Пример #1
         * Parser for Golden instances.
         * Instances of CVRP (Bektas 2011) adapted by Exposito-Izquierdo
        static private CluVRPInstance parseGoldenIzquierdoInstance(string fileName, string[] instanceText)
            // Set static parameters
            string file_name        = fileName;
            int    dimension        = Int32.Parse(instanceText[3].Substring(12));
            int    capacity         = Int32.Parse(instanceText[4].Substring(11));
            string edge_weight_type = instanceText[5].Substring(19);
            int    depot            = 1;

            // Set dynamic parameters
            NodePoint[] nodes                    = new NodePoint[dimension];
            int[]       cluster_by_nodes         = new int[dimension];
            int[]       demand                   = new int[dimension];
            int         GVRP_CLUSTER_SECTION_IDX = GVRP_DEMAND_SECTION_IDX + dimension + 1;

            // Separator for split
            String[] separator = new String[] { "  " };

            // Build Nodes Array
            //nodes[0] = new NodePoint(0, 0); // For the depot
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                string[]  nodeParsed = instanceText[GVRP_NODE_COORD_SECTION_IDX_GOLDEN_IZQUIERDO + i].Split(' ');
                double    x          = Double.Parse(nodeParsed[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                double    y          = Double.Parse(nodeParsed[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                NodePoint node       = new NodePoint(x, y);
                nodes[i] = node;

            // Build Demand Array
            for (int i = 0; i < demand.Length; i++)
                string   lineToParse = instanceText[GVRP_DEMAND_SECTION_IDX + i];
                string[] setParsed   = instanceText[GVRP_DEMAND_SECTION_IDX + i].Split(' ');
                demand[i] = int.Parse(setParsed[1]);

            // Build cluster Array
            for (int i = 1; i < cluster_by_nodes.Length; i++)
                string   lineToParse = instanceText[GVRP_CLUSTER_SECTION_IDX + i];
                string[] setParsed   = instanceText[GVRP_CLUSTER_SECTION_IDX + i].Split(' ');
                cluster_by_nodes[i] = int.Parse(setParsed[1]);

            // Transform to neccesary cluster array struct
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > clusters_dict = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();

            clusters_dict[0] = new List <int> {
            for (int i = 1; i < cluster_by_nodes.Length; i++)
                int cluster = cluster_by_nodes[i];
                if (!clusters_dict.ContainsKey(cluster))
                    clusters_dict[cluster] = new List <int>();

                clusters_dict[cluster].Add(i + 1);

            int[][] clusters = new int[clusters_dict.Keys.Count][];
            foreach (int cluster in clusters_dict.Keys)
                List <int> nodesInClusters = clusters_dict[cluster];
                clusters[cluster] = new int[nodesInClusters.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < clusters[cluster].Length; j++)
                    clusters[cluster][j] = nodesInClusters[j];

            // Transform to neccesary demand array struct
            int[] clusters_demand = new int[clusters.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < demand.Length; i++)
                foreach (int cluster in clusters_dict.Keys)
                    if (clusters_dict[cluster].Contains(i + 1))
                        clusters_demand[cluster] += demand[i];

            // For this instance the vehicle number is free
            int vehicles = clusters.Length - 1;

            // Return parsed instance
            return(new CluVRPInstance(Instance.GoldenIzquierdo, file_name, "", "", dimension, vehicles, clusters_demand.Length, capacity, edge_weight_type,
                                      nodes, clusters, clusters_demand, depot));
Пример #2
         * Parser for GVRP02 and GVRP03 modified instances.
         * http://www.personal.soton.ac.uk/tb12v07/gvrp.html
         * Instances of CVRP (Bektas 2011) a adapted by Battarra (2014)
        static private CluVRPInstance parseGVRPInstance(string fileName, string[] instanceText)
            // Set static parameters
            string file_name        = fileName;
            string name             = instanceText[0].Substring(7);
            string comment          = instanceText[1].Substring(10);
            int    dimension        = Int32.Parse(instanceText[2].Substring(12));
            int    vehicules        = Int32.Parse(instanceText[3].Substring(11));
            int    gvrp_sets        = Int32.Parse(instanceText[4].Substring(12));
            int    capacity         = Int32.Parse(instanceText[5].Substring(11));
            string edge_weight_type = instanceText[6].Substring(19);
            int    depot            = 1;

            // Set dynamic parameters
            NodePoint[] nodes                   = new NodePoint[dimension]; //sum 1 for the start node
            int[][]     clusters                = new int[gvrp_sets + 1][];
            int[]       clusters_demand         = new int[gvrp_sets + 1];
            int         GVRP_SET_SECTION_IDX    = GVRP_NODE_COORD_SECTION_IDX + dimension + 1;
            int         GVRP_DEMAND_SECTION_IDX = GVRP_SET_SECTION_IDX + gvrp_sets + 1;

