public JsonResult SearchAreaForNewLocationIndoor(string countryUrlPart, string locality)
            //-- Step 1) Make a GeoCoding call to Bing
            var country = AppLookups.Country(countryUrlPart);

            List<GeocodeResult> results = new GeocodeService().Geocode(country, locality);

            if (results.Count == 0) { return Json(new { Success = false }); }

            return Json(new { Success = true, Results = results });
        public JsonResult SearchAreaForNewArea(string parentAreaID, string countryUrlPart, string locality)
            var country = AppLookups.Country(countryUrlPart);

            Guid parentID;
            Area parentArea = default(Area);
            if (Guid.TryParse(parentAreaID, out parentID))
                parentArea = geoSvc.GetAreaByID(parentID);

            List<GeocodeResult> results = new List<GeocodeResult>();
            if (parentArea == default(Area)) { results = new GeocodeService().Geocode(country, locality); }
            else {
                //-- we need to blur the geography otherwise places that are coast to the coast fail...
                SqlGeography blurredGeo = parentArea.Geo.STBuffer(1500); //-- 1.5Km buffer zone
                results = new GeocodeService().Geocode(country, locality, blurredGeo);

            if (results.Count == 0) { return Json(new { Success = false }); }
            else { return Json(new { Success = true, Results = results }); }