private ScheduleView PrepareScheduleView(DateTime publishDate)
            ScheduleView scheduleView = new ScheduleView();
            ScheduleHead scheduleHead = new ScheduleHead();

            var orderDetailList = siMgr.FindAll<Schedule>("from Schedule where Schedule.PublishDate = ?", publishDate);

            #region head
            var c = from p in orderDetailList
                    group p by new { p.EndDate, p.ScheduleType } into g
                    select new ColumnCell
                        EndDate = g.Key.EndDate,
                        ScheduleType = g.Key.ScheduleType

            scheduleHead.ColumnCellList = c.OrderBy(p => p.StartDate).ThenBy(p => p.ScheduleType).ToList();

            #region body
            var s = from p in orderDetailList
                    group p by new { p.ScheduleNo, p.Item } into g
                    select new ScheduleBody
                        OrderNo = g.Key.ScheduleNo,
                        Item = g.Key.Item

            var r = from p in orderDetailList
                    group p by new { p.ScheduleNo, p.EndDate, p.ScheduleType, p.Qty } into g
                    select new RowCell
                        OrderNo = g.Key.ScheduleNo,
                        EndDate = g.Key.EndDate,
                        ScheduleType = g.Key.ScheduleType,
                        Qty = g.Key.Qty

            IList<ScheduleBody> scheduleBodyList = s.ToList();

            if (scheduleBodyList != null && scheduleBodyList.Count > 0)
                foreach (ScheduleBody scheduleBody in scheduleBodyList)
                    if (scheduleHead.ColumnCellList != null && scheduleHead.ColumnCellList.Count > 0)
                        List<RowCell> rowCellList = new List<RowCell>();
                        foreach (ColumnCell columnCell in scheduleHead.ColumnCellList)
                            RowCell rowCell = GetRowCell(scheduleBody, columnCell, r.ToList());
                        scheduleBody.RowCellList = rowCellList;

            scheduleView.ScheduleBodyList = scheduleBodyList;

            scheduleView.ScheduleHead = scheduleHead;
            return scheduleView;
        private ScheduleView PrepareScheduleView(string flow, string item, com.Sconit.CodeMaster.ScheduleType? schedeleType, DateTime? startDate, DateTime? endDate, DateTime dateTimeNow)
            ScheduleView scheduleView = new ScheduleView();
            ScheduleHead scheduleHead = new ScheduleHead();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flow))
                if (startDate == null)
                    #region 取能发货的最小日期
                    string dateSql = "select min(d.EndDate) as EndDate from Ord_OrderDet_8 as d  where d.OrderType = ? and d.RecQty < d.OrderQty and exists (select 1 from Ord_OrderMstr_8 as o where o.Flow = ? and d.OrderNo = o.OrderNo) ";
                    IList<object> dateParam = new List<object>();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
                        dateSql += " and d.Item = ?";
                    if (schedeleType != null)
                        dateSql += "  and d.ScheduleType = ?";
                    IList<DateTime?> dateList = genericMgr.FindAllWithNativeSql<DateTime?>(dateSql, dateParam.ToArray());
                    if (dateList[0] != null)
                        scheduleView.MinDate = dateList[0];
                        if (startDate == null)
                            startDate = dateList[0];
                if (startDate != null)

                    string hql = "select d.EndDate,d.ScheduleType,d.OrderNo,d.ExtNo,left(extseq,charindex('-',extseq)-1),d.Item,d.Uom,d.UC,d.OrderQty,d.ShipQty from Ord_OrderDet_8 as d  where d.EndDate >= ? and d.OrderType = ? and exists (select 1 from Ord_OrderMstr_8 as o where o.Flow = ? and d.OrderNo=o.OrderNo)";

                    IList<object> param = new List<object>();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
                        hql += " and d.Item = ?";
                    if (schedeleType != null)
                        hql += "  and d.ScheduleType = ?";
                    if (endDate != null)
                        hql += " and d.EndDate <= ?";
                    IList<object[]> orderDetailList = genericMgr.FindAllWithNativeSql<object[]>(hql, param.ToArray());

                    #region head

                    var c = from p in orderDetailList
                            group p by new
                                EndDate = (DateTime)p[0] < dateTimeNow ? dateTimeNow.AddDays(-1) : (DateTime)p[0],
                                ScheduleType = (byte)p[1]
                            } into g
                            select new ColumnCell
                                EndDate = g.Key.EndDate,
                                ScheduleType = (com.Sconit.CodeMaster.ScheduleType)g.Key.ScheduleType

                    scheduleHead.ColumnCellList = c.OrderBy(p => p.EndDate).ThenBy(p => p.ScheduleType).ToList();

