productIdTextBox.Text = selectedValue.ProductId.ToString();

            supplierIdTextBox.Text = selectedValue.SupplierId.ToString();

            var productName = (from m in dataContext.Products
                               where m.ProductId == Convert.ToInt32(selectedValue.ProductId)
                               select m).Single();

            prodNameTextBox.Text = productName.ProdName;

            var supplierName = (from m in dataContext.Suppliers
                                where m.SupplierId == Convert.ToInt32(selectedValue.SupplierId)
                                select m).Single();

            supNameTextBox.Text = supplierName.SupName;
Пример #3
        private void btnDeleteProductSup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext();
            int          sup_id = Convert.ToInt32(productSupplierIdComboBox.SelectedItem);
            DialogResult answer = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete Supplier Id: " + sup_id + "?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);

            if (answer == DialogResult.OK)
                using (TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                        Products_Supplier selectedValue = (from m in dataContext.Products_Suppliers
                                                           where m.ProductSupplierId == sup_id
                                                           select m).Single();


                        productSupIds = (from m in dataContext.Products_Suppliers
                                         select m.ProductSupplierId).ToList();
                        productSupplierIdComboBox.DataSource = productSupIds;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());
Пример #4
        /******* Attempt to separate the main window ability to add new product to database****/

        private void btnNewProducts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int pack_id = Convert.ToInt32(cboPackageId.SelectedValue);

            using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                Package currentPack = (from pack in dbContext.Packages
                                       where pack.PackageId == pack_id
                                       select pack).Single();

                frmAddNewProductToPackage secondform = new frmAddNewProductToPackage();

                secondform.currentPackage = currentPack;

                DialogResult result = secondform.ShowDialog();

                if (result == DialogResult.OK)// successful Add
                    packageIDs = (from pack in dbContext.Packages
                                  select pack.PackageId).ToList();
                    cboPackageId.DataSource    = packageIDs;
                    cboPackageId.SelectedIndex = 0;   // refresh grid
        /***************** WORKING ON ADDING PACKAGES INTO the PACKAGE ID *****/
        // add products into the database and save it
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Validator.IsProvided(txtProdSupID, "Prod Supllier ID"))
                    Packages_Products_Supplier newProduct = null;
                    using (TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                        newProduct = new Packages_Products_Supplier
                            // PackageId = Convert.ToInt32(cboPackageId.SelectedItem),
                            PackageId         = currentPackage.PackageId,
                            ProductSupplierId = Convert.ToInt32(txtProdSupID.Text)
                        };// object initializer syntax
                        MessageBox.Show("Changes have been saved", "Data update");

                    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                catch (SqlException ex)
            else // validation failed
                DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
Пример #6
        private void btnDeleteSupplier_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get the key of the current product
            int          sup_id = Convert.ToInt32(cboSupplierId.SelectedValue);
            DialogResult answer = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete Supplier Id: " + sup_id + "?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);

            if (answer == DialogResult.OK)
                    using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                        Supplier currentSup = (from sup in dbContext.Suppliers
                                               where sup.SupplierId == sup_id
                                               select sup).Single();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());
 private void loadComboBox_Package()
     using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
         txtPackageId.Text = currentPackage.PackageId.ToString();
Пример #8
        //load Supplier form fields when selected id is changed
        private void cboSupplierId_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                int selectedID = Convert.ToInt32(cboSupplierId.SelectedValue);
                    using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                        var selected = (from sup in dbContext.Suppliers
                                        where sup.SupplierId == selectedID
                                        select sup).Single();
                        if (selected != null)
                            txtSupName.Text = selected.SupName;

