Пример #1
        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())
                //create user object
                Users objU = new Users();

                //get salt for username
                String username = txtUsername.Text;

                objU = (from u in db.Users1
                            where u.Username == username select u).FirstOrDefault();

                //username was found
                if (objU != null){
                    String salt = objU.Salt;

                    //salt and hash text password
                    String password = txtPassword.Text;
                    String pass_and_salt = password + salt;

                    // Create a new instance of the hash crypto service provider.
                    HashAlgorithm hashAlg = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider();

                    // Convert the data to hash to an array of Bytes.
                    byte[] bytValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass_and_salt);

                    // Compute the Hash. This returns an array of Bytes.
                    byte[] bytHash = hashAlg.ComputeHash(bytValue);

                    // Optionally, represent the hash value as a base64-encoded string,
                    // For example, if you need to display the value or transmit it over a network.
                    string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytHash);

                    //check if the password is correct
                    if (objU.Password == base64)
                        //store id in session object
                        Session["UserID"] = objU.UserID;
                        Session["UserName"] = objU.Firstname + " " + objU.Lastname;

                        //redirect to their comic page
                        lblError.Text = "Invalid Login";
                    lblError.Text = "Invalid Login";
Пример #2
 protected void GetAuthors()
     using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())
         var track = from t in db.Comics1
                     select t;
         //bind to grid
         grdAuthors.DataSource = track.ToList();
Пример #3
        protected void GetPublishers()
            //get list of comics
            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())
                var track = from t in db.Comics1
                            select t;

                //bind to the grid
                grdPublishers.DataSource = track.ToList();
Пример #4
        protected void GetComics()
            //list comics for user
            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())
                var track = from t in db.Comics1
                            select t;

                //bind to grid
                grdComics.DataSource = track.ToList();
Пример #5
        protected void GetComic()
            //look up comic and fill
            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())
                Int32 ComicID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ComicID"]);

                //look up comic
                Comics trac = (from c in db.Comics1
                               where c.ComicID == ComicID
                               select c).FirstOrDefault();

                txtTitle.Text = trac.Title;
                txtAuthor.Text = trac.Author;
                txtPublisher.Text = trac.Issue.ToString();
Пример #6
        protected void grdComics_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            Int32 ComicID = Convert.ToInt32(grdComics.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values["ComicID"]);

            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())
                Comics track = (from c in db.Comics1
                                where c.ComicID == ComicID
                                select c).FirstOrDefault();


                //refresh grid
Пример #7
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())
                Comics trac = new Comics();

                Int32 ComicID = 0;

                //check for url
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ComicID"]))
                    //get id from url
                     ComicID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ComicID"]);

                    trac = (from c in db.Comics1
                            where c.ComicID == ComicID
                            select c).FirstOrDefault();

                //fill properties
                trac.Title = txtTitle.Text;
                trac.Author = txtAuthor.Text;
                trac.Publisher = txtPublisher.Text;
                trac.Issue = Convert.ToInt32(txtIssue.Text);

                //no id in the url
                if (ComicID == 0)


Пример #8
        protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //connect to db
            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())
                //create new user
                Users objU = new Users();

                //fill the form inputs
                objU.Firstname = txtFirstname.Text;
                objU.Lastname = txtLastname.Text;
                objU.Username = txtUsername.Text;

                //salt and hash text password
                String password = txtPassword.Text;
                String salt = CreateSalt(8);
                String pass_and_salt = password + salt;

                // Create a new instance of the hash crypto service provider.
                HashAlgorithm hashAlg = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider();

                // Convert the data to hash to an array of Bytes.
                byte[] bytValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass_and_salt);

                // Compute the Hash. This returns an array of Bytes.
                byte[] bytHash = hashAlg.ComputeHash(bytValue);

                // Optionally, represent the hash value as a base64-encoded string,
                // For example, if you need to display the value or transmit it over a network.
                string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytHash);

                objU.Password = base64;
                objU.Salt = salt;
