void getlossers(int[] a) { int c1 = 0, c2 = 0; game_main pppp = new game_main(); PictureBox[] picbox1 = { pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp5, pp6, pp7, pp8, pp9, pp10, pp11, pp12, pp13, pp14, pp15, pp16 }; PictureBox[] picbox2 = { pw1, pw2, pw3, pw4, pw5, pw6, pw7, pw8, pw9, pw10, pw11, pw12, pw13, pw14, pw15, pw16 }; for (int ii = 0; ii < 32; ii++) { if (a[ii] > 0) { if (picbox1[c1].Image == null) { picbox1[c1].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(a[ii]); picbox1[c1].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; c1++; } } else if (a[ii] < 0) { if (picbox2[c2].Image == null) { picbox2[c2].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(a[ii]); picbox2[c2].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; c2++; } } } }
public void setlosser() { PictureBox[] picbox3 = { pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp5, pp6, pp7, pp8, pp9, pp10, pp11, pp12, pp13, pp14, pp15, pp16 }; PictureBox[] picbox4 = { pw1, pw2, pw3, pw4, pw5, pw6, pw7, pw8, pw9, pw10, pw11, pw12, pw13, pw14, pw15, pw16 }; game_main pppp = new game_main(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (game_main.loss > 0) { if (picbox3[i].Image == null) { picbox3[i].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(game_main.loss); picbox3[i].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; break; } } else if (game_main.loss < 0) { if (picbox4[i].Image == null) { picbox4[i].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(game_main.loss); picbox4[i].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; break; } } } }
//רוזמרין اقليل الجبل public void Filllist(int n, Point[] pt, List <Point>[] lpt) { if (n >= 0) { List <Point> lst = new List <Point>(); Node <Point> np1 = lst.GetFirst(); Point pp = pt[n - 1]; int x = pp.X; int y = pp.Y; if (mat[x, y] * playernum > 0)//> { switch (mat[x, y]) { case 1: case -1: Pawn p2 = new Pawn(new Point(x, y), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); p2.showGreenplaces(x, y, picbox); break; case 2: case -2: rook r2 = new rook(new Point(x, y), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); r2.showGreenplaces(x, y, picbox); break; case 3: case -3: knight kn2 = new knight(new Point(x, y), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); kn2.showGreenplaces(x, y, picbox); break; case 4: case -4: fou f2 = new fou(new Point(x, y), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); f2.showGreenplaces(x, y, picbox); break; case 5: case -5: queen q2 = new queen(new Point(x, y), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); q2.showGreenplaces(x, y, picbox); break; case -6: king k2 = new king(new Point(x, y), mat, picbox, playernum, kings, rooks); k2.showGreenplaces(x, y, picbox); break; default: break; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (picbox[i * 10 + j - 2 * i].BackColor == Color.Green) { np1 = lst.Insert(np1, new Point(i, j)); } } } game_main gm = new game_main(); gm.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); } lpt[n - 1] = lst; if (n > 1) { Filllist(n - 1, pt, lpt); } } }
private void p00_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { game_main pppp = new game_main(); int x = 0, y = 0; gooo(x, y); }
//داله تعيد عدد الاماكن الخضراء public int count_greenplace() //good { int count = 0; int[,] help = new int[8, 8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { help[i, j] = mat[i, j]; } } help[after.X, after.Y] = help[befor.X, befor.Y]; help[befor.X, befor.Y] = 0; game_main aaa = new game_main(); aaa.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); switch (help[after.X, after.Y]) { case 1: case -1: Pawn p2 = new Pawn(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); p2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case 2: case -2: rook r2 = new rook(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); r2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case 3: case -3: knight kn2 = new knight(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); kn2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case 4: case -4: fou f2 = new fou(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); f2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case 5: case -5: queen q2 = new queen(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); q2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case -6: king k2 = new king(after, help, picbox, playernum, kings, rooks); k2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; default: break; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (picbox[i * 10 + j - 2 * i].BackColor == Color.Green) { count++; } } } return(count); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string stimw = "", stimb = ""; c = 0; replace = 1; game_main pppp = new game_main(); if (passing_value.bdika == 1) { mat = passing_value.newmat; playernum = passing_value.playernum; } if (putmat.check == 1) { mat = putmat.pushmat; label7.Text = Form14.timw; stimw = label7.Text; puttime(stimw, -1); label9.Text = Form14.timb; stimb = label9.Text; puttime(stimb, 1); label5.Text = Form14.step2p; getlossers(putmat.pushpace); } // wp.URL = pppp.imageurl("sound\\sound.mp3"); // wp.controls.play(); PictureBox[] picbox2 = { p00, p01, p02, p03, p04, p05, p06, p07, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p20, p21, p22, p23, p24, p25, p26, p27, p30, p31, p32, p33, p34, p35, p36, p37, p40, p41, p42, p43, p44, p45, p46, p47, p50, p51, p52, p53, p54, p55, p56, p57, p60, p61, p62, p63, p64, p65, p66, p67, p70, p71, p72, p73, p74, p75, p76, p77 }; picbox = picbox2; int p = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (mat[i, j] != 0) { picbox2[p].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(mat[i, j]); picbox2[p].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; } else { picbox[p].Image = null; } picbox2[p].Visible = true; p++; } } pppp.playerrole(playernum, picbox, mat); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { game_main pppp = new game_main(); int yes = 0, playerblack = 0, playerwith = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { switch (msf[i, j]) { case 1: playerblack++; break; case -1: playerwith++; break; case 2: playerblack++; break; case -2: playerwith++; break; case 3: playerblack++; break; case -3: playerwith++; break; case 4: playerblack++; break; case -4: playerwith++; break; case 5: playerblack++; break; case -5: playerwith++; break; case 6: playerblack++; yes++; break; case -6: playerwith++; yes++; break; } } } if (yes == 2 && playerwith > 0 && playerblack > 0) { finsh = 1; passing_value.newmat = msf; passing_value.bdika = 1; passing_value.playernum = playernum; } else { MessageBox.Show("you must to put king and put paice for every players"); } }
public void setpaciec(int x, int y) { int p = 0; PictureBox[] picbox2 = { p00, p01, p02, p03, p04, p05, p06, p07, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p20, p21, p22, p23, p24, p25, p26, p27, p30, p31, p32, p33, p34, p35, p36, p37, p40, p41, p42, p43, p44, p45, p46, p47, p50, p51, p52, p53, p54, p55, p56, p57, p60, p61, p62, p63, p64, p65, p66, p67, p70, p71, p72, p73, p74, p75, p76, p77 }; game_main pppp = new game_main(); picbox = picbox2; if (ch != 0) { if (ch == 6) { kbx = x; kby = y; } else if (ch == -6) { kwx = x; kwy = y; } msf[x, y] = ch; ch = 0; picbox2[x * 10 + y - 2 * x].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(msf[x, y]); picbox2[x * 10 + y - 2 * x].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; c++; } else { picbox[p].Image = null; picbox2[p].Visible = true; p++; if (finsh != 1) { MessageBox.Show("get another pacise"); } } }
public void clever(int playernum, int[] kings, int[] rooks, Point[] kingsplace, PictureBox[] picbox, int[,] mat) { int k = 0; // number of items in the game for the playernumber TimeSpan interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2); tootalscoor tc = new tootalscoor(picbox, kings, playernum, rooks, mat, kingsplace); for (int i = 0; i < mat.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < mat.GetLength(1); j++) { if (mat[i, j] * playernum > 0) { k++; } } } Point[] pt = new Point[k]; int p = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mat.