private Stadium FetchStadiumByGame(Game game, Context context) { var query = (from stadium in context.Stadiums where stadium.RefNum == game.StadiumRefNum select stadium).SingleOrDefault(); return query; }
private TeamGameStatistic FetchGameStatsByTeam(Team team, Game game, Context context) { var query = (from tgs in context.TeamGameStatistics where (team.RefNum == tgs.TeamRefNum) && (game.RefNum == tgs.GameRefNum) select tgs).Single(); return query; }
//============ Constructors =================// public GameService(int id) { _context = new Context(); _id = id; _gameStat = GameStatistic(_id, _context); _game = FetchGameByGameStatistic(_gameStat); }
private Team FetchTeamByGame(string homeOrVistior, Game game, Context context) { if (homeOrVistior == "home") { var query = (from team in context.Teams where team.RefNum == game.HomeTeamRefNum select team).Single(); return query; } if (homeOrVistior == "visitor") { var query = (from team in context.Teams where team.RefNum == game.VisitTeamRefNum select team).Single(); return query; } else { throw new ArgumentException("The method - FetchTeamByGame() in GameService.cs - requires the string to contain either home or visitor"); } }