Пример #1

        /////////   4.5- UPDATE Cqw1 and Cqw2
        public void Transform_Cq_to_Cqw(ChMatrix mCq, ChMatrix mCqw, ChBodyFrame mbody)
            // if (mCq == null)
            //    return;

            // translational part - not changed
            mCqw.PasteClippedMatrix(mCq, 0, 0, mCq.GetRows(), 3, 0, 0);

            // rotational part [Cq_w] = [Cq_q]*[Gl]'*1/4
            int    col, row, colres;
            double sum;

            // ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four> mGl = new ChMatrixNM<IntInterface.Three, IntInterface.Four>(0);
            ChFrame <double> .SetMatrix_Gl(ref mGl, mbody.GetCoord().rot);

            for (colres = 0; colres < 3; colres++)
                for (row = 0; row < (mCq.GetRows()); row++)
                    sum = 0;
                    for (col = 0; col < 4; col++)
                        sum += ((mCq.GetElement(row, col + 3)) * (mGl.matrix.GetElement(colres, col)));
                    mCqw.SetElement(row, colres + 3, sum * 0.25);
Пример #2
        /// Initialization based on passing two vectors (point + dir) on the
        /// two bodies, they will represent the X axes of the two frames (Y and Z will
        /// be built from the X vector via Gram Schmidt orthonormalization).
        /// Use the other ChLinkMateGeneric::Initialize() if you want to set the two frames directly.
        public virtual void Initialize(ChBodyFrame mbody1,    //< first body to link
                                       ChBodyFrame mbody2,    //< second body to link
                                       bool pos_are_relative, //< true: following pos. are relative to bodies.
                                       ChVector mpt1,         //< origin of slave frame 1, for 1st body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
                                       ChVector mpt2,         //< origin of master frame 2, for 2nd body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
                                       ChVector mnorm1,       //< X axis of slave plane, for 1st body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
                                       ChVector mnorm2        //< X axis of master plane, for 2nd body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
            Debug.Assert(mbody1 != mbody2);

            this.Body1 = mbody1;
            this.Body2 = mbody2;
            // this.SetSystem(mbody1.GetSystem());

            this.mask.SetTwoBodiesVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            ChVector            mx   = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            my   = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            mz   = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            mN   = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChMatrix33 <double> mrot = new ChMatrix33 <double>();

            ChFrame <double> mfr1 = new ChFrame <double>();
            ChFrame <double> mfr2 = new ChFrame <double>();

            if (pos_are_relative)
                mN = mnorm1;
                mN.DirToDxDyDz(ref mx, ref my, ref mz, new ChVector(0, 1, 0));
                mrot.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);

                mN = mnorm2;
                mN.DirToDxDyDz(ref mx, ref my, ref mz, new ChVector(0, 1, 0));
                mrot.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);
                ChVector temp = ChVector.VECT_Z;
                // from abs to body-rel
                mN = this.Body1.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(mnorm1);
                mN.DirToDxDyDz(ref mx, ref my, ref mz, temp);
                mrot.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);

                mN = this.Body2.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(mnorm2);
                mN.DirToDxDyDz(ref mx, ref my, ref mz, temp);
                mrot.Set_A_axis(mx, my, mz);

            this.frame1 = mfr1;
            this.frame2 = mfr2;
Пример #3
 /// Specialized initialization for generic mate, given the two bodies to be connected, and
 /// the absolute position of the mate (the two frames to connect on the bodies will be initially cohincindent to that frame)
 public virtual void Initialize(ChBodyFrame mbody1,        //< first body to link
                                ChBodyFrame mbody2,        //< second body to link
                                ChFrame <double> mabsframe //< mate frame (both for slave and master), in abs. coordinate
     this.Initialize(mbody1, mbody2, false, mabsframe, mabsframe);
Пример #4
        /// Specialized initialization for generic mate, given the two bodies to be connected, the
        /// positions of the two frames to connect on the bodies (each expressed
        /// in body or abs. coordinates).
        public virtual void Initialize(ChBodyFrame mbody1,     //< first body to link
                                       ChBodyFrame mbody2,     /// second body to link
                                       bool pos_are_relative,  //< true: following pos. are relative to bodies.
                                       ChFrame <double> mpos1, //< mate frame (slave), for 1st body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
                                       ChFrame <double> mpos2  //< mate frame (master), for 2nd body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
            Debug.Assert(mbody1 != mbody2);

            this.Body1 = mbody1;
            this.Body2 = mbody2;
            // this.SetSystem(mbody1.GetSystem());

            this.mask.SetTwoBodiesVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            if (pos_are_relative)
                this.frame1 = mpos1;
                this.frame2 = mpos2;
                // from abs to body-rel
                (this.Body1).TransformParentToLocal(mpos1, this.frame1);
                this.Body2.TransformParentToLocal(mpos2, this.frame2);
Пример #5
        public ChLink(ChLink other) : base(other)
            Body1 = null;
            Body2 = null;

