Пример #1
        public JToken getDepartmentList()
            JArray  returnJA    = new JArray();
            JObject returnValue = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[teacher]", new JObject(), "GROUP BY t_department", "t_department");

            if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
Пример #2
        public JObject GetApply(String tid)
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            JObject obj = new JObject();

            obj["sa.sa_state"] = 0;
            obj["sa.sa_t_id"]  = tid;

            String select = " sa.sa_s_id, s.s_name, hsa.hsa_create_datetime, sa.sa_tg_id";

            //return sqlHelper.select("ntust.student_apply as sa " +
            //                                    " join [ntust].[teacher_group] as tg on tg.tg_id = sa.sa_tg_id" +
            //                                    " join ntust.student as s on s.s_id = sa.sa_s_id" +
            //                                    " join ntust.history_student_apply as hsa on hsa.hsa_s_id = sa.sa_s_id"
            //                                    , obj, select: select);
            String queryStr = "SELECT sa.sa_s_id, sa.sa_tg_id, s.s_name,hsa.hsa_create_datetime, 0 AS allapprove " +
                              "from ntust.student_apply as sa " +
                              "join [ntust].[teacher_group] as tg on tg.tg_id = sa.sa_tg_id " +
                              "join ntust.student as s on s.s_id = sa.sa_s_id " +
                              "join ntust.history_student_apply as hsa on hsa.hsa_s_id = sa.sa_s_id " +
                              "WHERE sa.sa_state = 0 AND sa.sa_t_id = '" + tid + "' " +
                              "UNION " +
                              "SELECT sa.sa_s_id, sa.sa_tg_id, s.s_name,hsa.hsa_create_datetime,1 AS allapprove " +
                              "from ntust.student_apply as sa " +
                              "join [ntust].[teacher_group] as tg on tg.tg_id = sa.sa_tg_id " +
                              "join ntust.student_apply as sa_notapprove on sa_notapprove.sa_tg_id = tg.tg_id and sa_notapprove.sa_state = 0 and sa_notapprove.sa_t_id != '" + tid + "' " +
                              "join ntust.student as s on s.s_id = sa.sa_s_id " +
                              "join ntust.history_student_apply as hsa on hsa.hsa_s_id = sa.sa_s_id " +
                              "WHERE(sa.sa_state = 1 OR sa.sa_state = 2) AND sa.sa_t_id = '" + tid + "'";

Пример #3
        public JObject UpdateStudentApplyStatus(String s_id, int state)
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            String  query       = "UPDATE sas set sas_type=" + state + " FROM ntust.student_apply_status AS sas WHERE sas_s_id='" + s_id + "'";
            JObject applyStatus = sqlHelper.select(query);

Пример #4
        public int CheckNewChange(String sc_id)
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            //query for apply which not agree
            String query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count " +
                           "FROM ntust.student_change_origin_teacher_approval scota " +
                           "WHERE scota.scota_sc_id = " + sc_id + " AND scota.scota_state!=1";
            JObject updateStatus = sqlHelper.select(query);

Пример #5
        public JObject GetStudent(String tid)
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            JObject teacher = new JObject();

            teacher["t.t_id"] = tid;

            String select = "s.s_id, s.s_name, s.s_state,STUFF(( SELECT ','+sub_t.t_name FROM ntust.teacher as sub_t join ntust.teacher_group as sub_tg on sub_t.t_id=sub_tg.t_id WHERE sub_tg.tg_id=tg.tg_id FOR XML PATH('')),1 ,1 ,'' ) AS whole_teacher ";

            return(sqlHelper.select("ntust.teacher t " +
                                    " left join ntust.teacher_group tg on t.t_id=tg.t_id " +
                                    " join ntust.pair p on p.p_tg_id=tg.tg_id " +
                                    " join ntust.student s on s.s_id = p.p_s_id  " +
                                    " left join ntust.teacher t2 on t2.t_id=tg.t_id", teacher, select: select));
Пример #6
        public int CheckAllApply(String tg_id)
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            JObject obj = new JObject();
            //query for apply which not agree
            String query = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM " +
                           "ntust.student_apply sa " +
                           "WHERE sa.sa_tg_id = " + tg_id + " AND sa.sa_state != 1 ";
            JObject updateStatus = sqlHelper.select(query);

