Пример #1

        /// <summary>
        /// The main function is written to Manage Address Book
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome To Address Book Program!");

            List <ContactClass> ContactClassList = new List <ContactClass>();                                        //store contacts in an address book
            Dictionary <string, List <ContactClass> > addressDict = new Dictionary <string, List <ContactClass> >(); //store address books
            Dictionary <string, string> personCity  = new Dictionary <string, string>();                             //maintain a dictionary of a person and his city
            Dictionary <string, string> personState = new Dictionary <string, string>();                             //maintain a dictionary of a person and his state

            InitializeDefaultValues.SetUpDefaultValues();                                                            //Store Deafult Values In The Address Book Dictionary

            //Adding the infoemation in .json file
            //string addressBookName = "Address Book 1.json";

            //HandleJson.JsonHandler(addressBookName, ContactClassList);

            HandleDatabase.DeleteAllTables();            //delete all the tables already present tables in the database
            HandleDatabase.StoreInDataBase(addressDict); //store the newly defined tables in the databse

            //HandleJson.PopulateDictionary(addressDict);//Populate the address book dictionary from the present .csv files

            HandleDatabase.RetrieveFromDataBase(addressDict); //Get all the data stored in the database

            OperateOnAddressBook.AddressBookOperations();     //Perform all the operations on the address book
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The function is written to interact with the user and call respective functions to manage address book
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddressBookOperations()
            List <ContactClass> ContactClassList = new List <ContactClass>();                                        //store contacts in an address book
            Dictionary <string, List <ContactClass> > addressDict = new Dictionary <string, List <ContactClass> >(); //store address books
            Dictionary <string, string> personCity  = new Dictionary <string, string>();                             //maintain a dictionary of a person and his city
            Dictionary <string, string> personState = new Dictionary <string, string>();                             //maintain a dictionary of a person and his state

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("The address books in the system are:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <ContactClass> > j in addressDict)

                Console.WriteLine("Enter:\n1 for adding a new address book\n" +
                                  "2 for selecting an existing one\n" +
                                  "3 to find a person residing in a city or a state\n" +
                                  "4 to find the number of ContactClass persons residing in a city or state\n" +
                                  "5 to to find the contacts that were added in a particular period\n" +
                                  "6 to exit");
                int option = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                if (option == 1)//For adding a new address book
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the address book");
                    string name = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (!addressDict.ContainsKey(name))
                        List <ContactClass> list = new List <ContactClass>();
                        addressDict.Add(name, list);
                        Console.WriteLine("Address book created");
                        Console.WriteLine("An address book with the same name already exists.");

                else if (option == 2)//For selecting an existing address book
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the address book to be selected");
                    string book = Console.ReadLine();
                    AddressBookClass.Select(addressDict[book], personCity, personState);

                else if (option == 3)//For searching the persons residing in a city or state
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of a city or a state");
                    string place = Console.ReadLine();
                    AddressBookClass.Find(place, addressDict);

                else if (option == 4)//For counting the number of persons residing in a city or state
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of a city or a state");
                    string place = Console.ReadLine();
                    AddressBookClass.Count(place, addressDict);

                else if (option == 5)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the start date in mm/dd/yyyy format");
                    string startDateString = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the end date in mm/dd/yyyy format");
                    string   endDateString = Console.ReadLine();
                    DateTime startDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(startDateString);
                    DateTime endDate       = Convert.ToDateTime(endDateString);
                    AddressBookClass.ContactsAddedInAParticularPeriod(addressDict, startDate, endDate);

                else//End the program and store everything present in addressDict dictionary into the respective files