Пример #1
        public void mReadRecordSet(RecordSetMD aInputRecordSetMD, RecordSet aInputRecordSet, PrintWriter pw)
        //throws WDSException
            int ri = 0;

            try {
                if (aInputRecordSet.isEmpty())
                    //Java aInputRecordSet.Records = new ArrayList<>(0);
                    aInputRecordSet.Records = new List <Map <FieldName, Object> >(0);
                    //Java aInputRecordSet.Records_Orig = new ArrayList<>(0);
                    aInputRecordSet.Records_Orig = new List <Object []>(0);
                int nColumns = aInputRecordSetMD.nColumns();
                int i        = -1;
                int j        = -1;
                int jj       = -1;

                DBB buf = aInputRecordSetMD.DBBMatter.RecordSet.Buffer;

                int nRows = (int)aInputRecordSetMD.DBBMatter.RecordSet.Buffer.nRecords;

                /* Java >>> *
                 * Double lvd = 0.0;
                 * Long lvl = 0L;
                 * Integer lvi = 0;
                 * Boolean lvbln = false;
                 * /* <<< Java */
                /* C# >>> */
                double? lvd   = 0.0;
                long?   lvl   = 0L;
                int?    lvi   = 0;
                Boolean?lvbln = false;
                /* <<< C# */
                String lvs = "";

                int bptr = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < nRows; i++, bptr += (int)aInputRecordSetMD.DBBMatter.RecordSet.Buffer.nRecordFLenBytes)
                    ri = i;
                    buf.position(buf.ptr, bptr, buf.vlenptr);

                    Object[] inputRow_orig = new Object[nColumns];
                    //Java Map<FieldName, Object> inputRow = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    Map <FieldName, Object> inputRow = new Map <FieldName, Object>();
                    for (jj = 0; jj < nColumns; jj++)
                        switch (aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].DTyp)
                        //case Dbl:
                        case FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.Dbl:
                            lvd = buf.GetLayerDouble(1);
                            //Java if (lvd==null || lvd.isNaN() || Double.isInfinite(lvd) ) lvd=null;
                            if (lvd == null || Double.IsNaN(lvd.Value) || lvd == Double.MinValue || lvd == Double.MaxValue ||
                                Double.IsNegativeInfinity(lvd.Value) || Double.IsPositiveInfinity(lvd.Value))
                                lvd = null;
                            inputRow_orig[jj] = lvd;
                            if (aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].hasMapKey())
                                inputRow.put(aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].MapKey, lvd);

                        //case Lng:
                        case FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.Lng:
                            lvl = buf.GetLayerLong(1);
                            //Java if ( lvl == null || lvl.equals(Long.MIN_VALUE) || lvl.equals(Long.MAX_VALUE) ) lvl = null;
                            if (lvl == null || lvl == long.MinValue || lvl == long.MaxValue)
                                lvl = null;
                            inputRow_orig[jj] = lvl;
                            if (aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].hasMapKey())
                                inputRow.put(aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].MapKey, lvl);

                        //case Int:
                        case FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.Int:
                            lvi = buf.GetLayerInt(1);
                            //Java if ( lvi == null || lvi.equals(Integer.MIN_VALUE) || lvi.equals(Integer.MAX_VALUE) ) lvi = null;
                            if (lvi == null || lvi == int.MinValue || lvi == int.MaxValue)
                                lvi = null;
                            inputRow_orig[jj] = lvi;
                            if (aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].hasMapKey())
                                inputRow.put(aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].MapKey, lvi);

                        //case Str:
                        case FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.Str:
                            lvs = buf.GetLayerFLenString(1, aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].ByteMaxLength);
                            inputRow_orig[jj] = lvs;
                            if (aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].hasMapKey())
                                inputRow.put(aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].MapKey, lvs);

                        //case VLS:
                        case FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.VLS:
                            lvs = buf.GetLayerVLenString(1, aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].ByteMaxLength);
                            inputRow_orig[jj] = lvs;
                            if (aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].hasMapKey())
                                inputRow.put(aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].MapKey, lvs);

                        //case Bln:
                        case FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.Bln:
                            lvi = buf.GetLayerInt(1);
                            //Java if ( lvi == null || lvi.equals(Integer.MIN_VALUE) || lvi.equals(Integer.MAX_VALUE) ) lvi = null;
                            if (lvi == null || lvi == int.MinValue || lvi == int.MaxValue)
                                lvi = null;
                            lvbln = null;
                            if (lvi != null)
                                lvbln = (lvi != 0);
                            inputRow_orig[jj] = lvbln;
                            if (aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].hasMapKey())
                                inputRow.put(aInputRecordSetMD.Column[jj].MapKey, lvbln);

