Пример #1

        /////////   4.5- UPDATE Cqw1 and Cqw2
        public void Transform_Cq_to_Cqw(ChMatrix mCq, ChMatrix mCqw, ChBodyFrame mbody)
            // if (mCq == null)
            //    return;

            // translational part - not changed
            mCqw.PasteClippedMatrix(mCq, 0, 0, mCq.GetRows(), 3, 0, 0);

            // rotational part [Cq_w] = [Cq_q]*[Gl]'*1/4
            int    col, row, colres;
            double sum;

            // ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> mGl = new ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four>(0);
            ChFrame <double> .SetMatrix_Gl(ref mGl, mbody.GetCoord().rot);

            for (colres = 0; colres < 3; colres++)
                for (row = 0; row < (mCq.GetRows()); row++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (col = 0; col < 4; col++)
                        sum += ((mCq.GetElement(row, col + 3)) * (mGl.matrix.GetElement(colres, col)));
                    mCqw.SetElement(row, colres + 3, sum * 0.25);
Пример #2
 /// Copy the transposed lower triangulat part of "matra" in the upper triangular
 /// part of this matrix. (matra must be square)
 /// Note that the destination matrix will be resized if necessary.
 //                      _______     //
 public void CopyTLwMatrix(ChMatrix matra)        //    |\                \      |    //
 {                                                //    |  \      --->      \this|    //
     Resize(matra.GetRows(), matra.GetColumns()); //    |A'  \                \  |    //
     for (int i = 0; i < matra.GetRows(); i++)
     {                                            //    |______\                \|    //
         for (int j = 0; j < matra.GetRows(); j++)
             SetElement(i, j, matra.GetElement(j, i));
Пример #3
 /// Copy the transposed upper triangular part of "matra" in the lower triangular
 /// part of this matrix. (matra must be square)
 /// Note that the destination matrix will be resized if necessary.
 //                                                      _______                       //
 public void CopyTUpMatrix(ChMatrix matra)        //    \      |          |\          //
 {                                                //      \  A'|   --->   |  \        //
     Resize(matra.GetRows(), matra.GetColumns()); //        \  |          |this\      //
     for (int i = 0; i < matra.GetRows(); i++)
     {                                            //          \|          |______\    //
         for (int j = 0; j < matra.GetRows(); j++)
             SetElement(j, i, matra.GetElement(i, j));
Пример #4
 /// Copy the transpose of matrix "matra" into this matrix. Note that
 /// the destination matrix will be resized if necessary.
 public void CopyFromMatrixT(ChMatrix matra)
     Resize(matra.GetColumns(), matra.GetRows());
     for (int i = 0; i < matra.GetRows(); ++i)
         for (int j = 0; j < matra.GetColumns(); ++j)
             SetElement(j, i, matra.Element(i, j));
Пример #5
        /// Paste a given matrix into \a this sparse matrix at position (\a insrow, \a inscol).
        /// The matrix \a matra will be copied into \a this[insrow : insrow + \a matra.GetRows()][[inscol : inscol + matra.GetColumns()]]
        /// \param[in] matra The source matrix that will be copied;
        /// \param[in] insrow The row index where the first element will be copied;
        /// \param[in] inscol The column index where the first element will be copied;
        /// \param[in] overwrite Tells if the copied element will overwrite an existing element or be summed to it;
        /// \param[in] transp Tells if the \a matra matrix should be copied transposed.
        public virtual void PasteMatrix(ChMatrix matra, int insrow, int inscol, bool overwrite = true, bool transp = false)
            var maxrows = matra.GetRows();
            var maxcols = matra.GetColumns();

            if (transp)
                for (var i = 0; i < maxcols; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < maxrows; j++)
                        this.SetElement(insrow + i, inscol + j, matra[j, i], overwrite);
                for (var i = 0; i < maxrows; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < maxcols; j++)
                        this.SetElement(insrow + i, inscol + j, matra[i, j], overwrite);
Пример #6
 /// Copy a matrix "matra" into this matrix. Note that
 /// the destination matrix will be resized if necessary.
 //template<class doubleB>
 public void CopyFromMatrix(ChMatrix matra)
     Resize(matra.GetRows(), matra.GetColumns());
     for (int i = 0; i < rows * columns; ++i)
         address[i] = matra.GetAddress()[i];
Пример #7
        // BOOKKEEPING

