public void TestSerializeDemographic()
     Demographic demographic = new Demographic(20, Categories.Food, 10, 8, 1);
     Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
     string json = serializer.Serialize(demographic);
Пример #2
        The demographics database contains one "turn" key that contains the turn number
        for the saved demographics and the rest of the keys are in the "[category]-[property]"
        format (e.g. "food-average", "production-rank", "literacy-value") */
        protected override void ParseDatabaseEntries(Dictionary<string, string> pairs)
            int turn = 0;
            if (pairs.ContainsKey("turn"))
                turn = int.Parse(pairs["turn"]);

            List<string> categories = new List<string>();
            foreach (string key in pairs.Keys)
                if (key == "turn")

                string category = key.Split('-')[0];
                if (!categories.Contains(category))

            foreach (string category in categories)
                Categories cat;
                Enum.TryParse(category, true, out cat);
                float val = float.Parse(pairs[category + "-value"]);
                float ave = float.Parse(pairs[category + "-average"]);
                int rank = int.Parse(pairs[category + "-rank"]);

                demographics[category] = new Demographic(turn, cat, val, ave, rank);