Пример #1
        // Tests that a listener is only invoked by a single thread at any time even if multiple threads are
        // invoking the wrapper concurrently.
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void concurrentExecution() throws InterruptedException
        public virtual void concurrentExecution()
            int nThreads         = Runtime.Runtime.availableProcessors();
            int resultsPerThread = 10;
            ConcurrentLinkedQueue <string> errors = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue <string>();

            System.Threading.CountdownEvent latch = new System.Threading.CountdownEvent(1);
            int      expectedResultCount          = nThreads * resultsPerThread;
            Listener listener = new Listener(errors, latch);

            System.Action <CalculationResults> wrapper = new ListenerWrapper(listener, expectedResultCount, ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of());
            ExecutorService    executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads);
            CalculationResult  result   = CalculationResult.of(0, 0, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "foo"));
            CalculationTarget  target   = new CalculationTargetAnonymousInnerClass(this);
            CalculationResults results  = CalculationResults.of(target, ImmutableList.of(result));

            IntStream.range(0, expectedResultCount).forEach(i => executor.submit(() => wrapper(results)));


            if (!errors.Empty)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java stream collectors are not converted by Java to C# Converter:
                string allErrors = errors.collect(joining("\n"));
Пример #2
        public void calculateMultiScenarioAsync(CalculationTasks tasks, ScenarioMarketData marketData, ReferenceData refData, CalculationListener listener)
            IList <CalculationTask> taskList = tasks.Tasks;

            // the listener is invoked via this wrapper
            // the wrapper ensures thread-safety for the listener
            // it also calls the listener with single CalculationResult cells, not CalculationResults
            System.Action <CalculationResults> consumer = new ListenerWrapper(listener, taskList.Count, tasks.Targets, tasks.Columns);

            // run each task using the executor
            taskList.ForEach(task => runTask(task, marketData, refData, consumer));