/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static DataSet get_text_custom_cols() { DataSet ds_custom_fields = DbUtil.get_dataset(@" /* get searchable cols */ select sc.name from syscolumns sc inner join systypes st on st.xusertype = sc.xusertype inner join sysobjects so on sc.id = so.id where so.name = 'bugs' and st.[name] <> 'sysname' and sc.name not in ('rowguid', 'bg_id', 'bg_short_desc', 'bg_reported_user', 'bg_reported_date', 'bg_project', 'bg_org', 'bg_category', 'bg_priority', 'bg_status', 'bg_assigned_to_user', 'bg_last_updated_user', 'bg_last_updated_date', 'bg_user_defined_attribute', 'bg_project_custom_dropdown_value1', 'bg_project_custom_dropdown_value2', 'bg_project_custom_dropdown_value3', 'bg_tags') and st.[name] in ('nvarchar','varchar') and sc.length > 30"); return(ds_custom_fields); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); Page.Header.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "edit dashboard"; if (User.IsInRole(BtnetRoles.Admin) || User.Identity.GetCanUseReports()) { // } else { Response.Write("You are not allowed to use this page."); Response.End(); } ses = (string)Session.SessionID; var sql = new SQLString(@" select ds_id, ds_col, ds_row, ds_chart_type, rp_desc from dashboard_items ds inner join reports on rp_id = ds_report where ds_user = @user order by ds_col, ds_row"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("user", Convert.ToString(User.Identity.GetUserId())); ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Send the emails in the queue protected static void actually_send_the_emails() { Util.write_to_log("actually_send_the_emails"); string sql = @"select * from queued_notifications where qn_status = N'not sent' and qn_retries < 3"; // create a new one, just in case there would be multithreading issues... // get the pending notifications DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string err = ""; try { string to = (string)dr["qn_to"]; Util.write_to_log("sending email to " + to); // try to send it err = Email.send_email( (string)dr["qn_to"], (string)dr["qn_from"], "", // cc (string)dr["qn_subject"], (string)dr["qn_body"], BtnetMailFormat.Html); if (err == "") { sql = "delete from queued_notifications where qn_id = $qn_id"; } } catch (Exception e) { err = e.Message; if (e.InnerException != null) { err += "; "; err += e.InnerException.Message; } } if (err != "") { sql = "update queued_notifications set qn_retries = qn_retries + 1, qn_last_exception = N'$ex' where qn_id = $qn_id"; sql = sql.Replace("$ex", err.Replace("'", "''")); } sql = sql.Replace("$qn_id", Convert.ToString(dr["qn_id"])); // update the row or delete the row DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static DataSet get_bug_posts(int bugid, bool external_user, bool history_inline) { string sql = @" /* get_bug_posts */ select a.bp_bug, a.bp_comment, isnull(us_username,'') [us_username], case rtrim(us_firstname) when null then isnull(us_lastname, '') when '' then isnull(us_lastname, '') else isnull(us_lastname + ', ' + us_firstname,'') end [us_fullname], isnull(us_email,'') [us_email], a.bp_date, datediff(s,a.bp_date,getdate()) [seconds_ago], a.bp_id, a.bp_type, isnull(a.bp_email_from,'') bp_email_from, isnull(a.bp_email_to,'') bp_email_to, isnull(a.bp_email_cc,'') bp_email_cc, isnull(a.bp_file,'') bp_file, isnull(a.bp_size,0) bp_size, isnull(a.bp_content_type,'') bp_content_type, a.bp_hidden_from_external_users, isnull(ba.bp_file,'') ba_file, -- intentionally ba isnull(ba.bp_id,'') ba_id, -- intentionally ba isnull(ba.bp_size,'') ba_size, -- intentionally ba isnull(ba.bp_content_type,'') ba_content_type -- intentionally ba from bug_posts a left outer join users on us_id = a.bp_user left outer join bug_posts ba on ba.bp_parent = a.bp_id and ba.bp_bug = a.bp_bug where a.bp_bug = $id and a.bp_parent is null"; if (!history_inline) { sql += "\n and a.bp_type <> 'update'"; } if (external_user) { sql += "\n and a.bp_hidden_from_external_users = 0"; } sql += "\n order by a.bp_id "; sql += Util.get_setting("CommentSortOrder","desc"); sql += ", ba.bp_parent, ba.bp_id"; sql = sql.Replace("$id", Convert.ToString(bugid)); return DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static DataSet get_custom_columns() { DataSet ds = (DataSet)context.Application["custom_columns_dataset"]; if (ds != null) { return(ds); } else { ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(@" /* custom columns */ select sc.name, st.[name] [datatype], case when st.[name] = 'nvarchar' or st.[name] = 'nchar' then sc.length/2 else sc.length end as [length], sc.xprec, sc.xscale, sc.isnullable, mm.text [default value], dflts.name [default name], isnull(ccm_dropdown_type,'') [dropdown type], isnull(ccm_dropdown_vals,'') [vals], isnull(ccm_sort_seq, sc.colorder) [column order], sc.colorder from syscolumns sc inner join systypes st on st.xusertype = sc.xusertype inner join sysobjects so on sc.id = so.id left outer join syscomments mm on sc.cdefault = mm.id left outer join custom_col_metadata on ccm_colorder = sc.colorder left outer join sysobjects dflts on dflts.id = mm.id where so.name = 'bugs' and st.