            JArray array = (JArray)updateStatus.GetValue("data");

Пример #7
        public JObject GetApplyHistory(String tid)
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            String query = "SELECT s.s_id,s.s_name,hsa.hsa_create_datetime, hsa.hsa_end_datetime, hsa.hsa_state, " +
                           "STUFF ((SELECT  ', ' + new_t.t_name " +
                           "FROM ntust.teacher_group as new_tg " +
                           "join ntust.teacher as new_t on new_t.t_id = new_tg.t_id " +
                           "WHERE hsa.hsa_tg_id = new_tg.tg_id " +
                           "FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS Apply_teacher " +
                           "from ntust.history_student_apply hsa " +
                           "JOIN ntust.teacher_group as tg on tg.tg_id = hsa.hsa_tg_id " +
                           "JOIN ntust.student as s on s.s_id = hsa.hsa_s_id " +
                           "WHERE tg.t_id = '" + tid + "' AND hsa.hsa_end_datetime IS NOT NULL";
            JObject applyHistory = sqlHelper.select(query);

Пример #8
        public JObject GetChangeHistory(String tid)
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            String query = "SELECT DISTINCT p.p_s_id, s.s_name, hsc.hsc_create_datetime, hsc.hsc_end_datetime, hsc.hsc_state, t.t_name AS new_teacher," +
                           " STUFF((SELECT  ', ' + org_t.t_name FROM ntust.teacher_group as org_tg" +
                           " join ntust.teacher as org_t on org_t.t_id = org_tg.t_id" +
                           " WHERE hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id = org_tg.tg_id" +
                           " FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS org_teacher" +
                           " FROM ntust.history_student_change as hsc" +
                           " JOIN ntust.teacher_group as tg on(tg.tg_id = hsc.hsc_tg_id)" +
                           " JOIN ntust.pair as p on p.p_tg_id = tg.tg_id" +
                           " JOIN ntust.student as s on p.p_s_id = s.s_id" +
                           " JOIN ntust.teacher as t on t.t_id = tg.t_id" +
                           " join ntust.teacher_group as org_tg on(org_tg.tg_id = hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id  AND hsc.hsc_end_datetime IS NOT NULL)" +
                           "WHERE(tg.t_id = '" + tid + "') OR(org_tg.t_id = '" + tid + "')";
            JObject changeHistory = sqlHelper.select(query);

Пример #9
        public int getNewTgId()
            SQLHelper sqlHelper   = new SQLHelper();
            JObject   returnValue = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[teacher_group]", new JObject(), "ORDER BY tg_id DESC ", "top 1 tg_id as max");

            if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
                JToken  data   = returnValue["data"];
                JObject dataJO = (JObject)data[0];

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MAX=" + dataJO["max"].ToString());

                return((int)dataJO["max"] + 1);
                //return dataJO.ToString();
Пример #10
        public JObject getAdminInfo(string userId)
            JObject condi = new JObject();

            condi["st_u_id"] = userId;
            JObject returnValue = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[staff]", condi);

            if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
                foreach (JToken jt in returnValue["data"])
                    st_info = (JObject)jt;
                    st_id   = (string)st_info["st_id"];
                //String msg = returnValue["msg"].ToString();

Пример #11
        public JObject GetChange(String tid)
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            JObject obj  = new JObject();
            string  t_id = tid;

            String select = " DISTINCT sc.sc_id, sc.sc_t_id, sc.sc_s_id, s.s_name, sc.sc_id, hsc.hsc_create_datetime,hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id, t.t_name AS new_teacher," +
                            "STUFF ((SELECT  ', ' + org_t.t_name FROM ntust.teacher_group as org_tg " +
                            "join ntust.teacher as org_t on org_t.t_id = org_tg.t_id " +
                            "WHERE hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id = org_tg.tg_id " +
                            "FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS org_teacher, sc.sc_all_approval, scota.scota_state, sc.sc_state, p.p_id, scota.scota_t_id ";