                    #region body
                    var s = from p in orderDetailList
                            group p by new
                                OrderNo = (string)p[2],
                                ExternalOrderNo = (string)p[3],
                                ScheduleLineSeq = (string)p[4],
                                Item = (string)p[5],
                                // ItemDescription = p.ItemDescription,
                                // ReferenceItemCode = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.ReferenceItemCode) ? p.ReferenceItemCode :string.Empty, 
                                Uom = (string)p[6],
                                UnitCount = (decimal)p[7]
                            } into g
                            where g.Count(det => (decimal)det[8] != (decimal)det[9]) > 0
                            select new ScheduleBody
                                OrderNo = g.Key.ExternalOrderNo,
                                Sequence = g.Key.ScheduleLineSeq,
                                Item = g.Key.Item,
                                ItemDescription = genericMgr.FindById<Item>(g.Key.Item).Description,
                                ReferenceItemCode = genericMgr.FindById<Item>(g.Key.Item).ReferenceCode,
                                Uom = g.Key.Uom,
                                UnitCount = g.Key.UnitCount,
                                LocationTo = genericMgr.FindById<OrderMaster>(g.Key.OrderNo).LocationTo

                    var r = from p in orderDetailList
                            group p by new
                                OrderNo = (string)p[3],
                                ScheduleLineSeq = (string)p[4],
                                EndDate = (DateTime)p[0],
                                ScheduleType = (byte)p[1]
                            } into g
                            select new RowCell
                                OrderNo = g.Key.OrderNo,
                                Sequence = g.Key.ScheduleLineSeq,
                                EndDate = g.Key.EndDate,
                                ScheduleType = (com.Sconit.CodeMaster.ScheduleType)g.Key.ScheduleType,
                                OrderQty = g.Sum(p => (decimal)p[8]),
                                ShippedQty = g.Sum(p => (decimal)p[9])

                    IList<ScheduleBody> scheduleBodyList = s.ToList();
                    IList<RowCell> allRowCellList = r.ToList();
                    if (scheduleBodyList != null && scheduleBodyList.Count > 0)
                        foreach (ScheduleBody scheduleBody in scheduleBodyList)
                            if (scheduleHead.ColumnCellList != null && scheduleHead.ColumnCellList.Count > 0)
                                List<RowCell> rowCellList = new List<RowCell>();
                                foreach (ColumnCell columnCell in scheduleHead.ColumnCellList)
                                    RowCell rowCell = GetRowCell(scheduleBody, columnCell, allRowCellList, dateTimeNow);
                                scheduleBody.RowCellList = rowCellList;

                    scheduleView.ScheduleBodyList = scheduleBodyList;


            scheduleView.ScheduleHead = scheduleHead;
            return scheduleView;
Пример #3
        private ScheduleView PrepareScheduleView(string PartyFrom, string item, DateTime dateTimeNow, int intervalDays, IList<com.Sconit.Web.SAPService.OrderDetail> scheduleList, bool notIncludeZeroShipQty)
            ScheduleView scheduleView = new ScheduleView();
            ScheduleHead scheduleHead = new ScheduleHead();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PartyFrom) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item))

                #region webservice取到拼好的orderdet
                var orderDetailList = from sl in scheduleList
                                      select new
                                          EndDate = sl.EndDate,
                                          FreezeDays = sl.FreezeDays,
                                          OrderNo = sl.OrderNo,
                                          ExternalOrderNo = sl.ExternalOrderNo,
                                          ExternalSequence = sl.ExternalSequence,
                                          Item = sl.Item,
                                          ItemDesc = sl.ItemDescription,
                                          RefItemCode = sl.ReferenceItemCode,
                                          Uom = sl.Uom,
                                          UnitCount = sl.UnitCount,
                                          OrderedQty = sl.OrderedQty,
                                          ShipQty = sl.ShippedQty,
                                          ReceiveQty = sl.ReceivedQty,
                                          LocationTo = sl.LocationTo,
                                          Flow = sl.Flow,
                                          PartyFrom = sl.ManufactureParty

                #region head
                IList<ColumnCell> columnCellList = new List<ColumnCell>();

                for (int i = 0; i < intervalDays; i++)
                    ColumnCell c = new ColumnCell();
                    c.EndDate = dateTimeNow.Date.AddDays(i);
                scheduleHead.ColumnCellList = columnCellList;