                        //case Byt:
                        case FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.Byt:
                            throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error, column type not implemented");
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error reading from DBB, row " + ri + ":", e);
Пример #2
        public void mReadMap(RecordSetMD aRecordSetMD, JniPMMLItem aJniPMML, PrintWriter pw, Boolean bFillDictionaryNames)
        //throws com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException
            try {
                int i  = -1;
                int ii = -1;
                int j  = -1;
                int jj = -1;
                int k  = -1;
                int kk = -1;

                //Java Boolean bUsingPMML = (aJniPMML != null && aJniPMML.PMMLMatter.Doc != null);
                Boolean bUsingPMML = false;

                String[] lFieldStringNames = null;
                int      nDataFieldNames   = 0;
                if (bUsingPMML)
                    lFieldStringNames = aJniPMML.PMMLDataFieldStringNames();
                    nDataFieldNames   = lFieldStringNames.Length;

                if (pw != null)
                    pw.printf("In RecordSetMD constructor\n");
                if (pw != null)

                //point to file or memory
                DBB buffer = this.Header.Buffer;
                buffer.position(0, 0, 0);

                try {
                    //get compound dataset information

                    long nColumns = buffer.nRecords;
                    long nBlockMaxStringByteLength = this.Header.MaxStringByteLength;

                    int nBlockCoreColumnSize = (int)(buffer.nRecordFLenBytes);
                    int nBlockAllocatedSize  = (int)(buffer.nDBBRequiredBytes);

                    if (nBlockAllocatedSize > this.Header.Buffer.Length)
                        throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error, HeaderBuffer capacity, " + this.Header.Buffer.Length
                                                                + ", is less then what should be BlockAllocatedSize, " + nBlockAllocatedSize

                    int nBlockCoreSize = (int)(buffer.nDBBLeadingBytes + buffer.nDBBFLenBytes);

                    if (pw != null)
                        pw.printf("In RecordSetMD constructor, nColumns=%d\n", nColumns);
                    if (pw != null)

                    byte[] namebuffer = new byte[(int)(nBlockMaxStringByteLength)];

                    //iterate through columns (dataset members)

                    aRecordSetMD.Column = new FieldMD[(int)(nColumns)];

                    int bptr = 0;

                    for (ii = 0; ii < nColumns; ii++, bptr += (int)nBlockCoreColumnSize)
                        buffer.position(buffer.ptr, bptr, buffer.vlenptr);

                        aRecordSetMD.Column[ii] = new FieldMD();
                        FieldMD col = aRecordSetMD.Column[ii];

                        //the first two fields are always names and taken to be variable length
                        col.Name = buffer.GetLayerVLenString(1, nBlockMaxStringByteLength);

                        //Check for PMML DataFieldName map
                        //If not mapped externally, the next VLenString pointer will be 0 and will come back as empty
                        String tmpname = buffer.GetLayerVLenString(1, nBlockMaxStringByteLength);

                        //Search for PMML DataFieldName map, take input supplied map first, then the usual search

                        /* Java >>> *
                         * Boolean found = false;
                         * if ( bUsingPMML && tmpname.length() > 0 ) {
                         *  for (j = 0; !found && j < nDataFieldNames; j++) {
                         *      if ( tmpname.equals(lFieldStringNames[j]) ) {
                         *          col.MapToMapKey(lFieldStringNames[j]);
                         *          found = true;
                         *          break;
                         *      }
                         *  }
                         * }
                         * if ( bUsingPMML && !found ) {
                         *  for (j = 0; !found && j < nDataFieldNames; j++) {
                         *      if ( col.Name.equals(lFieldStringNames[j]) ) {
                         *          col.MapToMapKey(lFieldNames[j]);
                         *          found = true;
                         *          break;
                         *      }
                         *  }
                         * }
                         * /* <<< Java */
                        if (!bUsingPMML && bFillDictionaryNames)

                        //Java col.DTyp = FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.FromInt(buffer.GetLayerInt(1));
                        col.DTyp = FieldMDExt.eDTyp_FromInt((int)buffer.GetLayerInt(1));

                        //See notes above on Date and DateTime types
                        //Since the header block is being passed in, Date and DateTime types are provided.

                        col.ByteMemLength = (long)buffer.GetLayerLong(1);
                        col.ByteMaxLength = (long)buffer.GetLayerLong(1);
                        if (col.DTyp.bIn(FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.VLS, FieldMDEnums.eDTyp.Str))
                            col.StringMaxLength = (int)(col.ByteMaxLength / 2);

                        //no longer using the last byte for bIsMappedToPMMLFieldName, so there is filler space at the end
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error in RecordSetMD processing of Header DBB:", e);

                if (pw != null)
                    pw.printf("leaving RecordSetMD constructor\n");
                if (pw != null)
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error in ProcessInputMapFor", e);