[name] <> 'sysname' and sc.name not in ('rowguid', 'bg_id', 'bg_short_desc', 'bg_reported_user', 'bg_reported_date', 'bg_project', 'bg_org', 'bg_category', 'bg_priority', 'bg_status', 'bg_assigned_to_user', 'bg_last_updated_user', 'bg_last_updated_date', 'bg_user_defined_attribute', 'bg_project_custom_dropdown_value1', 'bg_project_custom_dropdown_value2', 'bg_project_custom_dropdown_value3', 'bg_tags') order by sc.id, isnull(ccm_sort_seq,sc.colorder)"); context.Application["custom_columns_dataset"] = ds; return(ds); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected static void write_relationships(HttpResponse Response, int bugid) { string sql = @"select bg_id [id], bg_short_desc [desc], re_type [comment], case when re_direction = 0 then '' when re_direction = 2 then 'child of $bg' else 'parent of $bg' end [parent/child] from bug_relationships inner join bugs on re_bug2 = bg_id where re_bug1 = $bg order by 1"; sql = sql.Replace("$bg", Convert.ToString(bugid)); DataSet ds_relationships = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); if (ds_relationships.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Response.Write ("<b>Relationships</b><p><table border=1 class=datat><tr>"); Response.Write ("<td class=datah valign=bottom>id</td>"); Response.Write ("<td class=datah valign=bottom>desc</td>"); Response.Write ("<td class=datah valign=bottom>comment</td>"); Response.Write ("<td class=datah valign=bottom>parent/child</td>"); foreach (DataRow dr_relationships in ds_relationships.Tables[0].Rows) { Response.Write ("<tr>"); Response.Write ("<td class=datad valign=top align=right>"); Response.Write (Convert.ToString((int) dr_relationships["id"])); Response.Write ("<td class=datad valign=top>"); Response.Write (Convert.ToString(dr_relationships["desc"])); Response.Write ("<td class=datad valign=top>"); Response.Write (Convert.ToString(dr_relationships["comment"])); Response.Write ("<td class=datad valign=top>"); Response.Write (Convert.ToString(dr_relationships["parent/child"])); } Response.Write ("</table><p>"); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void delete_bug(int bugid) { // delete attachements string id = Convert.ToString(bugid); string upload_folder = Util.get_upload_folder(); string sql = @"select bp_id, bp_file from bug_posts where bp_type = 'file' and bp_bug = $bg"; sql = sql.Replace("$bg", id); DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); if (upload_folder != null && upload_folder != "") { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { // create path StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(upload_folder); path.Append("\\"); path.Append(id); path.Append("_"); path.Append(Convert.ToString(dr["bp_id"])); path.Append("_"); path.Append(Convert.ToString(dr["bp_file"])); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path.ToString())) { System.IO.File.Delete(path.ToString()); } } } // delete the database entries sql = @" delete bug_post_attachments from bug_post_attachments inner join bug_posts on bug_post_attachments.bpa_post = bug_posts.bp_id where bug_posts.bp_bug = $bg delete from bug_posts where bp_bug = $bg delete from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = $bg delete from bug_relationships where re_bug1 = $bg delete from bug_relationships where re_bug2 = $bg delete from bug_user where bu_bug = $bg delete from bug_tasks where tsk_bug = $bg delete from bugs where bg_id = $bg"; sql = sql.Replace("$bg", id); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); }
public static void threadproc_votes(object obj) { Util.write_to_log("threadproc_votes"); try { System.Web.HttpApplicationState app = (System.Web.HttpApplicationState)obj; // Because "create view" wants to be the first in a batch, it won't work in setup.sql. // So let's just run it here every time. string sql = @" if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[votes_view]')) drop view [votes_view]"; DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); sql = @" create view votes_view as select bu_bug as vote_bug, sum(bu_vote) as vote_total from bug_user group by bu_bug having sum(bu_vote) > 0"; DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); sql = @" select bu_bug, count(1) from bug_user where bu_vote = 1 group by bu_bug"; DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { app[Convert.ToString(dr[0])] = (int)dr[1]; } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.write_to_log("exception in threadproc_votes:" + ex.Message); } }