            // Separator for split
            Char[] separator = new Char[] { ' ' };

            // Build Nodes Array
            //nodes[0] = new NodePoint(0, 0); // For the depot
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                string[]  nodeParsed = instanceText[GVRP_NODE_COORD_SECTION_IDX + i].Split(separator);
                int       x          = Int32.Parse(nodeParsed[1]);
                int       y          = Int32.Parse(nodeParsed[2]);
                NodePoint node       = new NodePoint(x, y);
                nodes[i] = node;

            // Build Clusters Array
            clusters[0]    = new int[1];
            clusters[0][0] = depot;
            for (int i = 0; i < gvrp_sets; i++)
                string[] setParsed = instanceText[GVRP_SET_SECTION_IDX + i].Split(separator);
                clusters[i + 1] = new int[setParsed.Length - 2];
                int idx = 0;
                for (int j = 1; j + 1 < setParsed.Length; j++)
                    clusters[i + 1][idx] = Int32.Parse(setParsed[j]);

            // Build Custumer demand Array
            clusters_demand[0] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gvrp_sets; i++)
                string[] demandParsed = instanceText[GVRP_DEMAND_SECTION_IDX + i].Split(separator);
                clusters_demand[i + 1] = Int32.Parse(demandParsed[1]);

            // Return parsed instance
            return(new CluVRPInstance(Instance.GVRP, file_name, name, comment, dimension, vehicules, gvrp_sets, capacity, edge_weight_type,
                                      nodes, clusters, clusters_demand, depot));
Пример #3
         * Parser for Golden instances.
         *  Instances of CVRP (Bektas 2011) a adapter by Battarra (2014)
        static private CluVRPInstance parseGoldenBattarraInstance(string fileName, string[] instanceText)
            // Set static parameters
            string file_name        = fileName;
            string name             = instanceText[0].Substring(6);
            string comment          = instanceText[1].Substring(9);
            int    dimension        = Int32.Parse(instanceText[2].Substring(12));
            int    vehicules        = Int32.Parse(instanceText[3].Substring(11));
            int    gvrp_sets        = Int32.Parse(instanceText[4].Substring(12));
            int    capacity         = Int32.Parse(instanceText[5].Substring(11));
            string edge_weight_type = instanceText[6].Substring(19);
            int    depot            = 1;

            // Set dynamic parameters
            NodePoint[] nodes                   = new NodePoint[dimension]; //sum 1 for the start node
            int[][]     clusters                = new int[gvrp_sets + 1][];
            int[]       clusters_demand         = new int[gvrp_sets + 1];
            int         GVRP_SET_SECTION_IDX    = GVRP_NODE_COORD_SECTION_IDX + dimension;
            int         GVRP_DEMAND_SECTION_IDX = GVRP_SET_SECTION_IDX + gvrp_sets + 1;

            // Separator for split
            String[] separator = new String[] { "  " };

            // Build Nodes Array
            //nodes[0] = new NodePoint(0, 0); // For the depot
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                string[]  nodeParsed = instanceText[GVRP_NODE_COORD_SECTION_IDX_GOLDEN + i].Split(' ');
                double    x          = Double.Parse(nodeParsed[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                double    y          = Double.Parse(nodeParsed[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                NodePoint node       = new NodePoint(x, y);
                nodes[i] = node;

            // Build Clusters Array
            clusters[0]    = new int[1];
            clusters[0][0] = depot;
            for (int i = 0; i < gvrp_sets; i++)
                string lineToParse = instanceText[GVRP_SET_SECTION_IDX + i].Substring(3);
                lineToParse = lineToParse.Substring(0, lineToParse.Length - 3);
                string[] setParsed = lineToParse.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                clusters[i + 1] = new int[setParsed.Length];
                int idx = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < setParsed.Length; j++)
                    clusters[i + 1][idx] = Int32.Parse(setParsed[j]);

            // Build Custumer demand Array
            clusters_demand[0] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gvrp_sets; i++)
                string[] demandParsed = instanceText[GVRP_DEMAND_SECTION_IDX + i].Split(new String[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                clusters_demand[i + 1] = Int32.Parse(demandParsed[1]);

            // Return parsed instance
            return(new CluVRPInstance(Instance.GoldenBattarra, file_name, name, comment, dimension, vehicules, gvrp_sets, capacity, edge_weight_type,
                                      nodes, clusters, clusters_demand, depot));