static void FindLoopContents(ControlStructure current, HashSet <ControlFlowNode> loopContents, ControlFlowNode loopHead, ControlFlowNode node)
     if (current.AllNodes.Contains(node) && loopHead.Dominates(node) && loopContents.Add(node))
         foreach (var edge in node.Incoming)
             FindLoopContents(current, loopContents, loopHead, edge.Source);
        public static ControlStructure DetectStructure(ControlFlowGraph g, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ControlStructure root = new ControlStructure(new HashSet <ControlFlowNode>(g.Nodes), g.EntryPoint, ControlStructureType.Root);

            // First build a structure tree out of the exception table
            // DetectExceptionHandling(root, g, exceptionHandlers);
            // Then run the loop detection.
            DetectLoops(g, root, cancellationToken);
        // Loop detection works like this:
        // We find a top-level loop by looking for its entry point, which is characterized by a node dominating its own predecessor.
        // Then we determine all other nodes that belong to such a loop (all nodes which lead to the entry point, and are dominated by it).
        // Finally, we check whether our result conforms with potential existing exception structures, and create the substructure for the loop if successful.

        // This algorithm is applied recursively for any substructures (both detected loops and exception blocks)

        // But maybe we should get rid of this complex stuff and instead treat every backward jump as a loop?
        // That should still work with the IL produced by compilers, and has the advantage that the detected loop bodies are consecutive IL regions.

        static void DetectLoops(ControlFlowGraph g, ControlStructure current, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!current.EntryPoint.IsReachable)
            FindLoops(current, current.EntryPoint);
            foreach (ControlStructure loop in current.Children)
                DetectLoops(g, loop, cancellationToken);
 static void FindLoops(ControlStructure current, ControlFlowNode node)
     if (node.Visited)
     node.Visited = true;
     if (current.Nodes.Contains(node) &&
         node.DominanceFrontier.Contains(node) &&
         !(node == current.EntryPoint && current.Type == ControlStructureType.Loop))
         HashSet <ControlFlowNode> loopContents = new HashSet <ControlFlowNode>();
         FindLoopContents(current, loopContents, node, node);
         List <ControlStructure> containedChildStructures = new List <ControlStructure>();
         bool invalidNesting = false;
         foreach (ControlStructure childStructure in current.Children)
             if (childStructure.AllNodes.IsSubsetOf(loopContents))
             else if (childStructure.AllNodes.Intersect(loopContents).Any())
                 invalidNesting = true;
         if (!invalidNesting)
             ControlStructure ctl = new ControlStructure(loopContents, node, ControlStructureType.Loop);
             foreach (ControlStructure childStructure in containedChildStructures)
     foreach (var edge in node.Outgoing)
         FindLoops(current, edge.Target);