//************************************************************* static void threadproc_pop3(object obj) { //System.Web.HttpApplication app = (System.Web.HttpApplication)obj; while (true) { int Pop3FetchIntervalInMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(Util.get_setting("Pop3FetchIntervalInMinutes", "15")); try { // get all the projects that have been associated with pop3 usernames string sql = @"select pj_id, pj_pop3_username, pj_pop3_password from projects where pj_enable_pop3 = 1"; DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { Util.write_to_log("pop3:processing project " + Convert.ToString(dr["pj_id"]) + " using account " + dr["pj_pop3_username"]); bool result = fetch_messages( (string)dr["pj_pop3_username"], (string)dr["pj_pop3_password"], (int)dr["pj_id"]); if (!result) { Util.write_to_log("pop3:exiting thread because error count has reached the limit"); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { Util.write_to_log("pop3:exception in threadproc_pop3:"); Util.write_to_log(e.Message); Util.write_to_log(e.StackTrace); return; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Pop3FetchIntervalInMinutes * 60 * 1000); } }
public static void threadproc_tags(object obj) { try { System.Web.HttpApplicationState app = (System.Web.HttpApplicationState)obj; SortedDictionary <string, List <int> > tags = new SortedDictionary <string, List <int> >(); // update the cache DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset("select bg_id, bg_tags from bugs where isnull(bg_tags,'') <> ''"); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { string[] labels = Util.split_string_using_commas((string)dr[1]); // for each tag label, build a list of bugids that have that label for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++) { string label = normalize_tag(labels[i]); if (label != "") { if (!tags.ContainsKey(label)) { tags[label] = new List <int>(); } tags[label].Add((int)dr[0]); } } } app["tags"] = tags; } catch (Exception ex) { Util.write_to_log("exception in threadproc_tags:" + ex.Message); } }
public BugQueryResult ExecuteQuery(IIdentity identity, int start, int length, string orderBy, string sortDirection, bool idOnly, BugQueryFilter[] filters = null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) && !_columnNames.Contains(orderBy)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid order by column specified: {0}", orderBy); } bool hasFilters = filters != null && filters.Any(); string columnsToSelect = idOnly ? "id" : "*"; var innerSql = GetInnerSql(identity); var countSql = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ({0}) t", GetInnerSql(identity)); SQLString sqlString = new SQLString(countSql); sqlString.Append(";"); if (hasFilters) { sqlString.Append(countSql); ApplyWhereClause(sqlString, filters); sqlString.Append(";"); } var bugsSql = string.Format("SELECT t.{0} FROM ({1}) t", columnsToSelect, innerSql); sqlString.Append(bugsSql); sqlString.Append(" WHERE id IN ("); var innerBugsSql = string.Format("SELECT t.id FROM ({0}) t", innerSql); sqlString.Append(innerBugsSql); ApplyWhereClause(sqlString, filters); if (hasFilters) { foreach (var filter in filters) { sqlString.AddParameterWithValue(GetCleanParameterName(filter.Column), filter.Value); } } sqlString.Append(" ORDER BY "); sqlString.Append(BuildDynamicOrderByClause(orderBy, sortDirection)); sqlString.Append(" OFFSET @offset ROWS FETCH NEXT @page_size ROWS ONLY)"); int userId = identity.GetUserId(); sqlString.AddParameterWithValue("@ME", userId); sqlString.AddParameterWithValue("page_size", length > 0 ? length : MaxLength); sqlString.AddParameterWithValue("offset", start); DataSet dataSet = DbUtil.get_dataset(sqlString); var countUnfiltered = Convert.ToInt32(dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); var countFiltered = hasFilters ? Convert.ToInt32(dataSet.Tables[1].Rows[0][0]) : countUnfiltered; var bugDataTableIndex = hasFilters ? 2 : 1; return(new BugQueryResult { CountUnfiltered = countUnfiltered, CountFiltered = countFiltered, Data = dataSet.Tables[bugDataTableIndex] }); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static DataTable get_related_users(Security security, bool force_full_names) { string sql = ""; if (Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel", "2") == "0") { // only show users who have explicit permission // for projects that this user has permissions for sql = @" /* get related users 1 */ select us_id, case when $fullnames then case when len(isnull(us_firstname,'') + ' ' + isnull(us_lastname,'')) > 1 then isnull(us_firstname,'') + ' ' + isnull(us_lastname,'') else us_username end else us_username end us_username, isnull(us_email,'') us_email, us_org, og_external_user into #temp from users inner join orgs on us_org = og_id where us_id in (select pu1.pu_user from project_user_xref pu1 where pu1.pu_project in (select pu2.pu_project from project_user_xref pu2 where pu2.pu_user = $user.usid and pu2.pu_permission_level <> 0 ) and pu1.pu_permission_level <> 0 ) if $og_external_user = 1 -- external and $og_other_orgs_permission_level = 0 -- other orgs begin delete from #temp where og_external_user = 1 and us_org <> $user.org end $limit_users select us_id, us_username, us_email from #temp order by us_username drop table #temp"; } else { // show users UNLESS they have been explicitly excluded // from all the projects the viewer is able to view // the cartesian join in the first select is intentional sql = @" /* get related users 2 */ select pj_id, us_id, case when $fullnames then case when len(isnull(us_firstname,'') + ' ' + isnull(us_lastname,'')) > 1 then isnull(us_firstname,'') + ' ' + isnull(us_lastname,'') else us_username end else us_username end us_username, isnull(us_email,'') us_email into #temp from projects, users where pj_id not in ( select pu_project from project_user_xref where pu_permission_level = 0 and pu_user = $user.usid ) $limit_users if $og_external_user = 1 -- external and $og_other_orgs_permission_level = 0 -- other orgs begin select distinct a.us_id, a.us_username, a.us_email from #temp a inner join users b on a.us_id = b.us_id inner join orgs on b.us_org = og_id where og_external_user = 0 or b.us_org = $user.org order by a.us_username end else begin select distinct us_id, us_username, us_email from #temp left outer join project_user_xref on pj_id = pu_project and us_id = pu_user where isnull(pu_permission_level,2) <> 0 order by us_username end drop table #temp"; } if (Util.get_setting("LimitUsernameDropdownsInSearch", "0") == "1") { string sql_limit_user_names = @" select isnull(bg_assigned_to_user,0) keep_me into #temp2 from bugs union select isnull(bg_reported_user,0) from bugs delete from #temp where us_id not in (select keep_me from #temp2) drop table #temp2"; sql = sql.Replace("$limit_users", sql_limit_user_names); } else { sql = sql.Replace("$limit_users", ""); } if (force_full_names || Util.get_setting("UseFullNames", "0") == "1") { // true condition sql = sql.Replace("$fullnames", "1 = 1"); } else { // false condition sql = sql.Replace("$fullnames", "0 = 1"); } sql = sql.Replace("$user.usid", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); sql = sql.Replace("$user.org", Convert.ToString(security.user.org)); sql = sql.Replace("$og_external_user", Convert.ToString(security.user.external_user ? 1 : 0)); sql = sql.Replace("$og_other_orgs_permission_level", Convert.ToString(security.user.other_orgs_permission_level)); return(DbUtil.get_dataset(sql).Tables[0]); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static DataSet get_all_tasks(Security security, int bugid) { string sql = "select "; if (bugid == 0) { sql += @" bg_id as [id], bg_short_desc as [description], pj_name as [project], ct_name as [category], bug_statuses.st_name as [status], bug_users.us_username as [assigned to],"; } sql += "tsk_id [task<br>id], tsk_description [task<br>description] "; if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskAssignedTo", "1") == "1") { sql += ", task_users.us_username [task<br>assigned to]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPlannedStartDate", "1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_planned_start_date [planned start]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskActualStartDate", "1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_actual_start_date [actual start]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPlannedEndDate", "1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_planned_end_date [planned end]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskActualEndDate", "1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_actual_end_date [actual end]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPlannedDuration", "1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_planned_duration [planned<br>duration]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskActualDuration", "1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_actual_duration [actual<br>duration]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskDurationUnits", "1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_duration_units [duration<br>units]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPercentComplete", "1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_percent_complete [percent<br>complete]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskStatus", "1") == "1") { sql += ", task_statuses.st_name [task<br>status]"; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskSortSequence", "1") == "1") { sql += ", tsk_sort_sequence [seq]"; } sql += @" from bug_tasks inner join bugs on tsk_bug = bg_id left outer join projects on bg_project = pj_id left outer join categories on bg_category = ct_id left outer join statuses bug_statuses on bg_status = bug_statuses.st_id left outer join statuses task_statuses on tsk_status = task_statuses.st_id left outer join users bug_users on bg_assigned_to_user = bug_users.us_id left outer join users task_users on tsk_assigned_to_user = task_users.us_id where tsk_bug in ("; if (bugid == 0) { sql += Util.alter_sql_per_project_permissions("select bg_id from bugs", security); } else { sql += Convert.ToString(bugid); } sql += @" ) order by tsk_sort_sequence, tsk_id"; DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); return(ds); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This used to send the emails, but not now. Now it just queues // the emails to be sent, then spawns a thread to send them. public static void send_notifications(int insert_or_update, // The implementation int bugid, Security security, int just_to_this_userid, bool status_changed, bool assigned_to_changed, int prev_assigned_to_user) { // If there's something worth emailing about, then there's // probably something worth updating the index about. // Really, though, we wouldn't want to update the index if it were // just the status that were changing... if (Util.get_setting("EnableLucene", "1") == "1") { MyLucene.update_lucene_index(bugid); } bool notification_email_enabled = (Util.get_setting("NotificationEmailEnabled", "1") == "1"); if (!notification_email_enabled) { return; } // MAW -- 2006/01/27 -- Determine level of change detected int changeLevel = 0; if (insert_or_update == INSERT) { changeLevel = 1; } else if (status_changed) { changeLevel = 2; } else if (assigned_to_changed) { changeLevel = 3; } else { changeLevel = 4; } string sql; if (just_to_this_userid > 0) { sql = @" /* get notification email for just one user */ select us_email, us_id, us_admin, og.* from bug_subscriptions inner join users on bs_user = us_id inner join orgs og on us_org = og_id inner join bugs on bg_id = bs_bug left outer join project_user_xref on pu_user = us_id and pu_project = bg_project where us_email is not null and us_enable_notifications = 1 -- $status_change and us_active = 1 and us_email <> '' and case when us_org <> bg_org and og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end <> 0 and bs_bug = $id and us_id = $just_this_usid"; sql = sql.Replace("$just_this_usid", Convert.ToString(just_to_this_userid)); } else { // MAW -- 2006/01/27 -- Added different notifications if reported or assigned-to sql = @" /* get notification emails for all subscribers */ select us_email, us_id, us_admin, og.* from bug_subscriptions inner join users on bs_user = us_id inner join orgs og on us_org = og_id inner join bugs on bg_id = bs_bug left outer join project_user_xref on pu_user = us_id and pu_project = bg_project where us_email is not null and us_enable_notifications = 1 -- $status_change and us_active = 1 and us_email <> '' and ( ($cl <= us_reported_notifications and bg_reported_user = bs_user) or ($cl <= us_assigned_notifications and bg_assigned_to_user = bs_user) or ($cl <= us_assigned_notifications and $pau = bs_user) or ($cl <= us_subscribed_notifications)) and case when us_org <> bg_org and og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end <> 0 and bs_bug = $id and (us_id <> $us or isnull(us_send_notifications_to_self,0) = 1)"; } sql = sql.Replace("$cl", changeLevel.ToString()); sql = sql.Replace("$pau", prev_assigned_to_user.ToString()); sql = sql.Replace("$id", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$dpl", Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel", "2")); sql = sql.Replace("$us", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); DataSet ds_subscribers = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); if (ds_subscribers.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { bool added_to_queue = false; // Get bug html DataRow bug_dr = Bug.get_bug_datarow(bugid, security); string from = Util.get_setting("NotificationEmailFrom", ""); // Format the subject line string subject = Util.get_setting("NotificationSubjectFormat", "$THING$:$BUGID$ was $ACTION$ - $SHORTDESC$ $TRACKINGID$"); subject = subject.Replace("$THING$", Util.capitalize_first_letter(Util.get_setting("SingularBugLabel", "bug"))); string action = ""; if (insert_or_update == INSERT) { action = "added"; } else { action = "updated"; } subject = subject.Replace("$ACTION$", action); subject = subject.Replace("$BUGID$", Convert.ToString(bugid)); subject = subject.Replace("$SHORTDESC$", (string)bug_dr["short_desc"]); string tracking_id = " ("; tracking_id += Util.get_setting("TrackingIdString", "DO NOT EDIT THIS:"); tracking_id += Convert.ToString(bugid); tracking_id += ")"; subject = subject.Replace("$TRACKINGID$", tracking_id); subject = subject.Replace("$PROJECT$", (string)bug_dr["current_project"]); subject = subject.Replace("$ORGANIZATION$", (string)bug_dr["og_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$CATEGORY$", (string)bug_dr["category_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$PRIORITY$", (string)bug_dr["priority_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$STATUS$", (string)bug_dr["status_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$ASSIGNED_TO$", (string)bug_dr["assigned_to_username"]); // send