                #region body
                IList<ScheduleBody> scheduleBodyList = (from p in orderDetailList
                                                        group p by new
                                                            OrderNo = p.OrderNo,
                                                            //Flow = p.Flow,
                                                            ExternalOrderNo = p.ExternalOrderNo,
                                                            ScheduleLineSeq = p.ExternalSequence,
                                                            Item = p.Item,
                                                            ItemDesc = p.ItemDesc,
                                                            RefItemCode = p.RefItemCode,
                                                            Uom = p.Uom,
                                                            UnitCount = p.UnitCount,
                                                            FreezeDays = p.FreezeDays,
                                                            //LocationTo = p.LocationTo,
                                                            PartyFrom = p.PartyFrom
                                                        } into g
                                                        //where g.Count(det => det.OrderedQty != det.ShipQty) > 0
                                                        select new ScheduleBody
                                                            OrderNo = g.Key.ExternalOrderNo,
                                                            Sequence = g.Key.ScheduleLineSeq,
                                                            LesOrderNo = g.Key.OrderNo,
                                                            Flow = string.Join(",", g.Select(s => s.Flow)),
                                                            Item = g.Key.Item,
                                                            ItemDescription = g.Key.ItemDesc,
                                                            ReferenceItemCode = g.Key.RefItemCode,
                                                            Uom = g.Key.Uom,
                                                            UnitCount = g.Key.UnitCount,
                                                            LocationTo = string.Join(",", g.Select(s => s.LocationTo)),
                                                            FreezeDays = g.Key.FreezeDays,
                                                            Supplier = g.Key.PartyFrom

                IList<RowCell> allRowCellList = (from p in
                                                     (from p in orderDetailList
                                                      select new
                                                          OrderNo = p.ExternalOrderNo,
                                                          ScheduleLineSeq = p.ExternalSequence,
                                                          LesOrderNo = p.OrderNo,
                                                          PartyFrom = p.PartyFrom,
                                                          EndDate = p.EndDate,
                                                          ScheduleType = dateTimeNow.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(p.FreezeDays)) >= p.EndDate ? com.Sconit.CodeMaster.ScheduleType.Firm : com.Sconit.CodeMaster.ScheduleType.Forecast,
                                                          OrderQty = p.OrderedQty,
                                                          ShippedQty = p.ShipQty,
                                                          ReceivedQty = p.ReceiveQty
                                                 group p by new
                                                     OrderNo = p.OrderNo,
                                                     ScheduleLineSeq = p.ScheduleLineSeq,
                                                     LesOrderNo = p.OrderNo,
                                                     //Flow = p.Flow,
                                                     PartyFrom = p.PartyFrom,
                                                     EndDate = p.EndDate,
                                                     ScheduleType = p.ScheduleType
                                                 } into g
                                                 select new RowCell
                                                     OrderNo = g.Key.OrderNo,
                                                     Sequence = g.Key.ScheduleLineSeq,
                                                     LesOrderNo = g.Key.LesOrderNo,
                                                     //Flow = g.Key.Flow,
                                                     Supplier = g.Key.PartyFrom,
                                                     EndDate = g.Key.EndDate,
                                                     ScheduleType = (com.Sconit.CodeMaster.ScheduleType)g.Key.ScheduleType,
                                                     OrderQty = g.Sum(p => p.OrderQty),
                                                     ShippedQty = g.Sum(p => p.ShippedQty),
                                                     ReceivedQty = g.Sum(p => p.ReceivedQty)

                if (scheduleBodyList != null && scheduleBodyList.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder selectIpDetailStatement = new StringBuilder();
                    IList<object> selectIpDetailParms = new List<object>();
                    foreach (string ebeln_ebelp in scheduleBodyList.Select(b => b.OrderNo + "&" + b.Sequence).Distinct())
                        if (selectIpDetailStatement.Length == 0)
                            selectIpDetailStatement.Append(@"select ipd.extno,ipd.extseq,ipd.qty,ipd.recqty,ipd.isclose 
                                                        from ord_ipdet_8 ipd with(NOLOCK) inner join ord_ipmstr_8 ipm with(NOLOCK) on ipd.ipno = ipm.ipno 
                                                    where ipd.EBELN_EBELP in (?");

                    selectIpDetailStatement.Append(") and ipm.status <> ? and ipd.type <> 1");
                    IList<object[]> ipDetailList = base.genericMgr.FindAllWithNativeSql<object[]>(selectIpDetailStatement.ToString(), selectIpDetailParms.ToArray());

                    foreach (ScheduleBody scheduleBody in scheduleBodyList)