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error while retrieving member with selected ID: " + ex.Message,
Пример #9
        private void btnModProdSup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmAddModifyProdSuppltbl secondform = new frmAddModifyProdSuppltbl();

            secondform.isModify = true;
            int prodId  = Convert.ToInt32(productIdTextBox.Text);
            int supplId = Convert.ToInt32(supplierIdTextBox.Text);

            using (TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                secondform.activeProdSuppId = (from m in dataContext.Products_Suppliers
                                               where m.ProductId == prodId && m.SupplierId == supplId
                                               select m).Single();
            DialogResult result = secondform.ShowDialog();

            using (TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext()) // refresh the grid
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    productSupIds = (from m in dataContext.Products_Suppliers
                                     select m.ProductSupplierId).ToList();
                    productSupplierIdComboBox.DataSource = productSupIds;
Пример #10
        private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get the key of the current product in the data grid view
            int    rowNum    = productDataGridView.CurrentCell.RowIndex;                                           // index of the current row
            string productId = productDataGridView["productIdDataGridViewTextBoxColumn", rowNum].Value.ToString(); // Column for ProductId

            DialogResult answer = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete product Id " + productId + "?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);

            if (answer == DialogResult.OK)
                using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                        Product currentProduct = (from p in dbContext.Products
                                                  where p.ProductId == Convert.ToInt32(productId)
                                                  select p).SingleOrDefault();

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());
Пример #11
 // load combo box for Supplier Tab
 private void loadComboBox_Supplier()
     using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
         supplierIDs = (from sup in dbContext.Suppliers
                        select sup.SupplierId).ToList();
         cboSupplierId.DataSource    = supplierIDs;
         cboSupplierId.SelectedIndex = 0;
Пример #12
 // load combo box for Package Tab
 private void loadComboBox_Package()
     using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
         packageIDs = (from pack in dbContext.Packages
                       select pack.PackageId).ToList();
         cboPackageId.DataSource    = packageIDs;
         cboPackageId.SelectedIndex = 0;
 private void frmAddNewProductToPackage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // populate the list of available products in the list
     using (TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
         productNameforList = (from prod in dataContext.Products
                               select prod.ProdName).ToList();
         lbxAvailableProducts.DataSource = productNameforList;
Пример #14
 //*************************************** Product Tab ********************************************
 // code written by David Hahner
 private void tabProducts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
         productDataGridView.DataSource = from prod in dbContext.Products
                                          orderby prod.ProdName
                                          select prod;
Пример #15
        private void btnAddProdSup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmAddModifyProdSuppltbl secondform = new frmAddModifyProdSuppltbl();
            DialogResult             result     = secondform.ShowDialog();

            using (TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext()) // refresh the grid
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    productSupIds = (from m in dataContext.Products_Suppliers
                                     select m.ProductSupplierId).ToList();
                    productSupplierIdComboBox.DataSource = productSupIds;
 private void lbxAvailableSupplier_SelectedIndexChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
         var y = (from m in dataContext.Products_Suppliers
                  join p in dataContext.Suppliers on m.SupplierId equals p.SupplierId
                  join x in dataContext.Products on m.ProductId equals x.ProductId
                  where p.SupName == lbxAvailableSupplier.SelectedItem.ToString() &&
                  x.ProdName == lbxAvailableProducts.SelectedItem.ToString()
                  select m).ToList();
         foreach (var z in y)
             txtProdSupID.Text = z.ProductSupplierId.ToString();
Пример #17
        // validate the users entries
        private void btnSaveMod_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Validator.IsProvided(txtPkgName, "Package Name") &&
                Validator.IsProvided(txtPkgDesc, "Description") &&
                Validator.IsNonNegativeDouble(txtPkgBasePrice, "Base Price") &&
                Validator.IsNonNegativeDouble(txtPkgAgencyCommission, "Commission") &&
                Validator.IsCorrectLength(txtPkgName, 50))
                if (Convert.ToDecimal(txtPkgBasePrice.Text) <= Convert.ToDecimal(txtPkgAgencyCommission.Text))
                    MessageBox.Show("Base Price must be greater then commission", "Entry error");
                else if (pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Value <= pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Value)
                    MessageBox.Show(" Package End Date Must be greater then Start Date", "Entry error");
                        using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                            // get the product with Code from the current text box
                            Package package = dbContext.Packages.Single(p => p.PackageId == Convert.ToInt32(txtPackageId.Text));