a separate email to each subscriber foreach (DataRow dr in ds_subscribers.Tables[0].Rows) { string to = (string)dr["us_email"]; // Create a fake response and let the code // write the html to that response System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter(); HttpResponse my_response = new HttpResponse(writer); my_response.Write("<html>"); my_response.Write("<base href=\"" + Util.get_setting("AbsoluteUrlPrefix", "") + "\"/>"); // create a security rec for the user receiving the email Security sec2 = new Security(); // fill in what we know is needed downstream sec2.user.is_admin = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["us_admin"]); sec2.user.external_user = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_external_user"]); sec2.user.tags_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_tags_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.category_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_category_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.priority_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_priority_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.assigned_to_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_assigned_to_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.status_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_status_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.project_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_project_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.org_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_org_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.udf_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_udf_field_permission_level"]; DataSet ds_custom = Util.get_custom_columns(); foreach (DataRow dr_custom in ds_custom.Tables[0].Rows) { string bg_name = (string)dr_custom["name"]; string og_name = "og_" + (string)dr_custom["name"] + "_field_permission_level"; object obj = dr[og_name]; if (Convert.IsDBNull(obj)) { sec2.user.dict_custom_field_permission_level[bg_name] = Security.PERMISSION_ALL; } else { sec2.user.dict_custom_field_permission_level[bg_name] = (int)dr[og_name]; } } PrintBug.print_bug( my_response, bug_dr, sec2, true, // include style false, // images_inline true, // history_inline true); // internal_posts // at this point "writer" has the bug html sql = @" delete from queued_notifications where qn_bug = $bug and qn_to = N'$to' insert into queued_notifications (qn_date_created, qn_bug, qn_user, qn_status, qn_retries, qn_to, qn_from, qn_subject, qn_body, qn_last_exception) values (getdate(), $bug, $user, N'not sent', 0, N'$to', N'$from', N'$subject', N'$body', N'')"; sql = sql.Replace("$bug", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$user", Convert.ToString(dr["us_id"])); sql = sql.Replace("$to", to.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$from", from.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$subject", subject.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$body", writer.ToString().Replace("'", "''")); DbUtil.execute_nonquery_without_logging(sql); added_to_queue = true; } // end loop through ds_subscribers if (added_to_queue) { // spawn a worker thread to send the emails System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(threadproc_notifications); thread.Start(); } } // if there are any subscribers }
public static int copy_user( string username, string email, string firstname, string lastname, string signature, int salt, string password, string template_username, bool use_domain_as_org_name) { // get all the org columns Util.write_to_log("copy_user creating " + username + " from template user " + template_username); StringBuilder org_columns = new StringBuilder(); string sql = ""; if (use_domain_as_org_name) { sql = @" /* get org cols */ select sc.name from syscolumns sc inner join sysobjects so on sc.id = so.id where so.name = 'orgs' and sc.name not in ('og_id', 'og_name', 'og_domain')"; DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { org_columns.Append(","); org_columns.Append("["); org_columns.Append(Convert.ToString(dr["name"])); org_columns.Append("]"); } } sql = @" /* copy user */ declare @template_user_id int declare @template_org_id int select @template_user_id = us_id, @template_org_id = us_org from users where us_username = N'$template_user' declare @org_id int set @org_id = -1 IF $use_domain_as_org_name = 1 BEGIN select @org_id = og_id from orgs where og_domain = N'$domain' IF @org_id = -1 BEGIN insert into orgs ( og_name, og_domain $ORG_COLUMNS ) select N'$domain', N'$domain' $ORG_COLUMNS from orgs where og_id = @template_org_id select @org_id = scope_identity() END END declare @new_user_id int set @new_user_id = -1 IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT us_id FROM users WHERE us_username = '******') BEGIN insert into users (us_username, us_email, us_firstname, us_lastname, us_signature, us_salt, us_password, us_default_query, us_enable_notifications, us_auto_subscribe, us_auto_subscribe_own_bugs, us_auto_subscribe_reported_bugs, us_send_notifications_to_self, us_active, us_bugs_per_page, us_forced_project, us_reported_notifications, us_assigned_notifications, us_subscribed_notifications, us_use_fckeditor, us_enable_bug_list_popups, us_org) select N'$username', N'$email', N'$firstname', N'$lastname', N'$signature', $salt, N'$password', us_default_query, us_enable_notifications, us_auto_subscribe, us_auto_subscribe_own_bugs, us_auto_subscribe_reported_bugs, us_send_notifications_to_self, 1, -- active us_bugs_per_page, us_forced_project, us_reported_notifications, us_assigned_notifications, us_subscribed_notifications, us_use_fckeditor, us_enable_bug_list_popups, case when @org_id = -1 then us_org else @org_id end from users where us_id = @template_user_id select @new_user_id = scope_identity() insert into project_user_xref (pu_project, pu_user, pu_auto_subscribe, pu_permission_level, pu_admin) select pu_project, @new_user_id, pu_auto_subscribe, pu_permission_level, pu_admin from project_user_xref where pu_user = @template_user_id select @new_user_id END "; sql = sql.Replace("$username", username.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$email", email.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$firstname", firstname.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$lastname", lastname.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$signature", signature.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$salt", Convert.ToString(salt)); sql = sql.Replace("$password", password); sql = sql.Replace("$template_user", template_username.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$use_domain_as_org_name", Convert.ToString(use_domain_as_org_name ? "1" : "0")); string[] email_parts = email.Split('@'); if (email_parts.Length == 2) { sql = sql.Replace("$domain", email_parts[1].Replace("'", "''")); } else { sql = sql.Replace("$domain", email.Replace("'", "''")); } sql = sql.Replace("$ORG_COLUMNS", org_columns.ToString()); return(Convert.ToInt32(DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql))); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void load_users_dropdowns(int bugid) { // What's selected now? Save it before we refresh the dropdown. string current_value = ""; if (IsPostBack) { current_value = assigned_to.SelectedItem.Value; } sql = new SQLString(@" declare @project int declare @assigned_to int select @project = bg_project, @assigned_to = bg_assigned_to_user from bugs where bg_id = @bg_id"); // Load the user dropdown, which changes per project // Only users explicitly allowed will be listed if (Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel", "2") == "0") { sql.Append(@" /* users this project */ select us_id, case when @fullnames=1 then us_lastname + ', ' + us_firstname else us_username end us_username from users inner join orgs on us_org = og_id where us_active = 1 and og_can_be_assigned_to = 1 and (@og_other_orgs_permission_level <> 0 or @og_id = og_id or og_external_user = 0) and us_id in (select pu_user from project_user_xref where pu_project = @project and pu_permission_level <> 0) order by us_username; "); } // Only users explictly DISallowed will be omitted else { sql.Append(@" /* users this project */ select us_id, case when @fullnames =1 then us_lastname + ', ' + us_firstname else us_username end us_username from users inner join orgs on us_org = og_id where us_active = 1 and og_can_be_assigned_to = 1 and (@og_other_orgs_permission_level <> 0 or @og_id = og_id or og_external_user = 0) and us_id not in (select pu_user from project_user_xref where pu_project = @project and pu_permission_level = 0) order by us_username; "); } sql.Append("\nselect st_id, st_name from statuses order by st_sort_seq, st_name"); sql.Append("\nselect isnull(@assigned_to,0) "); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("og_id", User.Identity.GetOrganizationId()); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("og_other_orgs_permission_level", User.Identity.GetOtherOrgsPermissionLevels()); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("bg_id", bugid); if (Util.get_setting("UseFullNames", "0") == "0") { // false condition sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("fullnames", 0); } else { // true condition sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("fullnames", 1); } DataSet dataSet = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); assigned_to.DataSource = new DataView((DataTable)dataSet.Tables[0]); assigned_to.DataTextField = "us_username"; assigned_to.DataValueField = "us_id"; assigned_to.DataBind(); assigned_to.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("[not assigned]", "0")); status.DataSource = new DataView((DataTable)dataSet.Tables[1]); status.DataTextField = "st_name"; status.DataValueField = "st_id"; status.DataBind(); status.