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < mat.GetLength(1); j++) { if (mat[i, j] * playernum > 0) { pt[p] = new Point(i, j); p++; } } } List <Point>[] lpt = new List <Point> [k]; tc.Filllist(k, pt, lpt); List <chess_power> cplst = new List <chess_power>(); tc.filllistinchess_power(k, pt, lpt, cplst); // int t = 1; // this is just to stop the debug int max = tc.getmaxtotalscore(cplst); List <chess_power> thebest = new List <chess_power>(); thebest = tc.whatthebestpaice(cplst); chess_power final = tc.whatthemorbestpaice(thebest); if (mat[final.after.X, final.after.Y] != 0) { smartply.loser = mat[final.after.X, final.after.Y]; } /////////////////////////////////////// int old = mat[final.befor.X, final.befor.Y]; lastx = new Point(final.befor.X, final.befor.Y); mat[final.befor.X, final.befor.Y] = 0; mat[final.after.X, final.after.Y] = old; //////////////////////////////////////////////// game_main pppp = new game_main(); picbox[final.befor.X * 10 + final.befor.Y - 2 * final.befor.X].ImageLocation = null; Application.DoEvents(); picbox[final.after.X * 10 + final.after.Y - 2 * final.after.X].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(old); newx = new Point(final.after.X, final.after.Y); picbox[final.after.X * 10 + final.after.Y - 2 * final.after.X].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; pppp.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); }
void gooo(int x, int y) { game_main.loss = 0; if (playernum == 1) { timer1.Start(); } else { timer2.Start(); } if (flage == true) { canx = x; cany = y; flage = false; } if (steps == 40) { for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { picbox[i].Enabled = false; } MessageBox.Show("equality "); result = "drow"; winer = 3; } game_main pppp = new game_main(); computerplayer comp = new computerplayer(); if (picbox[x * 10 + y - 2 * x].BackColor == Color.Green || picbox[x * 10 + y - 2 * x].BackColor == Color.Yellow) { pppp.IFgreenmovelastItem(lastclick, picbox, mat, x, y, pppp.chessimage(mat[lastclick.X, lastclick.Y]), kings, rooks, kingsplace); setlosser(); if (game_main.loss > 0) { lossb += game_main.loss + ","; } else if (game_main.loss != 0) { lossw += game_main.loss + ","; } history(x, y, canx, cany); flage = true; pppp.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); if (Form2.justkings(mat) == true) { steps++; } playernum = playernum * -1; pppp.playerrole(playernum, picbox, mat); } else { pppp.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); Wathitem(x, y); } if (playernum == 1) { timer1.Stop(); timer2.Start(); } else { timer2.Stop(); timer1.Start(); } int x1 = kingsplace[0].X; int y1 = kingsplace[0].Y; int x2 = kingsplace[1].X; int y2 = kingsplace[1].Y; Point kp = new Point(-1, -1); king k1 = new king(new Point(x1, y1), mat, picbox, playernum, kings, rooks); king k2 = new king(new Point(x2, y2), mat, picbox, playernum, kings, rooks); if (k1.toking(x1, y1, mat, picbox, 1) != new Point(-1, -1)) { k1.redtoging(new Point(x1, y1), picbox, -1); } if (k2.toking(x2, y2, mat, picbox, -1) != new Point(-1, -1)) { k2.redtoging(new Point(x2, y2), picbox, 1); } if (k1.toking(x1, y1, mat, picbox, 1) != new Point(-1, -1) && playernum == -1) { k1.shah(x1, y1, picbox, mat, -1); } if (k2.toking(x2, y2, mat, picbox, -1) != new Point(-1, -1) && playernum == 1) { k2.shah(x2, y2, picbox, mat, 1); } if (k1.deathofking(x1, y1, mat, picbox, kings, rooks, 1) == true) { if (k1.helping(1, mat, x1, y1, picbox, kings, rooks).IsEmpty() == true) { timer1.Stop(); timer2.Stop(); k1.shahmeet("wihte lose!"); result = "1"; winer = 1; } } if (k2.deathofking(x2, y2, mat, picbox, kings, rooks, -1) == true) { if (k2.helping(-1, mat, x2, y2, picbox, kings, rooks).IsEmpty() == true) { timer1.Stop(); timer2.Stop(); k2.shahmeet("blcak lose!"); result = "-1"; winer = -1; } } lastclick = new Point(x, y); }
//عند انتقال القطعه للمكان الجديد نفحص عدد القطع التي تستطيع القطعه تهديدها ونعيدها واذا ولا قطعه نعيد 0 public int count_piesethreated() //good { game_main aaa = new game_main(); int[,] help = new int[8, 8]; int k = 0, c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { help[i, j] = mat[i, j]; } } help[after.X, after.Y] = help[befor.X, befor.Y]; help[befor.X, befor.Y] = 0; aaa.