            react_force  = other.react_force;
            react_torque = other.react_torque;
Пример #6
        /// Initialize this joint by specifying the two bodies to be connected, a point
        /// and a direction on body1 defining the revolute joint, and a point on the
        /// second body defining the spherical joint. If local = true, it is assumed
        /// that these quantities are specified in the local body frames. Otherwise,
        /// it is assumed that they are specified in the absolute frame. The imposed
        /// distance between the two points can be either inferred from the provided
        /// configuration (auto_distance = true) or specified explicitly.
        public void Initialize(ChBodyFrame body1,         //< first frame (revolute side)
                               ChBodyFrame body2,         //< second frame (spherical side)
                               bool local,                //< true if data given in body local frames
                               ChVector pos1,             //< point on first frame (center of revolute)
                               ChVector dir1,             //< direction of revolute on first frame
                               ChVector pos2,             //< point on second frame (center of spherical)
                               bool auto_distance = true, //< true if imposed distance equal to |pos1 - po2|
                               double distance    = 0     //< imposed distance (used only if auto_distance = false)
            Body1 = body1;
            Body2 = body2;

            m_cnstr_dist.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());
            m_cnstr_dot.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            ChVector pos1_abs;
            ChVector pos2_abs;
            ChVector dir1_abs;

            if (local)
                m_pos1   = pos1;
                m_pos2   = pos2;
                m_dir1   = ChVector.Vnorm(dir1);
                pos1_abs = Body1.TransformPointLocalToParent(m_pos1);
                pos2_abs = Body2.TransformPointLocalToParent(m_pos2);
                dir1_abs = Body1.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_dir1);
                pos1_abs = pos1;
                pos2_abs = pos2;
                dir1_abs = ChVector.Vnorm(dir1);
                m_pos1   = Body1.TransformPointParentToLocal(pos1_abs);
                m_pos2   = Body2.TransformPointParentToLocal(pos2_abs);
                m_dir1   = Body1.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(dir1_abs);

            ChVector d12_abs = pos2_abs - pos1_abs;

            m_cur_dist = d12_abs.Length();
            m_dist     = auto_distance ? m_cur_dist : distance;

            m_cur_dot = ChVector.Vdot(d12_abs, dir1_abs);
Пример #7
        /// Use this function after object creation, to initialize it, given
        /// the 1D shaft and 3D body to join.
        /// Each item must belong to the same ChSystem.
        /// Direction is expressed in the local coordinates of the body.
        public bool Initialize(ChShaft mshaft,    //< shaft to join
                               ChBodyFrame mbody, //< body to join
                               ChVector mdir      //< the direction of the shaft on 3D body (applied on COG: pure torque)
            ChShaft     mm1 = mshaft;
            ChBodyFrame mm2 = mbody;

            //Debug.Assert(mm1 == null && mm2 == null);

            shaft          = mm1;
            body.BodyFrame = mm2;
            shaft_dir      = ChVector.Vnorm(mdir);

            constraint.SetVariables(mm1.Variables(), mm2.Variables());

Пример #8
        /// Initialize this joint by specifying the two bodies to be connected and the
        /// joint frames on each body. If local = true, it is assumed that these quantities
        /// are specified in the local body frames. Otherwise, it is assumed that they are
        /// specified in the absolute frame.
        public void Initialize(ChBodyFrame body1,       //< first body frame
                               ChBodyFrame body2,       //< second body frame
                               bool local,              //< true if data given in body local frames
                               ChFrame <double> frame1, //< joint frame on body 1
                               ChFrame <double> frame2  //< joint frame on body 2
            Body1 = body1;
            Body2 = body2;

            m_cnstr_x.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());
            m_cnstr_y.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());
            m_cnstr_z.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());
            m_cnstr_dot.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            ChFrame <double> frame1_abs;
            ChFrame <double> frame2_abs;

            if (local)
                m_frame1   = frame1;
                m_frame2   = frame2;
                frame1_abs = ChFrame <double> .BitShiftRight(frame1, Body1);

                frame2_abs = ChFrame <double> .BitShiftRight(frame2, Body2);
                ((ChFrame <double>)Body1).TransformParentToLocal(frame1, m_frame1);
                ((ChFrame <double>)Body2).TransformParentToLocal(frame2, m_frame2);
                frame1_abs = frame1;
                frame2_abs = frame2;


