Пример #1
        private clsCharacter readStatsFromFile(clsCharacter c, string s)
                System.IO.StreamReader charFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(s + ".txt");
                c.Name         = charFile.ReadLine();
                c.Aggression   = int.Parse(charFile.ReadLine());
                c.Intelligence = int.Parse(charFile.ReadLine());
                c.Randomness   = int.Parse(charFile.ReadLine());
                c.Luck         = int.Parse(charFile.ReadLine());
            catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                MessageBox.Show("Stats file not found.\nCould not find " + s + ".txt file\nUsing default Character values.", "FNF Error");
                c = new clsCharacter();
            catch (FormatException)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to parse a value in the character textfile.\nUsing default Character values.", "Integer Parsing Error");
                c = new clsCharacter();
                MessageBox.Show("Non-File Not Found Error.\nCheck to ensure character textfile follows the proper order and structure.\nUsing default Character values.", "Non-FNF Error.");
                c = new clsCharacter();

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the database's Money value for a given character.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">The character whose money value we are retrieving.</param>
        /// <returns>The returned money value that was stored in the database.</returns>
        public int getCharacterMoneyAmount(clsCharacter c)
            int characterMoneyValue = 0;

            //SQL command string - select all from the characterDatabase Characters table
            string selMoney = "SELECT * FROM Characters " +
                              "WHERE CharacterName=?";

            //Add a parameter for the above statement
            OleDbParameter paramCharName = new OleDbParameter("CharacterName", c.Name);


            //prepare the charComm object for executing the SQL command stored in selCharacters
            charComm = new OleDbCommand(selMoney, charConnection);

            //use the charReader object to execute the charComm's SQL command, and close the connection when it is done
            charReader = charComm.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

            while (charReader.Read())
                characterMoneyValue = (int)charReader["Money"];

Пример #3
 public clsSeat()   //default 0 arg constructor
     _character = new clsCharacter();
     _money     = 1000;
     _bet       = 10;
     _position  = 0;
Пример #4
 public clsSeat(int p, int m, int b, clsCharacter c)
     _position  = p;
     _money     = m;
     _bet       = b;
     _character = c;
     _hand      = new clsHand();
Пример #5
        private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Set the starting money, big blind, small blind, and bets
            defaultMoney = int.Parse(txtInitialMoney.Text);
            smallBlind   = int.Parse(txtSmallBlind.Text);
            bigBlind     = int.Parse(txtBigBlind.Text);

            //Create strings to try to load files with
            string seat1FileName = cmbSeat1.Text;
            string seat2FileName = cmbSeat2.Text;
            string seat3FileName = cmbSeat3.Text;
            string seat4FileName = cmbSeat4.Text;
            string seat5FileName = cmbSeat5.Text;
            string seat6FileName = cmbSeat6.Text;

            //Instantiate the characters to avoid null reference exceptions when setting their stats from files
            ch1 = new clsCharacter();
            ch2 = new clsCharacter();
            ch3 = new clsCharacter();
            ch4 = new clsCharacter();
            ch5 = new clsCharacter();
            ch6 = new clsCharacter();

            //Then load the character stats and images from file, if the files do not exist, then catch the exception and load defaults
            ch1 = readStatsFromFile(ch1, seat1FileName);
            ch1 = readCharacterImageFromFile(ch1, seat1FileName);

            ch2 = readStatsFromFile(ch2, seat2FileName);
            ch2 = readCharacterImageFromFile(ch2, seat2FileName);

            ch3 = readStatsFromFile(ch3, seat3FileName);
            ch3 = readCharacterImageFromFile(ch3, seat3FileName);

            ch4 = readStatsFromFile(ch4, seat4FileName);
            ch4 = readCharacterImageFromFile(ch4, seat4FileName);

            ch5 = readStatsFromFile(ch5, seat5FileName);
            ch5 = readCharacterImageFromFile(ch5, seat5FileName);

            ch6 = readStatsFromFile(ch6, seat6FileName);
            ch6 = readCharacterImageFromFile(ch6, seat6FileName);

            //Then open a PokerGame.cs form, sending the characters as parameters
            frmPokerGame gameInstance = new frmPokerGame(ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, defaultMoney, smallBlind, bigBlind, boardColor, fontColor);

Пример #6
        private clsCharacter readStatsFromDatabase(clsCharacter c, string s, int databaseIndex)
                c.Name = characterDatabaseDataSet.Characters.CharacterNameColumn.ToString();
                //c.Name = characterDatabaseDataSet.Character["CharacterName"][databaseIndex];
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred - readStatsFromDatabase");

Пример #7
        public frmPokerGame(clsCharacter c1, clsCharacter c2, clsCharacter c3, clsCharacter c4, clsCharacter c5, clsCharacter c6, int startingMoney, int smallBlind, int bigBlind, Color bc, Color fc)

            int initialBet = bigBlind;

            seat1          = new clsSeat(1, startingMoney, initialBet, c1);
            seat2          = new clsSeat(2, startingMoney, initialBet, c2);
            seat3          = new clsSeat(3, startingMoney, initialBet, c3);
            seat4          = new clsSeat(4, startingMoney, initialBet, c4);
            seat5          = new clsSeat(5, startingMoney, initialBet, c5);
            seat6          = new clsSeat(6, startingMoney, initialBet, c6);
            this.BackColor = bc;
            this.ForeColor = fc;
Пример #8
        private clsCharacter readCharacterImageFromFile(clsCharacter c, string s)
                c.Picture = Image.FromFile(s + ".jpg");
            catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                MessageBox.Show("Image file not found.\nUsing default Character values.", "FNF Error");
                c = new clsCharacter();
                MessageBox.Show("Non-File Not Found Error.\n\nUsing default Character values.", "Non-FNF Error.");
                c = new clsCharacter();