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, help); switch (help[after.X, after.Y]) { case 1: case -1: Pawn p2 = new Pawn(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); p2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case 2: case -2: rook r2 = new rook(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); r2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case 3: case -3: knight kn2 = new knight(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); kn2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case 4: case -4: fou f2 = new fou(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); f2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case 5: case -5: queen q2 = new queen(after, help, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); q2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; case 6: case -6: king k2 = new king(after, help, picbox, playernum, kings, rooks); k2.showGreenplaces(after.X, after.Y, picbox); break; default: break; } for (int d = 0; d < 8; d++) { for (int e = 0; e < 8; e++) { if (picbox[k].BackColor == Color.Green) { if (help[d, e] != 0) { c++; } } k++; } } aaa.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, help); return(c * 10); }
//اذا كانت القطعه او عند انتقالها للمكان الجديد تستطيع قتل قطع من قطع العو تعيد حسب اهميته جندي 60 وغير ذلك 0 public int killer() // good { game_main aaa = new game_main(); aaa.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); // no color switch (mat[befor.X, befor.Y]) // show color green before move the item { case -1: case 1: Pawn p2 = new Pawn(befor, mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); p2.showGreenplaces(befor.X, befor.Y, picbox); break; case -2: case 2: rook r2 = new rook(befor, mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); r2.showGreenplaces(befor.X, befor.Y, picbox); break; case -3: case 3: knight kn2 = new knight(befor, mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); kn2.showGreenplaces(befor.X, befor.Y, picbox); break; case -4: case 4: fou f2 = new fou(befor, mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); f2.showGreenplaces(befor.X, befor.Y, picbox); break; case -5: case 5: queen q2 = new queen(befor, mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); q2.showGreenplaces(befor.X, befor.Y, picbox); break; case -6: case 6: king k2 = new king(befor, mat, picbox, playernum, kings, rooks); k2.showGreenplaces(befor.X, befor.Y, picbox); break; default: break; } if (picbox[after.X * 10 + after.Y - 2 * after.X].BackColor == Color.Green) // new point is green? { if (mat[after.X, after.Y] != 0) // new pos in mat(orginal) not 0 { switch (Math.Abs(mat[after.X, after.Y])) { case -1: case 1: aaa.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); return(60); case -2: case 2: aaa.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); return(62); case -3: case 3: aaa.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); return(64); case -4: case 4: aaa.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); return(66); case -5: case 5: aaa.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); return(68); default: break; } } } return(0); }
public void computerplayer1(int playernum, int[] kings, int[] rooks, Point[] kingsplace, PictureBox[] picbox, int[,] mat) { Point last = new Point(); Random rd = new Random(); game_main pppp = new game_main(); int i, j, newx, newy, found = 0, c = 0, a, m = 0, p, timer; List <Point> lst = new List <Point>(); List <Point> lst2 = new List <Point>(); Node <Point> np = lst2.GetFirst(); Node <Point> np2; timer = rd.Next(3) + 1; TimeSpan interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, timer); for (i = 0; i < 8 && found == 0; i++) { c = 0; found = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && found == 0; j++) { if (mat[i, j] * playernum > 0) { last = new Point(i, j); switch (mat[i, j]) { case -1: case 1: Pawn p2 = new Pawn(new Point(i, j), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); p2.showGreenplaces(i, j, picbox); lst = p2.placestomove(); break; case -2: case 2: rook r2 = new rook(new Point(i, j), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); r2.showGreenplaces(i, j, picbox); lst = r2.placestomove(); break; case -3: case 3: knight kn2 = new knight(new Point(i, j), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); kn2.showGreenplaces(i, j, picbox); lst = kn2.placestomove(); break; case -4: case 4: fou f2 = new fou(new Point(i, j), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); f2.showGreenplaces(i, j, picbox); lst = f2.placestomove(); break; case -5: case 5: queen q2 = new queen(new Point(i, j), mat, picbox, playernum, kingsplace, kings, rooks); q2.showGreenplaces(i, j, picbox); lst = q2.placestomove(); break; case -6: case 6: king k2 = new king(new Point(i, j), mat, picbox, playernum, kings, rooks); k2.showGreenplaces(i, j, picbox); lst = k2.placestomove(); break; default: break; } } if (lst.IsEmpty() == false) { for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { for (int t = 0; t < 8; t++) { if (picbox[k * 10 + t - 2 * k].BackColor == Color.Green) { np = lst2.Insert(np, new Point(k, t)); c++; } } } if (lst2.IsEmpty() == false) { found = 1; } } } } a = rd.Next(c + 1); m = 0; np2 = lst2.GetFirst(); while (a != m) { np2 = np2.GetNext(); m++; } int b1 = last.X; int b2 = last.Y; lx = new Point(b1, b2); computerplayer.oldstep = new Point(b1, b2); newx = np.GetInfo().X; newy = np.GetInfo().Y; computerplayer.newstep = new Point(newx, newy); nx = new Point(newx, newy); if (mat[newx, newy] != 0) { computerplayer.loscomp = mat[newx, newy]; } if (newx == 7 * playernum && mat[b1, b2] == 1 * playernum) { mat[b1, b2] = 0; mat[newx, newy] = 5; picbox[b1 * 10 + b2 - 2 * b1].ImageLocation = null; Thread.Sleep(interval); Application.DoEvents(); picbox[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(5); picbox[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; pppp.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); } else if (newx == 0 && mat[b1, b2] * playernum == -1 * playernum) { mat[b1, b2] = 0; mat[newx, newy] = -5; picbox[b1 * 10 + b2 - 2 * b1].ImageLocation = null; Thread.Sleep(interval); Application.DoEvents(); picbox[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(-5); picbox[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; pppp.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); } else { p = mat[b1, b2]; mat[b1, b2] = 0; mat[newx, newy] = p; picbox[b1 * 10 + b2 - 2 * b1].ImageLocation = null; Thread.Sleep(interval); Application.DoEvents(); picbox[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(p); picbox[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; pppp.refreshcolors(picbox, playernum, mat); } }
public void IFgreenmovelastItem(Point lastpt, PictureBox[] pics, int[,] mat, int newx, int newy, string image, int [] kings, int[] rooks, Point [] kingsplaces) { game_main pppp = new game_main(); int x = lastpt.X; int y = lastpt.Y; if (pics[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].BackColor == Color.Green) { int p = mat[x, y]; mat[x, y] = 0; pics[x * 10 + y - 2 * x].ImageLocation = ""; pics[x * 10 + y - 2 * x].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; if (mat[newx, newy] != 0) { game_main.loss = mat[newx, newy]; } if (newx == 7 && p == 1) { mat[newx, newy] = 5; pics[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(5); pics[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; } if (newx == 0 && p == -1) { mat[newx, newy] = -5; pics[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].ImageLocation = pppp.chessimage(-5); pics[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; } if (!(newx == 7 && p == 1) && !(newx == 0 && p == -1)) { mat[newx, newy] = p; pics[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].ImageLocation = image; pics[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; } if (p == -6) { kings[0]++; kingsplaces[0] = new Point(newx, newy); } if (p == 6) { kings[1]++; kingsplaces[1] = new Point(newx, newy); } if (p == -2 && y == 7) { rooks[0] = rooks[0] + 1; //rook - wit } if (p == 2 && y == 7) { rooks[1] = rooks[1] + 1; //rook + blk } } if (pics[newx * 10 + newy - 2 * newx].BackColor == Color.Yellow) { int p = mat[x, y]; int t = mat[newx, newy]; mat[x, y] = 0; mat[newx, newy] = 0; int m = 0, r = 0; pics[x * 10 + y - 2 * x].ImageLocation = ""; pics[newx * 10 + newy - newx * 2].ImageLocation = ""; mat[x, y + 2] = p; mat[newx, newy - 2] = t; m = x * 10 + (y + 2) - 2 * x; r = newx * 10 + (newy - 2) - 2 * newx; pics[m].ImageLocation = ""; pics[r].ImageLocation = ""; pics[m].ImageLocation = chessimage(p); pics[r].ImageLocation = chessimage(t); pics[m].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; pics[r].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage; } }