public override void OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) {
			var viewHolder = holder as MovieCategoryViewHolder;
			var thisCategory = this.categories [position];
			viewHolder.CategoryName.Text = thisCategory.CategoryName;
			if (viewHolder.MovieList.GetLayoutManager () == null) {
				var movieLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager (context, LinearLayoutManager.Horizontal, false);
				viewHolder.MovieList.SetLayoutManager (movieLayoutManager);
			var adapter = viewHolder.MovieList.GetAdapter() as MovieRecyclerViewAdapter;
			if (adapter == null) {
				var movieAdapter = new MovieRecyclerViewAdapter (this, this.context, thisCategory.Movies, this.configuration);
				viewHolder.MovieList.SetAdapter (movieAdapter);
			} else {
				adapter.Reload (thisCategory.Movies);
		public override void OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) {
			var viewHolder = holder as MovieCategoryViewHolder;
			var thisCategory = this.categories [position];
			viewHolder.CategoryName.Text = thisCategory.CategoryName;
			// If the view holder is being reused, the layout manager will have already been set
			if (viewHolder.MovieList.GetLayoutManager () == null) 
				viewHolder.MovieList.SetLayoutManager (new LinearLayoutManager (context, LinearLayoutManager.Horizontal, false));
			// If the view holder is being reused, the adapter will have already been set
			// Is a reload necessary? Theory is the view holder being bound may not be 
			// at the same position and so the data might be out of symcmight be out of syn
			var adapter = viewHolder.MovieList.GetAdapter() as MovieRecyclerViewAdapter;
			if (adapter == null) {
				var movieAdapter = new MovieRecyclerViewAdapter (this.context, thisCategory.Movies, this.configuration, position == this.favoritesCategoryIndex);
				viewHolder.MovieList.SetAdapter (movieAdapter);
			} else {
				Console.WriteLine ("MovieCategoryRecyclerViewAdapter.OnBindViewHolder MovieList adapter != null");
//				adapter.Reload (thisCategory.Movies);
		private async void updateLayout () {
			this.btnPlay.Alpha = 0;
			this.vwSimilarMovies.Alpha = 0;

			if (this.movieDetail != null) {
				var videoResponse = await Data.Current.GetVideosForMovieAsync (this.movieDetail.Id);
				if (videoResponse != null && videoResponse.Results != null) {
					this.videos = videoResponse.Results;
					if (videoResponse.Results.Count > 0 && videoResponse.Results [0].Site.ToLower () == "youtube")
						this.btnPlay.Alpha = 1;
//						this.btnPlay.StartAnimation (new AlphaAnimation (this.btnPlay.Alpha, 1.0f) { Duration = 300, FillAfter = true });
						this.btnPlay.Alpha = 0;
//						this.btnPlay.StartAnimation (new AlphaAnimation (this.btnPlay.Alpha, 0.0f) { Duration = 300, FillAfter = true });
				var similarMoviesResponse = await Data.Current.GetSimilarForMovieAsync (this.movieDetail.Id);
				if (similarMoviesResponse != null && similarMoviesResponse.Results != null) {
					this.similarMovies = similarMoviesResponse.Results;
					if (similarMoviesResponse.Results.Count == 0)
						this.vwSimilarMovies.Alpha = 0;
//						this.vwSimilarMovies.StartAnimation (new AlphaAnimation (vwSimilarMovies.Alpha, 0.0f) { Duration = 300, FillAfter = true });
					else {
						var orientation = this.Resources.Configuration.Orientation; //.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation
						this.movieList.SetLayoutManager (new LinearLayoutManager (this, orientation == Android.Content.Res.Orientation.Portrait ? LinearLayoutManager.Horizontal : LinearLayoutManager.Vertical, false));
						if (orientation == Android.Content.Res.Orientation.Landscape)
							this.vwSimilarMovies.SetBackgroundColor (Android.Graphics.Color.Argb (20, 0, 0, 0));
							this.vwSimilarMovies.SetBackgroundColor (Android.Graphics.Color.Argb (0, 0, 0, 0));

