private void UpdateTestCase(string testName, XRayTest test, List <TestCaseStep> testSteps)
            //check diff count
            var diff = test.StepDiff(testSteps);

            if (diff > EditTestThreshold)
                MoveTestCase(test.IssueId, RetiredFolder);
                CreateTestCase(testName, testSteps);
            else if (diff > 2)
                var mutations   = new List <string>();
                var removeItems = true;
                int index;
                for (index = 0; index < testSteps.Count; index++)
                    //if testSteps is out of range, break
                    if (index >= test.Steps.Count)
                        removeItems = false;
                    else if (!((string)test.Steps[index].action).Equals(testSteps[index].StepDescription.Replace("\\", "-")))
                        //if old and new steps don't match, break
                        //make sure prior steps are removed from that index on

                if (removeItems || testSteps.Count < test.Steps.Count)
                    //TODO figure out how to remove steps if any remain
                    for (int i = index; i < test.Steps.Count; i++)
                        mutations.Add($"removeTestStep(stepId: \"{(string)test.Steps[i].id}\")");

                //update test steps that already exist
                for (int i = index; i < test.Steps.Count && i < testSteps.Count; i++)
                    GenerateTestSteps(new List <TestCaseStep>()
                    }, out var str);
                    mutations.Add($"updateTestStep(stepId: \"{(string)test.Steps[i].id}\" step: {str[1..^1]})");

                //add new test steps
                for (int i = test.Steps.Count; i < testSteps.Count; i++)
                    GenerateTestSteps(new List <TestCaseStep>()
                    }, out var str);
                    mutations.Add($"addTestStep(issueId: \"{(string)test.IssueId}\" step: {str[1..^1]}){{id}}");

                for (int i = 0; i < mutations.Count; i += 10)
                    var query = $"mutation {{ {string.Join(" ", GetMutationSubset(mutations, i))} }}";

                    dynamic rsp;
                    lock (Locker)
                    rsp = ApiObj.PostCall(Endpts.Graph, new { query }, "");

                //TODO build call to add new test steps

                //somehow figure out how to update the steps
                //start with finding where steps differ
                //from that point, update existing steps
                //if now fewer steps, then remove excess
                //if now more steps, then add
                //if steps are the same, then make no change