        /// Paste a matrix "matra" into "this", inserting at location insrow-inscol
        /// and performing a sum with the preexisting values.
        public void PasteSumMatrix(ChMatrix matra, int insrow, int inscol)
            for (int i = 0; i < matra.GetRows(); ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < matra.GetColumns(); ++j)
                    Element(i + insrow, j + inscol) += matra.Element(i, j);
Пример #8
        /// Computes dot product between two column-matrices (vectors) with
        /// same size. Returns a scalar value.
        public double MatrDot(ChMatrix ma, ChMatrix mb)
            //ssert(ma.GetColumns() == mb.GetColumns() && ma.GetRows() == mb.GetRows());
            double tot = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < ma.GetRows(); ++i)
                tot += (double)(ma.ElementN(i) * mb.ElementN(i));
Пример #9
 /// Returns true if vector equals another vector, within a tolerance 'tol'
 public bool Equals(ChMatrix other, double tol)
     if ((other.GetColumns() != this.columns) || (other.GetRows() != this.rows))
     for (int nel = 0; nel < rows * columns; ++nel)
         if (Mathfx.Abs(ElementN(nel) - other.ElementN(nel)) > tol)
Пример #10
        /// Copy constructor from all types of base matrices
        public ChMatrixDynamic(ChMatrix msource)//:this()
            matrix              = new ChMatrix();
            this.matrix.rows    = msource.GetRows();
            this.matrix.columns = msource.GetColumns();
            this.matrix.address = new double[this.matrix.rows * this.matrix.columns];

            /*this.address = (double*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(this.rows * this.columns * sizeof(double));
             * double[] array = new double[this.rows * this.columns];
             * for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             * {
             *  this.address[i] = array[i];
             * }*/
            for (int i = 0; i < this.matrix.rows * this.matrix.columns; ++i)
                this.matrix.address[i] = msource.GetAddress()[i];
Пример #11
        /// Copy constructor from all types of base matrices        /// Note! Assumes that the source matrix has one column only! There is no run-time check for the one-column sizing.

        public ChVectorDynamic(ChMatrix msource)
            // Debug.Assert(msource.GetColumns() == 1);
            matrix              = new ChMatrix();
            this.matrix.rows    = msource.GetRows();
            this.matrix.columns = 1;
            this.matrix.address = new double[this.matrix.rows];

            /*this.address = (double*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(this.rows * sizeof(double));
             * double[] array = new double[this.rows];
             * for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             * {
             *   this.address[i] = array[i];
             * }*/
            // ElementsCopy(this->address, msource.GetAddress(), this->rows);
            for (int i = 0; i < this.matrix.rows; ++i)
                this.matrix.address[i] = msource.GetAddress()[i];
Пример #12
        /// Multiplies two matrices (the first is considered transposed): [this]=[A]'*[B]
        /// Faster than doing A.MatrTranspose(); result.MatrMultiply(A,B);
        public void MatrTMultiply(ChMatrix matra, ChMatrix matrb)
            //Debug.Assert(matra.GetRows() == matrb.GetRows());
            //Debug.Assert(this.rows == matra.GetColumns());
            // Debug.Assert(this.columns == matrb.GetColumns());
            int    col, row, colres;
            double sum;

            for (colres = 0; colres < matrb.GetColumns(); ++colres)
                for (row = 0; row < matra.GetColumns(); ++row)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (col = 0; col < (matra.GetRows()); ++col)
                        sum += (matra.Element(col, row) * matrb.Element(col, colres));
                    SetElement(row, colres, sum);