            m_C.matrix.SetElement(0, 0, frame2_abs.coord.pos.x - frame1_abs.coord.pos.x);
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(1, 0, frame2_abs.coord.pos.y - frame1_abs.coord.pos.y);
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(2, 0, frame2_abs.coord.pos.z - frame1_abs.coord.pos.z);
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(3, 0, ChVector.Vdot(frame1_abs.GetA().Get_A_Xaxis(), frame2_abs.GetA().Get_A_Yaxis()));
Пример #9
        /// Sets up the markers associated with the engine link
        public override void SetUpMarkers(ChMarker mark1, ChMarker mark2)
            base.SetUpMarkers(mark1, mark2);

            if (Body1 != null && Body2 != null)
                // Note: we wrap Body1 and Body2 in shared_ptr with custom no-op destructors
                // so that the two objects are not destroyed when these shared_ptr go out of
                // scope (since Body1 and Body2 are still managed through other shared_ptr).
                ChBodyFrame b1 = new ChBodyFrame(Body1);
                ChBodyFrame b2 = new ChBodyFrame(Body2);
                if (innerconstraint1)
                    innerconstraint1.Initialize(innershaft1, b1, ChVector.VECT_Z);
                if (innerconstraint2)
                    innerconstraint2.Initialize(innershaft2, b2, ChVector.VECT_Z);
Пример #10
        /// Initialize this constraint, given the two bodies to be connected, the
        /// positions of the two anchor endpoints of the distance (each expressed
        /// in body or abs. coordinates) and the imposed distance.
        public virtual bool Initialize(
            ChBodyFrame mbody1,        //< first frame to link
            ChBodyFrame mbody2,        //< second frame to link
            bool pos_are_relative,     //< true: following pos. are relative to bodies
            ChVector mpos1,            //< pos. of distance endpoint, for 1st body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
            ChVector mpos2,            //< pos. of distance endpoint, for 2nd body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
            bool auto_distance = true, //< if true, initializes the imposed distance as the distance between mpos1 and mpos2
            double mdistance   = 0     //< imposed distance (no need to define, if auto_distance=true.)
            Body1 = mbody1;
            Body2 = mbody2;
            Cx.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            if (pos_are_relative)
                pos1 = mpos1;
                pos2 = mpos2;
                pos1 = Body1.TransformPointParentToLocal(mpos1);
                pos2 = Body2.TransformPointParentToLocal(mpos2);

            ChVector AbsDist = Body1.TransformPointLocalToParent(pos1) - Body2.TransformPointLocalToParent(pos2);

            curr_dist = AbsDist.Length();

            if (auto_distance)
                distance = curr_dist;
                distance = mdistance;

Пример #11
        /// Initialize this joint by specifying the two bodies to be connected, a
        /// coordinate system specified in the absolute frame, and the distance of
        /// the massless connector.  The composite joint is ructed such that the
        /// direction of the revolute joint is aligned with the z axis of the specified
        /// coordinate system and the spherical joint is at the specified distance
        /// along the x axis.
        public void Initialize(ChBodyFrame body1, //< first frame (revolute side)
                               ChBodyFrame body2, //< second frame (spherical side)
                               ChCoordsys csys,   //< joint coordinate system (in absolute frame)
                               double distance    //< imposed distance
            Body1 = body1;
            Body2 = body2;

            m_cnstr_dist.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());
            m_cnstr_dot.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            ChVector x_Axis = csys.rot.GetXaxis();
            ChVector z_axis = csys.rot.GetZaxis();

            m_pos1 = Body1.TransformPointParentToLocal(csys.pos);
            m_dir1 = Body1.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(z_axis);
            m_pos2 = Body2.TransformPointParentToLocal(csys.pos + distance * x_Axis);

            m_dist     = distance;
            m_cur_dist = distance;
            m_cur_dot  = 0;
Пример #12
        /// Initialize this joint by specifying the two bodies to be connected and a
        /// joint frame specified in the absolute frame. Two local joint frames, one
        /// on each body, are constructed so that they coincide with the specified
        /// global joint frame at the current configuration. The kinematics of the
        /// universal joint are obtained by imposing that the origins of these two
        /// frames are the same and that the X axis of the joint frame on body 1 and
        /// the Y axis of the joint frame on body 2 are perpendicular.
        public void Initialize(ChBodyFrame body1,     //< first body frame
                               ChBodyFrame body2,     //< second body frame
                               ChFrame <double> frame //< joint frame (in absolute frame)
            Body1 = body1;
            Body2 = body2;

            m_cnstr_x.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());
            m_cnstr_y.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());
            m_cnstr_z.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());
            m_cnstr_dot.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            ((ChFrame <double>)Body1).TransformParentToLocal(frame, m_frame1);
            ((ChFrame <double>)Body2).TransformParentToLocal(frame, m_frame2);


            m_C.matrix.SetElement(0, 0, 0.0);
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(1, 0, 0.0);
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(2, 0, 0.0);
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(3, 0, 0.0);
Пример #13
 public ChBodyFrame(ChBodyFrame other) : base(other)