            String where = " ((org_tg.t_id = '" + t_id + "' AND sc.sc_state=0) OR (t.t_id = '" + t_id + "' AND sc.sc_all_approval=1 AND sc.sc_state=0)) AND p.p_tg_id is NULL";
            return(sqlHelper.select("ntust.student_change as sc" +
                                    " join ntust.teacher_group as tg on sc.sc_tg_id = tg.tg_id" +
                                    " join ntust.teacher as t on t.t_id = sc.sc_t_id" +
                                    " join ntust.student as s on s.s_id = sc.sc_s_id" +
                                    " join ntust.history_student_change as hsc on hsc.hsc_s_id = s.s_id" +
                                    " left join ntust.student_change_origin_teacher_approval as scota on scota.scota_sc_id = sc.sc_id AND scota.scota_t_id ='" + t_id + "' " +
                                    " join ntust.teacher_group as org_tg on org_tg.tg_id = hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id" +
                                    " left join ntust.pair as p on p.p_tg_id = sc.sc_tg_id"
                                    , obj, select: select, where : where));
Пример #12
        public int getOriTgId(string para_s_id = null)
            SQLHelper sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            JObject   condi     = new JObject();

            condi["p_s_id"] = para_s_id == null ? s_id : para_s_id;
            JObject returnValue = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[pair]", condi, "ORDER BY p_tg_id DESC ", "top 1 p_tg_id as max");

            if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
                JToken  data   = returnValue["data"];
                JObject dataJO = (JObject)data[0];

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("MAX=" + dataJO["max"].ToString());

                //return dataJO.ToString();
Пример #13
        //Request.Form["main"], Request.Form["sub"]
        public JObject studentChange(string main, JToken sub, string para_s_id = null)
            //JObject insertData = new JObject();
            JArray    insertData  = new JArray();
            JArray    insertData2 = new JArray();
            SQLHelper sqlHelper   = new SQLHelper();

            string s_id_value = para_s_id == null ? s_id : para_s_id;

            int tgId    = getNewTgId();
            int oriTgId = getOriTgId(s_id_value);

            if (oriTgId == 0)
                JObject callback = new JObject();
                callback["status"] = false;
                callback["msg"]    = "get ori tg id is fail";

            /*insertData["sa_s_id"] = s_id;
             * insertData["sa_t_id"] = main;
             * insertData["sa_t_type"] = 1;
             * insertData["sa_tg_id"] = tgId;
             * insertData["sa_state"] = 0;
             * insertData["sa_create_by_type"] = 1;
             * insertData["sa_create_by_st_id"] = "";
             * JObject returnValue = sqlHelper.insert("[ntust].[student_apply]", insertData);*/

            JObject insertObj  = new JObject();
            JObject insertObj2 = new JObject();

            insertObj["sc_s_id"]            = s_id_value;
            insertObj["sc_t_id"]            = main;
            insertObj["sc_t_type"]          = 1;
            insertObj["sc_tg_id"]           = tgId;
            insertObj["sc_state"]           = 0;
            insertObj["sc_create_by_type"]  = 1;
            insertObj["sc_create_by_st_id"] = "";
            insertObj["sc_all_approval"]    = 0;

            insertObj2["tg_id"]   = tgId;
            insertObj2["t_id"]    = main;
            insertObj2["t_type"]  = 1;
            insertObj2["t_order"] = 1;

            foreach (var x in sub)
                JObject tmp = (JObject)x;
                insertObj                       = new JObject();
                insertObj["sc_s_id"]            = s_id_value;
                insertObj["sc_t_id"]            = tmp["t_id"];
                insertObj["sc_t_type"]          = tmp["t_type"];
                insertObj["sc_tg_id"]           = tgId;
                insertObj["sc_state"]           = 0;
                insertObj["sc_create_by_type"]  = 1;
                insertObj["sc_create_by_st_id"] = "";
                insertObj["sc_all_approval"]    = 0;

                insertObj2            = new JObject();
                insertObj2["tg_id"]   = tgId;
                insertObj2["t_id"]    = tmp["t_id"];
                insertObj2["t_type"]  = tmp["t_type"];
                insertObj2["t_order"] = 2;

            JObject returnValue = sqlHelper.insertMulti("[ntust].[student_change]", insertData);