                            // make changes by copying values from text boxes
                            package.PkgName             = Convert.ToString(txtPkgName.Text);
                            package.PkgStartDate        = Convert.ToDateTime(pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Value);
                            package.PkgEndDate          = Convert.ToDateTime(pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Value);
                            package.PkgDesc             = Convert.ToString(txtPkgDesc.Text);
                            package.PkgBasePrice        = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPkgBasePrice.Text);
                            package.PkgAgencyCommission = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPkgAgencyCommission.Text);

                            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                            MessageBox.Show("Package changed successfully!", "Package Modified");
                    catch (ChangeConflictException)
                        MessageBox.Show("Another user changed or deleted the current record", "Concurrency Exception");
                        DialogResult = DialogResult.Retry;
Пример #18
        //load package form fields when selected id is changed
        private void cboPackageId_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int selectedID = Convert.ToInt32(cboPackageId.SelectedValue);
            TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext();

            // retrieve data from Packages table
            var selectedPackage = (from pack in dbContext.Packages
                                   where pack.PackageId == selectedID
                                   select pack).Single();

            if (selectedPackage != null)
                txtPkgName.Text = selectedPackage.PkgName;
                pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(selectedPackage.PkgStartDate);
                pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Value   = Convert.ToDateTime(selectedPackage.PkgEndDate);
                txtPkgDesc.Text             = selectedPackage.PkgDesc;
                txtPkgBasePrice.Text        = Convert.ToDouble(selectedPackage.PkgBasePrice).ToString("c");
                txtPkgAgencyCommission.Text = Convert.ToDouble(selectedPackage.PkgAgencyCommission).ToString("c");

                //retrieve data from Packages_Products_Supplier
                var selectedPackProdSup = (from p in dbContext.Packages_Products_Suppliers
                                           where p.PackageId == selectedID
                                           select p).ToList();
                // cboPPS.DataSource = selectedPackProdSup;

                foreach (var x in selectedPackProdSup)
                    var pId = (from p in dbContext.Products_Suppliers
                               where p.ProductSupplierId == x.ProductSupplierId
                               select p).Single();

                    var selectedProd = (from p in dbContext.Products
                                        where p.ProductId == pId.ProductId
                                        select p.ProdName).Single();

Пример #19
        // when user clicks modify button on Travel Package tab
        private void btnModPackage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int pkgId = Convert.ToInt32(cboPackageId.SelectedValue);

            using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                Package currentPackage = (from p in dbContext.Packages
                                          where p.PackageId == pkgId
                                          select p).Single();

                frmModifyPackage secondFormModifyPackage = new frmModifyPackage();
                secondFormModifyPackage.isAdd          = false;
                secondFormModifyPackage.currentPackage = currentPackage;
                DialogResult result = secondFormModifyPackage.ShowDialog(); // display second form modal
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)                              // new row got inserted
        private void lbxAvailableProducts_SelectedIndexChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext();

            var i = lbxAvailableProducts.Items[lbxAvailableProducts.SelectedIndex].ToString();

            var selectedValue = (from m in dataContext.Products_Suppliers
                                 join p in dataContext.Products on m.ProductId equals p.ProductId
                                 join s in dataContext.Suppliers on m.SupplierId equals s.SupplierId
                                 where p.ProdName == i
                                 select s).ToList();