        #region Class Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a list of characters and their stats from the characterDatabase's Characters table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <clsCharacter> getCharactersFromDatabase()
            //create a list to store the character data
            List <clsCharacter> allCharacters = new List <clsCharacter>();

            //SQL command string - select all from the characterDatabase Characters table
            string selCharacters = "SELECT * FROM Characters";

            //prepare the charComm object for executing the SQL command stored in selCharacters
            charComm = new OleDbCommand(selCharacters, charConnection);

            //use the charReader object to execute the charComm's SQL command, and close the connection when it is done
            charReader = charComm.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

            while (charReader.Read())  //read until the end of the database is reached
                //store the data from the current character object in individual variables
                string name         = charReader["CharacterName"].ToString();
                int    aggression   = (int)charReader["Aggression"];
                int    luck         = (int)charReader["Luck"];
                int    randomness   = (int)charReader["Randomness"];
                int    intelligence = (int)charReader["Intelligence"];
                string imageString  = charReader["Picture"].ToString();

                //populate a new character object with those variables
                clsCharacter c = new clsCharacter(name, aggression, intelligence, randomness, luck, Image.FromFile(imageString));

                //add that new character to the List<clsCharacter> object


Пример #10
        public frmHandEvalTest(clsCharacter c1)

            testSeat = new clsSeat(1, 1000, 10, c1);
Пример #11
        public int getHandStrength(clsCharacter character)
            int characterIntelligence = character.Intelligence;
            int characterAggression   = character.Aggression;
            int characterRandomness   = character.Randomness;

            double multiplier = 1;     //used to add additional value to handStrength due to same suit, sequential values, same value
            bool   sameValue;
            bool   sequential;
            bool   sameSuit;

            int handStrength = -1;  //evaluates from 0 (least strength) to 100 (highest strength)

            int card1Value = Card1 % 13;                    //so ace = 0, 2 = 1, king = 12,

            if (card1Value == 0)
                card1Value = 13;
            }                                               //    and now set ace to 13 instead of 0
            int card2Value = Card2 % 13;

            if (card2Value == 0)
                card2Value = 13;

            int card1Suit = (Card1 - 1) / 12;  //this is 12 because the next suit starts every 12 cards. We subtract 1 since
            int card2Suit = (Card2 - 1) / 12;  //  the cards are indexed to 1 instead of zero. In this case, Spades = 0, Heart = 1, Diamonds = 3, Clubs = 4

            //Determine truth value of sameValue, sequential
            if (card1Value - card2Value == 0)    //case: card1 and card2 have the same value (e.g. both are jacks)
                sameValue  = true;
                sequential = false;
            else if (Math.Abs(card1Value - card2Value) == 1 || Math.Abs(card1Value - card2Value) == 12) //case: the absolute value of the
            {                                                                                           // difference between card1 and card 2 is 1 (1 number away from each other)
                                                                                                        // or 12 away from each other since ace and 2 are sequential
                sequential = true;
                sameValue  = false;
                sequential = false;
                sameValue  = false;

            //Determine the truth value of sameSuit
            if (card1Suit == card2Suit)
                sameSuit = true;
                sameSuit = false;

            //if- if else - else artificial intelligence structure for determining hand strength (depends on character intelligence)
            if (characterIntelligence >= 90) //case: character intelligence is greater than or equal to 90
                //superior concept of both same suit and sequential cards, good concept of pocket pairs (same card)
                if (sameSuit)
                    multiplier += .6;
                if (sequential)
                    multiplier += .3;
                if (sameValue)
                    multiplier += .6;
                if (card1Value > 9 && card2Value > 9) //case: both face cards
                    multiplier += .5;

                handStrength = (int)((25 * 2) - 2);
                handStrength = (int)(multiplier * handStrength);
            else if (characterIntelligence >= 70) //case: character intelligence is greater than or equal to 70
                //good concept of same suit and sequential cards, some concept of pocket pairs (same card)
                if (sameSuit)
                    multiplier += .5;
                if (sequential)
                    multiplier += .3;
                if (sameValue)
                    multiplier += .2;

                handStrength = 25 * 2;
                handStrength = (int)(multiplier * handStrength);
            else if (characterIntelligence >= 50) //case: character intelligence is greater than or equal to 50
                //slight concept of same suit and good concept of sequential cards
                if (sameSuit)
                    multiplier += .2;
                if (sequential)
                    multiplier += .3;

                handStrength = (int)((25 * 2.5) + 2);
                handStrength = (int)(multiplier * handStrength);
            else if (characterIntelligence >= 20) //case: character intelligence is greater than or equal to 20
                //no concept of same suit, values seqential numeric cards
                if (sequential == true)
                    multiplier = 1.93;

                handStrength = (card1Value + card2Value) * 2;
                handStrength = (int)(handStrength * multiplier);
            else //case: character intelligence is less than 20
                //character has no concept of sequential numbers,  believes same color is equal value to same suit :)
                bool sameColor;
                if (sameSuit == true || card1Suit == 0 && card2Suit == 3 || card1Suit == 3 && card2Suit == 0 || card1Suit == 1 && card2Suit == 2 || card1Suit == 2 && card2Suit == 1)
                    sameColor = true;
                    sameColor = false;

                if (sameColor == true)
                    multiplier = 1.93;

                handStrength = (card1Value + card2Value) * 2;
                handStrength = (int)(handStrength * multiplier);
            //case: handStrength is still the default value of -1, send an error message and set it to zero
            if (handStrength == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Hand strength has a value of -1", "Error");
                handStrength = 0;

            //case: handStrength is greater than 100, set it to 100
            if (handStrength > 100)
                handStrength = 100;
        } //close calculateHandStrength()