            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            returnValue = sqlHelper.insertMulti("[ntust].[teacher_group]", insertData2);
            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            //刪除同樣這origin teacher group
            JObject condi = new JObject();

            condi["scota_tg_id"] = oriTgId.ToString();
            returnValue          = sqlHelper.delete("ntust.student_change_origin_teacher_approval", condi);
            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            //新增新的student change
            String query = "INSERT INTO ntust.student_change_origin_teacher_approval(scota_tg_id, scota_t_id, scota_thesis_state, scota_state, scota_create_by_type)" +
                           " SELECT tg.tg_id, tg.t_id, 0, 0, 1" +
                           " FROM ntust.teacher_group AS tg WHERE tg.tg_id = " + oriTgId.ToString();

            returnValue = sqlHelper.insert(query);
            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            DateTime myDateTime       = DateTime.Now;
            string   sqlFormattedDate = myDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");

            query       = "UPDATE ntust.history_student_change set hsc_state=2, hsc_end_datetime='" + sqlFormattedDate + "' WHERE hsc_s_id = '" + s_id_value + "' AND hsc_state=0";
            returnValue = sqlHelper.update(query);
            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            insertObj                        = new JObject();
            insertObj["hsc_s_id"]            = s_id_value;
            insertObj["hsc_origin_tg_id"]    = oriTgId;
            insertObj["hsc_tg_id"]           = tgId;
            insertObj["hsc_create_datetime"] = sqlFormattedDate;
            insertObj["hsc_state"]           = 0;
            returnValue                      = sqlHelper.insert("[ntust].[history_student_change]", insertObj);
            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            //check student_apply_status exist
            condi             = new JObject();
            condi["sas_s_id"] = s_id_value;
            returnValue       = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[student_apply_status]", condi);
            if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
                query       = "UPDATE ntust.student_apply_status set sas_tg_id=" + tgId + " ,sas_type=2 WHERE sas_s_id = '" + s_id_value + "'";
                returnValue = sqlHelper.update(query);
                JObject insertData3 = new JObject();
                insertData3["sas_s_id"]  = s_id_value;
                insertData3["sas_type"]  = 2;
                insertData3["sas_tg_id"] = tgId;
                returnValue = sqlHelper.insert("[ntust].[student_apply_status]", insertData3);

            //returnValue["sub"] = sub;
            //returnValue["insertData"] = insertData;

            /*if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
             * {
             *  return new HttpStatusCodeResult(200);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  String msg = returnValue["msg"].ToString();
             *  switch (msg) {
             *      case "a":
             *          break;
             *  }
             *  return new HttpStatusCodeResult(404);
             * }*/
Пример #14
        //Request.Form["main"], Request.Form["sub"]
        public JObject studentApply(string main, JToken sub, string para_s_id = null)
            //JObject insertData = new JObject();
            JArray    insertData  = new JArray();
            JArray    insertData2 = new JArray();
            SQLHelper sqlHelper   = new SQLHelper();

            string s_id_value = para_s_id == null ? s_id : para_s_id;

            int tgId = getNewTgId();

            /*insertData["sa_s_id"] = s_id;
             * insertData["sa_t_id"] = main;
             * insertData["sa_t_type"] = 1;
             * insertData["sa_tg_id"] = tgId;
             * insertData["sa_state"] = 0;
             * insertData["sa_create_by_type"] = 1;
             * insertData["sa_create_by_st_id"] = "";
             * JObject returnValue = sqlHelper.insert("[ntust].[student_apply]", insertData);*/

            JObject insertObj  = new JObject();
            JObject insertObj2 = new JObject();

            insertObj["sa_s_id"]            = s_id_value;
            insertObj["sa_t_id"]            = main;
            insertObj["sa_t_type"]          = 1;
            insertObj["sa_tg_id"]           = tgId;
            insertObj["sa_state"]           = 0;
            insertObj["sa_create_by_type"]  = 1;
            insertObj["sa_create_by_st_id"] = "";

            insertObj2["tg_id"]   = tgId;
            insertObj2["t_id"]    = main;
            insertObj2["t_type"]  = 1;
            insertObj2["t_order"] = 1;

            foreach (var x in sub)
                JObject tmp = (JObject)x;
                insertObj                       = new JObject();
                insertObj["sa_s_id"]            = s_id_value;
                insertObj["sa_t_id"]            = tmp["t_id"];
                insertObj["sa_t_type"]          = tmp["t_type"];
                insertObj["sa_tg_id"]           = tgId;
                insertObj["sa_state"]           = 0;
                insertObj["sa_create_by_type"]  = 1;
                insertObj["sa_create_by_st_id"] = "";

                insertObj2            = new JObject();
                insertObj2["tg_id"]   = tgId;
                insertObj2["t_id"]    = tmp["t_id"];
                insertObj2["t_type"]  = tmp["t_type"];
                insertObj2["t_order"] = 2;