						if (this.movieAdapter == null) {
							this.movieAdapter = new MovieRecyclerViewAdapter (this, this.similarMovies, this.configuration, false);
							this.movieList.SetAdapter (this.movieAdapter);
						this.vwSimilarMovies.Alpha = 1;
//						this.vwSimilarMovies.StartAnimation (new AlphaAnimation (this.vwSimilarMovies.Alpha, 1.0f) { Duration = 300, FillAfter = true });

				this.txtTitle.Text = this.movieDetail.Title;
				this.txtReleaseDate.Text = String.Format ("Release Date: {0}", this.movieDetail.ReleaseDate.ToShortDateString ());
				this.ratingBar.NumStars = 5;
				this.ratingBar.Rating = (float) this.movieDetail.VoteAverage / 2;
				this.txtVoteCount.Text = String.Format ("(from {0} votes)", this.movieDetail.VoteCount.ToString ());
				this.txtOverview.Text = this.movieDetail.Overview;

				ImageLoader.Instance.DisplayImage (String.Concat (this.configuration.Images.BaseUrl, this.configuration.Images.PosterSizes [1], this.movieDetail.PosterPath), this.imgPoster);

				this.startPulseBackground ();
				this.updateSaveButtonState ();
		private async void updateLayout () {
			this.btnPlay.Alpha = 0;
			this.vwSimilarMovies.Alpha = 0;

			if (this.movieDetail != null) {
				var videoResponse = await Data.Current.GetVideosForMovieAsync (this.movieDetail.Id);
				if (videoResponse != null && videoResponse.Results != null) {
					this.videos = videoResponse.Results;
					if (videoResponse.Results.Count > 0 && videoResponse.Results [0].Site.ToLower () == "youtube")
						this.btnPlay.Alpha = 1;
//						this.btnPlay.StartAnimation (new AlphaAnimation (this.btnPlay.Alpha, 1.0f) { Duration = 300, FillAfter = true });
						this.btnPlay.Alpha = 0;
//						this.btnPlay.StartAnimation (new AlphaAnimation (this.btnPlay.Alpha, 0.0f) { Duration = 300, FillAfter = true });
				var similarMoviesResponse = await Data.Current.GetSimilarForMovieAsync (this.movieDetail.Id);
				if (similarMoviesResponse != null && similarMoviesResponse.Results != null) {
					this.similarMovies = similarMoviesResponse.Results;
					if (similarMoviesResponse.Results.Count == 0)
						this.vwSimilarMovies.Alpha = 0;
//						this.vwSimilarMovies.StartAnimation (new AlphaAnimation (vwSimilarMovies.Alpha, 0.0f) { Duration = 300, FillAfter = true });
					else {
						if (this.movieAdapter == null) {
							this.movieAdapter = new MovieRecyclerViewAdapter (this, this, this.similarMovies, this.configuration);
							this.movieList.SetAdapter (this.movieAdapter);
						} else {
							this.movieAdapter.Reload (this.similarMovies);
						this.vwSimilarMovies.Alpha = 1;
//						this.vwSimilarMovies.StartAnimation (new AlphaAnimation (this.vwSimilarMovies.Alpha, 1.0f) { Duration = 300, FillAfter = true });

				this.txtTitle.Text = this.movieDetail.Title;
				this.txtReleaseDate.Text = String.Format ("Release Date: {0}", this.movieDetail.ReleaseDate.ToShortDateString ());
				this.ratingBar.NumStars = 5;
				this.ratingBar.Rating = (float) this.movieDetail.VoteAverage / 2;
				this.txtVoteCount.Text = String.Format ("(from {0} votes)", this.movieDetail.VoteCount.ToString ());
				this.txtOverview.Text = this.movieDetail.Overview;

				ImageLoader.Instance.DisplayImage (String.Concat (this.configuration.Images.BaseUrl, this.configuration.Images.PosterSizes [1], this.movieDetail.PosterPath), this.imgPoster);

				this.startPulseBackground ();
				this.updateSaveButtonState ();