            foreach (var x in selectedValue)
Пример #21
        private void btnAddPackage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Validator.IsProvided(txtName, "Package Name") &&
                Validator.IsProvided(txtDescription, "Description") &&
                Validator.IsNonNegativeDouble(txtPrice, "Base Price") &&
                Validator.IsNonNegativeDouble(txtCommision, "Commission") &&
                Validator.IsCorrectLength(txtName, 50))
                if (Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrice.Text) <= Convert.ToDecimal(txtCommision.Text))
                    MessageBox.Show("Base Price must be greater then commision", "Entry error");
                else if (pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Value <= pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Value)
                    MessageBox.Show(" Package End Date Must be greater then Start Date", "Entry error");

                if (isAdd) // it is add
                    Package newPackage = new Package
                        PkgName             = txtName.Text.ToString(),
                        PkgStartDate        = Convert.ToDateTime(pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Value),
                        PkgEndDate          = Convert.ToDateTime(pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Value),
                        PkgDesc             = txtDescription.Text.ToString(),
                        PkgBasePrice        = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrice.Text),
                        PkgAgencyCommission = Convert.ToDecimal(txtCommision.Text)
                    //save to database
                    using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                        dbContext.SubmitChanges(); //submit to database
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Пример #22
        //When user clicks edit button in Supplier Tab
        private void btnEditSupplier_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //get the current supplier id to pass on to 2nd form
            this.tabControl1.SelectedTab = tabSupplier;
            int sup_id = Convert.ToInt32(cboSupplierId.SelectedValue);

            using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                Supplier currentSup = (from sup in dbContext.Suppliers
                                       where sup.SupplierId == sup_id
                                       select sup).Single();

                frmAddEditSupplier secondformSupplier = new frmAddEditSupplier();
                secondformSupplier.isAdd           = false;
                secondformSupplier.currentSupplier = currentSup;

                DialogResult result = secondformSupplier.ShowDialog();         // display second form modal
                if (result == DialogResult.OK || result == DialogResult.Retry) // successful update or concurrency exception
Пример #23
        // populate combo box as the form loads
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            using (TravelExpertDataContext dataContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                productSupIds = (from m in dataContext.Products_Suppliers
                                 select m.ProductSupplierId).ToList();
                productSupplierIdComboBox.DataSource    = productSupIds;
                productSupplierIdComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                productDataGridView.DataSource = from prod in dbContext.Products
                                                 orderby prod.ProdName
                                                 select prod;
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (isAdd) // it is add
                if (Validator.IsProvided(txtSupplierId, "Supplier Id") &&
                    Validator.IsInt32(txtSupplierId) &&
                    Validator.IsProvided(txtSupName, "Supplier Name") && Validator.isNotNumeric(txtSupName, "Supplier Name") &&
                    Validator.IsCorrectLength(txtSupName, 50))
                    // create a supplier by taking data from form inputs
                    Supplier newSupplier = new Supplier
                        SupplierId = Convert.ToInt32(txtSupplierId.Text),
                        SupName    = txtSupName.Text
                    //save to database
                    using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                        dbContext.SubmitChanges(); //submit to database
                        MessageBox.Show("Changes have been saved", "Data update");

                    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                else // validation  failed
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
            else // it is modify
                if (Validator.IsProvided(txtSupName, "Supplier Name") && Validator.isNotNumeric(txtSupName, "Supplier Name") &&
                    Validator.IsCorrectLength(txtSupName, 50))
                        using (TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext())
                            Supplier supplierFromDb = (from sup in dbContext.Suppliers
                                                       where sup.SupplierId == currentSupplier.SupplierId
                                                       select sup).Single();

                            if (supplierFromDb != null)
                                supplierFromDb.SupName = txtSupName.Text;
                                //submit the changes to db
                                DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                                MessageBox.Show("Changes have been modified", "Data update");
                    catch (ChangeConflictException)
                        MessageBox.Show("Another user changed or deleted the current record", "Concurrency Exception");
                        DialogResult = DialogResult.Retry;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());
                else // validation failed
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
Пример #25
        private void RefreshGridView()
            TravelExpertDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertDataContext();

            productDataGridView.DataSource = dbContext.Products;