            JObject returnValue = sqlHelper.insertMulti("[ntust].[student_apply]", insertData);

            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            returnValue = sqlHelper.insertMulti("[ntust].[teacher_group]", insertData2);
            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            DateTime myDateTime       = DateTime.Now;
            string   sqlFormattedDate = myDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
            String query = "UPDATE ntust.history_student_apply set hsa_state=2, hsa_end_datetime='" + sqlFormattedDate + "' WHERE hsa_s_id = '" + s_id_value + "' AND hsa_state=0";

            returnValue = sqlHelper.update(query);
            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            insertObj                        = new JObject();
            insertObj["hsa_s_id"]            = s_id_value;
            insertObj["hsa_tg_id"]           = tgId;
            insertObj["hsa_create_datetime"] = sqlFormattedDate;
            insertObj["hsa_state"]           = 0;
            returnValue                      = sqlHelper.insert("[ntust].[history_student_apply]", insertObj);
            if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            //check student_apply_status exist
            JObject condi = new JObject();

            condi["sas_s_id"] = s_id_value;
            returnValue       = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[student_apply_status]", condi);

            if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
                query       = "UPDATE ntust.student_apply_status set sas_tg_id=" + tgId + " ,sas_type=1 WHERE sas_s_id = '" + s_id_value + "'";
                returnValue = sqlHelper.update(query);
                JObject insertData3 = new JObject();
                insertData3["sas_s_id"]  = s_id_value;
                insertData3["sas_type"]  = 1;
                insertData3["sas_tg_id"] = tgId;
                returnValue = sqlHelper.insert("[ntust].[student_apply_status]", insertData3);

            //returnValue["sub"] = sub;
            //returnValue["insertData"] = insertData;

            /*if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
             * {
             *  return new HttpStatusCodeResult(200);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  String msg = returnValue["msg"].ToString();
             *  switch (msg) {
             *      case "a":
             *          break;
             *  }
             *  return new HttpStatusCodeResult(404);
             * }*/
Пример #15
        public JObject addNewExtraTeacher(String t_name, String t_email, String t_phone, String t_telephone, String t_service_units)
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();

            JObject callback = new JObject();
            JObject condi    = new JObject();

            condi["t_email"] = t_email;
            JObject returnValue = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[extra_teacher]", condi);

            if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
                callback["status"] = false;
                callback["msg"]    = "email is exist.";

            condi            = new JObject();
            condi["t_phone"] = t_phone;
            returnValue      = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[extra_teacher]", condi);
            if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
                callback["status"] = false;
                callback["msg"]    = "phone is exist.";

            condi = new JObject();
            condi["t_telephone"] = t_telephone;
            returnValue          = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[extra_teacher]", condi);
            if ((bool)returnValue["status"])
                callback["status"] = false;
                callback["msg"]    = "telephone is exist.";

            String t_id;

            while (true)
                t_id          = RandomString(8);
                condi         = new JObject();
                condi["t_id"] = t_id;
                returnValue   = sqlHelper.select("[ntust].[extra_teacher]", condi);
                if (!(bool)returnValue["status"])

            String table = "ntust.extra_teacher";

            condi                      = new JObject();
            condi["t_id"]              = t_id;
            condi["t_name"]            = t_name;
            condi["t_email"]           = t_email;
            condi["t_phone"]           = t_phone;
            condi["t_telephone"]       = t_telephone;
            condi["t_service_units"]   = t_service_units;
            condi["t_create_by"]       = 2;
            condi["t_create_by_id"]    = st_id;
            condi["t_create_datetime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            JObject res = sqlHelper.insert(table, condi);