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("[no status]", "0")); // by default, assign the entry to the same user to whom the bug is assigned to? // or should it be assigned to the logged in user? if (tsk_id == 0) { int default_assigned_to_user = (int)dataSet.Tables[2].Rows[0][0]; ListItem li = assigned_to.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(default_assigned_to_user)); if (li != null) { li.Selected = true; } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create a new index static void threadproc_build(object obj) { lock (my_lock) { try { System.Web.HttpApplicationState app = (System.Web.HttpApplicationState)obj; Util.write_to_log("started creating Lucene index using folder " + MyLucene.index_path); Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter writer = new Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter(index_path, anal, true); string sql = @" select bg_id, $custom_cols isnull(bg_tags,'') bg_tags, bg_short_desc from bugs"; DataSet ds_text_custom_cols = get_text_custom_cols(); sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols", get_text_custom_cols_names(ds_text_custom_cols)); // index the bugs DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { // desc writer.AddDocument(MyLucene.create_doc( (int)dr["bg_id"], 0, "desc", (string)dr["bg_short_desc"])); // tags string tags = (string)dr["bg_tags"]; if (tags != "") { writer.AddDocument(MyLucene.create_doc( (int)dr["bg_id"], 0, "tags", tags)); } // custom text fields foreach (DataRow dr_custom_col in ds_text_custom_cols.Tables[0].Rows) { string name = (string)dr_custom_col["name"]; string val = Convert.ToString(dr[name]); if (val != "") { writer.AddDocument(MyLucene.create_doc( (int)dr["bg_id"], 0, name.Replace("'", "''"), val)); } } } // index the bug posts ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(@" select bp_bug, bp_id, isnull(bp_comment_search,bp_comment) [text] from bug_posts where bp_type <> 'update' and bp_hidden_from_external_users = 0"); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { writer.AddDocument(MyLucene.create_doc( (int)dr["bp_bug"], (int)dr["bp_id"], "post", (string)dr["text"])); } writer.Optimize(); writer.Close(); Util.write_to_log("done creating Lucene index"); } catch (Exception e) { Util.write_to_log("exception building Lucene index: " + e.Message); Util.write_to_log(e.StackTrace); } } }
// update an existing index static void threadproc_update(object obj) { // just to be safe, make the worker threads wait for each other //System.Console.Beep(540, 20); lock (my_lock) // prevent contention between searching and writing? { //System.Console.Beep(840, 20); try { if (searcher != null) { try { searcher.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Util.write_to_log("Exception closing lucene searcher:" + e.Message); Util.write_to_log(e.StackTrace); } searcher = null; } Lucene.Net.Index.IndexModifier modifier = new Lucene.Net.Index.IndexModifier(index_path, anal, false); // same as buid, but uses "modifier" instead of write. // uses additional "where" clause for bugid int bug_id = (int)obj; Util.write_to_log("started updating Lucene index using folder " + MyLucene.index_path); modifier.DeleteDocuments(new Lucene.Net.Index.Term("bg_id", Convert.ToString(bug_id))); string sql = @" select bg_id, $custom_cols isnull(bg_tags,'') bg_tags, bg_short_desc from bugs where bg_id = $bugid"; sql = sql.Replace("$bugid", Convert.ToString(bug_id)); DataSet ds_text_custom_cols = get_text_custom_cols(); sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols", get_text_custom_cols_names(ds_text_custom_cols)); // index the bugs DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); modifier.AddDocument(MyLucene.create_doc( (int)dr["bg_id"], 0, "desc", (string)dr["bg_short_desc"])); // tags string tags = (string)dr["bg_tags"]; if (tags != "") { modifier.AddDocument(MyLucene.create_doc( (int)dr["bg_id"], 0, "tags", tags)); } // custom text fields foreach (DataRow dr_custom_col in ds_text_custom_cols.Tables[0].Rows) { string name = (string)dr_custom_col["name"]; string val = Convert.ToString(dr[name]); if (val != "") { modifier.AddDocument(MyLucene.create_doc( (int)dr["bg_id"], 0, name.Replace("'", "''"), val)); } } // index the bug posts DataSet ds = DbUtil.get_dataset(@" select bp_bug, bp_id, isnull(bp_comment_search,bp_comment) [text] from bug_posts where bp_type <> 'update' and bp_hidden_from_external_users = 0 and bp_bug = " + Convert.ToString(bug_id)); foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { modifier.AddDocument(MyLucene.create_doc( (int)dr2["bp_bug"], (int)dr2["bp_id"], "post", (string)dr2["text"])); } modifier.Flush(); modifier.Close(); Util.write_to_log("done updating Lucene index"); } catch (Exception e) { Util.write_to_log("exception updating Lucene index: " + e.Message); Util.write_to_log(e.StackTrace); } } }