                        decimal orderQtyInFreeze = allRowCellList.Where(q => q.OrderNo == scheduleBody.OrderNo && q.Sequence == scheduleBody.Sequence //&& q.Flow == scheduleBody.Flow
                                                                 && q.EndDate <= dateTimeNow.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(scheduleBody.FreezeDays))).Sum(q => q.OrderQty);
                        scheduleBody.OrderQtyInFreeze = orderQtyInFreeze.ToString("0.########");
                        //IList<IpDetail> ipDetail = base.genericMgr.FindAll<IpDetail>("select i from IpDetail as i where ExternalOrderNo = '" + scheduleBody.OrderNo + "' and ExternalSequence = '" + scheduleBody.Sequence + "' and Type = " + (int)CodeMaster.IpDetailType.Normal + " and exists (select 1 from IpMaster as im where im.IpNo = i.IpNo and im.Status != " + (int)CodeMaster.IpStatus.Cancel + ")");
                        List<object[]> ipDetail = (from ipd in ipDetailList
                                                   where (string)ipd[0] == scheduleBody.OrderNo && (string)ipd[1] == scheduleBody.Sequence
                                                   select ipd).ToList();
                        decimal handledQty = ipDetail.Select(o => (bool)o[4] ? (decimal)o[3] : ((decimal)o[3] == 0 ? (decimal)o[2] : (decimal)o[3])).Sum();
                        scheduleBody.HandledQty = handledQty.ToString("0.########");
                        //scheduleBody.ShipQty = allRowCellList.Where(q => q.OrderNo == scheduleBody.OrderNo && q.Sequence == scheduleBody.Sequence
                        //                                     && q.OrderQty > q.ShippedQty && q.EndDate <= dateTimeNow.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(scheduleBody.FreezeDays))).Sum(q => (q.OrderQty - q.ShippedQty)).ToString("0.########");
                        scheduleBody.ShipQty = (orderQtyInFreeze - handledQty).ToString("0.########");

                        //scheduleBody.ShippedQty = allRowCellList.Where(q => q.OrderNo == scheduleBody.OrderNo && q.Sequence == scheduleBody.Sequence
                        //                                   && q.ShippedQty > 0).Sum(q => q.ShippedQty).ToString("0.########");
                        decimal shippedQty = ipDetail.Select(o => (bool)o[4] && (decimal)o[3] == 0 ? 0 : (decimal)o[2]).Sum();
                        scheduleBody.ShippedQty = shippedQty.ToString("0.########");

                        decimal receivedQty = ipDetail.Select(o => (decimal)o[3]).Sum();
                        scheduleBody.ReceivedQty = receivedQty.ToString("0.########");

                        scheduleBody.OrderQty = allRowCellList.Where(q => q.OrderNo == scheduleBody.OrderNo && q.Sequence == scheduleBody.Sequence //&& q.Flow == scheduleBody.Flow
                                                           && q.OrderQty > 0).Sum(q => q.OrderQty).ToString("0.########");

                        scheduleBody.ForecastQty = allRowCellList.Where(q => q.OrderNo == scheduleBody.OrderNo && q.Sequence == scheduleBody.Sequence //&& q.Flow == scheduleBody.Flow
                                       && q.EndDate >= dateTimeNow.Date.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(intervalDays)) && q.OrderQty > 0).Sum(q => q.OrderQty).ToString("0.########");

                        scheduleBody.BackOrderQty = allRowCellList.Where(q => q.OrderNo == scheduleBody.OrderNo && q.Sequence == scheduleBody.Sequence //&& q.Flow == scheduleBody.Flow
                                       && q.EndDate < dateTimeNow.Date && q.OrderQty > 0).Sum(q => q.OrderQty).ToString("0.########");

                        if (scheduleHead.ColumnCellList != null && scheduleHead.ColumnCellList.Count > 0)
                            List<RowCell> rowCellList = new List<RowCell>();
                            foreach (ColumnCell columnCell in scheduleHead.ColumnCellList)
                                RowCell rowCell = GetRowCell(scheduleBody, columnCell, allRowCellList, dateTimeNow);
                            scheduleBody.RowCellList = rowCellList;
                if (notIncludeZeroShipQty)
                    scheduleView.ScheduleBodyList = (from sl in scheduleBodyList
                                                     where Convert.ToDecimal(sl.ShipQty) > 0
                                                     select sl).ToList();
                    scheduleView.ScheduleBodyList = scheduleBodyList;


            scheduleView.ScheduleHead = scheduleHead;
            return scheduleView;